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What went wrong?
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you're delusional
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>delusional cope
I guess that's what went wrong.
Stop talking about kimetsu.
So you are ignoring kimetsu because...
Becomes people fight after Shibuya. No, people fight is not the same as battle shounen.
Fights during the Culling Game have no impact compared to Mahito vs Yuji during the Yunpei arc.

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Would you divorce this woman for using too many spices in her cooking?
You can instantly tell somebody's character by whether they appreciate good home cooking or not.
I would divorce her for being morbidly obese
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>divorced housewife but they totally never had sex so she's still pure for the boring mc

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what do you think they talked about when they were alone?
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He did, but it did little to mitigate his being an insufferable cunt. Bakugo and Deku are both shit characters. One is a whiny cuck and the other is a whiny sperg.
Look at that sexy beast, Yoshida appearance next chapter.
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Absolutely based
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All 3 Horsemen, in fact even 4 since Yoot is a different personality, are distinct and prominent characters. Will Death complete the picture? Will she become a new prominent character in the manga?
Death already is. See Fumiko Mifune.

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They should have had a character do a Yata lock on somebody
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I always figured Yugi acquired the re-train at some point off-screen around season 5. Always felt like a good fit considering Kaiba had Chaos Emperor Dragon
He never uses the mill again. Most of the times it's used for giving the opponent an extra card or Contact Fusion.
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Next V-Jump has one of the anime cards as a promo.
I have my doubts this will be good.

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How would you eat Tokiyuki's Takoyaki?
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I have never wanted to be a spear so bad before
Will bald dude eventually return and be accepted into Sadamune's gay clique? I would like to know how he changed after experiencing enlightenment.
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Yes. It's a yaoi/shota convention that will host a special speedy shota event in november.

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New TL chapter is up.
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Miyo isn't playing an MMORPG though.
I am going to fucking slap you.
only a little more until she is a level 99 mafia boss
I'm more curious about where her nipples went
>wielder of names, seeker of thrones, king of swords, breaker of infinities, Wheel smashing lord

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Do girls really look up and settle for their ex once they've hit the wall and run out of options?
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Only Ruby's smooth tight pussy can heal Aqua for good
The police in OnK is incompetent.
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That dialogue is a foreshadowing of AiKane settling down with Kamiki Hikaru with the help of Aqua.
Cry harder rat.
KYS, ilk.

Name a worse ending in anime history.

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Guess nanachi isn't the only dead thing nowadays...
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do you think he purrs?
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Only if pet properly.
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It's cruel that Srajo makes them share underwear

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Kaoru made a thread for you!
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I love all the cute faces the mangaka draws of the lolidols, always fun seeing them pop up
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yeww arisu is the best
Headpats for such a good girl
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Momoka is hot
Very true and factual

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Ceiling Squid is watching you masturbate
I hope she is
I'm masturbating to Chizuru.
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Squid likes vanilla.
When ceiling squid stares into my masturbation, my masturbation stares back.
TL note: my urethra (eye) is facing her and my "ink" is ready to be squirted (if she consents)

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Way to go, my dear shishou
way to go, master
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Bocchi vs Bocchi
This is the ultimate showdown
Of ultimate destiny

Is Illya what's wrong with the anime fanbase?
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Have they sold merch of the Illya teddy bear yet?
Illya tea
Yes, normalfag wannabes are the worst.

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Was Fu a good character?
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He insists upon himself. He feels a little tryhard
He's still alive in XV2 where his main plotline is. Heroes neglected the heck out of his silly craftsmaster persona and turned him into another fighter with 9000 forms.
Dead mf

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Hikki calls another Hikki with a pink hammer goblin to fend off weirdos with minerals for names infiltrating their academy system tomorrow.
Get in here.
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This interview is from June, it's unlikely this audio drama was planned then.
Well yeah, I never said they planned it. I'm just saying that in these interviews there is always tidbits that can become material for episodes or in this case even Audio Dramas. The kanuchan bit? Its a easy way to write new character dynamics between Dot and Amethio trying to get their Pokémon in line despite their natural instincts.
It's gonna end with that art freak going ToT over Poppy, right?
I mean I would.

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