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Swarthy juicy uncut hairy dicks
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Satanic goatman
Priapo from Colombia
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something about uncut cocks being more sensitive makes me rock hard
Agreed mate, the knob end is always really soft and glistening
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Here is an example of how a great dick makes all other faults irrelevant.
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Nice looks Desi but the silly Tatts say not so
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one of the most delicious looking cocks ive ever seen. is there more??
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Nice bush
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This guy's account keeps getting banned but the content is always so fuckin hot.
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i wish for a hairy manly indian man with a huge thick greasy uncut cock like this to skullfuck me and force me to deepthroat his dark brown meat all the way down until my nose is buried deep in his musky pubes and he pumps my throat full of his pungent cum
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Great low hangers
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brown guy, not sure race? maybe indian or mexican. small cock, but nice body and handsome face with cute smile
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Don’t think he’s Indian, not hairy enough & cock is too small. Every Indian that I’ve sucked off ( maybe 30) has a large uncut cock
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good dick will enslave you
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holy shit that bottom
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I love these two.
Who's this cute?
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Seriously, source?
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>papi pulls out his veiny monster and gives you this look
What do?
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These are hispanics though
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Average indian penis size is 10.24cm/10 inches.
they are shorter than asians lol
>Average indian penis size is 10.24cm/10 inches.
> 10 inches
You know that's a big number right? And cms and inches aren't the same units of measurement?

Who allows illiterates like you to post here kek?
I obviously mispelled. Its 4 inches. You can see it on the image lol. 10 inches is clearly not the average of any human group.
How do you know? He looks Indian to me
Colombian dick is the best
That's what I was thinking. He'd look decent if he got a haircut and some less dorky glasses. If I got a taste of that cock I wouldn't even care though.
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When it’s so brown that it’s black
I've always wondered why on the average, Colombans seem to have much bigger and more beautiful dicks than Mexicans.
White guy with a fat ass here and the summer I spent in Columbia was crazy. Plenty of guys with dicks bigger around than mine is long. I couldn’t really converse with most of them since I don’t speak Spanish but they were more than happy to stretch out my butthole
I wonder how they compare to Brazilians and other latinos. Colombians might be the most hung brown men.
They seem to love white ass
Ok that's pretty great
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Beautiful cock!
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Love it when his dick is darker than the rest of him
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Fucking hell, I bet he smells & tastes amazing all over down there, esp the glans...

Definitely would.
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Anything he wants.
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Gorgeous - beautiful dick, and I love metal cock rings. Moar?
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Oh God, it's amazing.
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need moar
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Hot great nuts too
I’m yours…….perfection - Aussie guy here
Amazing nuts
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i love hard desi lund
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Are you completely blind?
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Kik Gunslinger_98
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>2 glans
ai anon sorry
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a dream cum true
hypnotic hypnosis
Love this guy, hot balls& a hairy uncut cock
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I am obsessed with this cock.

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