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Some OC
Got talked into the rest of locktober somehow, this thread is helping me like crazy guys

Actual hottest guy build with a locked fag nub too? nut.
hot. more?
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Long shot but… does anyone have access to his private account?
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How to avoid this?
I have the same issue, my dick still get erection but back into my body.
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25 Days :) desu i might make loctober permanent.....
you fit really well in that cage! you totally should make it permanent!
tighter ring, or more likely one of those straps to hold the ring closer to your body always
What do you guys think of this cute little man
>tighter ring
I'm wearing 58 mm, any tighter and it doesn't go limp.
>one of those straps to hold the ring closer to your body always
These work?
In my experience it's not a tighter ring you need, but a bigger cage. You probably need a bigger circumference so your whole dick actually fits and stays in the cage
Or try the straps, I've been held in chastity for the past 6 months and I wear one most of the time. Also really helps keeping the cae in place when you get fucked
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>bigger cage
Maybe you're into something I'm a grower too.
How do you measure proper cage size?
I used this
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The tape was so it didn't clink at work. That was a tough week.
god that's so hot
Jeez, when's Locktober over?
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I hope you are nice and comfy in your cage, because No Nut November is up next. And immediately after we will have Denial December.
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Hot as fuck
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Anyone have the source for this? Seems like it would belong to a well shared video, since it seems like the 'perfect' example of hands free cumshot(like that other one of a white twink sitting on a cock and grinding into it while he cums)
Its Eli Shaw, idk the top name https://x.com/LockedboyEli
>Eli Shaw
I don't know how I would feel about practically everyone online with a passing chastity kink knowing my cock was locked, imagine being recognised!
What do you do to get flat stomach like that?
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>>2653538 here
Found it. Its Matthew Cooper and Eli Shaw. You can find it on boyfriendtv if you search either performers name. Really good 22 min video.

So jealous eli shaw can do that.
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Still the best, too bad it's not a compression cage like the above
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wife's pet
I can't get enough of these flat cages
Any good webms of boys squirting in chastity?
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Still locked here 48 days total :) thank god for wmazon p-state massagers, sissygasms are only way
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Can anybody else relate
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>he says while posting a wholeass tranny
bruh moment
Im not a tranny
That breast curve and long hair say otherwise
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This is so hot, his master must be moulding him into a muscle bottom slut.
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>tfw your boyfriend keeps you locked up semi-permanently
God damn that's hot
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