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this throat boy omg
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sorry no
Duncan Black
How many times a week you suck on cock?
thank you, anon.
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ty anon
pup Davey gets into some pretty kinky stuff...
He disgusts me
other than the watermark no sorry
that bottom is like Rock Hudson hot tho damn

other than the usual pretty kinky or other stuff anon pics or it didn't happen
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This dude looks cute af. Whats his name?
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Sano Kun & Azakura Yoh, they've long since disappeared, but there's a video or two out there.
Thing is with sucking cock you can get right in the zone I mean hypnotised by gently sucking that cock into a zen state. Takes practice though. First time mate of mine I sucked when we were both drunk said "go easy it's not a sandwich !"
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It sounds really hot. Can you elaborate more on how to get there? I made a fwb and I've sucked his cock 3 times now, but haven't felt that yet
This sexy rapper is a pro at deepthroating cock. Hit him up on IG @therealcjthepoetking - he loves to hear how good he is at sucking
How to get in the zone?
Focus really intently on sucking the cock slowly and gently and lovingly. Nothing else matters but being hyper aware of every sensation. The silky soft skin around hard inner cock.
Helps to be a little drunk or hungover.
I'm always extra horny when hungover maybe bc my brain is on autopilot
How do you know?
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I miss xtube. It was only homophobic when it got shut down

Hot. Who's that?
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sauce looks like ai
source please
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eugh i hate skinny guys like this. fucker looks like a skinwalker
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What is this from? Love the guy getting sucked his cock is perfect.
Look at this faggot
Sir this is a porn board
Ignore it, the specimen is just aggressively sexually frustrated, hopefully it just bust and nut and goes to sleep. If not, it may need to be euthanized, it's unstable.
There was a certain niche website the UK that he may have been on during covid with his locked cock and balls begging for a certain something to be done
I made a new thread for this guy >>2636626
That's just what we needed
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Post Abel without the dumb captions pls
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Who is that beautiful tan guy?
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Pls don't /pol/iticise /hm/ We're not here for that, Ivan.
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whomst pls
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Jackson Reed sucking Cade Maddox.
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damn, who is that?
My fucking god anon please source
Disgusting. He sucks cock like a woman. Only a woman uses their fucking hands.
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top is boystobreed, at least
Alexander Syden and John Volny for Sting
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>Alexander Syden and John Volny for Sting
ty anon
You can find him here: https://x.com/kelvin_twink and there used to be a couple account with him and this guy: https://x.com/Charlie_C_XO but it got suspended just recently. Sad, as I was pinching lots of pics from that one. They have stuff on OF if you're into that but I'm a tight cunt so I've not dabbled myself. I hope you are having a nice day Anon.
I had another look around and it turns out I should have checked before firing off that last post: https://x.com/KelvinXCharlie
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Source on the bottom:
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Hey Jealousy
How hot is this ??
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Some twitter page. I didn't save the link, sorry anon
Damn! Any more of this cocksucker?
thoughts on tops sucking cock?
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Don't like it desu
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"Top" just mean you like to insert, instead of be inserted, in the poop chute. Has nothing to do with sucking. ALL gay men love to suck dick, & just because somebody's a top, why shouldn't they?
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These two are from the same scene, thanks for providing source. >>2642733
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Hayden m
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omg yes if only
That's Jack Harrer doing the ramming.

In my dreams, the other guy is me.
Perfection ...
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hot cock is there a real vid around

I finally sucked my first cock, a thai ladyboy.

Not a big deal IMO. Pretty fun. I'll probably do it again.
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wish i had a job where i can suck cock while working
>How many times a week you suck on cock?

I suck cock a few times a day, so usually about 20 times a week.
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Being in the hotel industry for 20+ years, it's the place to be.
based cocksucker. my bf is insatiable, too. at least morning and night during the week and the weekends are insane if we're alone. hungry boys are the best boys.
>Being in the hotel industry for 20+ years, it's the place to be.
Elaborate? How do I go about fucking one of the staff?
>Work the front desk long enough you can clock the (usually) single business travelers that were down
>If I checked in someone hot I'd just say to call me, give them my name, tell them what time I get off shift
>most would straight up as me to stop by after, hang out in the lobby and chat me up before we fucked
>but mostly it's a way to get free rooms for hookups from grindr or sniffies
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that lucky homo
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saus pls
3-5 and I do it like this >>2624466
We live together. It's not odd for us to blow each other a couple times a day. It's rare that we don't at least once.
@alexxxgrant21 @fabuusjunior @eubrunozl @diegomineiro_xl
ty anon
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>begging for a certain something to be done

What? Fisting?
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I remember jerking it to that video...oh the memories...
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Smallish thin cock - nice
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