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Twinks, that are black.

Simple as.
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Here’s more ass. Idk if this counts but enjoy.
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Nice ass bro
Greatly appreciated!

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Obviously no personal info.

Bonus points if it was a cock that you ended up taking.

Picrel was the biggest dick I've ever taken in my ass. I had a threesome with him and his husband during my late teens slut phase. His husband was also pretty big and went first to prepare my ass to take him, then he had a turn. It hurt a lot at first but I ended up liking it. Was walking funny for days.
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From soc. Guy talked so damn dirty got me hard and leaking. Bailed out twice because I was a puss.
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he's a $140 uber r/t ride from me. he gets a couple hundred to show my appreciation and I get to suk him off 2 or 3 times.
would suck. no homo :)
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15 minutes from me. when our schedules vibe he'll pop by and cum down my throat a few times. he's a damn fine looking latin boy too.
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really good looking but i'm not a size junkie, he's too big for my throat :(

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All these leathery textured soft dicks and big ball sacks. Teen boys welcome!
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You can fuck and get your balls licked from the same person at the same time
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Continued from >>2633694
Thumb: Paul Harrell of the anti-gay Millstone Report on Rumble
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he's a cutie :) but i hate the way he does that weird no lips smirk it looks so bizarre
that is disgusting
Looks best here
Big beard doesn't suit him

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My brother left his phone unlocked and I quickly air dropped them to me.
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stolen from friend’s phone
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and another
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My personal trainer accidentally sent me this
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Found my ex brother in law on Reddit

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Jaybaesun thread
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This guy is so hot it's degenerate to look at him.
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Ikr. I could get off on worshiping every inch of his body
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image cap reached
And that's a good thing.
who is this person? anymore? what board did they/do they post on?
On gaygen threads of the lgbt board

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'ick on 'eck
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Why is this so hot? I kind want to ride this top while he plays
hot as fuck. need you to twitch in my throat like that
Why do so many facebook boomers browse /hm/?

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Soft shaft, hard Tip. Great feeling
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taken any new banding pics lately sir?
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Love massive lowhanging balls. Preferably guys bent over swinging their heavy sack around
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wow very hot
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Hows this
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post dicks with rods in them, or other objects. vids or pics.
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That is so hot
does this genuinely feel good? im a girl so idk.. it looks like it hurts
It doesn't really hurt if you use a desensitizing lubricant. And even it's the opposite, it's rather pleasant and the sensations are interesting. And if you are a straight girl, ask your boyfriend to try it, and you can also try it yourself, but disinfect the probe well and start small so that you can then put a finger in it.
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basically the hottest kind of candid
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Brief clip of a cute guy in baggy shorts: https://thisvid.com/videos/live-stream-tiktok-dick-slip/
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Why am I attracted to heft builds like this? My husband isn't even hefty, he's beefy and build but I want him to get fatter, why bros?
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What a photo 0.0
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damn, i just really like how bloated milk gets me but i do have to drink a lot for that to happen and it puts me to sleep so easy
>gainer shakes
do you have any recommendatios for a starter of these? i used to do ones with peanut butter, 2 cups of milk, banana and some oatmeal like 4 years ago and those would stuff me to the brim
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If you want bloat, try beers and drinking at minimum 6. That beer gut will grow bigger and it's better than milk bloat.

Well it's any kind of gainer shakes, most are generic and they work. I say do that agin, but double that intake and stay on in.

This your Twitter? Nice man, you're belly is fucking hot and you are good for the bulking, muscle and gains
that's not me anon sorry, it's what i'm aiming for
Even if it's NOT you, get that bod bro. Don't slack or stop man, you can bulk up better.

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For those of us who love fit muscular men with big powerful cocks.
Fit, buff, roided, nude solo, or fucking and sucking other hot guys.
Post em!
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he really disappeared from the face of the earth, huh
>Duncan Saint
forever mad that he only does straight porn
That faggot has already been banned multiple times for spamming his shitty AI fetish

For hairy older men. Can be fat, fit, etc
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