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/hm/ - Handsome Men

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nice thread. love a confident guy with a small dick
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I've never seen him naked of course, and really can't even imagine wanting to, but somehow I feel that he would probably fit in perfectly in this thread.
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got any of your old chastity content? been looking for your of for years
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This is the hardest it gets.
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Baby Dick 4.5"
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deer boi
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Very nice anon - great natural hair beautiful hanging balls & a stiff cock
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I used to have this guy who I’d hook up with all the time. He had a small dick, but not like micro small. About 5 inches, average thickness. He had a lot of stamina though and would power fuck my ass for at least 30 to 40 minutes every time. Some of the best dick I’ve ever had and one of the very few people who could make me cum hands free. The other was a guy who had a short (4.5in dick?) but thick. I’ve had a lot of different sized dicks up to the biggest being about 8 inches of un cut girthy meat sword. I prefer the smaller ones, especially length wise. I’m a smaller dude though (about 5’10” 150lbs). Im sure that is a factor in my preference, but it goes to show that there’s a dick out there for everyone.
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never posted mine but genuinely theres this girl i been talking to and im scared what shes gonna think :(
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It may be smallish but it's aesthetic as fuck and I really would love to suck on it, as long as you want.
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nice pp's
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Sorry for the white background
5 inches is literally average, anon...
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handsome! who cares about size? It looks beautiful on you
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Looks about 4 inches, so def small
Better get her a strap on
Tbh anything above 7" is generally more trouble than it's worth. Those guys usually don't know how to please a bottom and think they should just go as deep as they can.
Definitely small, but at least it's not ugly and you're not fat
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