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Dudes just hanging out
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Two great smiling bulges
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Far righ and second to the right, get out of here! Two on the left spit roast me in t he woods off the highway.
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poker night with the boys
My god
second guy on the left
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walk for me baby
i'll be diddy you'll be naomi wa-oh
let's lose our minds and go fucking crazy
ai yai yai yai yai yai keep on hopin we'll see
>hunks in the ocean uh
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Fosters and vodka.

What strange corner of the world is this? And no one in Australia drinks Fosters ...
Glens vodka is made in Glasgow, so probably Scotland, definitely UK
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More here:
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Post some highlights?
now THIS is hot
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I don't know about you, but I don't usually consider getting naked in the bathtub w a buddy "just hanging out" LOL
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I did this with my dad once, but looking back, I was underage so it was probably wrong? I love my dad.
These pics all have such similar looking white guys. Seems like a common archetype of skinny frat white boys doing this stuff.
Nah it's just bonding.
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That’s a lot of hot foreskins, some absolute crackers
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Lol balls out sk8r tatts
Tattoos are just pathetic- a fad for the sheep to follow. On Sydney’s beaches guys with no Tatts stand out like Gods. Beautiful male specimens without all the pathetic crap on their bodies. Fuck you pathetic people who support this pathetic fad .
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the guy with the skull tattoo holy fuck he should do porn
Hi torso looks so weird with no bush
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Name pls
No it isn't look at his pointy little nipples.
Looks like the AI didn't know how to render the transition between lower abs with body hair to hairless dick
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Deliberate dick slip or no?
Once at a mall food court with a buddy who spied a surfer dude a few tables away with spread legs dick slip like this
More like a really shitty photoshop. God why do so many people fall for the most obvious of shoops on this shithole. Sometimes entire threads are full of them and not a single person takes notice. Now as of recently I keep seeing people asking for the source of fucking AI images.
Dude on the right could get it.
Never too late to go to a therapist about this
Underage as in 17 or underage as in 7? Because there a major difference between these two
How does touching balls give you trauma?
Hey they could have been like a kid like a actual kid and I don't think groping and playing with your dad balls while he also grope and plays with yours is like good
If you can't see how your father touching your balls and making you touch his can give you trauma then I'm very concerned
He probably just thought getting your balls touched by your dad when you were a kid wasn't worth therapy
The fuck.
Any dad that shows any affection jokingly etc is fine .
I grew up with parents taking me and brother to nude beaches no dramas.
Honestly I would have loved for dad to have been touchy feely.
Not talking abuse just affection without hangups
"The oldest figures of this kind have been recovered from tombs in Japan dating to 5000 BCE or older. In terms of actual tattoos, the oldest known human to have tattoos preserved upon his mummified skin is a Bronze-Age man from around 3300 BCE"

Although I will agree, too many is a complete turnoff.

Alright like I guess it okay for a bulge feel up as long as ya know your not a kid
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>Go on Boo
>find Explore tab
>bunch of horny redditors simping
>find middle-aged irish bear, kinda cute
>assume he's straight, but he seems lonely
>msg him since he made a pity post about getting no bitches
>act nice, don't push things
>he starts flirting
>ask what's up, he says he's doing a bit
>go back next day, apologizes for leading me on
>does it again
>this time I try to see what's really going on
>have photos of me as femboy, ask if he wants to see
>he says sure, says I have a nice ass
>keep sending more and more revealing stuff
>he keeps flirting
>same thing happens again after I send a photo of me in fishnets using a dildo on myself
>gets weird and acts straight
>question him again
>"oh fek I'm irish it's what we do"

This guy is really deep in the closet, right? He never protested what I sent, and actually complimented me. He said the fact that I have a dick was his reservation, but come on what the fuck is happening here? I'm done talking to him if he's gonna keep jerking me around like this. Guys being dudes but this guy is in denial, right?
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Brief clip, nude athletes hanging out at the beach.
>>2622101 it is so hot to me to see group shots like this where one or two guys are noticeably smaller/bigger than the rest.

fucking great.
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Jeez the guy on the left has great ass & hairy legs
Is there any pictures out there of men taking shots out of their belly buttons or assholes?
only have a webm. sorry can't upload it here
The third guy from the left needs to be sucked off.
Fourth guy from the right is hotter tho

I prob wouldn't turn any of them down but yes, #4 is the hottest
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i kinda think that doesn't fit the definition of "just hanging out"
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Me and my friends do this all the time when we’re hanging out
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Papa Anon?!
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Somehow, I see a bit of Tom Cruise in the face of the guy in the middle.
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so fucking gay
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Name my band
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This is your grandpa in 1974
not everyone is doing this anymore so the west is collapsing
likely a random game of cherky from snapchat
they can if you wish brother, research cherky tod its great fun
Too large?
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What kind of "room" even is that?
shower room
Reupload? It's down

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