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/hm/ - Handsome Men

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Post vid and pic of bottom cumming while the top's cock is still inside.

You know that feeling when you're cumming, your sphincter contracts and you can feel it squeezing your top's cock. Heaven.
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Should I ever end up ever having sex (unlikely), what are some tips to achieve this?
t. service top
Lol don't give up anon

It's mostly the bottom psych/mental stuff, won't work without it.

As a top just follow the bot pacing and ask (unlike porn, fuckin talk with your partner), don't keep thrusting you may ruin the orgasm.
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More of this!! So hot when the bottom cums without touching it
>>2615142 Probably one of the most sensual experience I've ever had. My top was 6'3" but looked exactly like the bottom. Weirdly enough, I saw him 2 days later on tv during the local news on a news report about young professionals purchasing mini condos.
Adam Reed I think? God he's hot.
Sauce please :)
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>More of this!! So hot when the bottom cums without touching it
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None of these have sound for some reason. Why?
this board doesn't allow sound.
>don't keep thrusting you may ruin the orgasm
Well, I fucking love one or two long, slow ones as I' cumming, especially when i'm on my back. the bil knows what I like so, like you said - talk to your partner!!
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very hot, is there sauce?
This video is so hot when the mom walks in right after
fuck you boomer wit ur stoopid gif wake the fuck up its 2024
If you're lucky enough to meet someone you have that kind of chemistry with, it's the most amazing experience in the world. I've been lucky enough to have experienced that with like 4 different people in my life. Some people never even find 1.
>Some people never even find 1.
Only had one dude that could make me cum buckets while fucking me non-touch but that was likely cause he had the biggest dick I've ever seen live. Everyone should fucking experience this, it's insane.
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So perfect.

More bbc making whitey cum
I thought I recognized it. Do you have a link?
who's the bottom?
jordan james is the top, who's the bottom?

Jordan James is the bottom, it's vid from his younger year when he is still in a twunk.

Guys don't let that thread die, post the good stuff.
>cute top
>spooky skeleton btm

boner-killing stuff :(
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sometimes i envy bottoms
What's stopping you ?
my prostate isn't sensitive
IRL When I'm very pent up, I cum hands free prematurely just by the first penetration, I certainly last longer as a top than as a bottom.
names pls
Sebastian cruz adan reid
Wow, Superbe ! Vivement que j'encule a nouveau ma petite salope pour reussir une belle video comme celle ci
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i wonder how much cameramen get paid
Found some more gifs from this scene, so I posted them here.
what's the sauce? ill make a webm

Not necessarily that video, but the formula indeed equals boner killing stuff
Tyler Hill, Landon Vega
That's so awesome, thank you!
also made a shorter loop
thanks for bumping the thread
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My favorite from pornhub got scrubbed in the great purge
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Do dildos count? XD
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Sauce on the top
Maybe it's a plus? Mine is sensitive and it kinda ruins bottoming for me depending on the position (it gets swollen and pushes my bladder, makes me feel like wanting to pee all the time). Takes a day to go back to normal
might be worth it if i can get a handsfree orgasm out of it
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dam I should have caught it
I'd love to do that with you
Good thing I decided to check /hm/ today, stuff from that r/cum from anal is getting old.
I can cum hands free from toys, but not sure if I'd cum hands free from being fucked by another guy because I've never had sex with anyone but my toys. W-Well I tried getting a date, a hook up or even a boyfriend but no one stays after saying hi. So I guess I'm ugly.
If you can cum from toys, you'll cum from getting fucked. I sure do. Keep putting yourself out there, you'll find someone. I had similar issues and started dating an older guy VERY young (I was 15, he was 38) and that helped build some confidence, at least.
Do you plug (train/stretch) regularly?
>>2618901 & >>2618421
Big Dick + Chemistry = Magic, fr
>talk to your partner!!
TELL your partner what you want and what they do that you life. Nothing is hotter for your partner than HEARING that you love it. And good partners want to please each other, not just themselves.

Nots of wisdom on this board, y'all. Have a good day, wherever you are, bros.
I cannot fucking type
what a view
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I'm already 30 and a khhv. It's over.
>bottom cumming while the top's cock is still inside.
like >>>/gif/27882046
cumming without hands at 18 years old with a dildo and without knowing men can cum like that is the best thing that could have happened to you in your life.
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I was 16 and fucking my then bf when he just started shooting all over while I was fucking him.
And a fetish was born. I love fucking the cum out of someone. Makes a top feel like he's doing his job, fr.
>big dick bottom
>cumming on the stomach/chest of the top
More of this. Much more of this. Seeing the bottom cum on himself doesn’t hit the same.
>No but seriously, why is it so hard to find bottoms cumming ON the tops chest
Especially great when it unexpectedly hits the tops face
But this is impossible to find
>when the top is into that and opens his mouth for the next shot
Anyone else ever cum while being fucked then kept getting fucked and after a while totally limp and then just start leaking precum after coming minutes before?
Any links? Especially for the opening his mouth one ,that sounds hot as fuck
Not exactly like that. I party with these 3 guys pretty regularly and I always start off hard, but they will fuck me to a point where I'm soft and that's when I need them to really fuck me. I will leak and spurt for a good 5 minutes and make a complete mess but I can only get that if I've been fucked hard for quite a while. only a couple guys have been able to do it themselves.
first time i ever bottomed i just came in like 15 seconds. second time was 20 minutes later and i did the exact same shit again. whatever i just kept bouncing on it cause at that point i felt bad for the top
does no one know source for this? really?

Hot damnn
It wasn't my first time for me, but I eventually figured out if I ride a big dick on a couch, I might ruin that couch. Something about it. Any thick, 7"+ dick hits my happy place when I squat down on it. bf is always a mess when we're done lol.
Used to top, learned to cum with my ass, bottomed ever since. Now it’s hard to cum not playing with my ass

I blame 4chan

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