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massive head
I need you, Frieren
2 more days until leaker-kun tells us about the new chapter
We just got a letterrr
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When demons think about starting shit
What is this effect called? When the setup for a characters death couldn't be more obvious, but everyone is somehow convinced it'll never happen. And then when it finally happens, they'll say yeah it was obvious I knew all along. I've seen this happen in fandoms over and over and over again. And it's happening again with Serie.
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will I ever see her again?
>open it up
>it exposes who was pulling the strings
>we get backstory for new character
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hi guys i like this elf and her imoeccable fashion sense
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it's gonna be a new character isnt it. It might have to be
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Why was she so defensive about a girl seeing her naked? Does she hide any secrets under her clothes?
She's pansexual
Keeps getting kicked out of bakeries for slicing all the bread.
Neah. But at least we'll see the other one who looks like her and is more competent plus has a the sexier outfit.
but will she be in an age-gap relationship?
she has a minor role in the macht arc
why does she sit like that
No she doesn't, that's another character.
She will appear in the beginning of S2 though, going North with her 30yo+ love
she is neurodivergent
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Weapon of mass destruction
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She's the kind of cunt that would fart and then say it's Fern.
>someone farts
>it's not the fat fuck
let's be real here
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shitty artist got übel's size wrong
Frieren's underwear probably smells bad.
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i love ubel
ubel smells nice
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After months of procrastination I'm finally caught up
It's great to see my boy Sein again
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it's christmas season soon
They're both covering their privates because Fern is a known pervert.
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thanksgiving comes first
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Ferns favorite holiday
>anime girl :)
>anime girl: dolphin shorts :D
HUEG head
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only sein's prayers are heard
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>Freyja is known "the most glorious of the ásynjur/Aesir", that Freyja has a dwelling in the heavens called Fólkvangr, and that "whenever she rides to battle she gets half of the slain, and the other half Odin, as it says here: [the stanza above from Grímnismál is then quoted]". High then continues with a description of Freyja's hall Sessrúmnir/ "Sissy Room near".

>The einherjar (singular einheri; literally "army of one", those who fight alone, in the eye of Freeya) are the warriors who after death are sent to Valhalla by the Valkyries to fight for Odin or Freeya.

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Just going to add that that one surprisingly in character Solitar H-doujin has been translated.
she's a FUTA.
might as well post it
I'm not actually looking for a ban, so here - [Chiizu Ore] Solitär Manga (Sousou no Frieren) [English] [EHCOVE]
Forever a grieving Mom.
Actually better story and ending than something like Frieren defeated.
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This will crush people if it will get adapted in S2
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>can see the future and claimed he will die in the fight against the sages
>body never found after fighting all the sages at once
would it be too much of an asspull for Frieren to find the hero of the south as a golden statue and bring him back? or did he get completely dusted?
What's the point? There's no great enemy to justify he being back in action.
He's probably dead, but I hope the author will explain later how it happened. He probably sacrificed himself in a shiny way for the only future where the Demon King dies, actually happens.
How would it serve the story though?
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the day of reckoning is approaching
I want to rub the elf's ears and pet her
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why isn't she here?
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As do I
i want methode to breast feed me
Methode is way bigger then depicted here
Smooching old granny elf on the forehead.
And Fern smaller
Methode would probably be the first in the list
definitely. manga Methode is milfy as fuck
Schlacht told Macht he was just there to apply pressure. As a reminder, Schlacht knew Frieren would learn to undo di agolze. There's no way he left the hots as a gold statue.
>What is this effect called?
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Are you a Lawine or Kanne man? More of a Lawine guy myself.
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Flamme x Frieren doujin when?
new q&a with the author. The answer to #7 is based.
Why do elves have no sex drives? Is it a curse?
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>Lawine guy myself.
me too
Based Ubel OP bro.
well, that was a bunch of nothing

Interview with the Editors of Shonen Sunday about How "Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End" Came to Be "Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End" is a serialized manga created by two artists: the writer Kanehito Yamada and illustrator Tsukasa Abe. We asked the Shonen Sunday editorial team about how this fascinating work was created.

>Q1: The first chapter of "Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End" was based on a one-shot where the hero and demon lord appeared in a comedic setting. What did you find particularly appealing about the work?

A: At first, I thought, "This isn’t a comedy at all (laughs)," but I was immediately drawn into it. The way it portrays real, complex human emotions is fantastic. The depth with which it depicts the richness of human emotions is one of the things that makes "Frieren" so engaging.

>Q2: The partnership between Yamada-sensei as the writer and Abe-sensei as the artist came about from the idea of "bringing Yamada-sensei’s interesting plot names to life with Abe-sensei’s beautiful art." How did you feel when you asked Abe-sensei to illustrate the story?

A: The first image Abe-sensei drew was a bust shot of Frieren. Her expression reflected Frieren’s personality and lifestyle so well. Later, in a discussion, Abe-sensei mentioned that "an expression needs to have a story," which really made sense to me. The drawing expanded the character and world view, which I felt fit perfectly with Yamada-sensei’s writing. When I showed it to Yamada-sensei, he seemed to like it a lot.

>Q3: When discussing the future of the series, what do you usually talk about with Yamada-sensei?

A: We often discuss upcoming developments and characters. For example, we talked about Stark’s design and the timing of his introduction in Chapter 10. Initially, he was supposed to appear sooner and be more muscular.

>Q4: Have you ever made requests to Abe-sensei regarding illustrations or character designs?

A: In casual conversations, we might mention something we’d like to see. For example, for the cover of Volume 10, I mentioned, "I’d like to see Macht and Glück together." For a special poster created for the anime, I suggested adding an "escape golem" or including Stark in a small way. In the end, we summarized it with the main characters appearing in the First-Class Mage Exam.

>Q5: Yamada-sensei and Abe-sensei have not yet met in person. Is there anything specific you pay attention to when acting as a liaison between them?

A: I ensure that information is shared clearly and that both creators stay focused on creating the best manga for readers, without any misunderstandings or assumptions.

>Q6: "Frieren" resonates with a wide age range, particularly among middle-aged and older readers. Why do you think the story appeals to adults as well?

A: We’re grateful that it has resonated with a diverse audience. I believe even people who don’t usually read manga discovered it through the anime, drawn by the sensitive portrayal of human emotions. The longer one lives, the more partings one experiences. Frieren’s journey and emotions may resonate deeply because of this. I’ve even received feedback from readers saying, "It’s beautifully melancholy."

>Q7: Is there a particular scene from the story that left a deep impression on you?

A: The "End of Vaize" scene in the Golden Land arc, included in Volume 10 (Chapter 92), really struck me. The story touches on the idea that humans and demons may never truly understand each other’s thoughts and emotions. Yet, as a reader, I couldn’t help but imagine what Glück and Macht might be feeling in that moment. The ambiguity and room for interpretation make the story beautiful.
debuff to prevent overpopulation and world domination. i wonder if dwarves are similar in this world since we see so few of them too
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wheres Ubel getting slammed by like 4 clones
Lifespans unless killed or die to disease or something seem to be
elves - more or less forever
demons - a long ass time, at least a thousand years. Most don't make it anywhere near that since they lead such violent lives.
dwarves - 300 years avg, can reach 400+
humans - seems to be like reality, 80 or so year avg, can reach 100+
Thanks for the translation. And yes, the Demise of Weise is fantastic.
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>The story touches on the idea that humans and demons may never truly understand each other’s thoughts and emotions
Oh no no no no no no KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK, all aboard the "sad dindu" backstory train that the demons will get! So much for the "not like the other demon's stories" huh frierenbros?
i love the style but the sizes are all fucked up
coexistence will happen
Maybe her butt hurts.
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big ear
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Leave shadow warriors to me
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Frieren needs more elf ear nibbling.
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Rolling for 5 (Ubel)
why does she have non ass
Nice Elf joke.
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It's a package deal, you can't have one without the other (nor should you ever want to).
Spoilers are out, I'll work on them when I get the chance. It's a talky chapter. Things to note:
The former emperor actually disbanded the shadow warriors 16 years ago. They are operating illegally. Linear is strong as fuck and once got Serie to drop to one knee in a sparring match, something even Lernen could not do. Sense considers her to be the strongest mage among them at fighting humans. And yes, the missing shadow warrior is Gorilla Warrior; Sein recognizes his portrait.
Serie will be a clone
And Lineal will be fighting along Serie and the gang?
So who is asking for the Serie killing?
Series herself! She is bored and wants a challenge I bet.
rogue warriors, i like it.
>strongest human mage is a woman
Where are all the strong men?
They are warriors/heroes.
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frieren got me into fantasy like never before. prior to the elf it was just another genre that i enjoyed at a surface level. now though i feel invested, and with a hunger to not only explore it deeper, but take it up as a study as well.
>The former emperor actually disbanded the shadow warriors
>They are operating illegally
So its like skyrim then
asians are like that
but they're in a european setting
post full
It really is an engrossing magical experience. I really enjoy the small slice of life stories and how magic is used. You should read the fanfare for Frieren standalone story.
imagine the smell.
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Did anyone watch any Frieren reactions?
It's embarrassing, but I... I did.
oh yeah i bookmarked this and need to watch it. ep 14 is hard to watch reactions to though. i need to sit down with a box of tissues for it.
>R-18 works cannot be displayed
>You need a pixiv account to view this work. It won't be displayed to users under 18.
i hate pixiv so much
Here I catboxed for you
https://files.catbox.moe/7m381s.jpg (textless)
Which one?
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cant stand video reacts, /a/ is all i need
im still haunted by the guy bitching about all the feet
I remember these 2

Search for Frieren.
Reaction videos are the lowest, laziest form of attention whoring. Anyone who makes them should be executed for the good of humanity.
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Love demons. Protect demons. Marry demons. Procreate with demons. Make a family with demons. Tuck a demon into bed. Compliment pretty demons. Praise a demon's cooking. Take demons to the beach. Teach demons about human emotions. Cook demons a hot pot. Bail demons out of jail. Gift grimoires to a demon. Cook a demon breakfast. Put a demon's hair up in pigtails. Pay a demon's taxes. Give demons a weekly allowance. Dry hump demons. Save demons from knife-ears. Kiss demons. Cuddle demons. Clean and lubricate demon's horns regularly. Bridal carry demons. Spoonfeed demons grilled humans. Take demons out to dinner. Give demons a hot shower. Demons will sometimes get their horns stuck on doors (this is inevitable). Remind demons to be careful when going outside. Show demons how cool you are. Total demon life.
>Yamada-sensei and Abe-sensei have not yet met in person.
How is this possible? Japanese really are the most antisocial people in the world.
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damn that's hot af, wish i had my own aurahole...
why is aura so popular? is it solely because of her design?
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it's not for her personality or what she did in the anime
She's a smug, small and kawaii villain. All the ingredients to be a fan favourite.
>Shitty outfit
>stupid hairdo
>gets BTFO
I don't see what's so kawaii about her.

Linnie is cuter, has a nicer outfit and hairdo and and is more competent.
>There will be no Frieren next week
At this point it will be half a year before they leave the Imperial City
oh so naive
the show looks much better at 1.5x speed. they should double the number of animated frames in season 2.
I just want them to get back to SoL and killing demons. This whole human arc stinks so far.
Frieren is about the downfall of german society. Civilization are progressing, magic and technological evolution is possible, young people are passionate with themselves, religion and culture are walking hand in hand together, and people are idolizing a great figure of heroism. But them DEMONS come and trying to destroy their society and they have planned everything for centuries. Those fucking demoralizing DEMONS
honestly, you should just get a pixiv account. Imagine all the frieren pics you could find!
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Aura looking forward to dying
i want to feed fern
Too bad they have no sex drive so they would either outright hate it or be indifferent
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that's hot tho
Elves still need to propagate, so it is an important duty to have breeding sex with elves.
>tag:emotionless sex
Elves might hate or be indifferent to sex, but how are they with their children?
what the fuck is that thing on the right
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why isn't the text mirrored in the mirror
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If you're gonna bet your life savings is Serie actually gonna die or not

Based on the last chapter Frieren has utmost confidence that she won't
I wonder if the final boss of this manga is a Feanor-type elf.
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Trust Frieren. She's always right.
Ubel's smelly farts
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Bard Loen is comfy too, but not as engrossing. If you're willing to read something more jovial, I recommend Yuusha Ga Shinda, the ecchi humor falls flat most of the time, but it kinda grows on you. It's competently written and has a nice ending.
What is the point of all these new characters? I feel like the series is straying away from its core (Frieren's journey with her new party and the parallel to the previous one)
I hope the bulk of them are fodder for Serie to detonate.
The current mission is putting frieren in situations where she's been channeling her inner Himmel to succeed, but we could use a flashback to tie it together nicely
After this week's chapter the next one will be 3 weeks away
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yes I need elf pussy
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get in line
why doesn't frieren just imagine that himmel is alive? that's LITERALLY how it works
>see elf
>heart hurts
it's so over
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Frieren the hoarder
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Anyone knowledgeable about collecting enough to tell me whether spending ~250$ importing this is a huge mistake? I want some kind of Frieren and am getting massive fomo not seeing more plushes being made
Only when the girl is attractive so I can pretend I'm there watching with her.
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she must have infinite storage space
There are bootleg versions of it, probably not as good as original tho.
of course they'll never be as good as the original Frieren
I like the way Fern says Furiiren-sama :)
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sort of
and theres whatever dimension she summons her staff from
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>Well, I still have this emblem, dating back to the start of the age where the ancient temples embraced both magical philosophy and worship of the Goddess showing my official status as a heretic in the holy imperial city!


>Burning Pirate ships.... one of the best forms of Flamme worship!
what does the symbolism in the necklace mean
now i know how anons felt when Cyberpunk Edgerunners and Becca was being spammed
enough with the Frieren shit, it was good but not spam-the-board-for-months good
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During a conversation with Heiter he confirmed that she "didn't believe in the Goddess"; so looking at the actual rune, behind the wand, Ingwz/Ing, meaning "male energy" or "male deity", it likely means, given that we see her praying on multiple occasions, that Frieren believes in a male deity.... likely Odin, the All Father; renown as the greatest practitioner of magics of all the Gods, save perhaps Freeya.


Well; it's actually funny. It's actually; "Wand of the All Father".

>List of names of Odin
>Gondlir Wand-Bearer, Wand-Wielder
Did we ever find out what Frieren's clone used against Fern was? Did anyone else ever use something similar?
Is this really a bad symbol in the empire?
Frieren has never hinted at believing in anything, she's only said she doesn't believe in the goddess and when saying so implied she doesn't believe in any god. That emblem is an emblem used by some ancient society of magic users, as seen by Frieren trying to use it to prove her ability/status, it's pretty obvious that it doesn't signify religious beliefs, and even if that society had any, Frieren does not share them.
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Yet we see her praying on multiple occasions, and she carries an emblem of religious significance on her, indicating that she pledged her belief to a magical organization.....

One should also consider that Odin is God of Alfaheim, and Lord protector of the Elves.
She likely used it against Basalt when we see her in ep 10
That just raises even more questions about what it is. If its something she was born with or learned very young, yet no other elf has it (that we know of), is it even magic? I know Fern didn't recognize it as such but that doesn't necessarily mean it isn't.
It's probably raw mana projected in the way that spiritual pressure in Bleach is.
Has to be >>273197787, because Frieren is just magic Dragon Ball. Frieren's powerlevel is just high enough that when she stops suppressing her ki it will do that to others.
belly-button window
If you were a first-class mage examiner, what kind of exam would you make? You can't make the female examinees have sex with you.
Make the contestants do something that is both highly dangerous/difficult and actually useful to society.
Females fail automatically on bullshit technicalities but I wouldn't tell them that.
I'd pair them up and tell one side to attack the other without concern for the target's wellbeing.
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Trip with Frieren
I love you, Frieren. I love you, Ubel.
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she fucking got me bros
One of us
>You've got my eyes, you've got my eyes
>You'll never be mine, ah, but you've got my eyes
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please don't shit like this, it makes me cry
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announce a game already you cowards
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Im playing dq3 rmake. Close enough!
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how often are these actually good. The serie got an 11/10 adaptation. I wouldn't want to see it get a 7/10 adaptation.
Hag pits.
Probably similar to what Solitar used
what the elf doing
7/10 game*
So when elves mate with each other they're just stone faced the entire time?
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I want Frieren in her Deedlit costume when she was putting the moves in shota Himmel.
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Just because they have no sexual drive doesn't mean they can't orgasm, Anon.
pure emotionless sex
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You'd be amazed at how belief in the Lord of Hel changes things, when you invade the castle of a "Demon Lord"; especially if it's crawling with undead.


>List of Names of Odin
>Draugrottin; Lord of the Dead and Undead, Lord of the Realm of Helheim, Lord of Hel
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>Feminists online all going on about Frirern and Goddess worship
>Frieren herself actually has an unwavering belief in Odin, All Father; Fathr of the Elves

How interesting.......

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Sorry for the very late translation. Was swamped.
As soon as Serie got off the carriage she called out to Falsch who was in the shadows to show himself. She criticized him for ignoring her when she said that she didn't need bodyguards. He answered that since it was her first time in the Empire, he wanted to be her guide to show her around.
As they wandered around, they saw one of the man Flamme statues and Serie asked who that was. Falsch replied that it was Flamme, thought he appearance didn't match. Serie lamented that despite all the great contributions Flamme had made to mankind, she'd ended up forgotten like this.
Back at the base, Frieren and the others are waiting for Sense to tell them Linera's intel. From the letter, Sense confirmed that the shadow warriors were real organization within the empire, not merely a myth or rumor. Frieren said they were a secret service agency and unlike regular criminal organizations, they had the backing of the empire's military, which was troublesome.
Sense relied that the current shadow warriors did not enjoy that privelege as the previous emperor had disbanded the organization 16 years ago due to problems with its command structure. Fern asked what she meant by that.
Sense continued, that unlike regular military units, the shadow warrior commanders had broad authority which not only allowed use of force within the empire, but allowed them to authorize assassinations.
Stark was surprised at the idea of a military unit that ignores its leadership and acts on its own volition.
Sense replied that by virtue of doing so, the shadow warriors were highly adaptable to making well coordinated operations in real time on the spot. The records indicate that they could move as if they were a single individual in combat.
Frieren them surmised that that meant that the commanders were chosen with great care. Sense replied that their commanders were selceted from those with greatest allegiance to the empire. This worked out when the empire itself was guided by a clear philosophy, but problems developed over time. People began to have very different ideas about the empire's phisosophy, ideals, and goals, and slowly the shadow warriors stopped responding to the will of the empire. And so, when they decided they didn't care for someone, they would assassinate them without the emperor's approval. Needless to say, the emperor did not care for this and disbanded them.
Stark wondered how they were still around to attack them if they'd been disbanded. Land replied that they're like a ghost who won't go away to easily. Having had the authority to use violence and assassinate at will, that kind of organization won't allow itself to be taken apart so easily.
Ubel chimed in to say "aren't they all diehards for the empire?" If so, they'll rationalize it as the empire itself losing its way, while they remain true to its ideals. She says that if it were her, she'd have a feeling of needing to correct the empire that had gone astray.
Over with the magic special forces, Weg reports to Kanone and she asks if the shadow warriors were involved in the incident that just happened in the city. He believes so, and thinks this means the the credibility of the alleged assassination plan they suspect has increased. Kanone orders him to increase security, but he asks her to negotiate with their superiors for material support. She notes that that's the captain's job, but he replies that Frase won't do something that isn't fun. This stresses out Kanone even more and she complains to Neu.
Back to Frieren's group, Falsch returns and sees that the group is passing out portraits of the shadow warriors from the intel. Seeing such a thing included, Falsch said that Linear seemed a bit desperate. Sense jokes that the next time they see her, they might be picking up her corpse. Falsch replies that that's not funny. Seeing that Falsch was angry, Sense stated that Linear was extremely skilled and once got Serie to drop to a knee in a sparring match (of course, Serie had a very happy expression on her face) something even Lernen couldn't do. She thinks that it's because Linear is so scary strong that Serie entrusted her with such a dangerous mission. In terms of fighting against other humans, Sense can't think of a human mage who is better at it.
Stark noticed that Sein was staring silently at one of the portraits and asked him what was wrong. Sein replied that it was nothing, but the portait in his hand is Gorilla Warrior.

end of ch
Thanks for the summary, anon. Matches with the leaks of the other thread as well.
Good job.
I didn't even realize there was another thread.
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>SW (Shadow Warriors) keeps getting insane deep/intrinsic lore
>anons ITT will still keep calling them fodders
Kek, never change guys, never change...
I still think theres too many individuals in the group for some not to be fodder. a renegade band of assassins is awesome as a group though.
It died yesterday I believe, don't worry.
why do i get the feeling that Serie will just pull an Aizen and rekt everyone
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*audience roaring applause*
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why doesn't she just cast zoltraak at every chest
and destroy the loot?
Forced general
just shoot a small one at the top
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so was this an asspull or what? never elaborated on never gets brouguht puu again
Considering that post is nonsense, what are you asking about?
fern's inverted nipples
what women think men want: >>273200718
what men actually want: >>273213306
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thanks anon
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She came a long way.
What boys think men want: >>273213306
What men actually want: >>273200718
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>What men actually want
I actually want her bare feet on top of my face.
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magic that turns you into a boot
what anime watchers think they want: frieren
what they actually want: a hollywood live action adaptation
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t. Netflix
Happy Serie Sunday
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cherishing the last few weeks we may have with her
Methode is so criminally underappreciated.
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Look at her everything. She's gorgeous.
I hope the 2nd season will give her the popularity she deserved.
Elf predator
Not as much as Flamme
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As a fe(male) this is what I want
I want to talk about autistic esoteric shit while I suck her titties
This but also Ubel
Flamme needs more art and love.
Serie needs a figure already. and already have her pins and keychains, plus mouse pad.
Serie vs Macht in S2 will be a revolution
She's very underrated. Probably the sexiest woman in the show
with Frieren being the cutest
we know that holy magic is the power of the goddess, but what is the source of regular magic?
let's be honest, Serie was 100% turned on by him. You know that pound went up a few levels after this.
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So anyway, what's the point of Stark, other than jobbing everything?
Scary evil armpit lady
tanks damage for the girls
>triggerhappy Fern shots before she sees who comes in
Look at all these retards hating on best arc in the series: >>273203179
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>best arc in the series
Way to fall into the opposite extreme.
Facts that are objectivly true cannot be an extreme.
>objectively true
>when the Golden Land arc exists
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>more exam arc discourse
Grandma Frieren looks cool in casual clothing.
Ubel supremacy.
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God, I wish.
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So cute
Wait til she and Sein meet.
Sein will soon learn.

and Kraft 100% did it with Serie since he is familiar with her.
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How would Frieren respond if I told her she makes my cock rock hard?
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"show me"
(she's expecting an actual cock)
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Need those toes in my mouth
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w-what does the back say?
Imagine waking up to this
sa kcoc seveels, obviously
RIP Atsuko Tanaka (田中 敦子)
Rest in peace to the queen of 3rd strike and the best cyborg in anime
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Gifs you can hear
Who's linear again
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March Monday
Command & Conquer: Red Alert
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She would give you this look
chick with the long hair who is the inside agent
I thought linear was the guy who get the hair cut, the one that was supposed to kill serie. The hiatus makes me forgot their name
Theres this guy who apparently killed a great elf mage, linear who is apparently a ridiculously strong mage in combat who can keep up with serie, and there's the captain of the empire special forces who we haven't seen yet, but know is also ridiculously strong mage. The city is gonna get cratered if they all start fighting along with serie
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Mimic Mondays
Why does she want to get MIMIC'D
>prokrastinating reading a manga
are you dyslexic
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maybe he's not into it. i've been reading witch hat atelier before the anime drops, but it's a struggle for me and i keep putting it off because im not that into it. the art and concept are amazing but for whatever reason its still a chore for me to read.
i should add that i read frieren's manga after i finished the anime and i breezed right through it because i liked it so much
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>Legendary Blue haired warrior and swordsman who defeated the Demon King..... (Debura).

Why's a Saiyan even need a sword... or a Nyoi Bo?
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Himmel thought he had to fight her elvish nature, when in fact her heart and body belonged to mimics.
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>Odin is the God of the Aesir, He is the father of all the gods and the creator of humans... (and elves) He is also the god of many things, such as wisdom, war, poetry, magic, death, and the runic alphabet. Odin is also the god of magic and sorcery.

I'm not sure what you think the problem is. It's literally carved with the Runes of Odin.

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Gotcha bitch
I always that transitioned where we see those 4 panels or so flashing in a second was a nice stylistic choice, but someone made a much more interesting point.
The whole montage we see after Flamme's death, takes about 100 seconds in the anime and it summarizes an entire milennia.

That moment that flashes by in a second, including with the panel you posted, summarizes the hero's journey which was one one-hundredth of the previous montage, symbolizing how she perceives time.
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its a miracle she cares about anything at all. what a saint
IIRC Tetsuo Hara and Buronson met like a couple of times and mostly communicated through the editor
We saw Frase in a flashback.
Linear is the chick Ubel saw playing with butterflies.
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threads so slow we made it to monday. at least the mango is out manana.
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Why is Fern a size queen?
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So just a regular thread then
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waiting for the chapter dump thread but it may take a day or 2
Shes not like that
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Love casual Frieren
I prefer professional Frieren.
I only watch reactions for episodes 20, 21, 23, and 24. Only Serie scenes. Only Serie. No one else matters.
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>kurai yooo! kowai yooo!
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Who got that webm of Fern exploding Starks balls?
kill yourself cuck
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Is Serie a B cup or C Cup?
depends on how hard she goes on the breast enhancing magic
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Some new character ideas, what do you guys think?
i find it truly depressing how people boil this story down into porn and fetishism
you missed the heart of the story
>ccg out soon
>watch unboxing video
>the card art really is just screengrabs from the show
lol, lmao even. i was thinking of getting them to hang up on the wall, but why purchase at that point?
But anon. Erufu feet.
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Focus on your own manga Takeru
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Mana Moonday

mimic is my fave character
I want a Frieren RPG with a cutesy artstyle
My favorite Frieren art
I wanted to call you a fag for >sample but the original image is too big to upload it turns out
Can you post the original image?
>T/N: Itadakimasu!
File deleted.
Ended up smaller than I wanted, but I don't want to fiddle around with another compression application. Thanks.
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I picked it up for the first time last week. Comfy.
frieren the anime: romantic drama spanning thousands of years
frieren the manga: tactical elf on a murderous rampage across the continent
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jpg is fine
idk, i don't read manga
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It's good, though not as good as the anime
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Can't wait for the anime 'upgrades' in s2
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The artist sucks at drawing feet
they didnt even bother trying at the footbath just a few chapters later. the anime will fix.
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i preordered this
wtf do i do with it when it gets here in a year
new chapter out soon
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You pat its head for good fortune
Oh boy!
pat pat
Cum on it
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In case you didn't have enough of the "in defense of demons" faggotry:
I saw an image at one point of the "top 4 fantasy mangas" this generation, and it included Frieren, alongside Dungeon Meshi and Witch Hat Atelier, but I forgot the 4th.

Does anyone remember which other manga that would be, on the same caliber as Frieren? Or have the image I'm thinking of?
is the 4th recent?
I thought it was, but to be honest, I cant exactly remember.

From my own searching, the closest match I could find may place it as "The Girl From The Other Side"... but I'm not positive that was it
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apothecary diaries? i also saw this during a search
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Human bros we won!!
The Enslaver of Elves
Do you agree? Is Frieren in the wrong for trying to get rid of the demon kind?
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>"look at me, im the demon now"
OOOOH it couldve been apothecary diaries! But this image is also really convincing! Either way, I'm satisfied with these result lol. I'll save that image too.

Thank you for your help anon! Youre kind, like Himmel was!
>demon claws made this video
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Monkeybros, we won
Fundamentally the issue with Frieren's ideology is that it wrongly asserts that the demons are bad, because they are sociopaths. Sociopaths are perfectly functioning in modern society (and to a lesser extent a medieval society). The key issue is the lack of a convincing incentive structure to keep them as docile and productive members of society.
Gorilla Warrior not smiling anymore. He could use his friend right now...
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>dropping spoilers
>No es nada
>the second land standing outside the train
Not really much of a point converting the original jpg into a png
What's their fusion name?
I can watch a 2hour movie of just this wholesome
squish it
it's out
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Stark is lucky to sleep in different rooms while they're on the cities.
Make a thread and dump it
The anons who get the Viz version should do it. The translations from Kirei Cake are lacking.
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Create the released chapter thread already!
Also, official will be up in like an hour I think. Not too long a wait.
Kanone tossing the wadded paper was cute.
>falsch is both with serie and with the continental mages
uhh which one is the real falsch???
He escorted her around, then returned to base afterwards.
where do you think serie went then?
Official translation is up now.
make the manga thread
nvm its already up >>273297976
Guerrero Gorila
the skin is faker than the ears
that's a reflection anon...
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frieren cute
ubel cute
The architect is in Frieren?!
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Mister steal your waifu
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>....as cock sleeve
Free elf onahole.
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total Ubel love
Have they permanently gender-bended Stark yet?
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that's Fern's husband anon
she would become hysterical without Stark's manhood
I want to punch her stupid annoying face in
Wow, that outfit is magical.
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Would you give up humanity, become a dog and be walked by Frieren?
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>3 weeks
how does everyone cope?
this was my first anime after 5 year long break
what did I miss? it was all isekais wasn't it?
Frieren kissing Stark on the lips.
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A Spell That Restores Hag's Fertility
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Find something else to grab your attention in the meantime. At best the next chapter would get things into motion but we'd still need to wait for the following chapter, which might end up pushed to january.
At this point I have more hope for some official season 2 teasers / art.
Mommy Frieren is teaching her son how to kiss a girl.
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>what did I miss?
i thought the anime would suffer alot due to this season 3 arc but im feeling more positive now with this new chapter. its still a big shift away from the wistful romance/nostalgia of season 1 and 2, but it should draw in a new audience because of it.
>im feeling more positive now with this new chapter
Can't say I relate. It feels like there's even more new characters than the mage exam and they're setting things up for some shonen tier battles.
By losing my fucking mind.
Fat or pouting?
We're not done yet.
What's a mere 3 weeks wait?
I think we all have a little Frieren inside us.
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>What's a mere 3 weeks wait?
So, what role do you think Lienel will have in all this? The fact she pressured Serie herself is a big drop.
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lineal vs captain of special forces vs leader of shadow warriors and they all kill each other at the same time in their first appearances
I think the important question is: will they kill anyone, regardless which side?
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>finding out most casual anime watchers have never heard of frieren
its over
please respect our time, frieren
Would Frieren wait for you?
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>posted 6 days ago
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>can only survive by eating humans
>learned human language and their ways so they can hunt successfully
>>can only survive by eating humans
Incorrect. They don't need to eat humans at all.
I think that if we just breed with the demons that in time our differences will pass.
mad elf is really hot not gonna lie
she's padding her bra
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Himmel was so lucky...
being around her for a decade would've been the best

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