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The best of images involving two erotic dicks rubbing against each other goes here.
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Why are their dicks drooping like that?
Those aren't actually men. They're women with strap ons which tend to droop. Good eye on you for spotting that
Straight guy with gf here, but have to admit this totally turns me on.
I've even admitted it to my gf. Haven't done this irl yet, but if I did, just frot, that isn't gay, right?

If only life was that simple!

You can be whatever you want to be, but trying to be "straight" and then doing this with another guy could fuck you up mentally in the long run, because chance are, you won't want to just do it once, and chances are you're gonna want to taste dick at some point, and maybe even start to get curious if you like it in the ass (or even get curious if fucking a guy's ass feels as good as us tops say it is).

In my opinion, stop worrying if it's "gay" or not. Not only does no one really give a shit anymore if you're gay, but "bisexual" is still a totally valid option if you're attracted to both sexes.

But, if you care about your GF and actually love her, you better start getting this stuff figured out. If you are bi or gay, you owe it to her to be honest and not drag her heart through the mud. And crazy as it sounds, some bi men are able to keep their GFs and are allowed to still have time with the boys, without wrecking the relationship (I don't really get it, but it happens).

And, in terms of your own mental health and long term wellbeing, let me tell you that you don't want to waste your best years being something you're not and missing out on opportunities you may never get again. So, the sooner you figure out what you really want, the better.
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imo it's on the gayer side of possible sexual acts. like a straight guy getting head from a dude sometimes just happens out of desperation, but you wanna be face to face with him and playing with his dick. you're at least a little gay. and that's ok
You'll stay straight as long as your balls dont touch.
Sanest anon on this site.
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Exactly what this guy said. I'm in a straight LTR, but before explored being gay being hiding back inside the closet.

I keep constantly wanting more, but I can't, so I end up looking at porn and feeling sad I can't have it, but also sad that I want that sometimes instead of my girlfriend.

Try and find the vest balance for yourself. My gf understands and she is okay with the porn and a few toys as long as I keep it just my thing (she has toys that she uses privately as well).
Got any where they're frotting and kissing?
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They're just chubbed up, not actually fully erect. Either that or they just don't get hard anymore because of drugs they're on.
A reasonable, thoughtful and unbiased opinion on 4Cunt? You are a beacon of light in a dark place.
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best pov gif
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As a bi guy with a hot gf, I support this message. We're committed and monogamous, but she's totally fine with me being bi and my life/mental health improved so much when I figured out I was bi (in my 30s)

Not sure I'll ever get the opportunity to be with a cute guy to frott or anything more, but I want to. I would love to. Maybe it'll always be a bucket list fantasy, oh well.

I like hot bodies and sexy cocks, and I also like hot women, titties and ass. So I'm definitely not straight, but I also don't think I'm a faggot either lol
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seriously interested - how did this happen/go. im bi, but when i met my current gf i didnt mention it for a bunch of reasons.
10yrs later, i find myself wishing i could be open about my bisexuality and to an extent my cross dressing. i don't expect to play with guys nor sit around in lingerie all day - i just feel like part of me doesnt exist the major relationship in my life
but im so scared how do you tell someone all this and not scare them away or disgust them...
If you have a relationship of 10 years where you can't share something as basic as your sexual desires, something is very wrong
in some ways i agree, but like so much in life...its not always that simple. 10 yr relationships arent as focused on sex as shorter ones (as you may know). And ultimately small 'lies' in the first month become unthinkable revelations in yr10
if i could go back in time would i say something...idk. cos i wouldnt swap what i have just for these items...but i'd also be lying if i say i miss them.
i often wonder if so many cultures believe in reincarnation to act as cope or hope that in the next life they two can be japanese school girl porn stars.

I eventually just started being open about it when first starting to date someone. I won't mention that I'm bi right away, but it will just naturally come up once we start to get intimate (especially once she realizes I like my ass played with).

Most women are pretty cool with it, it hasn't been an issue for me and my current girlfriend is totally okay with it. I recommend just being open and honest about who you are
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Totally get you man
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You're not straight.
Why even be on a gay board looking at cocks?
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>And ultimately small 'lies' in the first month become unthinkable revelations in yr10

This is trye and happened to me. I grew up when being a "faggot" was not good. So when I met my then GF, I never mentioned I was bi. Years later, no sex at home, so I started hooking up with guys. She found out and was more pissed that I never told her I was bi when we met. Not that it was bad in her eyes that I was bi, but because I never gave her the chance for informed consent, the choice to move forward or not based on that info.
Well what happened? Are you still together?
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Yes. That happened 15 years ago. She went through the process of trying to "fuck me straight" (even though I would have been more than happy to just fuck her), but eventually it got to a "don't ask, don't tell" situation and I stull fool around with guys (but still no sex at home.)
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Lol she's fucking a straight guy instead
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hottest fetish
too bad there are very few vids online
same with spooning/sideways fucking
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They are in love!
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To think that one of these twinks is 40 now...
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touching peepees is fun!
>no friends to drop viagras together and frot

why even live bros

just go to your local bator meetup, like rain city jacks
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Frotting with your best guy pal is the ultimate joy. And if it leads to more thats even better.
That was me and my friend. Watching porn, which happened to be trans porn. The trans and guy were frotting and my friend asked if I wanted to try. I was horny and said yes. Pulled our pants down, started frotting. It was kind of awkward, losing balance so he grabbed my arm and held me closer. Never wanted to kiss someone as much as I did then, but I thought it would be gay (yeah, I know... face to face with another guy, rubbing our cocks together isn't gay, right?) It didn't take long before we came all over each other's cocks.
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nice cocks and pciture. more
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nice heads. Sex most be amazing
Gross. You both need to lose weight.
Hey, can you fuck off and let other people enjoy things?
I love frotting with my good friends. It's a bonding like no other.
My bi fuckbuddy just moved into my spare room. Him and his monogamous gf are asleep across the hallway from me right now, fucking. He constantly asks if I find her attractive, suggesting a 3some. I like ass but the front bits of a woman are still of no real interest to me lol. Especially when that fish smell is present I gag every time. So I keep saying no to the 3some. He has no intention of letting his gf know about his bisexuality outright, so our action will remain our secret, his orders, including me sucking his dick and eating his ass for an entire hour before the gf came over to check out his new place today.
>fish smell
That's not normal, if she showers and doesn't have bv.
t. anus and vagina breeder

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