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Loli is back on the menu
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>childs play
I can at least cope that maaaybe Ken Ishikawa could be considered "distinct" enough from Nagai, esp. with the more immediate appeal his art later on could have for normalfag readers.
What are the actual chances the series continues after 3rei? I feel like he seems kind of burned out already and the chance for a 4rei seems unlikely
Women once again showing they have superior taste

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Alya won and got a second season.
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>she just lie there like a dead tuna
maguro onna sex is literally how japanese have enjoyed sex for centuries.
Did i missed a leak?
I want to fuck that blonde slut so hard.
we know, every male member of her school
That's the major issue with the plot, nobody in middle/high school ever cared about student council bullshit or whatever they called it at your school. I don't know if this is a japanese-only thing where they give too much credit for it, but in general nobody gives a damn.

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Don't let me down now, baby!

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Escaflowne had really good music. Might've been my favorite part desu
It really did, but it's 90's Yoko Kanno so you should expect no less.

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You really can't go wrong with Yoko

It's the 2060's, and Japan has perfected "The MRI System," a piece of neurotechnology that, when given the brain of a person who died within the past 48 hours, can analyze the visual memories contained within; even being able to give scientists a look into what the deceased saw in their final moments. Needless to say, this is a highly regarded - and greatly feared - method that has been placed under stringent restrictions and is only authorized for use by a special police unit, Section Nine, for the investigation of baffling or high-profile crimes.

Chapter 5 (pt. 1)
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What a tweest. Now I'm very confused about who the killer's supposed to be though.
Basically confirming it to the point that I'm wondering if it's a red herring.
Okabe the livestreamer.
Come oooon.
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hey, it's that one guy from the gay brother comic
stay away from thinner,children
fucking little babby
thanks, OP. Just to make sure I read this chapter correct the current mascot's using the pedo to take revenge against the students because they didn't free his brother who had been trapped by the pedo 5 years ago, and he disguised himself from Kataoka's sister by dressing up like a woman, yeah?

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Volume 44

>Courtesan of a Nation Arc (ch386-399 : ep257-261)

beginning of the arc

previous thread
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>Hasegawa being the wise guy of the Yorozuya
I mean, he nailed that role, but not in the direction Gorilla expected it first, I guess.
Kagura being a pervert, again.
Right... this kid appeared... one...time..heh
This faggot returned quite soon, isn't he?

>red bull
>ripping off Dragon Ball

Sorachi has a knack for these kino moments

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Why does Kaju speak in the third person?
More importantly: why does she call her brother onii-sama when she's not Miyuki and they'renot wealthy?
Finally: if she's an imouto, why isn't she as popular as Yuki?
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I could tell on sight anon. You can't because you are a hack who doesn't actually appreciate art. But hell you getting free fap material.
Imagine the dumps she unloads.
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>how can dorobonekos even compete
Consider this.
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Ruby isn't that strange.

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Don't post manga spoilers in this thread please.

How can an idolfag be so smooth?
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Aqua should have assumed the loophole from the beginning because there's no way someone like Himekawa's father could pull Ai
>How many episodes are left?
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You're now Arima Kana.
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I want to be IN Arima Kana, not to be Arima Kana. Being a woman is disgusting and cringe.

Welcome to the Vacation!

Chapter 8
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do you eat the maggot cheese?
He eats maggot cheese profiteroles.
But would you have the same reaction if he was attractive? I don't think I would.
Protect her smile while it's still there
life is but a dream
thanks, OP. We luckily got the ferry off the island, but it was pretty hairy going over
Thanks Op

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Good subs when?
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8. They are probably more willing to talk to a stranger like me and i am curious about what is in their heads.
8. I'm going to make that pussy purr.
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>the conversations between bat and crab
This excites me
It is time.

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leaks soon
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Kagurabachi Shoseki 9/18
Kagurabachi 1 - #87
Kagurabachi 2 - #79
Kagurabachi 3 - #84
this is it bros, we're finally getting out of shoseki
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Seriously, what the hell was this "Pegasus" guy function in Osayumi Punpun manga?

One thing I can notice was that he served as a "informant" about some crucial moments in the manga, but not further as that.

I just dont know what was the purpose of those ENTIRE chapters about him and his group of weirdos.

What did Asano wanted to tell us with this character???

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Alright, so maybe you people would know. I for the life of me cannot recall enough about a manga to find it. My biggest/best clue is not useful in search engines, because the word "light" is just too common and death note exists.

What I'm looking for is complete and has been for years, it's from like a decade back. The main character is a high school aged girl? I don't recall exactly. Somewhere around there. She has some kind of difficult goal she would like to achieve, which I also don't remember. The way she tries to reach her goal is by "being like light" and taking the fastest/most optimal path to that goal, and somehow this becomes some kind of parallel universe hopping nonsense. Because she conceptualizes seeking her goal so well? That's all I've got, and lemme tell ya trying to search based on that is *not* easy. But hey, if somebody knows what I'm talking about or remembers the name of it, great!

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茶時 Eat Em All 2009
I am guitar girl
410,757,864,530 AZUNYAN HUGS
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My roommate made fun of me for watching Sailor Moon. I made fun of him for not being able to pay rant and getting kicked out and then a newer cooler roomate moved in who had like the whole series on bootleg DVD
What seems to be the officer, problem?
This is fake
They never got it right
Mio's tiny room disturbs me on a deeply profound level
Normal sized room, Mio is a giant

What is the ideal breast size for anime girls?
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At least as big as the left ones in your pic.
I'm sorry to hear about your gayness, I hope they find a cure one day.
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The H-scenes are peak wank material and all the action scenes are better looking than most non-H action anime.
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Squeeze her nipples to wake her up

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I skipped the OP
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>i skipped the ed
>i skipped the op
>i'm skipping the op right now
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And now you DIE.
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Skipping the OP is fine if it's uninspired or if it's a bad song, just listen to it once and be happy
Suffering through a bad OP each time will waste 15 minutes of your life in a season with 12 episodes, 32 minutes for 24. It's just not worth it.
Do you also pick the best one for the mood or make up anime just from the OP? I like doing that kind of thing
the only OP i do not skip is samurai champloo

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