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Stoners, junkies, skaters, white trash, hippies, criminals, and homeless guys. Really anyone who has that unkept “scruffy” look to them. Last thread reached the image limit.

Previous thread: >>2514712
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Fuck you know his pits are ripe.
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Nothing about this implies stoner/junkie
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i love self-destroying brain-frying retarded losers
here's to another great thread
thanks OP
Source ?
Dude this guy definitely looks like a college stoner. I don’t know what you’re on about.
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That’s hot af, know the source?
Pig Boy Ruben is his name
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That's Bo Sinn you fucking retard.
This, https://twitter.com/pigboyruben?lang=en Is Pig Boy Ruben.

They look exactly NOTHING alike, aside from a bunch of kinda hot trashy-as-fuck tattoos.
I've always wanted to sniff the feet of a guy like this, I bet they'd be so rank.
Reversing my car at local suburban mall. It's always a busy open air carpark. Dude opposite was reversing at same time. No dramas. I let him go first. Just later he pulled over and waved me over. I parked curbside in front.
He was sitting in driver seat. Dude like this picrel.
>Hey mate everything ok?
Yeah, says dude, Just wanted to say thanks for letting me go first back there.
>For sure no probs, I say.
Well, just wanted to say thanks. He says, his hand kind-of fidgeting with his sweatpants crotch, while looking up at me...
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some more, it's not really easy to find a lot of pics that are fitting
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So I recently been fucking with this massive stoner and acidhead, like used to live in a trap house and has tried meth kind of junkie. Only 19 years old, 5'9", 125lbs, long straight hair but he looked like an angel and he was almost 'too nice'.
He eventually let me go to his place , two bedrooms, a bath, living room... but it was a mess. Like every foot of this place he had all to himself, there was a piece of clothing or some piece of trash placed on the floor and there was a piece of poo caked on the seat of his toilet. Slept on an air matress. Dude did not know how to clean up after himself and stuff in his fridge was on its side but it was mostly empty with uncooked oatmeal on the floor and dirty pots and pans he didnt clean
He said he wanted a relationship, claimed to not be promiscuous (he hasnt been on grindr since he met) and i have broken bird syndrome and love people with problems [so long as they are hot]. We went on nice dates, i took him to the gun range, we fucked a bunch but after i lent him $60 for a nice jacket and lent him my only vacuum the dude straight up ghosted me. He isnt on grindr, im not blocked on grindr, im not blocked on discord or steam or snapchat; the dude just doesnt respond

Like, dafuq? Give me my fucking vacuum back?!?!

>inb4 19yo alone in a 2 bed apartment doesnt make sense
He has a former HS teacher paying for it for the past 4 months or so. Dude claimed they dont have sex and the teacher is getting angry for not getting texts back in a timely manner. Junkie gave me the teachers last name and i know the school and sure enough, he exists...

idk what to do, i want to confront this junkie at his job for my vacuum and call him an asshole or ask whats wrong. I really like the guy (and his body and his mouth) and i also replaced his air mattress with a memory foam as a gift
You need to hear this: you are a dumb bitch, let's start there. But also, you knew you what you were getting involved with so don't act shocked now and try to cause a scene. At least it was JUST a vacuum because it could've easily been large sums of money.
Also, it's quite obvious that he was fucking the teacher for money. You should never get emotionally involved with someone like that
Preach. I wish somebody had told me this when I was desperate and silly and going out of my way for fuckboy users. I think part of the reason I liked “broken” boys was that I figured I could manipulate them by love bombing them. Society taught me providing and protecting is what a man does to prove he’s worthy, and when women do this “take the money and run” to straight guys, they just sorta chalk it up to loss. When a man does it, we identify him as a piece of shit. No doubt, they are pieces of shit. But so was I. And so is the guy you are responding to, for the moment. It’s groomer behavior, gotta drop it. Any relationship you can buy is no relationship at all and not worth your money or time.
>it could've easily been large sums of money
He didnt come with bags or anything so he couldnt steal anything
>it's quite obvious that he was fucking the teacher for money
idk its not for certain. The teacher also paid for his $150 a month room in the trap house which was like, 6 hours away
>You should never get emotionally involved with someone like that
But he is sooo cuteeeee and breedable and he could lay ontop of me and it wouldnt hurt
>I think part of the reason I liked “broken” boys was that I figured I could manipulate them by love bombing them
is it really manipulating if you want to help them like, go to college, get healthcare, do something more with their life?
You think the teacher was paying for his rent out of the kindness of his heart? Please
>is it really manipulating if
Listen to yourself. You said this:
>i have broken bird syndrome and love people with problems [so long as they are hot]
You are not this generous person, you were doing it because you had ulterior motives, be honest with us!!
I feel like being the provider gives you some sort of leverage in the relationship, and thus make you less vulnerable if the other person needs you. But it doesn't really work
>You think the teacher was paying for his rent out of the kindness of his heart? Please
What if i told the teacher that his boytoy was whoring himself out
>you were doing it because you had ulterior motives, be honest with us!!
I want a stay at home bf who lives with me and keeps me company. I found my ex the same way
>being the provider gives you some sort of leverage in the relationship
Yeah, i like the leverage and my ex didnt, since he contributed absolutely nothing except foodstamps to feed himself and he gave me company
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Why would you do that though? Trying to feel like you have some control over this guy's fate?
Anyways I feel like you're lying to yourself atp, because there are patterns that I've noticed and that anon has noticed, and you could greatly benefit from being aware of them.
My main problem with being the one paying for everything is that if it doesn't work out you're going to end up feeling like you were taken advantage of no matter what
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he just messaged me back after 17 days of ghosting and i got real excited and all my friends are calling me a retard for entertaining the idea of being with him again
Well, at least you know LMAO but sure, go for it, just don't be mad later
Anon, you're at a crossroads, you can jerk off and forget about this scumbag, or you can get a one sided love going and be really upset later.
Not saying you shouldn't hook up, but you clearly only like this guy sexually, as a person he sounds like a fucking piece of shit.
Don't spend any more of your money.
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your approach to relationships is a nightmare anon. i hope you can be honest with yourself about that

go ahead and fuck this kid some more if you reeeeally want to (but realize how it's affecting your mind)

give him financial/material "help" only if you're prepared to receive absolutely nothing in return. the 17 days of ghosting, and the way he treats the home that dumbass teacher pays for are just a small preview of the fuck shit he is capable of

and DO NOT even entertain the idea of being his boyfriend, or letting him move in with you, holy shit, no, never
>tried meth kind of junkie
"trying" a drug doesnt make you a "junkie". Potheads and trippers arent "junkies" either. junkies are normally opiate addicts, and are deep in. just saying. if youre going to label people, label them accurately.

holy shit its like im looking at my long lost best friends brothers pics.
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Beautiful dick of some crack head looking guy I know. I would love to suck it
Looks like an ordinary redneck
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Please more filthy guys, I wanna be used by one so badly
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stoners always offer alternate methods of payment
Met a lot of horny bi curious dudes when I started doing meth. All of them straight. Met a few that would make me smoke so much all I wanted to do was suck cock. They knew what they were doing. Mind you, I was 17.
How does that even work, meth makes you horny?
Damn, sounds depressing. Hope you got out of that life.
Yeah it turns your libido up and inhibitions down. I was way too nervous to be horny those first few times.
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thats how i started with guys. smoking up with a guy i was also buying from. came up 20 short in the cash dept, he said he's payed 20 for a blowjob before. bout 30 minutes later im on my way home with weed in my pocket and his nut in my mouth and stomach
Things definitely became depressing but these were the fun moments. The guys were so nice to me even when I wasn't on my knees.
Little did he know you were winning twice, got the weed in the bag and a dick in the mouth for free. GO OFF KING!
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Ignoring the haircut...That disgusting toenail YIKES
not sure where you live, but thats not a thing here. nobody sucks dick for weed. jfc. opiates, sure. crack, sure. meth, sure. weed? how desperate are you?
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shit, exactly. it became real regular too. one of those secretly Bi guys. had a girlfriend and everything but didnt pass up "opportunities."

i def think most guys would let another dude blow them if they were convinced they could have it be a 100% one way street.
Yeah at the end of the day a mouth is a mouth, you aren't going to be able to tell the difference unless the sucker has a beard.
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God damn he's so hot. I'd never get tired of breeding his hairy asshole and sucking>>2613931
his cock
That’s hot af tho
UH.. no? I don't want any womyn sucking my cock
straight guys have a different perspective.

that guy was only the first. once i figured out the signs, i was on my knees for a whole group of stoner bros at my school
woah, you must be extremely attractive that just aaall the guys wanted you specifically.

anyone got source for this? who is it??
Damn reminds me of my uncle
I used to suck my dealer back when I was in high school. He was some college guy and said he “cut me a deal” essentially since I’m gay id get dick and weed if I kept it a secret.
>id get dick and weed if I kept it a secret.
god i wish
>I used to suck my dealer back when I was in high school.
I was buying from a friend's older brother in HS and really needed a bag one night for a party. Told me jokingly that he'd give me a bag if I blew him. I sad sure. lol Never paid for another bag.
Sweet dude sounds like you got a good deal
i have a pothead friend who may or may not do meth, and he still lives with his mom, and i want to suck him off so bad
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do yourself a favor: get him really high and then offer. if he says no, play it off as a joke, if he says yes, give him the best head he's ever had
Fuck, if I had a type...
I’m gonna try this wish me luck guys.
Make sure to report back
It works. Certainly worked for my plug, I haven't paid for weed in years.
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Thread tax
I love when guys get cloudy
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Hot af
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I'd really really reeally like a gooner stoner bf. I'd live like that and it wouldn't even need to be sexual between us just gooning to gangbang piss porn like porn addicts.
Might be meeting a guy like this off Grindr tonight. Sexy stoner dude. Lanky n lean. Dirty blonde beard. And long thick dick. He says it’s 9-9.5 inches. I’m usually a top but I really want this guy to fuck my ass.
fuckin hot drawing
>junkies are normally opiate addicts
It's not so fun being fucked by someone on the nod when they keep nodding off
>wouldn't even need to be sexual between us
I like that idea too. Hanging out with a filthy gooner buddy drinking beer pissing in the empties not showering eating pizza constant porn on big screen
I want it as a ltr
In hs my family life was a wreck. Parents divorcing. Alcoholic dad. Neurotic mom. I got my savings of a couple thou and headed to PDX. I had heard it was a cool place before 2020. And it was. I got in with s bunch of guys squatting from place to place. There were like 30 in our pack but ususally only a dozen crashing together at a time. We all did what we had to do to eat and get high. Some hooked, some delt, some stole. Whatever no judgments.

Lucky days we all got high. We would get all horned up to. I think we were all straight or maybe a bit flexible. But high and horned dudes without pussy meant at least jerking together sometimes sucking eachnother off. A couple a guys would get fucked for food or hits. It was a life. Was in it for a year and a half til my brother came looking for me and got me out. When he was driving me back to our dads house I was so grateful without thinking I told him Id do anything for him and asked if he wanted a blowjob. If he wasn’t driving he’d have punched me. He punched me later and it felt like home.
The only problem is the smell, stoners usually reek.
Does anyone know the original artist of this? I've reversed image searched it but only get shitty blogspot reuploads
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I’ve always wanted to snort coke off a guys cock, seems fun.
Me too anon, and ass crack too
That’s hot af him blowing clouds on his cock like that.
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i need the dumbest druggies
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It looks like hes being sucked into the mattress by Freddy Kreuger
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bump for powerful stoners
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bustin a nut while high - nothing compares
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i need to service junkies
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bumping looking for nasty junkies
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I need a stoned blowjob machine...

Just yes.

You know?

From either perspective.
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I wish Hunter biden had some gay escapades when his stuff leaked

Did it once, simultaneously one of the hottest and non sexy things i ever did.
Dude came way too quick while we were fucking and couldnt get hard again, left me wanting a lot more
Someone get hunter biden he’s taking pictures on his laptop again
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Do criminals count?
who is this?
Anyone have anything else from this guy? Comments say it's "Eddie Problem," nut I'm not getting anything with that.
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don't ever stop getting stoned bros
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please share more dumb stoners
Oh fuck yes
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When I was in my mid 30s me and a friend of mine both left our girlfriends at home , picked up a bubble butt 19y/o of campus that I had been talking to on craigslist and took him to my buddies moms house (she was away). Took him upstairs into the bedroom and literally plowed the fuck outta this kid for close to 6 hours. Just making soup out of his bussy. Nonstop clappping his big pasty white ass. I have an 8 inch cock and my buddies is even bigger. Kid had the worst time of his life. It was a rough go for him. Wanna know why he did it ? To take home a half ounce we paid 40$ for lol.
If I may ask, how did you get to the point where you and a friend were cool fucking a guy together? Were the two of you doing stuff? I just always wonder how that line gets crossed.
Alright. I'm not feeling this one, but I'll play. It's a dangerous game.
I'm jealous.

Of his seeds.
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denny disappeared

Looks like a young "Dwight" from The Office
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Is he being penetrated in this pic?

Looks like he's just sitting in the guy's lap, like for a lap dance
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Want a braindead limpdick bf like this
Hot methfag

Wow, a rare sexy Pajeet
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hot meth rubber penis
damn he got fat
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more dumb druggies and delicious soft penis
I wish I could smell this thread
Sexy AF. Sauce?
Hot gut
Checked out a gay meth addict on twitter, its honestly sad seeing how they keep swinging between being a deranged shameless pervert and being a guilt ridden mess with a sense of decency.
What’s his @?
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@drewpnppig on X
You better hurry up tho cause he's already selling his body for meth, soon he's gonna end up like picrel
He already engaged in blood injecting with diseased men, can't get any lower than that.
Owen hawk gives me pnp vibes

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Love when guys are so desperate they get drugs for you.
On top of the fact that he's also 42 miles away from you. Sad bro
I smoked some t and got fucked at a public park yesterday
a celeb. did this off my cock then put another line on it after lube and had me fuck him with it. it was pretty hot. wish i took video, we are no longer in contact since he got more famous
Tell us more…

What did it feel like? Does it change how it feels going up a guys ass.
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>Speed freaks
Love 'em all
But where can i look for more of them?
Telegram groups ban drug insinuations and motherless only has so much.
Please help a bro in need, bros!
What do you search for on motherless to find this sort of content?
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No joke my buddy is turning into one of these dudes he just gets home smokes and jerks off, sometimes not even that. Kinda hot but also crazy
Yeah? What's that like. And what do you mean sometimes he doesn't even jerk what the fuck is he doing
I'm not his dad, ask him yourself.Open with sup faggot he'll love that
tele> jimc34
My kind of dude. Smokes, and could probably handle any task you throw at him.
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This thread will not die
Cause i need horny losers with no self-control
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Imagine taking this druggie cock and knocking you out
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Crosspost that to the "Cocks for Christ" thread LOL
I've always dreamed of doing that
what is with the 900 seconds wait for captcha about.... im just trying to be a contributor...
but really, not being crazy about snow.... this is the only way i enjoy it pushing it into my bottom
Who has taken advantage of a druggie/junkie before? Tell us what you did to/with the addict, how they reacted, how they were traumatized by your abuse, etc. Give us all the hot hot hot deets.

I know some former hot junkie who guy raped by multiple guys after being spun out which I think is a super hot fate for a slutty drug addict. He doesn't even know think it's hot and i don't feel at all bad for him when he tells me about him.
Go on Grindr and find your own. they're usually homeless and desperate for somebody to let them spend the night or smoke meth in a real bed and will do any sex acts you want. Just be prepared to get properly violent with them if they start acting up, iykyk sisters
Dang why do all junkies have big meat that only gets rubbery-hard? I wonder how big their addict shlongs would grow if they weren't tweaked out with rubberdick. I notice they all mostly need cockrings.
What a hot tweaker pig
Love meth junkie rubbercock
Ugh I need a bf like this
The worst part of turning into a tweaked out fag is still kind of hot actually. Maybe I should do one more hit and just jerk all day
He's cool with randos hitting him up?

Anyway... I've thought about this because it seems like they'd be up for anything, but I hooked up with a meth head and I got too uncomfortable.

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