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Bussy Thread
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last one filled up >>2631797
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I love non-black bussy so much it's unreal
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File deleted.
Newfag here. Is there a difference between bussy/boy pussy/boi pucci. I assume they are all the same?
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who’s this? Moar
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/u/isevnoo / chr1sox
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they are
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boipucci is tangier
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so fuckable
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Greek hole only for Muslims and blacks
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I'm gaping that hole and filling it with cum
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I'd love to examine both of their asses CLOSELY
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i would eat you out and crack you apart
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1. The rectum is not where feces is stored. It's higher up in the intestine. It only makes its way down to the rectum when a sufficient amount has built up and is ready to leave the body (basically, when you feel like shitting, that's the only time feces are in the rectum). It can also be found in the rectum if your fiber and water consumption is not ideal.
2. Ideally, you should be consuming plenty of insoluble fiber and water daily (just water. Infusions/soda/etc don't count). This results in ideal bowel movements that leave the intestine and rectum completely empty and clean. No traces left behind at all. You can get insoluble fiber from whole wheat products (bread, pasta) or a supplement like psyllium husk for convenience.
3. Avoid overconsumption of intestinal stimulants. Coffee, tea, yerba mate, etc. They're great, but they also speed up intestinal transit. This means that the food you eat is rushed through your intestine. This results in something kinda like diarrhea. Also bloating.
No need to quit these drinks entirely. Just make sure to not consume too much. How much is too much is something that you have to study for yourself. For me, 2 cups of coffee per day is my max, and I might even skip a second one if I know I'm getting dick later.
Coffee is the strongest intestinal stimulant. You can replace a first, second, or third cup of coffee with tea or yerba mate instead, and get the same benefits without so much collateral damage (there will still be some, but not as much).
Keep this info in mind and tailor your own daily infusion consumption according to how you feel they affect you.
4. It's normal for a bottom to be ready to take dick at all times simply by following the previously mentioned nutritional practices, but it's also normal for them to do a quick water douche before sex, just to be sure. This is usually done if it's been a few hours since the last bowel movement or if they're gonna be doing some serious anal acrobatics.
>Ideally, you should be consuming plenty of insoluble fiber and water daily
technically, a combination of soluble and insoluble fibers, isn't that right?
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Tnks anon for this excellent four point advice.
I tended to douche too deep I think and disturbed shit . I hv soaped my finger & put it in my ass then wiped clean with a cloth. This resulted in a nice clean fuck.
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Would you fuck my ass?
i instantly got hard looking at your hole and face ty
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Insoluble fiber is the one that creates top tier bowel movements.

>I hv soaped my finger & put it in my ass
You shouldn't do this. It's too aggressive.
I beg you that you give my previous advise a try. You will never need more than a quick water douche.
I consume plenty of water and insoluble fiber every day and I often have spontaneous anal during the day without any issues. There's just nothing there. My rectum is completely empty. I only douche after 3pm.
Knowing if you have to douche or not is something that you learn with time. You can feel it. You learn the patterns.
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i mean, insoluble creates bulk and soluble creates movement, you need both to make solid, easy to pass BMs
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>soluble creates movement
The intestine does that on its own
i don't mean that
you can't easily pass a bowel that's not the right consistency the soluble fiber makes the stool the right number on the bristol stool chart
plus soluble reduces cholesterol and balances blood sugar
Insoluble fiber fiber is the one that makes the consistency and bulk.

>soluble reduces cholesterol and balances blood sugar
I have nothing against it. Though it can cause bloating in a lot of people.
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