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whats the point in living if I dont have a sexy dilf husband ready to milk my cock with his big sweaty feet whenever I want
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I love bearfoothunter, that dude gave me permission to use his picture in a story one time
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Got a name or @ for this gorgeous hunk?
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Cool! I know him IRL
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Daddy! He's sadly straight and has the most perfect cock too!
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is he as hot irl as in pictures? is he cool?

His photos are very realistic, about the same degree of hotness, as in real life.

Yeah, he's cool. I actually know him socially (but in a gay context) and have never actually seen him naked IRL, but his friends joke about how they all read his Twitter. He's nice and fairly smart but a tad pretentious--just a tad
he went by captain_sole and Captainsole_o and captainsoleo

it seems he nuked twitter, instagram, and of.

his linktree: linktr ee/Captainsoleo

can't tell if he let himself go or if he edits his pictures heavily, but he does not look good in this video

x com ticklishchubs/status/1789143393215320204
oh and i guess he's a life coach (lol) on instagram and uses his real name

instgram: ferree_fit

you can find nudes if you search on lpsg or use the twitter search
Idk. My size 12 pale redhead feet ugly or na?
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It didn't attach since Chrome is doing "can't upload pics in cognito" mode now. But here they are
How do you bypass this? I've been wanting to post shit but cant
Have the upload out of incognito unfortunately. And it's been doing this thing where the first post is a 60 second cooldown and all posts after are normal timed. Someone must be doing some tweaks.
They're hot, wish I could sniff them
So tired of seeing him. He's only size 9. Lmao
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Mmmmm Chad Soles
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Mmmm Giga Chad feet
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Hottest so far imo
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Sissy faggot that loves to get fucked
what is considered "big"? is US size 13 big?
im considering doing a lewd twitter/onlyfans combo since im tall, hairy, and getting muscular. i think footshit would be a good niche
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how does every feet thread start of good and eventually devolve into fags posting their disgusting lanky dirty twink feet
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Hey guys, am I the only one who's turned on by the top instead of the bottom of the foot?

Of course, that's how I like my men generally --- tops, not bottoms.
You're certainly not, plenty of guys prefer tops. I personally like soles more, but I can absolutely appreciate tops.
where the hell are all the quasi-legal crush videos
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Right? Sidenote: I need a guy to leave my tiny twink ass in his sock and forget about me for days.

Probably even 11 would fit the category for many, though 12 or above is when they're "noticeable" even w shoes on
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why isn't there ever a macro thread on /hm/
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M30 visit my Twitter and enjoy ITS new <3
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Omg source please?
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I'm a typical bottom 5'7 155lbs, but my feet are bizarrely small even for my size. Somewhere between size 6.5 and 7.

I wear an 8 when I'm out and about, just so I look somewhat normal. But I'm always swimming a bit in them, and never wear sandals out of embarrassment. So, obviously I have a fetish for big daddy types with huge feet. Size 12 work boots turn me on big time.
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They have to be super sweaty and have a dairy heavy diet.
How tf I ended up here
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It's so exhausting being confronted with absolutely insane dysinformation bullshit in every waking moment. The 21st century fucking sucks and it's all the Zoomers' and Boomers' fault.
Kik me and $
25m Italy
Kik enrizo01
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Yellow soles anyone? I absolutely love them.
I'm a massage therapist that have serviced thousands of white men right off of work. Their feet are never smelly.
Thats how you know they smell great.
Size 50
Hobbit feet.
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I would really appreciate it if you'd watch a long movie and use my face as a foot warmer
Can someone please repost this image?
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surrrrrrre. yall don’t wash your feet in the shower and walk barefoot any chance you get. lol
Walking around barefoot makes your feet stink way less. You know that, right?
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a little meaty and deathly ticklish
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Can't fucking stand these masks instant turn off whenever I see them in any porn.
I agree with >>2655684 but that sure looks like it would feel good for the dom
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anyone have vids?
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Why can’t you fags enjoy things?
Take off the ski mask, asshole. You're inside.
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Looooove this guy
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ralph sepe has it good

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