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Post sexy cut cocks.

Previous thread is full
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love how there's no color change
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>Remember, no slack

Tight cuts are the only acceptable cuts
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>Tight cuts are the only acceptable cuts
The tighter the cut, the better the nut
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been circumcised for 7 years now. had it done because of phimosis and hygiene problems brought on from that. i tried stretching for a year or more and didn’t see any results.

i don’t think i lost any sensitivity, though i suspect the phimosis muted the level of feeling i would’ve had with the foreskin had it not been extremely tight.

looking back i would like to have done more research on stretching to see if that would have made a difference. i do think i jumped the gun and should’ve just let it play out for a few more years. i like my cut dick just fine but i do think i’d be happier and feel more if i were still uncut. it’s not a big deal to me but still valid curiosity nonetheless.
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What sort of cut did you get?
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the doctors never asked me if i had a preference so they just gave me a semi-low tight cut.
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>The doctors never asked

Yeah if this happens they tend to do a low-and-tight with the frenulum removed

Seems to be the go-to style for medical cuts
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My doctors did a good job with mine. I was cut at birth (catholic). Nice and high with all the excess skin removed. I really like the brown scar from where they cut my foreskin off.
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Not bad anon. A brown scar is usually a sign of a Gomco clamp
I'll rate your dicks on disc: georgiastrait789
i see the j*w propaganda/shilling is in full action. I've seen horrendous cut jobs irl but i enjoy both

stop the division, faggotards


Any underside shots. You got a reddit account?
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absolutely beautiful. and perfect. so visually pleasing. i wonder if he knows it's worth a lot of cash from weathy mouths?
this pic is a cool cute 20yo univ student i used to get to suck off a couple times a week after his 12-3 am radio show. he'd buzz by, whip it out, used to take more than half hour to cum but when he did he pushed my head down - it felt amazing - the head expanding cutting off my air, the pulsing of the shaft..... i miss him! oh and i used to slip him a hunded bucks so to the st8 matt it was just a not gay business deal. no homo ya know.
does anyone know how to dry out my glans? i want it to have that leathery cracked texture
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Love a sexy circ scar
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better or worse? would love some honest opinions, about the circumcision and overall
Much better

Post an erect pic.
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Thoughts on mine?
I prefer you with foreskin, it’s very decent with some overhang but I wish you had left your bush

Post a closer pic.
Better with foreskin. Not the worst circ job at least, but it looks worse.

>Good size
>Nice tight cut

Very nice anon 8/10
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>Skin stretched taut
>Frenulum completely scooped out
>Perfectly straight, thin scar

This is actually a perfect circumcision 10/10
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left or right and why
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Very nice anon. Looks like your frenulum was fully removed
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