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All Asian boys are born solely to serve white men sexually.
They should donate their bodies while still beautiful and have their bodies used publicly as sex dolls.
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Their bodies have no other use.
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It seems they hope so too.
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more muscular individuals are more beautiful
whoever keeps posting this guy is such a creep.
They ruined asian threads with their shit of asian men being inferior. Fucking crazy and disrespectful.
This is all I can find
I don't hate him that much
>Want an Asian boy to own and anally destroy
>Tfw Jamaican
>Tfw usually blocked on sight or kindly told I'm not their type by the ones who have their own place
>Tfw the ones who are interested typically don't or are a crusty, washed up 40 year old who throw themselves at practically anyone and will fall in love with you after some good dick and get weirdly clingy
Curse my luck for being born with this accursed preference. Doesn't help that most of the whitebois around me are filthy barebackers or god forbid bug chasers and I don't want to throw my future away.
Goddammit. I just want a QT asian guy to make some passionate, occasionally bestial and primal love to while watching Gurren Lagann...
My drill is not the drill that will pierce the Asian heavens...
eh this guy just looks honestly unhealthy, and it doesnt have to do with race. its definitely a spammer
you're fucked in the head. keep your fetishes to yourself if it involves disrespecting entire ethnicities like that.
crazy thread
That's a disgusting statement. No race is born solely to serve anyone, and especially another race. What is your motive and intent for making a statement like that?
Those wide hips she doesn't even look like a real man. Not at all gay
wow, what a slut
This shit is gross. I honestly hope whoever posts this isn't so fucked up in real life but idk. Any asian guy who wants this's mind is broken by porn and any white guy who wants this is a fucking retard and a total creep
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Fucking micro cocked slants
>pedophilia concealed as racial fetish
any more of him?
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stfu with that disgusting fake finger pointing.

give me asian twinks who want my white cock more than life itself.
too bad they're insanely ugly. Unhuman even
there's literally billions of them out there my man, you'll find one.
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That is so hot please post more like this
Anyone that can prompt in Chinese, can you make a clip on Chris Pratt kissing with Asian guy using this gem AI? https://hailuoai.com/video
post the result webm here.
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>Me, a 6'4" white guy in Vancouver well known for it's asian population
>Actually hook up with a few
>start liking them
>attraction to bears stronger
>no beefy thick asians in the city

Still fun to make out with twinks I can pick up
who is this guy
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Is there no other boy like this?
Fuckable, I want to fill his body with cum
White master living in Asia into young Asian pussy boys ;)
whos this guy?
working hard to get a body like this
cause i think it would be great to serve and worship white men like this instead of being a twink

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