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/hm/ - Handsome Men

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Continued from >>2633694
Thumb: Paul Harrell of the anti-gay Millstone Report on Rumble
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Silver Myr, magic the gathering youtuber
This Infowars retard
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I find homophobe guys hot. Especially if they look masculine as fuck, heck even their "ugliness" turns me on. I've been gooning over Charlie Kirk these days. Someone please tell what's wrong with me.
Charlie Kirk is hideous, get some help my brother. Try pic rel, Pastor Jason Robinson, super homophobic pastor who also streams with Steven Anderson
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"Joel and Jake Are Magic" another MTG channel on yt. Not sure if this is Joel or Jake but the other one isn't as cute
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"The Act Man" video game reviewer on yt
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Big Tugg on yt
>Charlie Kirk
you can not be serious seek help
>all his facial features too squashed together
he actually looks retarded in an ugly way
"Newell of Knowledge" on yt
"Dr. Mike" on yt
I think I used to masturbate to his rants.
he is so cute
need a dude like him to suck off
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New Doug Sharpe image
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Fun fact! my dick goes hard whenever you show on my reels, Doug.
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Overwatch pro Gael "Poko" Gouzerch. Need a hairy esports bf I can suck off under the table while he plays ranked
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I would suck his dick till it exploded.
I'm as hairy as him but I want to be topped
"The Kingerd" on yt
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>Jerking off to chuds who are ugly on the inside and on the outside and unironically seethe at the fact you exist
>Jerking off to pretty twinks like Coy Piso who would playfully bully you until you fuck his throat
If you seriously prefer the former I just feel pity for you
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someone get this twink a crop top, a mini skirt, thigh high socks and lace panties and get him gangbanged on camera by dudes with 10'' dicks
Lmao that's a boy. Pedo
What is with you faggot right-wingers and fat, hairy troll dolls, a la J.D. Vance?
Perhaps there is a middle ground between hideous chud grifters and underdeveloped twinks that look 15
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This, can we just get some more HANDSOME MEN in here? No one fucking cares how EPIC and BASED they are, we just want hot guys.
Need to cum inside Doug so fucking badly
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evan jennings from everymanhybrid
he got really cute once he grew out his hair
Pretty sure he's top but I guess that makes it hotter for you
J.D. Vance, please sit on my face.
pick none
Flamingo is both cute and hot imo.
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his smile must be protected!
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Daniel Buyeske or Bonde Johnson from the Danielbuyeske yt channel.

Mainly Bonde though because he's so cute and obscenely bright. Can't find a good photo that shows him off but there's plenty of him shirtless (and in shorts) on the yt channel
Found this old screenshot, does anyone know this guy? I think it's from instagram reels. He makes my dick rock hard, I remember he makes conservative content.
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The page is called daterightstuff
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I'm a little ashamed. Only a little
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QuintonReviews. Always knew he was super hairy but goddamn I was not ready for his latest short
his face is not it, its like a mix of that dream youtube retard and benny blanco it's so ugh- also why did he censor pp
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Don't be ashamed anon, that retard is cute. Even inspired me enough to draw him sucking dick once
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>Don't be ashamed anon, that retard is cute.
Yeah I guess. But he's still a retarded streamer at the end of the day
>Even inspired me enough to draw him sucking dick once
Did you upload it on R34 perchance?
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CouRage, a gamer from YouTube. Ngl, he looks weird when he doesn’t have his headphones and glasses on.
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true enough. Luckily his dumb moments and bitching is half the appeal to me.
>Did you upload it on R34 perchance?
yeah that's the one, I posted it on a /y/ e-celeb thread first
>true enough. Luckily his dumb moments and bitching is half the appeal to me
Based. His crybaby antics are my favorite part about him
He hasn't lately played any games where he can embarrass himself like that though so I don't watch him as much as I used to
Great art btw
Big Tugg on yt
No Adam Kovic ?

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