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Previous chapter: >>273849393

Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Shinji Ikari Raising Project (Shin Seiki Evangelion: Ikari Shinji Ikusei Keikaku) is a romance comedy manga spin-off of the Neon Genesis Evangelion: Shinji Ikari Raising Project video game. The series was written and illustrated by Osamu Takahashi, author of Isuca, Lust Geass and the currently ongoing Wakaranai Desu Yoshida-san. It was serialized on Shounen Ace magazine from 26 April 2005 to 26 February 2016, and collected in 18 volumes published by Kadokawa Shoten.

The manga diverges from the original Neon Genesis Evangelion, being an erotic romantic comedy full with tropes of the genre.


Even as Gendo plots to submit his entire staff to aerobics training, the sinister SEELE has sent Kaworu Nagisa to sabotage Gendo and Yui's more private objectives . . . which means he's soon enrolling in Shinji's class! Such a pretty boy starts turning heads inside homeroom 2-A . . . even Shinji's -- which causes Rei and Asuka to agree to join forces, on the grounds that Kaworu's presence could cause trouble for NERV. The irony is that, even if that's just their excuse -- they're right!
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no you don't
Me when the same coworker ask for the same things daily
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Yes, I have 2.
Ruri has delicious ZR.
Hard mode: imoutos who won
Yuki won our hearts and minds
"Time to make out with her butt" pose?

>Cucked Void

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Translation is up
Do ninja's clothing defy gravity?
You for reading it. What a Faggot
is getting raped part of the plan?

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You wanna taste the Shampoo?
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So this will end just like the OG 1st series, with Shampoo going back to China after being disillusioned by Ranma showing xer curse.
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Ranma is a really strong warrior and the son of his best friend.
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Nah, it looks like shit, Ranma is too skinny, the censored nudity doesn't help either and I liked the old anime's background art better

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What's your favorite school uniform design?
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It'll never be topped
I'm going to marry the Osaka girl.
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Mahouka is unsurpassed.
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niggers stared flowing in, that's why
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Our magical girl is ready to defeat bad producers!
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What is there to feel guilty about?
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Ohime-sama is such a sweet girl
I wanna give her lots of headpats and chus
What a mature girl going nopan!
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What do you think of this 82 year old?
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Sitting cutely.
True that
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A reminder Panzy Is Into feminizing boys
(You) say that like it's a bad thing.

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Bonney's pretty feet
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hence retcon
shit op dead thread whats next for opg
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honestly we should just let these thread die

is just like 8 people with the same 2 OPs that keep making these threads

Euh! Weheugh!
I look like this

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I love this man so much it's unreal
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Manliest mcman have muscular chest.
It's biologically female, so it's female.
Please don't rape your bro :(
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I love Bertie she's so cool and cute
She (He) needs to learn to wear bras.

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Help, I’m thinking way too much about this horny dork again
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If you're still taking requests any chance of Ueno in a transparent bunny suit?

One like:

Bonus points for it being in front of Tanaka but doesn't have to be.
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I enjoy this pose. Can you do a version minus the damned diaper?
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I liked this idea even though it wasn't a request
here you go
Gonna go to bed so not sure if the thread will be alive by then, but i'd like to do all the requests left. Very tempted to draw Yamashita in that bunnysuit as well. Maybe if the thread dies i'll post them next time I catch an Ueno thread
The mad lad actually did it.
>Very tempted to draw Yamashita in that bunnysuit as well
That's sekuhara.

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Big in Japan
Unknown everywhere else
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>Unknown everywhere else
Maruko-chan was big in Asia
Shin-chan has a fanbase in Asia and elsewhere
Doraemon and Conan are big everywhere BUT the US.
OP is clearly American if they think Conan and Doraemon are only popular in Japan. I can get Maruko-chan and Shin-chan since they're more popular in Asia than the West, but Conan and Doraemon? Fucking Doraemon?
Detective Conan aired on Hungarian TV, but It wasn't popular.
Shinchan, Doraemon, Maruko, and Conan was a massive all around Asia
Only Conan made it to my country and only the manga. It was one of the big three together with Naruto and One Piece.

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What happened to this series?
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still mad at nhk for censoring the elf titties in the beach episode
>they skipped the exposition about how difficult it is to create panties in comparison to regular clothes.
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Well the database is all gone for good now that's for sure.
I am more mad at them for literally writing out the blood, gores and physical stuffs, which was a key part of world building and a main difference between game and reality
Fuck Akatsuki while Minori watches

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Yeah it's fucking gross knowing that your dad is fucking your mom silly.
Those are different lines from the same scene. Have you even read the full scene? Do I need to post every instance this scene was discussed to convince you? Here, anal is even mentioned >>256147259
Even when the anime was airing, people didn't really care about the anal possibility. Someone even directly quoted the passage you're talking about >>260443359
This scene has been known and discussed for a long time before any anal memes came about, so stop pretending you know what you're talking about.
I miss pseudoactive chapter dumps.
>Even when the anime was airing, people didn't really care about the anal possibility.
Yeah, I checked the archive.
First cour: no anal memes whatever
Second cour: they quickly increased more and more when it was happening at the same time as 7th loop from which it transferred.
>This scene has been known and discussed for a long time before any anal memes came about, so stop pretending you know what you're talking about.
That's the point: it didn't lead to it. The anal memes were never started or based on that scene and most people who participated in them only found out about the scene later. The anal memes started because they transferred from 7th Loop and it was a pure magical accent that it had some basis in canon.
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I remember that the most posted LN parts before the anime were picrel and LN5 epilogue and LN6 prologue.
Originally Aurica didn't even TLed that part, but only a MTLed version of the chapter was going around.

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