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Are there any Billfags left?
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He looked like this when he had nightly threads on /b/
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Now he looks like this
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He's one of these guys that opened up an Onlyfans just to be sluttier on Instagram
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Even posts an occasional nude
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Why everyone loves him on /b/?
They don't anymore but he was a big deal in 2007 when he looked like this
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Everyone still loves bill. Of course he’s older now but he’s still beautiful. His show starts on Netflix on teusday.
Is the Netflix show any good?
It was pretty good if you don’t mind reality tv and you have some interest in bill or tokio hotel. If you turn on the English dubs they made sure the voice actor for bill sounds gay. I thought it was a nice touch
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May The Lord save us all from absolute cunts like this
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Hard to believe he is 35 now
God damn he was truly beautiful. What a tremendous decline.
One of the few instances where the star was better off when their entire look was created by the music studios. He was a timeless beauty.
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