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I love this little gremlin
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Why does this gremlin not wear panties?
They cost money
She could save a lot of money in rent food and water bills by living with me.
worse, she's indian
I'd let her poo in my loo if you know what I mean
Wrong, she’s tan
she's italian
no, just a demon
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Out of 10!
once you pay yer rent!
Demons don't deserve pity, rape Jahy
is there even enough material for S2?
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I command thee, KNEEL!
Where rent?
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How much would I have to pay to use tiny jahy's body like a fleshlight?
She'd demand an amount suspiciously equal to one month's rent, but instead of paying it immediately spends it all on the impulse buy endcaps at the store
you got a triple seven & then twice two!
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It's preposterous that I, the Dark Realm's second-in-command, should pay money to some dumb human girl!
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So no rent?
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No rent, what you gonna do about it?
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I'm destitute and I'm not even a cute lolibaba
>ugly xitter emoji poster
Get your simpsons looking trash back to your shit site.
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But I saved it from /a/ thread when Jahy was airing or soon thereafter.
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Kill demons. Behead demons. Roundhouse kick a demon into the concrete. Slam dunk a demon baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a demons food. Launch demons into the sun. Stir fry demons in a wok. Toss demons into active volcanoes. Urinate into a demons gas tank. Judo throw demons into a wood chipper. Twist demons heads off. Report demons to the IRS. Karate chop demons in half. Curb stomp pregnant black demons. Trap demons in quicksand. Crush demons in the trash compactor. Liquefy demons in a vat of acid. Eat demons. Dissect demons. Exterminate demons in the gas chamber. Stomp demon skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate demons in the oven. Lobotomize demons. Mandatory abortions for demons. Grind demon fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown demons in fried chicken grease. Vaporize demons with a ray gun. Kick old demons down the stairs. Feed demons to alligators. Slice demons with a katana.
Put a bomb in a demon's mouth. Throw knives at demons. Inflate demons until they pop. Send demons into a blackhole. Castrate demons. Feed demons poisoned food. Force demons to walk the plank. Push demons into a pit. Kneel on a demon's neck. Curse demons with a spell. Stuff demon babies into the washing machine and turn it on. Flatten demons with a tank. Pop a demon's car tire. Strike demon children with a ruler. Make demons swim in the Mariana Trench. Cut off a demon's limbs. Airdrop demons into Antarctica. Throw demons off the boat. Pressurize demons into fine crystals. Light fireworks in a demon's ass. Falcon-punch a demon in the face. Make demons into fiction. Blow demons heads off with grenade launchers. Blow demons brains open with a sniper rifle. Lock demons in a cage and drown them underwater. Nail demons to a cross and stab them. Run over demons with a tank feet-first. Crush demons with a press. Attack demons with acid. Boil demons in a pan. Lock demons inside a brazen bull. Burn demons alive. Drag demons across a wall of spikes. Pour molten lava on demons. Quarter demons. Impale demons on a pike. Tenderize demons with a mallet. Ionise demons in a mass spectrometer. Irradiate demons in a nuclear reactor. Spaghettify demons in a black hole. Curse demons with the necronomicon. Trap demons in purgatory. Bang a demons testicles with a spiked bat. Throw demons off a twelve story building. Freeze dry demons in the vacuum of space. Fry demons with power lines. Feed demons ricin. Kneecap a demon with a twelve gauge. Re enslave demons. Sell demons organs on the black market. Run demons over with an eighteen wheeler.
You wouldnt do something like that to someone who is this cute
Throw demons into the grand canyon. Burn demons with jet engine exhaust. Beat demons to death with a tire iron. Cauterise a demons asshole with a blowtorch. Sacrifice demons to the sun god. Drop demons out of a plane at fourty thousand feet. Feed demons to sharks. Load a demon into a cannon and shoot the demon at a concrete wall. Keel Haul demons under a galleon. Disembowel demons with a bayonet. Strap a demon to a cruise missile and launch it at a demon neighbourhood. Drop demons into chernobyl reactor building number 4. Hang, draw, and quarter demons. Lure demons in with fried chicken and trap them with bear traps. Force a demon to learn calculus, then kill the demon anyway. Atomize demons with a powerfist. Throw demons into vats full of FEV virus. Choke demons with barbed wire. Throw pianos at demons from 40-story buildings. Throw demons at pianos from 40-story buildings. Deep-freeze demons in liquid nitrogen then shatter them with a hammer. Tie demons to ICBMs then fire them at Israel. Shoot demons with syringe guns. Defecate on demon food stamps. Make demons pay child support in blood. Build a newton cannon and fire demons into the orbit. Put advertisement posters on demons then nail them to their bodies with a hammer. Irradiate demons with depleted uranium. Launch a demon with a trebuchet. Send a demon exploring titanic in a cheap submarine. Use a demon as a crash test dummy. Tie demons onto growing bamboo shoots. Film an entire jackass movie on a demon. Trample demons.
Why do you want more censored adaptation? Do you hate loli?
pay renbts
unnacurate as fuck
Shut up niggerfaggot
Suck dick, censorship supporter. You are part of the reason why loli fanservice is dead in anime.
Thanks for showing your true colors, moralfaggot.
I'm not the second guy fucking schizo, kill yourself
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because Jahy is funny
That's why she needs to stay in the medium where she's not being censored to normal faggots.
>>waaah waaaaah i don't have a leg to stand on

yeah fuck that dude
>loli hater is also a dicksucker
What a surprise.
I don't hate loli, just you homie

Jahy kicks ass. You are just a faggot defending the purity to a no one on the internet.
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what mango?
The Demon Lord's Daughter is too Kind.
cute and funny
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She's actually Puerto Rican
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Jahy inspired me to never pay renbts. Unfortunately, i'll have to take a loan if i want a house
Jahy, no! Those Japanese gutters are filthy on the inside!
Then why do you support censorship of her?

Someone spoil one thing for me, did she ever tell the truth to her underling of her situation when the underling became super rich in comparison? I want to guess no otherwise we wouldn't see her in a cute shirt anymore and no more frenemy landlord
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Imagine the lesbian sex!
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Yeah that happened several chapters damn near two years ago I think. It's chapters 72-74 if you ever feel like just catching that portion
she is also cute
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You don't have to take out a loan.
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Honestly, not a bad living. Yeah, it's a shithole, but it's a free deluxe shothole.
Looks cozy but you can't tell the temperature, air quality nor humidity from a photo. Ambient noise might be bad too, but at least you don't have annoying neighbors.
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>Feeding Jahy
I do not believe in Jahy.
This looks horrible and i would never willingly live like this.
I would never willingly live.
I could use good fortune right now
How dare you, Tenchou is hetero and also my wife
Aren’t there a lot of bureaucracy that requires a home address?
Depends on the country I suppose. The more advanced digitalization, the less necessary a physical mailing address is. Besides, a poste restante address will probably be accepted.
I'm terminally online anyways so I wouldn't mind living there. If you're in the dark with a monitor then everything else might as well not exist. The only issue would be the air quality.
She's too big there, also small Jahy is buck naked under her big shirt
i'm not sure you understand 10 square feet
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i'm not sure you understand my fondness for claustrophobic underground places
that is more then 10 square feet, its atleast 22 square feet
Based dwarfmaxxer, Jahy could learn something from you.
Speaking of bureaucracy how does Jahy get by with no record of her existence
Go read Excel Saga.
Anon she clearly lives in a slum, I doubt the sisters ran any kind of background check on her. Or if Tenchou had planned to, dropped it after seeing how precious she is. Paid in cash, she might not even be on the books officially. Hope the Jap IRS don't come looking too closely...
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Whenever jahy does extra well at work tenchou comes over and fucks her all night as a bonus while landlady, druj and guava watch jealously from the windows.
She gets arrested regularly
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my queen...
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my wife...
it's mister lizard!!
Kneeling so I can give Jahy a kiss!
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hug the jahy
my love...
I want to hold her closer than that. I want to feel her heartbeat.
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it's mister lizard!!
Plenty of people will collect your mail for you, but don't want to share a house with you without paying rent.
dude uses company net, someone probably knows and is just pitying the dude
IT guy who is managing company net and knows what other people do with it wont snich guy like this when he could blackmail him like all other dumbasses who use it on personal things
If I were that guy, I'd just say that it's my break and ready room if anyone found it.
I still remember her eating that meat bun and the angelic noises she made.
Who's this cute jahy girl
I wonder how things like this would work out.
Adult with no documents or register is found. Illegal immigrant who ditched papers in the hope she can bulshit the system would be the logical conclusion. What do about it? Can’t deport since you don’t know where to deport to. Could arrest but still nothing to do after that. Give a pity visa? Register as some kind of refugee? Such individual could be actually some local who managed to sneak past the system. (Baby never registered raised in some isolated region or cult group for example). Talking about it what do if a child is found on these conditions? Give the child citizenship as an abandoned child?
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Really makes you think
Wholesome and based.
Maybe he just doesn't feel the need to snitch? After all, if anon is a real janitor and his job is keeping the building clean and in working order, he probably doesn't cause any problems, unlike say, a junkie who's just there leeching, being unsanitary, and a liability.
A very powerful and important person that you don't want to cross.
is this an erotic loli series or wholesome loli series?
To be honest not much of either. It is mostly a comedy.
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quick post more adult Jahy, looking for new ones to add to my adult jahy collection
Technically she is always adult. A 13 years old who is fully grown in height and breast size is not an adult, a short and flat with a cutesy face 21 years old is not a child. Being adult is not measured in height or cup size. You can argue she is mentally immature but so are middle aged karens.
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but you didn't post a jahy
It's hard to post Jahy on a blue board
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You know that Jahy is a bad girl, right?
Sounds reasonable
Yeah, bad at collecting crystals, bad at restoring the demon realm, really what can she do right
>what can she do right
Delivery health services
... Which board?
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More like Jaheek
>that doujinshi with the girl in Brazilian carnival almost naked outfit
i love her
I can't believe Jahy was killed by golf...
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Easier access
Pay the fucking rent you non-whitey.
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I pay next week, I swear, just one more week
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