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I want gays in nature like forests, parks, on grass, against trees, on beaches, in fields, etc.
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Really good set here, seems to be a prolific studio for outdoor shoots.
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Great pic, oh to be there in that tub with Blue Moon beer
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Nice fat uncut cock on a blonde handsome guy
Another hot long uncut dick
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>this is what Roman saw when they met the Celts
He's gorgeous
Hot satanic gay secks
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wow moar
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Sand bug needs squashing
Damn, I need to know who's the tatted guy behind...
Did you like his feet morphing into his leg? That's AI honey
That's his hairy calf and his foot goes behind, honey. (Apt name btw, sweet and slow, and probably old baka)
Too much readable text and identifiable objects in the background for it to be AI
Just a dude with a weird posture
And the guy behind the one on focus must be a giraffe then
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need to train your AI detection skills better, sweety.
if anything, the guy behind him is the oddest looking part. but any normal person can recognise its just weird positioning.
those are not the same people?

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