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What would Yujiro do if he ended up in the world of Versus? How would he fare if he ended up there?
Would he try to work with other humans or be on his own? Would he get himself killed or would he be perceptive about his environment and not act in a suicidal way?
How would he feel? I imagine he would at least start fighting with his techniques instead of just his physical strength.
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Poseidon can also resist hax such as the petrification of a medusa with brute force alone, all she could petrify of him was a superficial layer of skin.
Yujiro sucks ass
One of his hobbies is flicking literal mountains like pebbles across the planet till they come back as pebbles. Mind you, Torikos world the size of Jupiter, that monkey throws mountains across Jupiter.
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If that's the case then if we actually take what's said by the characters into account that should put him at solar system level right? After all he was talking about stars going supernova in general not even comparing which means that even the most powerful supernova doesn't even compare to the planet.

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Will season 4 be Sxarp's season?
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>Sxarp (cute)
Rude implications.
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imagine life without chino
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It's going to be ok, when you're feeling tired onee-chan will hug you.

>i shall now proceed to pleasure myself with this maple
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I want her to stay a loli permanently
Hard for the fanbase to relate maybe
I had fun watching this show, needs more PVP events
Will she confess one day or is maple still too dense?
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In the end the Thunderbolt Fantasy was the friends we made along the way.

Hello /a/ future Duck here from the end of the series. I have time traveled back in time to episode 3.

Phew, I'm glad Ken forgave me for setting him up with Kguy in season 3. But at least he sees now it was all part of the larger plan to have him and Kguy conceive Shou. Dan Fei is still upset mind but it's not she had to raise her step-son after he was sent back in time.

Everyone back at camp was shocked when Locust thought I was Mantis in the last episode and it turned out it was the real Mantis. Glad our little chunni got a good end, anyone still holding MANTIS COIN called it right.

Kguy still seething.
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Does she make him sing while doing it?
Why do you think there's so many WHOA WHOA WHOA in the theme songs?
Wait for your turn, we have to repopulate the underworld first.
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The bulli was a necessary part of her path to redemption.

Why aren't you watching her show?
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Space is a horrific place full of eldritch creatures. In the distant future, 4 evils run through the endless space: Zaha Sanko, his living backpack Avakian, alluring Shimada Death, and mysterious xXxHellMaster98xXx.

Solar Mass (company and religious cult) ordered to destroy them and looks like they have enough resources to bring this plan to life. Will they succeed? Let's see

Chapters 1-5>>271407903
Chapter 6 >>271596095
Chapters 7-11 >>271635740
Chapters 12-13 >>271821093
Chapter 14 >>271892321
Chapters 15-16 >>271925030
Chapters 17-21 >>271995587
Chapters 22-26 >>272165259
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>Even mini-Moja is squinting
I'm dai-ing
Shimada Death may be my favorite super powerful character in fiction.
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My cute retarded child
From running a pawn shop and making movies to owning 20 stars. A real self made woman.

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Last chapter! It's time to say goodbye to the cute potato, we won't see her ever again.
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God damn that's cute
Never trust a boy wearing shorts
Thanks for the dump. This is a really nice find. I'll look out for the serialization.
This is really cute so I hope he doesn't stray too far in the serialization.
Yeah, her insane death rant stood out simply because they are so young.
The antics and behaviors in this chapter were endearing but if it was done by high-schoolers it would simply be retarded.

Unless the writer is aiming for a straight up surreal gag manga full of mental cases- like "Daily Lives of High school boys" or "Plastic (+) Nee-San" - it's best to keep the characters young.

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月曜日のたわわ その505 『横着の代償』
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Again it remains to be seen how manipulative she's written to be. I'm pretty certain she'll at least bring her account back after acting all smug and teasing him about losing it during the test because she deactivated it, but whether or not she's been planning all of this is still up in the air.
She already had the account as stated >>272339179 in panel 1. She really is just some pervert who wanted to put herself up on the internet and later realized her rival was following her.
I don’t actually
It's Tuesday, though
Yeah, and?

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So how long until we get Canon mating press panels? Full family cosplays with the lil ones is the endgame right?
wait, they confessed?
nice, really nice
It'll be over in 5 chapters tops

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moshi moshi?
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Dump it.
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Why does she not understand that breeding with her own brother can lead to disabled children?
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it almost never does if it's the first generation to inbreed
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>It's an aristocrat thing you couldn't understand, just like having foursomes with the maids isn't cheating, just recreational use of wealth
why the fuck did I greentext lmao
They're not blood related, retard.

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They're great. Especially heterosexual ones.
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Try google image search
It was absolutely no secret that she was a girl though.
Must be uncomfortable.
So are bras, unless made of witchcraft. You can't win hating how you're shaped unless you like the pain of fighting it.

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Post winners
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Chapter 657 - Severed Head
Last Thread (653-656): >>
The Beginning: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/246835384
Previous Chapters: https://desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/Daily%20One%20Piece%20Chapter/
Arc List: https://pastebin.com/Q3A4ZetN

We are on the cruise!
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me on the bottom right
I love low rise jeans
Why did Punk Hazard Nami only change her top and hair? Feels weird how Oda made her wear the same exact jeans.
Usopp is so lucky
He really really wanted the cosplayers to wear them

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What does /a/ think of Manchuria Opium Squad? Has anyone here read it?
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Hell ya, loved this manga when I read it last year. I gotta catch up on the new chapters.
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All I know is that it starts by telling you the cool character dies and the lame MC, any not pathetic reader doesn't give two shits about, becomes cool... eventually. No competent writer does that. When you have taste that's all you need to know how good, or in this case mid, a piece of fiction is.
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>If opium is this powerful, how come everyone uses other drugs?
Because opium has become regulated and is actually not that powerful compared to modern synthetic opioids like meth, heroine, and morphine. Then there are synthetics which blows those out the water. Fent in particular is super cheap too.

Also it's not like alcohol where beer/wine have less alcohol content than say moonshine. You just get fucked up quicker due to higher dose but it's the same formula. With newer opioids it's higher highs, lower lows, massively more addictive, and cheaper to produce.

So that's like saying why isn't the model T still popular because any used car made after 00s would be massively better than a model T.

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