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Men tied up, handcuffed etc
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I hate bondage like this it’s too contrived
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yeah the guy is hot but what exactly is going on here
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He is so fuckin cute like that
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He has neanderthal eyes.
i've seen londonropetop for a long time now his shit is always impressive very very talented
does anybody have a source for this? if only there were a watermark
It’s probably you
Dominic Pacifico, Kink Men
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my roll
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I had a Master who made me clean his bathroom while keeping me on a rope like this around my balls once--it was so hot
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I would piss all over this fag's head LOL
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Tickle that bitch
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Anyone have one-bar-prison content with guys?
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Anything with the tops tied down and ridden?
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i mean he has no knee wrinkles just report as shop and move on anon
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underrated content - love post orgasm torture
Anyone interested in amateur oc? Fair warning, fat as fuck and tiny cock.
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Jordan Boss makes videos of him tormenting guys (often this same guy). These are screenshots from one of them. I love the idea but his haircut makes me insane
I wish I could find someone to do predicament bondage with. So jealous of the insex girls lol
Anyone know the source on these?
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PSM tickling. His name is Vittorio.
Predicament bondage?
Where the submissive has to choose between two unpleasant stimulations. An example might be to stand up straight they have to apply tension to the string pulling their nipple clamps down. I was in predicament bondage last week. Tied loosely spread eagled on a bed, nipple clamps were tied to my ankle rope. The strong was then shortened on a ratchet device, forcing me to thrust my chest forward and draw my legs up. Once I could not go any further forward my Dominant stopped tightening it, but I still had to hold a tough position whilst enduring estim torment in order to avoid the clamps pulling.

My nipples ached for days after that..
I've only seen straight doms into it ngl

It's a shame I'm a guy ngl
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Obligatory post
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Ugly as fuck don’t post again
Gorgeous. I hope someone fucked you like that.
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Does anyone else ever think about how the guys who star in bondage porn must feel with pictures of themselves tied up and humiliated spreading around online? Anyone in the world can just see them at their lowest moment utterly humiliated and emasculated. All privacy and dignity they ever had, lost forever. A lot of them probably don’t care but some of them must feel horrible seeing themselves like that
Not really. Its kind of weird that you do. Does that make you feel horny or something?
Why is it weird?
a person never loses self-dignity "forever"
So you think someone who’s been filmed getting tied up and fucked and then has it posted online has as much dignity as a normal man?
Are you that coombrained that this is your idea of a normal man?
bitch, you're here, too
Yeah don’t mind me, just here for pics of totally ordinary, average and respectable guys
What does everyone think of this normal dignified gentleman?
What's the names of the guys in black t-shirts?
One of them is adrian swallows
There's a photo set of me getting face fucked out there, but I'm wearing a latex hood and you can't really tell its me.
Don't care its out there. Have to fap like crazy whenever it comes up though
Can you post some of the pictures? I guess it’s not really the same since no one knows it’s you. Also it doesn’t surprise me that there are some gays who don’t care about being exposed online.
With any gay stuff, or bdsm stuff, the risk is pretty low. Anyone who knows, knows. And anyone who doesn't is hardly going to come up and ask if it was you they saw getting fisted in those videos. I did a scene once where I'd been gagged so tight the straps left marks on my cheeks and I had rope marks on my arms. Went into work and felt a bit awkward. But anyone who saw that for what it was is hardly going to make a fuss, and most people wouldn't even know what they were looking at.
Was my boss going to come up, anon, I notice you have been doing some serious bondage shit today...
Straight women it's another issue of course.
So do we get to see the pics or nah?
>Was my boss going to come up, anon, I notice you have been doing some serious bondage shit today...
Sounds like a lead up to a bad porno.
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Casual visible rope marks are so fucking hot and stimulating to see and let your mind wander to how they could've been formed...
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Nice, I never seen the toe bondage like that before. I like it.
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I swear Liam is Schrodinger's hottie. Or one of those magic eye things. You look once and he's the most sensually beautiful man you've ever seen, then you look again at the same fucking picture and he's an actual hobgoblin
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That is the worst bondage in the world.
Awww he looks so cute
sauce for vid?
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and the "Dom" looks as absolutely bored as is humanly possible
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I don’t know, i find it kind of funny seeing a muscular guy tied up in a speedo like that
that is what im looking for for my self
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thx ;-) yes someone did
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That's what you get what people are being paid to pose for pictures.
He isn't tied up. There's a few loops of rope around him, it would take 5 seconds to get out of that. It's an insult to call that bondage, it's softcore "kinky" porn.
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ooooo my roll
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Literally heaven
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Liam Gallagher: God or Gibbon?
He was cute when he was young, even Noel was for a time
There's a couple videos of young me out there in various states of bound up taking Daddy dick. I haven't come across them in 20 years, but I blasted HARD when I watched them kek. I had some saved but that disk died long ago, sadly.
Thank god you can barely tell it's me.
who's the bottom on the left pls
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