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Chapter 31.
The kids are up to mischief again.
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The end text here is a play on "tokimeku" which can mean "to enjoy prosperity" which is about Ashida quickly calling out Kai and Fuyuri, but it can also mean "to get heart palpitations" which hints at Fuyuri getting flustered from being kabedon'd.

And that's all for this month.
Next time, it's an end of year party!
Thank you for the chapter.
Haruru = Uomi/Kotomi
Rui = Mitsuba/Mori
Ayumu = Kaede
Akina = Shino/Toki
Hoshino = Hata

Who is Fuyuri supposed to be?
Have they fucked yet

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Are we ready to admit that Part 2 isn't very good?
>Denji's character arc is a dollar store version of his part 1 arc
>Asa stopped feeling like a real person after chapter 135
>Nayuta died the moment she actually became interesting
>Most side characters are cardboard cutouts
>Plot beats happen with no rhyme or reason. Factions like Public Safety act in completely contradictory ways depending on whatever fits the plot better at any given moment
>"Romance" is teased as a carrot-on-a-stick to bait reader engagement despite barely any development after 86 chapters
>Terrible art
>Zero likable characters
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If getting dragged to a brothel wasn't enough what is
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All in his mind? No need to remind us your failed predictions.
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>denji still loves reze and even after all asa did for denji he still doesn't consider her.
It is not that deep, the one that opens her legs for him first will be winner.

In fact, the second that opens her legs will also win because Denji doesn't believe in the concept of loyalty.
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It's only overrated because he has no idea what he was doing on top of not being able to do what he wanted to her.

As a dominant guy, casual sex is usually shit if you're meeting someone new, since you have to have sex the "normal" way or risk her calling rape. I'd rather have a steady relationship going as long as I can use her like a toy.
Barem knew they were outside and their plans because they reached some sort of agreement, obviously.

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Hair down is too effective
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I want everyone In the kunoichi class to beat my balls until I'm crying like a little bitch!
Did she forget to remove the bandages? I'd gladly help her remove them
I killed her
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>what if Pokemon, but with cute girls?

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I miss Lotte.
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>be Aura
>shows up for a couple of minutes
>gets loads of fanart
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Aura? More like WHORA
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Did the backlash cause the mangaka to get afraid of even hurting the characters?
The way the last chapter was handled was just plain dumb.
Sex is easy to get it just turns out most men don't like casual sex with random slags that could have diseases
I read a theory that things like foot fetish or armpit fetish have been getting more popular is because people subconsciously know they have less chance of disease than anal or vaginal.
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Welcome everyone! It's time to discuss some Generation NEXT!
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Kaiba absolutely would have his figure be bigger then Obelisk. Blue Eyes would also get a bigger figure then Obelisk.
Maybe I'm just nostalgia blinded, but stakes don't feel nearly as impactful as in DM. The first 30 or so episodes are really just dueling for the sake of dueling filler/character establishing. In DM they did a similar thing, but it was wrapped in the Duelist Kingdom arc that came with its own stakes. It's why the DA North Manjoume mini-arc is so memorable, something actually happens to shake up the status quo and how we perceive these characters. Granted, I'm not at Yubel yet. This is just my perspective having seen the stuff shown in these threads.
Do they ever directly compare the core Elemental HEROs to the main cast? Early on I thought they would clearly establish Burstinatrix as Asuka, Clayman as Hayato, Wildman as Tyranno, etc.
I think they are actually millennials
The literal 2nd episode has Judai (in his imagination) reviving Flame Wingman with Monster Reborn despite the 1st episode saying
>Flame Wingman can only be Summoned by Fusion Summon
Or shit like Winged Kuriboh counting its own battle in which it is destroyed as part of the prevent battle damage stuff.

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Time for a fun adventure
>The Yoshinomiya Municipal High School 2nd year students embarked on what they'd hoped was an educational trip with their friends and away from family but it was not meant to be… Their ship was hit by unexpected rough seas and crashed on a strange island! The surviving students are trying to understand what happened but soon they realize they are not alone on this island and the locals don't appear to be very friendly to strangers!!!
Chapter 1 and 2
Chapter 3
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It gets pretty lewd later on
Do any of the girls get cannibalized or eaten?
Thank you for posting.
It’s straight up rape hentai

One girl gets eaten by a shark as part of a sacrificial ritual pretty early on, but the gore is mostly hidden. Severals dudes though get their dick bitten off during a gladiator tournament thing. And one poor kid gets his dick cut off while trying to fight off a rapist.

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Happy Yunoween!
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What a nice view.
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Is that a K6?

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Belphegor has lost. Or has he? What will motivate him to keep fighting Father-kun?
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I mean feel other series have told it a bit better, but can't think of name of it. But sometimes I feel series overly hate on suicidal people that it comes off mean spirited. I remember one where basically they told the kid he should have just fought back and the angel purposefully was a dick to him. An wanted him to suffer like seeing his own father kill himself because he killed himself

An yeah stuff like that is cringe, as it really over simplifies the persons reasoning and nature of the act. Reason you'd do it is to be free of all that extra stuff and burdens why would you think about the next parts. Idk it's all about how it's portrayed plus message was less suicide is bad and more that if you've got anything then cling to it and keep going because giving up is the easy way out.

Though message is greatly lost because of the whore, and her basically using her desire and forcing it onto him without any real reasoning or argument. At least bel had a argument for his dream world idea she just denied it and went to saying I love you to the priest.
The fuck is her problem?
She's a nepo baby that is secretly a misandrist who can't see she's the asshole and can't truly love people.

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Would you fuck a Pokémon?
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One of her moves is unironic cock and ball torture
Depends on whether or not it's humanoid enough and can pass the harkness test.
Already have

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This is what real yuri looks like, we should get more shows with girls having sex with each other, preferably rape. Bloom Into Shit? Bitch from Mercury? Revolutionary Girl Faketena? Get that trashy romance cuckshit outta here.
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Get fucked. Literally saved the day.
Literally ruined the series
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How dare you? I'm aghast.
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Those are unmistakably child-bearing hips

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Pantiesbros we won
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Is this related to yuruyakauto? Some screens look like his art style.
I really like this series so I'm glad it got animated and seems like it will be uncensored. it's like to love ru where every chapter is the same joke but I'll never get tired of it. people complaining about the plot just don't get it.
has liden done any sexy animes before? they did killing bites but it only had one instance of nipples. who is the director?
if I wanted just mindless sexy stuff I would read hentai or use Pixiv.
I want to care about my characters, see them grow, improve.
I don't like the MC nor the FeMC.
So stick to authors that do that and shut the fuck off, this is not for you, as easy as that.

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What happened to Anna? What is she doing, and why is she doing it?
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It's all Karen's fault, none of this would’ve happened if that boob woman didn’t show up.
anna, you come and ask me girl
to set you free, girl
you say he loves you more than me
so I will set you free
go with him
She always looks cute
Well more than usual.
Lemon losing Mitsuki was far more traumatic than Yanami losing Sosuke

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Chapter 54: https://imgur.com/a/lIw5vfJ (Cubari down or Idk)

Other series updates: https://mega.nz/folder/QWdCGIgC#_nr--LQC2U2QNcG5StQksw
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He was a kid at the time, he probably didnt even know such a thing was possible, remember that for how essential a lot of technology has become for people, some cant even save a pdf.
>He doesn't embrace the ephemerality of the internet
Isnt 4chan enough for that?
No. Life is ephemeral. Archival is unnatural.
Humans as always, screaming against fate

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