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Cause the old one is full already
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love filling a fat ass hole and see it drip cum and pulsating for more
That's exactly how my hole gets and once I get one cock in me, I get hungry for more
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God I would love to suck on his cock while rubbing his belly
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this fat dude is so hideous face wise, i just can't look at his videos without being disgusted, looks like every redditor combined ugh
got a sauce for this one? he looks just like the nerds I used to crush on in school
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who is this? I want more
I want him baaaad

same question
you might be interested to check out @theeusxbear in twitter.
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I'm sadly not sure, but if I find out where I'll let you know
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i wanna suck his tities and slap his belly

i found him
Thank you!!!!
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All these men are so hot
some of them like >>2648191 yeah
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How does one go from 110 lbs to 250 lbs?
I absolutely see no problem with letting yourself go like that.
Imagine having gay sumo "wrestling" with him.
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I would love that so much
Its like fucking butter
Smooth and slippery
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Does anyone have any good feeding videos?
Or belly rub videos?
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Suck on it while your stomach rests on my head
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Nope, sorry, I dont remember it.
Post it
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Hoping to get a source on this one as well
Desperately want this done to me

Lovely dough bellies would feed, rub and cuddle. Also, what are your thoughts on fattybeardo?
All skinny nerds should undergo twink death to permanently become big fat hairy dumb fucks and to only gorge themselves with more junk food like the hungry hogs they are.
That's what happened to me and I don't regret it. Hell, I I want to be bigger!
should i
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Just for you
dumbass retards thought that said don't post blacks when i was telling that humilliation retard anon to stop posting, classic redditors
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I wanna feel that belly crushing my nuts on each thrust
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Now this is a pose I'm looking for.
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kik is BigD0g95 if you want more pictures
just post em here retard, post a pic of your fat ass or gtfo
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That hang...
I used to find men like this disgusting when I was younger but now they are the only type that attracts me. I think it's because my first time was with a guy like that and, despite initially not really wanting it, when he forced me into it I enjoyed it immensly. He completly rewired how my brain works by fucking me lmao.
Nope sorry, my fat man wants me to remain skinny and weak so that he can more easily manhandle me.
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needs a bag on his ugly head, then it's perfect
Nah, you only feel *really* used if they're fat AND ugly.
Imagine how soft and warm it is to cuddle fat nerds.
Sounds dreamy

Must feel great
This thread is so funny
Hamplanetes posing as though they were attractive hahaha

I find this absolutely to be perfect: the shape, the roundness... Post more of yourself please.
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That's not me. I have no idea who it is really.
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Oh wait yes I do, it's https://x.com/ThiquerThanThat/status/1809657722075508949
Thanks anon
I'll be honest. I go after these guys because I can't get anything better.
>I think it's because my first time was with a guy like that
Yeah, there's a lot of that in my case, too. He was my first everything so obviously he was the first one to make me cum just by fucking me so when I read:
>He completly rewired how my brain works by fucking me
You can't believe how much I relate to that, anon. I was into him before but I fucking worshipped him for years after that and to this day the only guys i'm into and fat cock mega daddies.
Jiggle that belly for us
>to cuddle fat nerds
literally my favorite hobby
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Would suck
Stupid fat bastard
Mate do you know how totally gross you are
tfw you're getting too big for chairs
hot, as you should
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Please do
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Could be bigger tho
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hooked up with a guy like this, except completely smooth. 4" cock and didn't want to fuck me because he was fat and small didk, but we did it and it was pretty good.
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Love to kiss your belly
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Would be happy to post more later if there's interest
You have my interest, though the ball ring thing doesnt do it for me. If anywhere Id prefer it aound your cock instead.
But still, very nice belly.
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more, you say?
still falling for that shit like retards
Anyone know a good place for a chub to camwhore or to find chasers to play on cam?
I've heard biggercity is kinda ok. Besides that, I'd say a chub dedicated dc server perhaps
NTA but god, I havent been to biggercity in ages. Im shocked it hasnt shut down.
Grommr is also a thing.
Grommr is awful desu. I'd defend it a couple years ago but
>bad community
>grokio support is near non-existent
>Expensive "premium" with barely any features
What's wrong with the community? And either way, what is the better community aside from it, if we ignore Grokio?
NTA but grommr is a bunch of circlejerking, celebrity complex from a lot of fatties, almost p2w type of deal (like tinder, pay to date)
They did a work over a while back, it's mobile'd up, still sucks over all. I'd recc Chasabl if you want a social media type site for hooking up and jerking it to fatties.
I'd second the other anon on finding a niche Disc, there's a few telegram groups you can find too.
Grokio aside, mostly what >>2655131 said. Grommr might be the most popular fat kink side, but is barely improving. I can't really care much if the only thing you talk is about your onlyfans or the niche equivalent where you chug orbeez. I'm also aware they often visit here to see the slander lmao

BC is still there and better cause they have an engaging site able to run on mobile. Also there's streaming, and that might be what Gromme needs now
i've had a much better experience on BiggerCity, even found some great daddies and chubs that have offered me money and to come visit me (i'm never looking for a sugar daddy or money or whatever), but i'm a 6'4 hairy chaser and some are really into that, that aside the amount of chubs there is quite nice, i do recommend, you do find the typical weird and schizo guy from time to time, but it's not that often
>where you chug orbeez
gainerbull be all like
holy shit i was my case too.
I was with my best friend's older brother who was into me, he asked me to suck my dick a couple times and i always said no.

One night we went to an after party at his house, i was drunk and high as fuck but also super horny.
I went to his room secretly when everyone was asleep and he was gaming, i just jumped on him.
He is a fat bastard with a micropenis but it was the first time i sucked dick, i fucking hated and puked after we finished.
I fucked him.
We tried to arrange some meetings but i always shit myself and say no at the last minute.
Before that i thought i was hetero, now i think im bi. My mouth waters only on thinking on fat dicks.
I don't know why this happens, why your first experience "marks" you. Strange.
Where is this from. It's so beautiful.
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That's a repost, original is from https://x.com/chaserchubby95/status/1817999233464644041

No more self portraits please

Gotta sat that's an interesting artistic photo
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we do not care
Damn you look perfect
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moar and post ass big boy
captcha: VJGAY
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Well sure, but you gotta show off your belly!
i wanna stuff my face in his crotch so bad
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Oooo, what's the insertable length?
Would you be into a brown twink riding it?
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Too bad, love my ball ring, fucking love how big and heavy and bouncy they feel

If you're smooth and like to get dolled up, sure
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I would wax and wear whatever just to sit on it. You remind me of a top I used to be with but he was hairy. I like the belly and being able to hold it or even feeling your mass on top of me
why do these nice threads always get ruined by the shittiest oc possible :/
because people ignore the rules when they're horny and taking low-lit selfies
I'm doing my best :(
Uwu i wish i could have a chubby guy in my life.. id be adicted to huffing him alll day :3
iTS YOUUUU... hi ur hot :3
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ruined and samefagging again, dont even make these threads anymore bruh
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best in thread. reminds me of my first daddy, fucked the cum right out of me. miss that old man
Source on these? Or if it's OC you look hot as fuck. I love your massive double chin and your giant thighs.
describe smell
you are so fucking hot, and the bangs make you look even hotter in a really cute way
Bro, crop and auto-focus are your friends.
Nice fat ass and huge sexy belly though. >>2658503
>muh rape
that probably just awakened something in you that you hadn't given much thought before. lots of gay retards are monosyllabic horny groper fucks who need boundaries or they will do shit like this.

the first time i had an experience similar to that it was in a locker room. i wasn't even attending school yet. i walked there not expecting i would find another kid. once i spotted him i just sat there and watched him dry his 100 different folds with a towel not knowing what to do, and by the end of it he left with a really embarrassed face. it was only after i got older that i realized that that was interesting to me in a different way actually. and i had seen women before that too, but wasn't completely seized like that.

in my world they are
>there's a few telegram groups you can find too.
I can only find these groups that have ads for othet groups. I was in an amateur sharing one where chubs were just sending dick pics n stuff but I think it god purged the other day. Anyone have good groups that are more the posters posting than just people posting random porn?
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This guy is amazing. Have a bunch of his jerk off vids. Shoots big loads.
I can't find his vids anymore other than a few other people posted on thisvids. Should've downloaded them I guess.
sauce on these?!
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Imagine smelling those armpits
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getting a 5cm bbc to the brim in my butthole
2nd guy went by givemeawhiff on OF and twitter but his accounts have disappeared. He has/had a tiktok account going by the name of @justeoughdrafts based on what i found here (top comment). HIs face is something to behold. Hes so fucking cute https://www.reddit.com/r/upvotebecausebear/s/lsfBHqKqjm
Here is some of his OF stuff
oh wow i've seen his tiktoks here and there LOL he's super cute, yeah. thanks anon
I’m built like this but have a really small cock. Cursed to be a thicc bottom forever
as you should be
I'd suck on that dick in a heartbeat

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