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It's Akari's birthday! I almost forgot about it...
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wha.wh..what's chinatsu doing ?
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I wonder what really happened.
Is Sakurako or Himawari more accepting of her love for the other? Everybody around them is well aware and her genius sisters especially. If Himawari has some level of acceptance of her own love then drunk brat could have confessed and that's her reaction.
Chitose already did drunk rape (it was alcohol not chocolate fuck you dogakobo) years ago so there's precedent, but then it's also part of her character (even if namori forgot) so other people doing it too feels wrong.
Maybe salurako just started stripping her clothes off or something like that.

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Why did Caiman never fuck Nikaido?

He gets handed this perfect 10/10 Tomboy GF and he doesn't even try to fuck her? Is he gay?
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he gives her the ick
Same reason I also don't want to fuck my best friend, it would be unbelievably weird.
>Ebisu having a crush on Fujita
got more brother/sister vibe than a crush
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>Still till today Im not able to understand what caiman is, and i think I read the complete manga 10 years ago.
same here, I just assume he was a schizo who got tricked and turned into caiman
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>by the series creator
learn something new every day

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Just got hired as Subaru's throne. About to start training. What should I expect?
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This only matters because yuricancer hasn’t been banned from /a/ yet
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NinaMomo forever
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GetBackers Volume 13 Chapter 104
Previous chapter 103 >>269151842

Apologies for the late dump today!
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Amazing middle panel.
Thanks, OP.
Thank you for posting.

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So are we finally done with the bad romcom era?
I don't really mind the genre as a whole, but in the past few years it just became
>guy with borderline autistic social skills meets a girl that's super into him because reasons
Seriously Japan, just start producing something more original now that there's going to be a vacuum.
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Miss Nagatoro stopped toying with him
It doesn’t have to be sex but just have both of them get into it. Nothing worse than when something lewd happens to the MC and he rejects it.
The fact you would even try to compare the two is an insult to common decency.
After 20 years??? Wtf why
Now that this shit's over can Nanashi go back a make a sequel to that Mami human toilet whore doujin. The single best Madoka doujin ever, It's been 5 years I'm cumming to it blasted at least 10 loads to it.

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the impossible has happened the dubtitles are gone
also ontan was farming those reaction images this episode
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>what would i do if i was on an alien planet
i supose my best to not get killed would be create something artistic, hopefully it gets troughth the language barrier.

>manipulated by some evil deity
get some intel on said deity, avoid getting too fucked over, see if i can bait into going against some other deity, and hopefully it gets keked and i go free.
I think different in that regard. I don't think much about getting away from it rather fantasizing about experiencing it out of curiosity. For the alien planet I neither want or do I believe that I could do anything about it, I just love to imagine myself (or a character I thought up) exploring that foreign bizarre setting. Same with the evil deity. It's not real so why would I want to stop it? I want to imagine how it is to be some dark messiah or some shit and then slowly realize that some bodyless entity is brainwashing you. It's just cool. I don't want peace and wish-fulfillment. Or maybe experiencing crazy shit is my wish-fulfillment, not sure.
she's zettai
I am a loner virgin who was never in love with a real person myself but part for why I like this series is that the friendship of the MCs reminds me a lot of a friendship I experienced at the same age. Even the crazy babbling and the games. It was the last time that I had a genuine friendship with someone and it was 15 years ago, so I want to re-experience that part. Normal friendships aren't so common in anime, anime focus on romances or you get the exaggerated friendship stuff like in battle shounen or fantasies that are too fantastic to bear similarities to real life.
I hate Oran.

Read a couple Doujins, the plot seemed good enough. How does the actual manga hold up?
I don't really give much of a fuck about the manga/anime except that the bara doujins are good and Reimei is great.
What happened to this artist? They basically disappeared.
The manga is great, it's consistently good to the end.
honestly probably one of my favorite manga, I was thinking for a while there Japan was incapable of sticking the landing after so many disappointments. Consistently had great characters and the base premise was real interesting.
I wish they came back...

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Make and request /a/rt
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He probably wants Pitzfag to take the bait.
Almost dead
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Not OR but that's pretty sugoi.
Pretty much, although part of it is just being contemporary.

For me it's Clotho.
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Shamiko is training to defeat the evil magical girls and absorb their power to restore her clans former glory!!!
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Practicing her one-hit K.O.
This demon sure packs a punch!
>guided missiles
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Obligatory Pan appreciation thread <3
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Pan is SHIT.
The absolute state of SENILEku

The author, a high school teacher, recounts his 12 years on "night patrol" in Yokohama City, where he comes face to face with youth dealing with issues ranging from self-mutilation to drug abuse.

4th Night: The Phantom on the Swing
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Such is life in a world of imperfect, and sometimes evil, humans
Thank you for posting.
Swings are great
>Yokohama city
Why do urban people do this? If you look at a satellite image of the area it's all just one big concrete Tokyo area. Why not just call it all Tokyo if it's all the same shit?
Thanks for posting.
It's weird how different Japan before the 2000s is from Japan from the 2000s. It's like day and night, I wonder what cuase that shift.
Wasn't Yokohama a separate city from Tokyo during that time period?

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We haven't had a thread in a while since the anime ended so let's have a manga thread and talk about the last few chapters.
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That page flip effect from pages 13-15 was great. Too bad MangaSee doesn't have a double page view.
Yea, someone should do fananimation of it. It would look amazing.
That's sick.
And very sexy.

Reminder that Esemori is not the father.
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I wish she straddled me...
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Just realized...
23yo Nagi with ponytail looks a lot like JC Yuuko.
Mostly. They did what no adult ever did for them by taking action to fix their shit/help their son and broke the curse. It was too late for them, but not for Reiji (and Nagi). Their abyss was beaten.

Kinda yeah, most likely intentional as part of the parrallel between Akira-Yuko and Reiji-Nagi. Litteraly "Eeeeeeer what could have been".
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Just read the last volume (from ch. 174 onwards).
Glad my girl Yuko got her last moment, what a kino character. But the actual ending was ... underwhelming on first reading. Maybe I'll need it to sit more but right now it feels like 3 chapters are missing.
I expected a bad ending from the last few volumes but it didn't really matter all too much to me, because the series is 90% mood/feelings/atmosphere for me.
The amount of trauma, the constant tired "I have given up" faces, the fucked-up-ness of some relationships, it's all some grade A sufferingporn that I love to wallow in.

So, I went from "This is kino" to "Actually, this is badly written" to "Actually, this is fuarking kino" to "This is badly written but I feel it". Reiji in particular is a great character, with all his anti-hero flaws.
Call it bias, I don't care, but I enjoyed Ryos wild ride and gonna continue to finish my collection (9 volumes as of now).

Best girl? Cuteko of course
Peak? Flashback Namek
Of course it was underwelming. After all that talk about committing suicide unsuprisingly Reiji doesn’t follow through because he ran out of reasons to be a little bitch once he had Nagi by his side again and everyone else out of his way for good. Should have just jumped into the river where he belonged since after indirectly causing so much damage to the people in his life he doesn’t deserve to live.

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Vol 01
>>268838606 Chapter 01
>>268869074 Chapter 02
>>268911974 Chapter 03
>>268956576 Chapter 04

Vol 02
>>268983556 Chapter 05
>>269015685 Chapter 06
>>269057841 Chapter 07
>>269088912 Chapter 08

Vol 03
>>269121589 Chapter 09
>>269164157 Chapter 10

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Im a sucker for electricity/ Speed based characters
Thanks again anon.
Thank you for posting.

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