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All the results of natural testosterone.
1. Masculine Self Confidence is handsome.
2. Natural body hair, unshaven.
3. Natural unroided fitness, a body resulting from hard work and testosterone only—a beautiful manliness.
4. Not overly tatted or modified, a natural man.
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His penis head would fill you up like a buttplug.
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This thread made me realise most of the guys in my collection are on steroids.
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would service his cock, pits, and feet for hours. every guy in this thread is a 10/10 for me, this must be my type even though theres no word for it
otter or twunks
Well, I was right there with you on the masculinity of this guy, but then there's the earbuds ...
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I think the OP is going for an aesthetic beyond the usual gay categories. He emphasizes natural beauty of men. This aesthetic in cludes many “twunks and otters” but some of those are roided up or shaved or super tatted. This aesthetic is just the results of testosterone and hard work. That how I understand it anyway. Lots of twunks and otters would not fit here.
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Yeah no.
Be me. 29 years old.

Test in upper level for my age.

Hairy chest
Hairy legs
Big dick
Droopy balls

But Still look early 20s.
5 foot 7
Suicidal thoughts in passing couple times monthly
ADD unmedicated
Can’t concentrate on work more than 30 minutes
Too anxious to drive so don’t go far
Failing business
Sound like a woman on the phone
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Yeah no.
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Amazing thick huge bush
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I must say, fellows, that young man has quite an exceptional penis, wouldn't you agree?
1000% yes
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Your life is worth living. Why can't you get treatment for ADD?
There something so hot about guys who have hair encompassing their pecs and almost none anywhere else on their torso (ignoring the fact that this guy has a treasure trail).

Also, that's one helluva head. It's like a fucking mushroom.
exceptionally digital
>big if true
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Where is this from?
that's Max Arion
Lmao what the fuck
Great thread. Here are some signs of steroid use:
Veiny arms
Supersized muscles surrounding the shoulders--trapezius, lats, pectorals, deltoids, biceps, and triceps.
I forgot shrunk testicles
Or exceptionally silicone
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Sauce: .com/maxarionxxx/video/7212685

I don't know how to extract the video from this site, also the format is .mp2t/.ts
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This okay for 29 years old?

Should I get tested again since then Jan 2023?

Perpetually depressed skinny and unmotivated. 110lb 5 foot 7
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Attached here
Have you tried not being a porn addict?
Valid point anon, but I'm not a porn addict any longer.

I use 4chan mainly for /fit. I check in here for the stories and text posts.

Jerk off about once every two months. NoFap.
Lovely eyes
Who is this
Who's that pretty ginger?
love hairy guys with pubic bush
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one of the best things about ai is the influx of gay nsfw art and images with thick dick bushes
god i love these, just thinking about burying my nose into them to take in the manly musk makes me instantly hard
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You do realise how obnoxious you come across as right? It reads like a self obsessed twink describing themselves - absolutely sexless
>testosterone plus kardashian face filters
>fuck you
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Why shave off the dick?
gays are mostly retarded
keep the body hair but shave/trim the best part? yep, retarded

This was one of the first picture sets I’d fap to a lot when I realised I liked men, and beyond just their cocks. Ultimate natural daddy vibes, the thought of sucking his balls, Christ.
lol same
when i realized i was gay, i didnt actually care at all about gay sex or cocks
i just wanted a handsome guy like that to hold me, kiss me, cuddle me and do other cute things with me
i still dont care much about sex, just the idea of a hot older guy teaching me what it is to love made my heart beat faster and make me feel giddy inside
Looks ridiculous with his bush gone
Love his hanging balls
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Please, who?
Nice guy very hot cock
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Who is he
Very sexy
A hobbit
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Can you please stop posting this gaybaiter?
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