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this is what i got
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here's my semi
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Better with the full bush

Anyone else got a thing for guys with beefy, hairy thighs? Nothing gets me harder than seeing them with their legs spread wide open showing off their stiff cocks.
Share any pics if you have them. Videos of them stroking in that position are a plus.
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He should let his beard grow naturally
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Post pics with the slight belly hang and beefy muscle, cocks welcomed too
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good lord
this guy's dick is so small, kind of a turn off
He's so chubby and thick
Wish I could wrestle, eat, and lift weights with him, both of us in jockstraps

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while trades are hot in concept, most of them are horribly ugly af. these are all just fags larping as trades
True, but when they're hot it's fucking unreal.
Over the winter the GC on a jobsite I was working on was this absolutely gorgeous 6'5" god of a man, I basically had to crane my neck to talk to him, and when I did I had to actively keep myself from blushing. He was friendly, had a great sense of humor, his smile was like a shining beacon in the void, etc.
I was basically just outright in love with him, but he had a gf and was almost certainly straight, such is always the case.
I want to suck a hairy musky construction worker’s dick so bad
ESPECIALLY if they’re Hispanic, Arab, etc
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good looking guys with below avg cocks
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Cute amateurs you'd love to see doing professional porn.
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I wonder what a curve like this one would feel like
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is that the average redditor yt shorts guy?
Which one?

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Chris Hemsworth, obviously. It's a flatmate
do you have more of him?

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When where how often do you?
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Work parking lot.
On lunch break.
I shared a room with my little bro briefly and he used to do this when he thought I was asleep. Was oddly cute.
My penis has absolute dominion over me.

I wish for all of you that you one day are able to achieve this happy state.

I am literally living the dream.
That’s really hot, I need to know how many times a day you blow your load

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The tastiest looking cocks that need to be throated
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on my first date with my best friend who came out to me tomorrow, hoping he lets me give him head...
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I need a name now
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Post more photos like this pose. Triple bonus points for beach or public images!
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No beach just bitch
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I wanna mount that peach

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stop posting AI

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