I think men with jobs are so hot Please post occupied men
>I think men with jobs are so hot bro…
>>2649117is that idubbz? holy fucking SHIT, the hapa quitting filthy frank really killed those bottom feeders that were latching onto his channel didn't it?
>>2649246gtfo with these kike baby killers
>>2649255The fuck are you talking about you literal schizo
>>2649255thisfunny how so many fags who openly preach their moral superiority crap on sites like twitter are secretly always pushing for their military organizations to kill non whites
>>2649259refer yourself to>>2649257
>>2649115My PE teacher from 12th grade :3
>>2649255based. say no kk dicklets!
>>2649115Embarrassing. Cops aren't your friends, they're not even people.
>>2649255>>2649259>>2649321You are unironically the type of people that deserve to be shot and slowly bleed out on the street while everyone walks by, uncaring and unwilling to help your sorry asses.
>>2649323yeah, we get it. you're a slut
>>2649321Yeah, we understand people like you. That's why we have prisons. Your mind works like "all cops are the same" or "all blacks are criminals" or "all Mexicans steal" You don't see people as individuals, only as a group. Your post says who and what you are.
>>2649323I don't fucking care. Defund the military and police.
>>2649465The part where you don't care about anything but your own retardation was made clear from the beginning.
>>2649593And then there's this asshole. God America is full of retards from all sides.
>>2649369Don't project with your sidegig, anon.
>>2649259>are secretly always pushing for their military organizations to kill non whitesHonest question; why do you care? Most of them would kill or violently reject you and see as far less than human if they found out you were into men. Loving them isn't excatly a requiremrnt, nor does it make you a bad person with that in mind.
>>2649612>Most of them would kill or violently reject you and see as far less than human if they found out you were into men.if that were true you wouldn't find shit tons of barely concealed fags from mena on instagram
>>2649612honest question? why do you firstie faggots cry so much about immigrants and refugees in your countries if you arent killing them off entirely? dont half ass the job, just genocide all those nonwhites and you wont have to cry anymore or preach obnoxious fake crap about morals
>>2649619Are you even aware of what conversation you are having at the moment? Because before you sounded like a downright retard, but now you sound unironically confused.
>>2649115Maybe if you'd get one (a job, that is), you could meet one of those "hot men", and you wouldn't be such a pathetic loser who comes up with a thread idea like this instead of doing something constructive with your life.Just sayin' ...
>>2649190You’re like a decade late anon.
>>2649303Lucky, my PE teachers were all lesbians
>>2652301I had SUCH crushes on both my gym teachers in 9th grade, which was also the only year we all had to shower together in a big room w no dividers.Got to see every guy in my class naked every day, but I always hoped that somehow one or both of the teachers would shower with us, like if we'd been outside doing something sweaty, but they never did :( But they sat in there shooting the breeze w the jock guys every day so they saw every one of us.Years later, I ran into one of them in my gym. I don't think he remembered me (I was pretty much the worst one in gym, LOL) but would say hi when we'd see each other there (they were both always nice--not assholes like many male gym teachers), and finally one day--FINALLY, decades later, i got to see him naked coming out of the shower at this gym!! He still had a super body & still had the same 70s haircut & stache from before, LOLPic related looks a lot liked he looked back in the day
This guy is a stud & a real fireman--or was. He was killed in the Twin towers on 9/11/01RIP
>>2649117Watching him cry after that boxing match was pathetic
Why does I find this sort of guy (only exists among straights) the ideal while simultaneously having no interest in nearly all gay bears?