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Continued from >>2617121

Thumb: "Good Politic Guy" on yt
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Good Politic Guy
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Nate, aka Mr. H reviews
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Depressed Ginger on yt
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Austin McConnell
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I have a big crush on Doug Sharpe (Fun Fact Guy)
His Canadian accent is cute, too
Good politic guy? There's nothing good about pro-Stinnie politics. If I found him and his dumb-looking mustache even remotely attractive, that flag behind him would be an instant boner killer. First of all, there are groups going through so much worse, but somehow Palestine is the poster child of oppression, yet nobody seems to blame the people at the top of the Palestinian government (Hamas and Fatah are both highly corrupt, repressive. Regardless of your views on Israel, Hamas started and is continuing this war and is receiving arms and support from Russia and Iran. "Good politics guy" is showing solidarity with those fucktards who prevented kids from going to class, suck the fun out of and 'whatabout' on literally everything, and are delusional in thinking of Palestine as some sort of queer, oppressed man's nirvana, when it's just another hellhole plagued with Islamic terrorism and homophobia.
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Fuck off nigger, post hot dudes no one cares about Jews and sand niggers and their dumb eternal conflict, they can all suck a big dick who cares.
I'm not saying I care about Jews, I'm saying that just having the Palestinian flag would be a boner killer for me if I found this guy even remotely attractive.
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Yes! No one agrees with me on this for some reason but he’s very cute

He also has really nice feet which he posts quite often in his surfer stories, Im surprised no one’s made a wikifeet
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Dan Saltman
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Wikifeet is new to me. Guess I'll check it out lol
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Thoren Bradley can split me like a log
if anyone has the sketch porn, post it
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Necoda Matthew. Very cute guy on instagram who sews. He has a few YouTube vids which are pretty wholesome. Has a very cute voice and garnered a pretty big following but sadly that means old men have found him. Nothing more embarrassing than checking some cute guys comments basically being harassed by annoying fags. Its been dialed down a bit mostly due to him dialing down his content to just his clothes. But still he’s very cute eyecandy
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Jesse Cox. I had a crush on him when I was 14 and he's still an adorable ginger bear all these years later
this is stupid none of the guys posted are hot and if you watch streamers you should kys
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immediately ruined, star again
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His fun fact tik toks are so annoying.
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phsycocommando on Twitch
literally the only ugly turkish man
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I would fill his pink hole with such vigor and passion. I don't fucking care.
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Terry A Davis before going full schizo. This is my truth.
Yeah it's getting repetitive but he gets a pass for me because he's cute af
This picture from the old thread needed to be posted here. Doug Doug is just perfect.

I live in a shithole and 4chan doesn't let me post pics. :(
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holy shit i can't believe i didn't think of him, thank you anon
i wanna suck his tits
Anyone got anything from Kylie Sketch Fox's OF?
i wanna see ludwig submit to him and suck his tits. lick his pits and hole, worship his feet, suck his cock and be forced to swallow the load, and then doug gets to write fag in permanent marker on lud's forehead and lud has to stream right afterwards
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im sure Ludwig wouldnt mind that judging by how he looked at Dougs tits
sniffable pit
The facial hair looks a bit weird, but damn he's big!!
digga please
wine mom thirst trap, hard pass
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Nigger you are retarded
Qrd who are these two again? I haven't seen such perfect tits in a while holy fuck
>if anyone has the sketch porn, post it
yeah why's nobody posted it yet?? i tought i'd find it here
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And within a couple of sentences you manage to smoothly transition between Palestinians and Hamas as if they are equivalent. Showing the Palestinian flag is a show for support for the civilians, most of whom are children, against a genocidal force trying to eradicate them, including the gays among them. Absolutely no one is saying that Palestine is queer friendly, you just invented that along with all the other weirdos who are ok with the murder of children if they come from a culture which isn’t accepting of you. Unlike you, other people are able to see something which is obviously immoral, and oppose it, even though it is being perpetrated against a culture that would persecute you. It’s called being morally consistent and honest. Absolute weirdo.

Also, the people who are against the genocide in Palestine are also against the similar thing you elude to happening elsewhere. The difference is, this particular genocide is being assisted by our own governments openly and proudly, and so people speaking out has more power in this situation than in other situations.
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Do not argue politics with retards on 4chan. And if you do, add a hot guy.
he is so fucking gorgeous
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This guy works for RealClearPolitics and streams about the electoral college
This is good news for me because the Palestine flag on my grindr profile will keep away genocidal faggots like you from me
Not the palestine flag... i need the jews to bomb that shithole harder
Girl no one gaf fuck them kids
um, no.
I can't fuck a guy when I know they are a complete POS
goddamn that is nice, where did this come from tho? need moar
There is something alpha af about country boys in tighty whities.
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Almost definitely has never stopped you.
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im a top but the things i would let joel do to me...
Not recognizing any of these guys makes me feel so out of touch but at the same time its probably a good thing too just like how I didn't recognize 95% of the YouTubers in MrBeast's most recent video

I'm no longer perpetually online, I guess
No, it's more of a factor that there are just SO MANY e-celebs now. Like, it's insane how broad shit is now.

There are definitely some that stand out above the rest as some of the biggest, but to know every. single. one of them is impossible.
this is why you only get matched with obese troons
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Blain Crain, former football player and co-host (with his brother) of conservative (ish, it's part of the Daily Wire) sports podcast Crain and Co.
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first one is @jr_topdog

scott's friend wins for me
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MrHappy is dark and handsome, hairy af, and has some tree trunk legs (went with the upper body but he has a few leg shots on his twitter)
Lmao i agree
Daron malakian!!! I fucking love him I'm so sad he got his teeth fixed those looked so cute and chewable yummy yum yumm
is this the same happy guy that plays final fantasy????? the fat guy???????? W T F
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I’d like to imagine Alex Rosen get raped by the guys he catches. He has a hot fucking ass
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this cringey, cute and shy guy makes me hard everytime i watch him
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Same. Used to think he was cute, then realized what scum it is.
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ive been drooling over impulsesv and skizzleman recently. chubby dads are my greatest weakness
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he's only attractive when he has a proper haircut and the beard. the second he shaves his looks take a massive hit
He's such a cutie, I wanna breed him and then kiss him goodnight
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i think you misunderstood cause he's a regular celebrity, not an online one

tha being said i 100% agree with you and want him and serj to take turns fucking me
Gross commie
Adam Mosseri, CEO of Instagram. this guy is so fucking cute
mutahar can sit on my face
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I'm probably the only one attracted to UFD Tech, as he's very much your Average White Guy, but something about that makes him very sexy to me and I want him to use him as my personal sperm dump.
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Kinda feels like cheating because he clearly posts thirst bait videos but I've been into JakeASMR recently
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Fuuuuuuuuuuck politics, here for COCK! STFU.
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saaame. his onlyfans is kinda shit, but he does only wear his underwear. he'll even do videos where he calls the listener a faggot. lots of muscle worshipping, body tapping type content. his asmr isn't bad either, as long as he sticks to whispering, that's what he's good at. and at least he's no longer scamming people on onlyfans either
Do you mean his patreon? I don't see an onlyfans anywhere. I didn't sub to his patreon before because it just looked like normal videos and thirst bait photos but I might if it's got a little meat to it
Low standards in this thread.
nah i mean his onlyfans. he started it ages ago, but then stopped advertising it, even ended up changing name of it so old links don't lead to it. and only advertises his patreon in videos now.
his username there is jake865
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If you don't mind blood and pain, I highly recommend Houston Jones on YouTube.

He's a bodybuilder who does "pain olympics"/purposefully gets hit by painful shit. He's usually in skimpier/revealing clothing, not against showing off his ass (censored) to show a wound, etc.
post something other than bitching, set the bar
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You all know that he is the sexiest
If only I had the words describe how much I want to suck on his tits every time he shows up on my shorts
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Incredibly based. OG overwatch pros were either disgusting cave creatures or insanely fuckable. I'm still not over how thick Rawkus was.
He's the kind of guy who you find nerdy and awkward in person but packs a big dick and gives you heavenly sex :3
Oh, I've seen his videos, he's cute. Is there nothing on him?
I bet he doesn't realize gays all over the world want to suck and fuck him
Doug is mad cute. I unironically want a husband like him
Need him more than I need air. I had to stop myself from going frame by frame in his vids to see the 1/8 of a second that you can see below his torso.
so much samefagging, when did this board get this schizo
I miss the compilations and the screenshot spam every Houston game.
I still have a soft spot for BenBest.

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