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To stop all the source threads deleting good content, a general source thread is required. /r/ doesn't do gay shit and mods ban/delete individual source threads.

How to obtain your source:
1) Post your picture or description
2) Post what you want (name, company, etc)
3) Post any information you have (where/when the picture is from, etc)
4) Wait for a mars/hm/allow to help you and then say thanks.

Together we can stop the 404ing of good porn.

Please use Yandex (highly recommended) or Google image search (fuck google image search though) before posting in this thread.

There is also a gay porn encyclopedia which can be found here:
It has a huge library of many different actors, studios, films and other information which you may find helpful.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Trenton Ducati and Corey Haynes
I know this is closing soon, but anyone know that short video/gif of a guy thrusting in a pool/hot tub? It's basically this tanned-white muscular guy wearing a black speedo, thrusting as the water splashes. Like, 5 seconds long at most it's that short. I'm not sure if it's real or cg/ai, but there is some weird details that makes me think its the latter.

Would still like to find it though.
On X

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stop posting AI

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Post your best
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For the cage it depends if you're going for long-term wear or not
For the diaper, just pick whatever as long as it's big, thick and you like the color/design
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And preferably showing hole
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nice you use the fancy TP
Como whit me https://onlyfans.com/action/trial/8eik10n23w4d2laht7uswxktmbsotund
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i am the guy in the picture

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Pics where a man is taking a selfie with another man's butthole, or where he's taking a selfie with his own.
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intensely sniffable anuses
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Need more BBC
Previous: >>2623391
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made for sex with yt bois
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Fat white cocks too but in my experience maybe only 1 out of every 1000 white guys is big enough. Like I said I have no racial preferences but white dick tends to be short and skinny

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There’s nothing hotter than seeing a pack of photos with guys face and body and leaked dick and ass pics all side by side.
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Anyone know who this is?
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with one hand (or both hands) behind their head, gets me hard af
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Fellas. Is it gay if I have been thinking about how nice it would be to cuddle with this cutie and maybe suck his cock for the past 2 days?
I've been craving for worse things so I can't really judge. And at least what you're wishing for can actually happen in real life.

Wish I could say the same, but it's never happening. Still waiting to be proven wrong.
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What are your desires son...

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how are they going to fly without their ear wings
Wow this guy is so handsome. I always found dudes with big ears really cute for some reason.
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woof more pls
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The tastiest looking cocks that need to be throated
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New thread >>>2635273

New thread >>>2635273
New thread >>>2635273
His Kik leakmyyoungpenis
Snap edgemyd23
Would gladly suck this cock dry my dick is bigger too
Has anyone ever seen a big Asian cock? I mean massive. Like thick, long, and meaty like bbc or some bwc/blc.
Put it in my mouth mmm

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Who's this
Who is this guy in particular? Not the massager, that's obvious enough
Dude, if he wanted to hook up I think it's safe to say that he wanted you. Don't sell yourself short.
Dayum nigga, I want some of dat shieeet, ya hittin me up w sum?

I'm a buck breaker btw
I wish there were guys in my state who'd be up for it. But alas I can't find anyone to sit on.

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if anyone has more let me know
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Found these by searching up “sethcircles” on Google. This little cockslut has left quite the trail, dating back to 2022.
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Wish we could find a really close-up picture of Fred’s hole, like this
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will do, but damn those other pics aren't as good. I started using a cock pump and it got a lot thicker now. about 6.5 inches around
thanks bro, I do need to get a plug. still just posting for fun though. I dont have the strap anymore though, it broke :(

Closeted Celebrities Thread

Continuation of >>2611058

Is this Shawn Mendes outing himself or just boring fan service as an 'ally? '
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Idk if Taron is gay or not, but pretty sure that expression is simply a common reaction to being close to Hugh Jackman
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Kenny Chesney, bottom boy to the trailer park set.
You mean someone with a bigger nose and darker hair than you?
I sense drool.
I feel that there’s a lot of DL country singers or very discreet singers

My theory is that there contract with their record label is like the kpop industry on how the image of their brand is very important to them as a singer on their label. For K-pop the boys have to act gay or participate in fandom nonsense but still have to appear or be a single person so it gives the listeners the idea that they’re available to meet and date the fans while simultaneously giving the fans what they want to see. For country I assume that No matter how gay you are you need to cover it up because no radio station wants to hear a faggot talk about anything becuase most country listeners are “conservative” and “not interested” in hearing a gay man speak so they essentially have to keep their gay life off the grid
I just know there’s someone gay guy out there who actually fucked or got fucked by a country singer but had to sign a NDA or something to not leak their gay shit

Post vid and pic of bottom cumming while the top's cock is still inside.

You know that feeling when you're cumming, your sphincter contracts and you can feel it squeezing your top's cock. Heaven.
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