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Post your down curved dick, only hard dicks curved down! Extra points for getting sucked or fucked
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have yet to meet one in real life, i feel like they would be perfect for sucking
in 2019 i was briefly with a guy with a sharp curve right after the base but a total length of 8 or 9 inches

he was incredibly self conscious about it and at the time was unable to cum in the presence of literally anyone else

unfortunately, he was in another city so we went on a break while covid happened, and the moment passed, by the time we broke out of lockdown we were just acquantances

might try to meet up with him again though. he was indeed perfect for sucking and also looked extremely good in any underwear.
pity that passed. it seems very hard to hold on to good dick
ironic! lol
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I found a guy with a down curve and I married that boy so fast, I'm glad someone else has the same obsession
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oc? post more
Tell us about the arc of your husband's dick
Nice! You have any more pics?
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Kik: neilsneils3000
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Roll i need this
>perfect for sucking
That's what they said.
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wrong curve
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Found on Twitter

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