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omg this whore
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Roll dubs to be him
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working on my gape..
very hot moar
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just love the way tim pounds asses with his amazing BWC

nice roll
nice hole
>>2646671 omg
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moar please
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>>2646950 saved
>>2646952 what is that apartment
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so hot
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This is me from years ago. I don’t even have these pics anymore. Glad to see someone still has them
prove it
current pix
If you say so
fuckable 10/10
On command like that? That's hot
Thanks, hot that he still has my pics from over 5 yrs ago
good boy. perfect pussy
Let's make sure that it will keep being posted for 5 more years, you deserve it
>dick so big it leaves your ass to be as wide as an actual loose pussy
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This was me just a few hours ago
>waka waka waka waka
you know the rules bitch time and date stamp or gtfo
I made a video of myself and this is a screenshot of it, I didn't really make it to show off here, just saw an opportunity. The prep to be gape safe is a lot but I can make a photo with a time stamp and my ass in it.
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Is this adequate
Someone posted me to here from /int/
What is to be the /hm/ version of a hot chick. All men agree to? So the other sex version of a hot chick?
Frits, ben jij dit? >>2649874
1st time i was bred, amd now I need more
shaved asses make me so uncomfortable because they remind me how itchy it got when i shaved mine once
I don't shave, I just don't have very much body hair. P.S. I'm the fat one.
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This shows a bit better
what are those dark spots? those look skin damaged by ingrown hair
Some are stretch marks, some are probably ingrown hairs, and my phone camera is broken so spots show up when I use that camera.
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I use a trimmer and have never had an itchy problem.
Great stuff, I love that angle
**THAT'S** your problem with this pic?!?!
OMG who
yep, same
i shaved once and it made everything really itchy, and i even got some small red painful bumps that were most likely due to ingrown hairs
been trimming ever since
i wonder if laser hair removal would be a better choice than trimmers
Sounds expensive lol
Try a Phillips norelco one blade, ive had no issues and it gets it really close to wjere it looks shaved, hence why my ass looks shaved. I'm the one with the wires all over tue floor lol
Got the ONE BLADE earlier this year and it’s absolutely amazing for armpits, moustache, chest hair, anal hair and pubes. Use the right attachment and no worries about bumps and itchiness. I have eczema and very dry skin and it’s the best thing ive ever used. Make sure to trim with scissors if hair is long to prevent it clogging up because it clogs easily. Just don’t press hard and keep it clean.

I do struggle with getting a good angle and leg position for taint and anus cleaning.

What position is your body in for this anon? Do you use a mirror or just feels round?
What do you use for trimming?
ty anon
I use a mirror lol
I'm impressed how some people can take something so big and once it comes out the hole looks nice and round, while others look like butchered ugly pussies lol
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serious question, are old men who got their backs blown out like this wearing diapers now because they can't control their buttholes?
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Unless you're gaping constantly and wearing your hole out extensively, that diaper trope is just a myth
do you guys happen to have a gif of a guy's asshole being gaped and goatse'd wide with a flashlight pointed towards it? the hole gets fisted towards the end of the gif, and the gif was about 20 seconds long afaik. it was also greyscale afaik
i saw it a decade ago and i couldn't find it ever since
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nevermind lol, found it
now does someone know the twitter account of an old Mexican farmer that rides dildos and prolapses all the time? I think he even got hospitalized earlier this year because of it, i can't recall his twitter though
i use my BakBlade 1.0 blade
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Hand mirror on the floor and squat.
I also have the One Blade.
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i somehow found a full version of this gape vid
and i also found the grandpa mexican farmer prolapser is cesarito valdez
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looks like mine
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That hole is literally begging to be bred (again)
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Who is this fella? I've spotted him in at least 3 threads.

Pic unrelated
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I wish that were me
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was known as 'blamboy' https://junkinhistrunk.blogspot.com/search/label/blamboy?zx=7956fe584f3469da
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