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Chapter 138
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Do you think they at least leave her alone at the toilet?
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no I would want to watch an elf shit
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So old and powerful but can't make an immortality or resurrection spell and doesn't try to transcend humanity. Elf autism is a curse
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Good things everyone is asexual otherwise this would have resulted in a lot of rape and torture.
isn't that what you're literally doing
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hooded Serie a cute.
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File deleted.
Had to look it up despite knowing German
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Oops I forgot the dump is still going. I'll delete the pic asap
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See you in 3 weeks
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Sexy Ubel shoulder blades.
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what in the goddamn is that thing
Her libido is low but she must enjoy a good massage right? I bet everyone want to spoil her
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And Sein dies a little on the inside..
comfy & cute
milling machine
>shadow warriors
They're fucking chumps and they won't accomplish shit, guaranteed. Remember when Denken and Wirbel were hyped up and lost instantly like little bitches? LMAO
W-wait, what was I fapping for?
They killed the autistic looking powerful elf
>was because people the shadow warriors thought were in their way kept dying mysteriously
Surely there was a better way to translate this?
That we never heard of before and never mattered
>I kneel
Yeah I had to read that a couple of times to get it.
Bleached hair? What a fag.
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I'm animeonly, is there anything about elf and human sexo? Surely someone tried at some point, right? Do elves even have ponos and vagoo?
Wet. The only way to satisfy that maniac is through combat and yet everyone wants to cuddle her instead
Nothing at all, wait for Dungeon Meshi S2 for some info on that.
no, only elven sexuality mentioned was the scene that got adapted
>Surely someone tried at some point, right?
Himmel tried his best...
There are various hard limits on magic in this setting. Presumably what you're thinking of is also impossible. This was noted back near the start of the series when Heiter brought up the idea of immortality spells.
That finger on her chin move is dangerous.
Ubel is hot holy fuck.
I want to fuck that smug face out of her. I want to see her tongue out of her mouth as I COOM inside her.
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Frieren the Slayer
Can't unsee Serie with a gnome nose in the center left panel
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Right? That panel is so
>Remember when Denken and Wirbel were hyped up and lost instantly like little bitches?

Both got impressive showings alongside their losses, Denken's strategy for one would have worked against anyone without Frieren's mana reserves. Heck, can you even call Fern sneaking up on Wirbel a loss for him? It's not like he had any intention to even fight Fern.
Sorry for the news, anon...
has the story finally moved past timeloop namek?

I stopped reading around that point waiting for something to happen
Disgusting! I want to see her expression during the act and climax and afterglow. I want to see her angry and sad and happy and tired. I want to see every facet of Übel. I DON'T want to see a cheap, generic act put on by whores. I want to see her and only her own beautiful expressions and mannerisms
A long time ago and that was like the shortest arc of the series after Aura.
been over that for a long time now my guy
Explain to me how the bitchy nun survived Fern's attack.
Annoying bitch.
awesome, will catch up this weekend then
She dodged. No one would survive if hit.
We knew way back when Zoltraak was first explained that magical equipment has improved a great deal to protect against it. Said nun had such high grade equipment, but was still knocked out.
Nice to get a better idea of Falsch's powers years after they were first hinted at. Presumably it is some kind of shadow/dimension magic?
So many jobber flags in one page
>Gorilla on the list
Oh no! I'm shock!
On another note, him being in the group feels kinda strange, even if it was alluded to already in previous chapters. So Gorilla went on his journey about 10-11 years ago, yet the Shadow Warriors, who went dark after being disbanded 16 years ago, somehow decided to let Gorilla join up with them, a guy who IIRC isn't even born a citizen of the Empire.
zoltraak is the core of the magic/countermagic arms race that drives the war economy
>imperial civil war arc
>mages vs warriors
who will win?
demons win
Between this Emperor and the King in Centuria, it is a rough fucking time for perfectly reasonable rulers surrounded by retards taking assassination missions into their own hands.
Whoever wins, Stark loses.
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So in summary nothing happened? What a waste of a chapter.
in the anime this will only be a few minutes of an episode
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Why would anyone want to kill this foster mother of 1000 children. So cute.
We found out the shadow warriors are not actually working with the Empire anymore (at least officially), which is something.
Who took command in Himmel party?
Next year serie will face to face with shadow assasin, then author will take a break for anothrr 6 months and in 2026 we will get full scale battle between frieren and co with shadow gang
Some people just don't like feet.
Himmel, judging from flashbacks. Frieren doesn't like to lead, even though she is quite good at it.
So it will be the Imperial Guard + Magic Continent Mages vs Shadow Warriors?
I wouldn't be surprised if Frase (sp) ends up being a traitor or wild card too, she keeps being treated with suspicion.
I guess we can expect some team-ups of convenience with the Empire Gestapo then in the upcoming fights. Or a 3-way skirmish, which I find less likely.
Warriors are notoriously worthless. Even muh hero of the south was carried by future sight magic.
The problem is that elven courtship is on a very long timescale. Himmel was working Frieren for like 70 god damn years and had to die to finally get past the "just acquaintances" stage.
>Frieren doesn't like to lead, even though she is quite good at it.
I wonder who would lead in bed...
Holy fuck, 3 weeks for ~18 pages of content. That artist and writer team sure are taking their sweet time.
More of a threeway battle. The Shadow Warriors attacking the Mages, the Mages defending Serie, and the Imperial feds trying to slap cuffs on everyone so they stop fucking up the Festival.
the shadow warrior leader put minus in the grave
wonder what the negotiations are going to look like between the cops and the magic association >>273298363
will they look the other way when they see ubel and land? or are they talking about some other association?
We learn the elven menstrual cycle lasts 10 years. That's about it.
Frieren would schedule each sexual activity for the night three weeks ahead of time and be very upset if Himmel didn't memorize her full itinerary by the time of the do
I think that's the price of fame. When you're starting you have to send weekly chapters or else you'll be forgotten and axed. Now that they're safe they don't need to rush.
By the way, assuming elves menstruate once a decade and extrapolating that relative to humans, we can deduce Frieren is between 8-13 years old in elf years. That means Himmel was a pedo.
Yeah, we are now politics namek.
I'm sure we'll read about it in the upcoming 2 chapters, released over the course of 7 weeks.
Frieren is a young elf but she's supposed to be an adult and never changed in the 1000+ years we saw. I wonder if we'll ever see any flashback of her as child or anything about her village again.
Frase but not Lineal?
so are the shadow warriors just the deep state?
there's more than one
Come on, I'm sure you were there for Berserk's ship while Miura was still alive.
Nothing trained your patience better than that.
>I'm sure you were there for Berserk's ship while Miura was still alive.
Nope. That was before my time.
Something tells me that he is the traitor.
Just a feeling
Can't wait to met this beast.
Look at that gremlin face.
Yeah, I was around then and you're right, you learn to deal with it. Doesn't prevent me from making fun of it though. It's part of my passive aggressive coping mechanism. Only problem is that sometimes I simply lose interest in a series that way. Happened to SpyxFamily most recently, though that might have more to do with the fact that the series turned out to not quite be what I signed up for.
Warrior Gorilla more like Traitor Gorilla.
not even once
They are one of the billion deep state alphabet agencies out there.
Any takers on whether Gorilla will switch sides or even survive? I think from a narrative POV, Sein will rejoin the party after this arc and I don't see Gorilla joining them and if he stays alive then Sein would probably want to team up with him. He kinda has to go.
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>hype chapter
>dead thread
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>OOC offmodel garbage
>shit post
The court of the holy staff could end up getting involved too.
Him dying without him and Sein hashing things out gives Sein a reason to go to Aureole.
>Only problem is that sometimes I simply lose interest in a series that way.
Yeah, unfortunately it happens. Sometimes it's better to binge it after a few years.
>Happened to SpyxFamily most recently, though that might have more to do with the fact that the series turned out to not quite be what I signed up for.
Luckily the plot of that one is easy, so even if too much time passes we are still at the same place. But I do agree that I wish something else from it, like the characters growing, unfortunately Anya as a kid is too marketable so there is no way they'll ever allow that.
I just realized that Sein's solo journey was pointless. He never travelled with a hot onee-san and only know found where his friend is at the same time as Frieren's party. He could have travelled with them and nothing would change. He missed meeting Methode.
>unfortunately Anya as a kid is too marketable
Yeah, that's my theory as well. I don't have anything to back that up, but my feeling is that the SOL school antics with her being a dumb peanut were so successful, that the author now drags his feet from changing the status quo too much, which also has Yor and Loid on eternal standby.
>He missed meeting Methode.
Lel true. Sein really does make bad life choices when left alone. First he stays behind in his starter village for 10 years and then he fucked up his 50/50 chance to be in the timeline where he meets a hot oneesan.
I'm sure the author wishes to change but is not allowed. A story like this is made to follow its characters for years as they grow up and deepen their bonds.
Obviously the higher ups don't care about the story and only wish to make more money: no peanut Anya=less money.
People have been calling it for a while now but it's nice to have confirmation.
Wait, I thought they were in on the plot to assassinate Serie since they arrested the two mages.
can we all agree frieren dresses like a grandma? change your attire already you emotionless elf
stark cutting through the bullshit
To me they look like a kinda of a "Praetorian Intelligence Agency".
Ubel sexo
kek you're gay now
same, I'm confused
I guess they are just aggressively switzerland and don't want trouble from anybody, even the people supporting Serie. And the mages didn't know who the threat was, so they figured it could have been the guards before the shadow warriors made themselves known.
The imperials want peace above all, and don't want a big commotion. The mages were under the impression the imperials were the one trying to assassinate Serie, so they made the first move by being sketchy and drawing the Imperials attention. The Imperials probably saw the mages being sketchy as a sign of them being the ones to want Series dead. Frieren drawing out the Shadow Warriors cleared up some of the misunderstanding, as they managed to put them on everyones radar. They're biggest mistake was pushing Fern into causing war crimes, otherwise they would have remained hidden a bit longer, with only the mages aware of them.
I mean, Land and Ubel are foreign spies.
Thank you for posting.
maybe so, but it does feel that the someone on the mage gestapo is still on the plot. even tho they are against the plot and now are aware of the SW, there has to be someone in there also against serie, most likely Lineal.
I forgot, were Ubel and Land ever introduced to Frieren and Stark?
Kind of weird to me that they just let Sein in on this supposedly extremely confidential mission. I suppose it could be seen as an escalation of the overall conflict (the situation is shaping up to be dire enough to warrant them needing a priest even if their only qualification is "Frieren says he's chill")
I still would have liked them to address it in some way.
tbf, only a retard would ignore the opinion of the immortal archmage who helped destroy the demon lord and has (allegedly) lived for 1000+ years.

if someone like frieren says 'yeah, this guy can help us' then yeah, we ARE gonna definitely need that guy, period.
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This fight really drove home how essential having a priest in your party is. Looking back it was downright suicidal of Frieren to go through the badlands without one. If Macht was a poisoner or some shit they would have been goners for good.

If my hypothesis is right this arc is gonna be a TEAM DEATHMATCH arc.
that's part of the reason she passed Denken and this Chad. They made her flood.
Neither Frieren or Stark should technically be there. Fern has the mage certification, Frieren is buddies and the others are in the party.
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>But I do agree that I wish something else from it, like the characters growing, unfortunately Anya as a kid is too marketable so there is no way they'll ever allow that.
NTA but aging up Tokiyuki was a tragedy for me so I kind of get it.
>wirbel is le ultimate killer
>never killed anyone or even won a fight so far
i think they explained that Serie did ask for the three, not just Fern.
he was captain of an army and had to kill women and child soldiers
Praetorian Guard who also had a tendency to kill emperors and eventually got told to fuck off
Serie didn't ask for any of them, not even Fern.
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>that silhouette
He just can't stop being a shitter, huh?
They're like Cerberus from Mass Effect.
Shonenshit moment
He has done nothing onscreen. He even bitched out on Ubel and lost to Fern. Gay.
What is Sein's expression trying to convey?
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>reconnecting with your childhood best friend after finding their instagram then seeing all the weird antifa shit they're posting
Literally me
holy shit
>ubel stopped wearing the dress.
ubel and fern sex
So he's looking at her cooter all day from down there?
Did Frieren not tell her then?
Continental mage association: Protect Serie from assassination plot discovered by Lineal.

Special Mage Forces:
Protect the peace of the festival. Possible assassination plot to kill Serie discovered by Lineal, only known higher ups more than likely. Brands Shadow Warriors as traitors.

Shadow Warriors: Definite assassination plot to kill Serie, all her bodyguards, and Frieren's party.
Magic clothes.
Frieren met her when Flamme was already a hag. Serie is specifically speaking about Flamme as a child.
So what are the odds this Lineal gal is a traitor? She's the one who "discovered" the plot to assassinate Serie.
Would be a good plan if she's part of the shadow warriors. Discover assassination plot, Serei the warmonger will go because she wants the fight, all her high-tiered mages will go because protection and then shadow warriors can kill them all at once.
...to humans
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>never changed in the 1000+ years we saw.
She was clearly younger 1000 years ago
But that's hindsight. He didn't know at the time where his investigation would end up leading.
>even won a fight so far
He won against Ubel you speedwatching retard.
>1 vs 4 of the strongest factions filled with the strongest characters
They are not smart
>He won against Ubel
No he didn't. He paralyzed her then lost to her muh fighting spirit, pussied out and fled from her and Fern. Get outta here.
Instead of assuming that's a typo I'll choose to believe she rolls her Rs
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Imagine following Made In Abyss.
The trick is to read multiple other series.
So is it still confirmed that Kanone=Lineal?
>then lost to her muh fighting spirit
What the fuck are you on about?
How on earth did he lose to her?
Ubel lost plain and simple, she even admitted Wirbel is stronger than her afterwards.
>still confirmed
What did I miss?
>What the fuck are you on about?
>How on earth did he lose to her?
Did you speedwatch? What the fuck? He admitted he couldn't kill her because she was so heckin badass and faced him down. He turned into a total pussy despite his retarded jobber girlfriend calling him the guy that will always win because he's so fucking remorseless and savage. What a little bitch. Then Ubel went on to actually contribute in the mimic dungeon while he did jack fucking shit.
>she goes barefoot
Doubt it considering how they're building her relationship with Sense
How can the author take breaks every other week and the art still looks like shit? Doesn't he have assistants? I don't get how this manga can be drawn this bad with how popular it is and how much money it has to rake in.
The artist and the author are definitely working on the anime, just like they had suddenly lots of breaks before season 1 of the anime adaptation aired.
But openly stating how you want to cuddle her also make you pass
Surviving elves are to autistic for that
>get told Lineal is this ditzy genius infiltrating the empire
>truth was she was empire shadow warrior from the start
This has to be the case right?
>He admitted he couldn't kill her because she was so heckin badass and faced him down
Not only he could but he would.
He was about to kill her, he simply postponed it since he doesn't want to get his hands dirty.
Her being "heckin badass" had nothing to do with it.

And either way he defeated her by any metric.
Fit and fat.
I think you're seeing what you want to see. She has the same height and face proportions, just expressing a different face. The only thing that changed are her hairstyle and accesories.
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>doesn't try to transcend humanity
Elfs already do that, retard
I'm sorry this made me laugh harder than I should have.
why is Serie wearing gloves?
anon, Flamme literally brought Frieren to Serie and presented her as her apprentice. Serie is talking about Flamme as a little girl full of huge dreams. That was before Frieren entered the picture. To Frieren, Flamme was her wiseass master.
The limitation is probably technological in this case.
We know IRL how aging happens, primarily due to accrued DNA damage and telomere failure. In this setting that type of info is completely unknown at this point. You couldn't figure out how to visualize cellular immortality without understanding that, therefore until they have a theory of DNA and its mechanical function, they can't ever achieve a proper immortality spell through conventional magic.
How is Flamme so powerful that she can win any chapter just by appearing once?
>believing that propaganda
That is a powerful pose.
Shiieeet, I thought ponytail was a woman.
So Lineal is definitely already dead.
We all did
This is the biggest plot twist so far.
At least it will shut up the "women are always shown to be better than men" faggots
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What a beautiful feminine man.
its just a little jacket. its supposed to be cold weather, and thats all she could come up with
why doesnt serie wear shoes
>In this setting that type of info is completely unknown at this point.
I don't know. The demons, at least, seem to understand quite a bit more about biology and the natural world than the humans do. They seem to know a lot more about temporal mechanics too.
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God I wish that were me.
why are there small japanese characters and big ones? why arent they the same font size?
Those are furigana, anon.
NOOOOOOOO give me a cop out don't kill Serie!
japan has too many fucking alphabets
It's the same alphabet, it's fine print that explains how to read the kanji because the target audience is kids who might not know them yet.
I can't wait to see more of Sein's incredible talent at using goddes's magic. We're getting some warriors wank, heroes don't need them, but I want to see what a truly powerful priest can do.
maybe gorilla is an exceptional warrior so they decided to allow him to join, especially since finding quality recruits might be more difficult now that they're outlaws
>Any takers on whether Gorilla will switch sides or even survive?
i think its leaning towards him dying, though probably not as a bad guy
>I want to see what a truly powerful priest can do.
We didn't even get to see that from Heiter.
i think the empire has unlocked more magical abilities than heiter had access to, so we're bound to see some cool stuff get used even if it doesnt come from sein
We already saw some with him casually curing the shadow warrior poison and pinpointing the nun without her even being aware of it.
There are no gender markers there. TL got lazy with the pronouns.
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How does that work when the source is Goddess? She's opening up more to humans than she used to?
every spell possible is recorded in the scriptures via cryptogram, so it just takes a lot of time and resources to decipher. for a magic city like the empire, they would be most interested
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this chapter is saving the this arc btw. the shadow warriors being traitors makes the story more compelling.
>There are no gender markers there.
lineal, falsch, and gorilla will all betray their teams and switch allegiances

I guess ten years is a long time... enough for a person to rot. We all knew this was going to happen the moment Sein came back didn´t we? But still...
I'm beyond happy Sein is back in the gang. What the fuck took the writer so long
Probably didn't know what to do with him. But I'll gladly take more Sein than Fern x Stark bullshit
Took me shitposting that Sein will never return.
Doesn't this imply Fern is the hero? Or is it Frieren instead?
No, Frieren is at the front of the pack on the right.
Silly anon. Sein means more Fern x Stark
Holy shit Fern is fat.
the series aint called fern
what do?
Spoon, kissu.
Nothing. After a certain incident with Methode she has put countermeasures in place for people who touch her without her consent while asleep
Kanone is still a woman to me
I reject your reality and substitute my own
The small ones tell you how the big ones are pronounced
RIP anon, he was killed by Serie.
Pointless for him, but he would have been instrumental in the El Dorado business so the whole split may have just been to write around him.
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what a lil' shit
>he would have been instrumental in the El Dorado business
How do you figure?
Cute lil shit.
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>RIP anon, he was killed by Serie.
Elves are immortal. By that logic she's dy/dx years old.
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Inb4 it was one big prank by the author and Serie looks directly into the reader's eyes and smiles.
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Can Sein heal the lung damage he gets from smoking?
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Pigs should sleep in a sty
That's not a nice thing to say about Frieren.
His natural aptitude toward curses would have to be addressed even if it would just be to handwave it as insufficient and then he would just be dead weight and wasted potential. Either he would have to be involved in breaking it or just as well not be there, so he wasn't.
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One chapter per month.
How come she never recruited a dwarve?
He didn't say he couldn't kill her, he said he'd prefer not to because despite his reputation as a soldier, he's not actually a murderhobo like Ubel is. His entire motivation was that he signed up to kill demons in order to protect people, so I don't think it's that weird that he's a bit hesitant to just execute what was essentially a captured and helpless girl.
With that said, he was still going to do it once he finished mentally preparing himself if Fern didn't show up and lie about killing his teammate. At that point, he thought he was eliminated, so there was no longer any point to fighting outside of pure spite. Hence him giving up and leaving. Also hence him telling Ubel that if she still wants to continue the fight, he will actually go and kill her because she's changing it from an 'unnecessary kill' (A kill that didn't really have a good reason or justification) to a 'necessary kill' (A kill in the name of self-defense)
It's pretty similar to Denken saying there's no reason to go as far as killing in this test. The point was that Wirbel just wasn't a psycho battle crazy murder happy psycho (like Ubel is)
The "most skillfull human mage" sounds like a death flag... or at least a job flag. Fräse will have to prove to be stronger than her.
I want to nibble on serie's ears
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If he was at least following a lead that Gorilla was in the Capitol, that'd make it less lame.
reminder Qual is the best and most important villain in frieren.

and objectively looks the coolest.
... but enough about Schlacht.
forgot pic
Reminder that Fräse is on the plot even if Kanone is not. Otherwise she wouldn't have devised that whole Glück plot to keep Denken (hero btw) out.
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Serie > Lineal > Macht > Frieren > Rest
dangerously based and redpilled on diggers
So the empire doesn't want to kill Serie, it's just some rogue shadow warriors? Kinda lame.
>With that said, he was still going to do it once he finished mentally preparing himself if Fern didn't show up and lie about killing his teammate.
This is so fucking lame. And again, he didn't do shit in the mimic test qhile "weaker" Ubel did nor did he do fucking shit in any of the arcs after so it's just retarded.
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my wife,,,,,,,shes perfect
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>he didn't do shit in the mimic test qhile "weaker" Ubel did
The entire point was how she was Sense's perfect counter. Why are people getting filtered so hard by even slightly non-linear power systems?
>nor did he do fucking shit in any of the arcs after so it's just retarded.
Unironically best saved for last. The team runs into him almost right after the exam just to set up his arc happening late game.
>The entire point was how she was Sense's perfect counter.
Okay, so what the fuck does Wirbel do?
>Unironically best saved for last. The team runs into him almost right after the exam just to set up his arc happening late game.
Trump won
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>just learn japanese, bro
i'd rather spend it trying to learn magic
The exam, like most tournament arcs in non-tournament oriented battle shonen, served primary as a way to introduce fuckton of characters. And these characters have been used throughout the story from that point on. Compare Denken's or Genau's roles in the Macht and Revolte arcs respectively and the exam. We know Wirbel is a leader in a major war and we know the party will catch up to him eventually. You don't have to be a genius to figure out he'll have major spotlight.
This bitch is out there walking barefoot in the city? I would make her wash it everytime before she enters any building.
she has permanent clean feet spell
can you learn magic?
Sein will push Stark to impregnate Fern for real this time.
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Nobody but her remembers this smile.
frieren can just mind meld with serie like she did with macht
told you the point was to showcase Serie as a KILLER Mage.
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The big characters are Egyptian hieroglyphs. Dunno about small ones, possibly a variant of Phoenician.
Serie is certainly a master of mind magic, why can't she just pass her past knowledge of Flamme so that people can depict her accurately? She can literally transfer that smile.
I remember that smile.
Yeah fuck world building, nonstop boring fights is what we need!
young males want lots of action and little talking
women want all talking and no action
older men want 80% talking, 20% action
The shounenfag broke!
Elves don't care about sex, at all. This was covered even in the anime. Imagine elves living on such a long time-line to humans, that its like a human trying to understand a firefly, something that lives and dies within a single day. In the time it takes for an elf to get horny, the firefly(human) has been dead for hundreds of years. They're a species that lives on such a long time-line that the only thing that can keep up with them is other elves. They're like tortoises, they live long and they live slow, their concept of time isn't something humans could understand.

For a human to fuck an elf he'd have to catch one in just the right mood by sheer chance, 1/100000000 chance.
Well Serie may do it if someone impresses her enough since she doesn't care much, but who knows.
There were once three great elves, one of the shadow warriors supposedly killed one of them

Although the shadow warriors now seem, kinda hyper retarded. We now find out they're just killing things on their own disgression if they consider it powerful, and not because the empire ever told them to do it. 99% of super strong legendary figures that we never heard about, may have just been randomly killed by shadow warriors because the shadow warrior determined "This guy is strong.....that's a danger to the empire, lets kill him". Even when they were fired, excommunicated, labeled as traitors, they're still carrying on their job to kill every famous person in history just because "Well if strong people exist it might eventually be a danger to the empire".
They're going to kill basically the creator of all magic just on the sheer retarded whim of "Ehhh, an almighty mage.....that might be dangerous for the empire"

Empires come and empires go, this shithole empire will be gone before anyone realizes it, these dumb humans wipe out shit they can't even comprehend based on reasons that are utterly meaningless in the long term.
>3 weeks
>I would make her
I laughed. Thank you, anon.
retard, the traitors are the shadow warriors, towards the will of the empire
What manga are you reading? Serie asked for EVERYONE to please fuck off and let the assassins try to kill her. She's just trying to have some fun and these meddling faggots want to spoil it.
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I wonder if the intel they got includes Lowe. Clearly he's the most important one to the plan, since the other SWs thing he's the only one who could hope to kill Serie. But it also seems like they're secretive enough that maybe Lineal couldn't figure out who the ringleader is.

If that's the case then pic related becomes even more frustrating, because clearly his presence is so overwhelming that Frieren was able to tell from that far away. But she won't say that, she'll just keep to herself as always.
Nope. She doesn't want Falsch to babysit her in the town, but otherwise the mission is her idea. We see that she recruited Übel directly and asked her to recruit Land in a flashback.
Elf pussy
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So at 13 chapters, this arc is tied for number 3 length-wise with Goddess Mountain and behind only the exam and Macht that are 24 chapters each. I think there's no doubt it will overtake both at this rate.
Didn't mean to reply to anyone, sorry.
>almost every other demon is basically a human with horns
>Qual is the only odd one
multi-armed freaks need not apply
Everyone else comes from a long line of sissies who needed to appear human to not get killed.
Frieren-bros, we got called out. The way demons are treated doesn't make sense.

I'm not watching that.
What a retard..an hour long video based on a misunderstanding of his.
He's retarded and illiterate. The worst combo to be on the internet.
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Western pig talking about eastern mortality. Worthless
It actually does make sense and highlights a real problem in the story. Demons are evil and get slaughtered left and right. Some humans are also evil, but are literally immortal outside of flashbacks, no matter how heinous their crimes. There is a very clear moral double standard.

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