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Lets see those heads and pee holes
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I'd love to tongue fuck your peehole
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This one makes me wanna suck

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Last thread maxed out, please post attractive people. Twinks/hunks etc no fatties
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What's the advantage of chainmail?
I want to lock up my boyfriend, but his cage is apparently too big for his small asian cock.
I want to lock it up and then make him cum hands free, I have got so close to pushing him over the edge but hasn't happened yet. I think having him locked up for a while will do it.

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I want gays in nature like forests, parks, on grass, against trees, on beaches, in fields, etc.
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Great pic, oh to be there in that tub with Blue Moon beer

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So I have a bit of a kink for guys wearing crosses. There's something so hot about a good "Christian" boy peddling his flesh on the internet. Post guys with religious iconography.
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Love yer body hair bro

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I drain precum when I'm sucking cock or getting fucked. But rarely when I jack off. More prostate fluid comes out which is a white watery consistency. Then I end up just cumming normally.
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I don't get big drops flowing or anything, but I can get myself nice and slick
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As long as they have a nice ass it's cool. (Points if they're muscular or manly.)
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That's a tight brown boy hole want to bleach his cunt with my big white cock

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There’s nothing hotter than seeing a pack of photos with guys face and body and leaked dick and ass pics all side by side.
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just don't post
Close your mouth. Seriously.
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Of what?

Post vid and pic of bottom cumming while the top's cock is still inside.

You know that feeling when you're cumming, your sphincter contracts and you can feel it squeezing your top's cock. Heaven.
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>bottom cumming while the top's cock is still inside.
like >>>/gif/27882046
cumming without hands at 18 years old with a dildo and without knowing men can cum like that is the best thing that could have happened to you in your life.
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I was 16 and fucking my then bf when he just started shooting all over while I was fucking him.
And a fetish was born. I love fucking the cum out of someone. Makes a top feel like he's doing his job, fr.
>big dick bottom
>cumming on the stomach/chest of the top
More of this. Much more of this. Seeing the bottom cum on himself doesn’t hit the same.

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There's something so hot about a basic white guy showing off his average/small (but still a decent size) hard cock!

The best ones perfectly fit in your mouth, able to be completely wrapped up in a soft warm tongue
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ive cut my balls with every type of electric, never with a manual. go slow. it may be better to use either a trimmer or scissors first if youve never done it since razors dont like hair longer than 1 or 2 cm
why shave when you can use nair and brillo pads?
If those are considered small then I’m in trouble

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In the universe where he and Hanna switch personalities maybe lol
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Post groups of men, others respond which one they would choose. Bonus points for WWYD.
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Who's #3/#1?
Philippe Soulier aka filou fitt

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if anyone has more let me know
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The best of images involving two erotic dicks rubbing against each other goes here.
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protein bros where we at
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the idea of drinking the top's cum and not letting a drop go to waste turns me on
it's like it is a reward for being such a good boy and pleasuring him
>protein bros where we at

Down the hatch soon I hope. xxx
Fucking love that look in their eyes after you unload all over their face
when a buddy is coming by for head, my throat starts feeling slimey, like it's preparing for what's to cum. i swallow. and find that a day or two later, i spit up clearish gooey blobs of ooze. pretty sure that's cum that doesn't get disgested. cool huh.
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with one hand (or both hands) behind their head, gets me hard af
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Show us your face.
The smooth, wonderful Eric Rey.
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Michael del Moro
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And finally, Darrell Jones (for all of you who like a little feet with your armpits).

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