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Exposed fags, post em.
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This is Cody.
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His cock is only 3 inches hard, so it’s best in a cage.
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This dude begged and begged me to expose his tiny cock to the world. Bully him relentlessly.
Must be hiding behind that troon
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Hmmmm nice fat uncut cock
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I embarrassingly exposed myself to a guy awhile back who promised never to share. He kept pushing me to share more and called me degrading names. I keep expecting to find myself in a thread like this, I regret doing it
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Faggot wants me to post his phone. What's the risk to me?
You should, then we can blow up his phone and make him suffer
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Nice, what's his @?
Share fags from here

chatpic org/r/100rooms/#4fag_exposure2cum
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Dylan is an addicted exposure slut
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Cumpuppy Jacob
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Now that's a pup I wouldn't mind having
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I hope one day I'm gonna find myself in one of these threads... I could never post myself, but I hope some day one of the guys I send pics to will just post them... would be so embarrassing and hot
Send them to us and we'll decide if you're worth posting
id put my seed deep in of him
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Delicious little doll!
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Tony likes to show off
nah I can't do that. I've shown myself to people before, but I'm too scared to send them if I know they'll post it. I wanna stumble on them randomly and feel the fear and stress
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This dude likes whtever you throw at him… u know
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All these fags posted themselves on a site looking to be exposed...
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What site?
Terrible feet but yes, that will do. More of him?
Just checked it out. Is there a way to delete something after it's posted or is it there forever? Asking for a friend
You can delete it as long as your anon-id is the same (sometimes a session refresh also changes the id), or unless it gets pinned. Eventually it will disappear with the room.
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he doesn't even need a cage desu
The more I see these collages the more I want to end up in one
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Anyone know him?
Yeah, the zoo that's missing it's primate. Most exposure fags are ugly as fuuuuuuck
Sauce on the fat boy?
He looks familiar
My 20yo English fag Kyle. Loves exposure and a very obedient little slut
Have more? I like him
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CrĂ­ostĂ³ir Ă“ hUigĂ­n
Needs to be ruined
Looks like some extreme Cherky TOD dare lmao
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Fucking awful tatts
Just shave it off, mate
Been posting myself a lot about 2 years ago on various websites, is there a place where I can search to see if the pics are still online ? Like collages gallery, exposing boards etc. I try reverse searching, nothing
nah keep the hair and keep showing it off!
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Can someone explain to me this whole "exposed" fetish?

Firstly, 90% of the people doing it are ugly.

Secondly, most of them pose in deliberately humiliating poses.

Thirdly, a significant amount are dressed in women's clothing, etc.

Is this some kind of humiliation fetish or something?

Also, I you go to the gym and send one nude snap chat or whatever, you find your pics spread over the Internet without even having to do anything. Wouldn't that just be easier?

I have an exhibitionist fetish, and what I did was worked out and took steroids and my nude pics went on loads of websites and I basically Jack off on finding my pics on websites and reading the complements in the comments, etc.

Even though this sub-culture is marketed as "exposure", it seems completely different. Like the people want to be considered to be hideous and Jack off reading insults about themselves, rather than complements.

I'm sorry if this seems rude, but I'm curious about the psychology behind it. It seems like some MK Ultra programming or something. It can't be simply exhibitionism because anybody with a brain knows if you want to be seen naked by hundreds of thousands of people you just need to work out and then you get on Google Images and all the big gay blogs and websites and social media and so on. It's like you guys want to be seen as disgusting and get humiliated?

bro humiliation kinks are super common. If you're looking for logic, it's probably something along the lines of 'being bullied bullied and called a faggot in your formative years shapes your sexuality later in life, etc etc" whatever

A lot of sex is about power and the subversion of it. Don't think too much about it and enjoy what you enjoy. 4chan probably isn't the place to microscope it
This boy is cute, what is his name?
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Did you know that if you bother to shrink down a non-HD pic to no more than about 1000 pixels high, the photo quality is MUCH better?

imagine the smell of that luscious brownhole...
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im so happy ive never seen any pictures of me floating around the internet although i have a severe exposure fetish a while ago
Do you faggots not realise how insufferable you sound? Your rambling is one thing, but even your prose is annoying
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This unironically
so literally just cherkyTOD? got it

How TF is this "Exposing"? You can't even see who it is?
Andrew here wants his worthless faggot life ruined
Nice hairy cock, ass, balls - fabulous
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just because they want to be exposed don't mean you do it here. doxxing is reportable. i didn't make the rules
How do I expose myself to you??
can you stop posting this retard faggot
Thought this was FtM for a second, damn
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What he'll is wrong with you people ? Why would you post people's nudes without their consent ? I hope you land in jail.
No posts of Tamme? Sad ;(
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Anybody heard from the classic Telegram faggots lately? - GayJayExposed (Jake Awkright) or Just2h0les (can’t remember his actual name)
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This kind of shit is nuts cause someone can easily commit identity fraud and ruin this dude's life. Real fucked up
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lol this is probably the most enthusiastically consenting thread on /hm and people trying to threaten jail time for it
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Does anybody know this fag?
damn, i love everything about this shot
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Tony Prower
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Fags 4 sharing room on chatpic. All of these faggots decided to post naked pics of them with their faces in it. All of these faggots deserve to be exposed to the point that anytime someone googles their name, they see their boy pussies and their face.
Does someone know ?
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Screenshot from Zoom recording. He begged to be recorded
if youre not posted around it means you're not hot enough
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Sissy Micheal S
finnish sub bottom
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DYLAN i need to make you my porn slave. You into dommy femboys?
bottom row 2nd image on the left, who is that and where do i find him
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Anyone knows this fag?
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>all of them are ugly tho
this guy's cute
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this also surprises me with how much of a slut I've been
This is exactly the kind of guy I dream of as a boyfriend. It fucking sucks I'm Mexican and will never find anyone remotely close to him ever in my life. It sucks to suck
Holy shit this is my first time on this thread and im already posted here <3
Damn now im contemplating if i should post pics of myself haha
What is this guy social media? Very hot
this thread seems pretty dead right?
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Trying to expose a guy I hates dad. Found out the dudes dad is a fag and has videos out there. I want to embarrass them both.

Help? His dad used to be pro for UPS.
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Well there is this I saw in b
never on tiktok skibidi


Spotty little turd
cute little french fag https://sltboard.space/french-fag/
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german fag
https://exposedpassion.com/post.php?id=67335b9541187.jpg make this a year
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Hot dick and body. I'd cum in him.
me too
>His dad used to be pro for UPS
You gotta appreciate a Daddy that delivers, rain sleet or snow.

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