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ABB non-stop
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I am ONCE AGAIN asking you to POST
show pic anon
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This is coming fast. But if I don't send e-mails or make a claim, they don't give a shit. My figis spent a lot of time in the Aduana
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Still delusional

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How do you think these guys felt when this jobber became a new Yonkou a few weeks later and killed their mom?
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Oda went too far with the Shanks dicksucking. He made him unbearable
Hopefully the anime only fans with the Kuma backstory bring on a flood of more of these. I can't get enough
Not enough funds
no because he's dead
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Do you have any other 4chan One Piece memes? I wanna send some to my friend who just started watching One Piece (he is not a 4chan user but I always send 4chan stuff to him, he is sort of used to this place by this point.)

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Previous thread (Chapters 64 and 65):
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>Oh...what a beauty...

>He looks nothing like what they described to me. It's a wonderful dance...

>The white costume is the symbol of determination for men who deal with war. Let's see how Sir Keiji will fight.

>I'm ready! Show yourself, man of Fūma!
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Next three chapters tomorrow.
Arigato, OP.
What an outfit.
That's not healthy of you, mr. head.

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I should've asked TLanon for the 3D cover page version of the last volume. Oh well, let's try this again.

Summary of the last three issues, followed by the current one:
>Volume 1: "The father of high school girl Katsuragi Yako was murdered. It was a brutal murder in a locked room. This mysterious incident throws Yako's daily life into chaos... As the investigation makes no progress, a man calling himself Nougami Neuro appears before the grieving Yako. He says, "I want to solve the ultimate mystery...!!""
>Volume 2: "Taking over a suspicious agency (?), Neuro and Yako have opened the "Underworld Detective Agency"! Their first customer was Aya Asia, a mysterious diva with enthusiastic fans all over the world! What was the nature of her request...?"
>Volume 3: "The Underworld Detective Agency is still going strong today, with the addition of a secretary and a handyman! While they are searching for the kind of "mystery" that Neuro likes, the hair-raising "Red Box" incident occurs! Who is the culprit known as "X" who kidnaps people and changes them into a certain state...?"
>Volume 4: "A series of random bombings have occurred! What is the purpose of the perpetrator "Hysteria" who continues to carry out bombings by any means possible, betraying the predictions of Inspector Usui, who sees Neuro and Yako as his enemies? Neuro reads the message from the perpetrator hidden in the crime card!"
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very shojo
I swear that's a SaGa boss.
>ywn feed Yako all she can eat, and then elbow drop her in bed.
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Chapter 33 time.
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New episode out NOW

More Sakuya to watch
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Char is definitely one of the big influences, especially since this is also Sunrise, but I'm not comfortable with saying if he's the only reason as I've actually not watched much older mecha.
That's not how it works at all. Which is why we never had the same geass twice.
that's assuming they care about adhering that
Well, yes, discussions about shows usually assumes it adheres to it's own canon.
>Which is why we never had the same geass twice.
Yes we have

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More revenge is on the menu! Dump commencing.
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No. That's Maria. Macho man is hallucinating Maria as Okaya
Terminator the teenage years
it makes sense they aren't meant to kill but then the one in the knee shouldn't have penetrated as deep as the eye one
Ah, gotcha. You're right on that. I concede
Hes a real bro but at the same time he's an insane piece of shit.

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Is the series too dark? Started reading when the ending got announced and just reached the part where Midnight gets beaten, gangraped and killed right after Twice got betrayed by his friend and assassinated, with his clone turning to goo in front of his kid friend. What the hell? I thought this would be like Mirko were the author likes showing people gored, but you can tell the others are saving her. There are actual consequence now. What kind of child would go away happy after reading these books?
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Bakugo is asexual.
Also something that has been nagging me ever since that training arc which should go for a bigger scope
>quirk singularity
>...becoming effectively a dropped plot point, much like other things that were shortened or repurposed off like Yakuza, Re-Destro, Eri's quirk etc, instead of getting more intrigue going with another villain groups, Eri not being just an emergency health kit because Deku is a fucking retard, just to name a few from the top of my head. While we're at it, makes the name of the manga ALSO fall short when your focus wasn't even the academy itself, I get that it was a battle shonen but that also felt like it was thrown away to wrap it up ASAP
At the very least, I'm glad that quirks were explained how they came to be, even if the explanation felt a little rushed and out of pocket.
he didn't dump him, kirishima invited todo into their polycule
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speaking of kiribaku, I just want everyone here to know that Shoco already has people making fanart of kiribaku 2.0 in Phantom Busters, and they even have an official ship name in the Japanese fandom now
So uhh, I have a few questions about this anime, so basically I have an 11 year old niece who I watch anime with and I was wondering if this anime would be ok for an 11 year old girl to watch, does it have a lot of gore, blood, mature themes? Fanservice is not that important unless it's very explicit and raw, also mind you I'm talking about the anime only since it looks like something made for kids between 10-14

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The evolution has happened. Do you welcome Welkamo to the team?
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>Welkamo stamps are now present at Sakuragicho Station:
>Did you all watch today's episode of the Pokémon anime? Now that Kuwassu has evolved, Welkamo stamps have been set up at Sakuragicho Station as well!
Welkamo is okay I guess, bit I really hope the duck doesn't evolve again.
>final evo shares the same type as Soublades
>wants to become as strong as Lizardon
Hogator is basically guaranteed to evolve into its final stage.
I'd really really prefer a "proving it doesn't need to evolve to be strong" story for it.
Loudbone isn't very popular either, while Hogator is one of the top 10 gen 9 Pokemon I think.
Maybe, just maybe, they're telling their story without being shackled by cynical decisions imposed purely by popularity.

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Today, I will be storytiming the drawings of Kiuchi Nobuo, a retired member of the Japanese Air Corps during WW2. These drawings depict his experiences as a prisoner of war in an USSR detention camp and were divided into five stories, representing different time periods during his detainment and eventual repatriation.

I will accompany each drawing with a title and description of the scene given by Nobuo in his website.
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>I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth
>"This picture is pretty, but that day we were caught in a snowstorm and we had to work in black darkness."
>We couldn't see anything at arm's length. Many were harmed that day. Death stared at my face when I fell off the steep. My friends supported me while I was coming back. My first thought after coming to myself was: "Is it here I am destined to die?!"
That horse's ancestors survived Napoleon's Russian campaign
A strong lineage
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>"If you always work at temperature of - 15 ーC you start to get used to it. However there were lots of men, knocked down by frost."
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>Icicle tears
>"The war was over and dying here... so stupid... We called them, but none of them came back..."
>Winter temperature in East Europe can be as low as -25ーC and -30ーC and for natives of Japan life under the tents did not come easy. Somedays in a morning we were discovering that some of our friends were stiffed with cold.

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Why did Caiman never fuck Nikaido?

He gets handed this perfect 10/10 Tomboy GF and he doesn't even try to fuck her? Is he gay?
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he gives her the ick
Same reason I also don't want to fuck my best friend, it would be unbelievably weird.
>Ebisu having a crush on Fujita
got more brother/sister vibe than a crush
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>Still till today Im not able to understand what caiman is, and i think I read the complete manga 10 years ago.
same here, I just assume he was a schizo who got tricked and turned into caiman
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>by the series creator
learn something new every day

Next episode preview.
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Nobody cares about her.
We want Miichiru.
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Just got hired as Subaru's throne. About to start training. What should I expect?
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This only matters because yuricancer hasn’t been banned from /a/ yet
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NinaMomo forever
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A new chapter came out but flew under the radar since Kadokawa was hit by ransomware.
I’ll post from my phone and post real raws when I get home
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When did Yotusba start being able to speak using katakana?

I've been rereading in Japanese, and she didn't use any katakana at the start.
I feel like that's not right, but I also don't remember paying attention to her katakana
I mean she calls Jumbo ジャンボ in volume 1 page 9 if that counts
and then she says とーちゃんはダメ on page 11
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all of that is in contrast to english, where "corn" ("the plant zea mays") is a direct descendant of proto-indo-european "*ǵr̥h₂nóm" ("any kind of grain in general"), and the two are still clearly related
though the exact meaning of "corn" differs between english dialects
the plant zea mays is in the us and in canada called "corn" (initially "indian corn," but by the mid-1700s the "indian" part had been dropped)
but everywhere else it's called "maize," with "corn" meaning "any kind of grain" like it always has

when the jikun is juku!

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>Peacemaker looks like this
>the black guy still gets Haley

What is even the point of this character?
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It's more like stage acting as opposed to natural speech for the most part, but that's true of movies as well. So why are movies, tv shows, plays, and anime itself popular if everyone in them sounds cringe to any native speaker?
Lmao, Japanese in movies/TV shows/plays is nothing like the anime Japanese.
Hahaha fucking weebs can't even understand the language they think the voice acting is better in
Nip voices are fucking awful. Either squeaky like they inhaled helium or hilariously low sounding like a 15 year old trying to sound tough
That's not even remotely true. You might just be a retard.
Ha ha yeah, not like the dubs where 8-16 year-old girls sound like 50+ chain smoking hookers because that's who voices them and they can't even be assed to act or change their voice to fit a character.

How did it get so popular?
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bright colors and flashy animation, kids love that kind of shit and kids=money
i want to impregnate shinobu.
Shut up harlot
It's actually good. Don't be contrarian.

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