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New end card
Oh, that's just another Shinobu...
>illust 402.
>we could get official art like this if the industry didn't become anti lolicon
What a fucking waste.
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Cute fatpire
The glowing red parts are indicators of where you should kiss
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But we still get regular sexy bikini shots from non-loli characters, don't act as if it was the same. One was maybe reduced to 50% of its former glory, the other somewhere between 0 and 1% (loli).
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Yes, you tourist. Even if there are some JKs that are lolis.
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Ignore doomers
Post more Shinobu
Will we get Christmas art?
>posts extremely low effort illustration
It's hard to disprove doomers when you post a shining example of how the industry has fallen. Most megami pictures are now just white backgrounds on top of their infamous QUALITY.
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I mean I do see your point about Megami. I look at their images and it is mostly just girls in the same poses in the same looking underwear with no background. They all look like they are drawn by one person too. At least the Monogatari features tend to be more creative.
A bit better than the usual poses, yes, but I remember decades ago thinking that these illustrations are gonna get better in quality, both artwise and fanservice. And yet, here we are.
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Is there any good art of Shinobu in shackles? I hope Shaft gives it to us someday even if just a cut in gag. It seems like it would be a more obvious alternate outfit for her.
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I think it is because of the lack of backgrounds. It might be a bit harder to pass an image of a naked girl with no context. The loss in quality such as no backgrounds could be due to magazines losing popularity. No studio wants to make something cool for a magazine anymore.
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That might be part of the reason, but let's face it, studio wants to make anything as lewd with lolis as they used to, no matter the context or medium.
Are there any good mangas currently that could even be adapted? I know a lot of stuff doesn't make it to the West but can still be popular in Japan.
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There are a few. But I'm afraid they would get adapted like UzaMaid for example anyways, so I stopped wanting adaptations. Medalist is the next thing already confirmed to butcher even the minimal loli appeal. I'm curious whether they'll deem this too much as well.
Why are there so many newfags on /a/ nowadays?
no idea
Why do these mangaka keep giving studios that can barely animate the rights to adapt their work? Normalfags make fun of fanservice by calling it low quality but it actually is quite complex to draw and animate.
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It's also figure skating, and they use ugly CGI and fuck up the dresses with ugly censor spats.
Medalist was a multi award winning manga, so I don't get it either.
>Medalist was a multi award winning manga,
I take awards for nu-manga with a grain of salt.
Maybe, but still one would think they don't hand it to the single lowest piece of shit studio.
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Is Birb the cutest?
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birb opening in less than a month!
This still looks pretty cunny. Is the story of this manga actually good though?
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Order for anon, two tomboys
You'll have to sign for them
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Do you sign on the butts?
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It would be cool if they brought back the first Hitagi opening song for when they adapt Ikusa. Maybe they could even add some chants and choir so it sounds similar to one of the Shinobu openings.
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Why is she so tall though?
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'Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby
Yeah, I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby
Listen to Iron Maiden, baby, with me, ooh
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Why does she like that arms-up stretch pose?
have you seen mamaragi? I also suspect that the handstand contributed to it somehow
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Bee's tummy is so gorgeous
Because of
It was also strange to me that western fans are so much into Monkey and Bee, while Japanese prefer Snake or Bird over them. I can get nips' taste as I also prefer my girls to be as feminine as possible, but are you guys aiming for gap moe appeal? Genuinely curious.
I didn't think Monkey was that popular. Like every Monogatari character, she is generally likeable, but I don't see anyone really posting her much outside of in relation to the recent episode with her. I would say that Snake is more popular in the West too. I think Karen is popular because of the incest taboo angle. It opens many up to her character and tall cute girls can be pretty nice (not to mention tomboys being quite lewd).
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I like her attitude, her voice, and her willingness to 3p with younger girls
Thanks for your perspectives.
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What is she reading?
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Snail has been sexually frustrated for at least a decade
Maybe this is why she was fit for Kamihood
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those hips are too deadly
This was one of the best most gracious scenes in all of Monogatari. It was really fitting for Mayoi's triumphant return.
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You should keep on living anon, in case Shaft does a 100th anniversary where they show Yotsugi's panties finally.
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Someone post the webm where doll plants her feet on Araragi's face
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I desire to see this too
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What is a story idea you'd like to see in a future arc?
>knocks you out
I want to see Nadeko's butt cheeks on TV
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I love her so much
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I don't want to plap, lick, or even smack. I just want to feel it. I want to touch the butt.
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What other anime have you guys been watching recently?
You're getting locked up and put at the back of the queue instead!
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I wonder if Nadekos roam beside the line and hand out concessions?
rozen maiden then the two shows that just started this weekend on the wide stream. i'm about to finish up this haruhi book in japanese, i might read bakemonogatari in nip for the hell of it/for practice
Sorry if I'm dumb but I don't know what the spoiler is referring to
a stream that plays different CGDCT shows like hidamari sketch
I guess the audio commentaries, but other than monogatari I only watched mushoku tensei and mahoako this year
>topless Nadekos just roaming around outside
Gearing up for melli in December
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oh no you've been trapped in a room of JKs and they're going to force you to crossdress in your kouhai's pajamas
Look back, was great, most beautiful anime movie with nice plot.
Grave of the fireflies, was pretty boring and uneventful.
Just throw Shinobu to them
Why is he touching her tits?
are donuts really that good? i've never tried one
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They are soft and warm
Krispy Kreme is pretty cheap. I've taken to eating some of their plain donuts recently and they are very good. I'm not sure I'd touch any of their seasonal variants or anything though. Maybe in a country like Japan those things taste good, but in America it just means they shredded a couple water bottles over the top of your food, stuck it down with expire sugar paste, and gave it a quirky name.
you can make a bread dough with added eggs, sugar, butter and make rings of them
then once they've risen dip them in 170c oil for few mins per side

The actual eating experience depends on what kinda sugary coating you use. if you just use powdered sugar + water its kinda basic, then there caramel, chocolate, powdered sugar + rasberry juice gets you pink coating
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Is Shinobu warm to snuggle?
bat in lap
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I think someone once deduced that she would be warm because she bleeds. I think Shinobu snuggles would be the best fresh after a bath together, her skin would be so soft and extra warm. Bathing would become like how some people heat their pillows.
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Kiss-Shot's love of Araragi in Kizu is still one of the most beautiful things ever.
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12nobu the cutest!
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In Bat lap.
I like how Tsukihi looks here
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Berb legen!
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Would you leave monkey alone with your two precious imoutos?
Is it true not a single one of them has ever worn any kind of underwear in their lives?
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Well it's unladylike to wear underwear with traditional kimonos.
Araragi regularly gets to unwrap this
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No. I would join them.
Monkey has allowed Araragi to place micro cameras in every part of her room
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I liked when Ougi drove the car
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for whats currently airing: Puniru and Dandadan.
otherwise i am watching the characater commentaries, Soultaker (Shin Hurricane Polymar or Cossette after), and catching up with Umetsu's corpus in anticipation for Virgin Punk next year
itll be interesting to see what he can do at shaft. i think they have had an internal "Umetsu group" or something like that for a few years now.
When it's my turn as the last in line but instead of taking out my dick I take out a ring and get on one knee.
yeah, look back was wonderful to watch.
normally I don't like donuts, but mister donut had a really big variety with different consistencies and flavors. the three kinds I tried tasted really good
try your luck
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In the far left you can see a drawing for virgin punk. this image is already more than 2 years old
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Why does this keep happening?
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Checked for donutska
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And so on. A lot of fixes
that weird ray effect felt excessive
Shinobu would for sure be into drinking piss.
She begs Araragi to let her be his urinal many times when they are going to the bathroom.
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Shower Shinobu with love
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Which is your favorite?
he's so cool...
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Why was the single most powerful oddity defeated simply by finding a guy who rubbed her cunny in the right way?
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Why are you dressing a boy in such girly clothes?
My prairie girl fetish is so strong, her look isn't helping
Lolita prairie is too powerful
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She is still waiting
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Sundress supremacy
thanks for posting them
Left seems better?
Left expressions look dumb there imo
If I brought her the head of some homeless guy, would Suicide Master let me have a go at her cunny?
please never draw
This anime looks so cute and arousing, but will it make me sad? I'm very sensitive
nisio doesnt do sad
I only got close to crying at a scene with the Snail, I won't spoil anything about it though. They are great at directing things in a very emotional way randomly. Just always remember that none of the cast really dies fortunately. If anything, this series will more likely make you sad because of how strong some of the romance parallel relationships are. I wish I had a vampire.
I'd like to add that it is the Snail scene that takes place in an Avant Garde space full of docks and water. You'll know when you get there. There are also a few emotional moments in an arc where the MC has to fight an undead cuck twink.
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Give Nadeko privacy
Do not look
which nadeko would do this
She has a propensity for public exposure
Probably gets drunk the easiest too
He's very cynical but that's not to say that the series is devoid of emotional moments
Like the snail scene that >>273260325 is talking about
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What do you place on her tongue?
Lolicon should be an underground thing. It becoming mainstream due to gacha hell is why we have so many annoying ToT posters.
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I personally like loli memes. I feel like they fit their character well. The people who try to imitate Japanese social media posts are admittedly cringe sometimes though.
>annoying ToT posters.
Fuck them, they ran that meme into the ground, despite that they're still going hard. I say kill them all.
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This guy hasn't made art since Halloween
I'm getting impatient
pudgy nobu
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It is something many fan artists sadly forget
Shaft draws her in a really particular way
Araragi should form a harem of magical JCs
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A harem of magical JCs is the dream
I wonder where they are going
We've moved onto blunt lingo like child pussy. If that ends up going "mainstream" then it'll just be funny (perhaps cute).
To the meat grinder. Green haired Nadeko is a invasive species and needs to be population controlled.
Can they at least die not being virgins?
Ironic how less and less artists are willing to draw lolis
It's way too popular now that even normies are aware of lolis and they send death threats, spam gore pics or try to doxx the artist because "drawings hurt muh morals"
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There is still quite a bit of loli art on pixiv and the artists are taking measures to fight these retards so at least it is healing. I'm not sure the retards will ever fix though. Even if they are loathsome, I still feel bad for them because of how bad their mental health must be. I kind of wonder what about modern times causes puritan hate mobs that simultaneously fill their profiles with their own much more degenerate fetishes.
Humans need someone to look down to. Racism or bashing fags isn't allowed anymore, so...
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I don't know how anyone could decide to make this their spit on group.
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She looks so pretty here
Kanbaru is much more popular than Nadeko in polls, rankings and such that I've seen over the years. If you just go by amount of /a/ posts then you'd think lolis are the most popular characters in basically every series. Or that Homura is eight billion times more popular than every other Madoka character combined. All it takes is a few dedicated posters.
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I've been blinded by looking through lolicon lenses for too long...
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Which is the best?
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It would be cool if he fought Hanekawa
what you mean wait near where hanekawa works and when shes going to her car to go home stab her in the neck or something
I would gain a lot of respect for Nisio if he wrote this in
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Don't worry, he will
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Wait, what’s he gonna do?
She won't know until it is too late
Why wouldn't he touch his lover's tits?
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I do not know why this vision came to me
Because she never wanted to be the strongest. She only wanted to be happy.
maybe its your latent desire to feel the utter power of holding a sexually attractive persons life in your hands
ok this is the best thing I've seen here in weeks
In those outfits? Mayoi.
I wish we got a Nadeko oral fixation arc
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Karen had one
Tsukihi had one
Nadeko is the next JC on the docket for an oral focused scene
...aside from...you know
I love this webm
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I also have a longer version.
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at least make a show out of it
Bath Time Shinobu is so cute
She would be an excellent variant in a Monogatari gacha
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This was so bold
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I have a feeling that if Nisio made a sex scene, they would animate it. All for avant garde and pushing art forward. Watanabe is the da Vinci of our time.
Shaft is the A24 of anime
Do a24 films feature a lot of sexy children too?
Shinobu regularly uses her secret pocket under her dress
But that's the best way to begin to understand why the right is better
I love Tsukihi
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She looks like she's been having a lot of fun with him
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Imagine drinking out of her every single day.
Beautiful Nobu cup
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I love her
>Ghost of Suicide Master finds Nadeko
>Tells her stories from over the centuries for Nadeko to write mangas about
>Simply requires she be allowed to name Nadeko's characters in return
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Taking off Shinobu's bandaid so she can pee
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How many Monogatari figures do you own?
hows the loli-fansevices
Her cunny was happy!
I need shaft to do a parody of A Christmas Carol with the monogatari characters.
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Very nice
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I wish Shaft could get Nisio to write them little scripts for cool anime original stuff. Having her see the past present and future would compliment Nadeko's character very well too. Maybe the ghosts could even be the loli trio, although I can't decide which would be which ghost.
The warmth of this image is pleasing
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Pleasing Nobu cunny should be required by law
What if some other student made fun of Nadeko's shoes
Tsubasa Cow
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How to best please it?
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Maybe with occasional tickles
You have to make sure she has a donut in her mouth first though
I got two crabs when I was in tokyo, takano broadway had way better deals and more interesting figures than what they had in akihabara
Why did Hitagi give up Astronomy? Was it too nebulous?
This is by _far_ the most changes Shaft has done for an episode this season. It honestly makes me feel bad for watching WEB first and not waiting for the BDs/TV. Insane. https://slow.pics/c/mLz0m6dg
is karen even a japanese name?
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I refuse to believe that Araragi never went all the way with her. It's flat-out impossible.
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the flattest, even

Araragi's parent fucked up their children's names for a joke
>She was starting to hug him before he put her down
Isn't there also a whole part in Kabuki where she has marks on her ribs because he was touching them all night?
It took me a long time to realize that the Japanese flag was likely highlighted so much in Kizu due to Kiss-Shot being a foreigner. In writing this post, I also realize that Kizu sounds kind of like kiss.
That’s is probably true
Тbh when it comes to monogatari and madoka(especially madoka though) I find intrinsic value in all versions.
I guess this makes sense too. They swarmed the scene where Araragi burns up. I hope Nisio makes another movie worthy novel someday. Maybe the Madoka movie might capture some of the true Shaft style but it is a slightly different flavor.
I read a theory that the parallel theme of the film(presented through visuals) is the history of Japan's wounds from the ‘64 Olympics to the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake.
Not shafts wounds of the censorship tokyo 2020 olympics caused?
Shaft seems like the type to make fun of such a thing but Kizu was written before the Olympics and Shaft wasn't really affected by the censorship because they were to busy working on Blu Rays for Owari or whatever during the time period that stuff happened.
Rank each Monogatari story by which time of the year it is the best to watch it at.
This is a good theory too
I wonder if it could connect to any of the characters in a meaningful way. I thought about the Olympics dialogue which said something about returning after all the time and felt it could mirror Kiss-shot returning to Japan after so long.
I like feminine girls appearance wise but i can't stand a feminine personality. It's probably why Kanbaru seems like a good time to me. She's open in the way i like and hides the things she knows will just burden people.
Cockroach oddity
I wish we'd get some more character introductions like in Bake.
generally, yes however it really depends on where you get them. Good quality donuts have textures and fillings that will feel like sex in your mouth.
though cheap (krispy Kreme and such) donuts also have their own appeal
>feel like sex in your mouth
Man i was fine until koimonogatari but season 3 went over my head. I mean i'll rewatch at some point but the whole self doubt/regret adolesence theme felt convoluted for no real reason. Anyway fun stuff, gonna continue in Off season.
Been on a Symphogear grind lately after a friend has been telling me about it for ages. Watching season 3 now and shit is crazy.
Also Chris is my wife
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Erotic monkey tummy
These kind of shots get a lot lewder when you consider her statement about spats being like wearing nothing
Monkey is a dangerous combo for me. Tomboy + eyebrows is too much.
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Imagine monkey leglock
Imagine licking sweaty monkey tummy
I just want to lay my head on her nice butt
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Soft, but firm, like a good pillow
I like how Shaft always puts blush on butts
Not complaining but butts aren't usually blushed unless you did things beforehand. They are however extremely soft.
I know this but accept the anime trope because it turns me on. It is like the girls butt is shy or extra exposed or something. It also does help show softness. Overall it is pretty cute and shows they gave extra attention to her butt.
I want to kiss Kanbaru's ass
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Basically nude
There is no way Araragi didn't fuck shinobu while he had the dorm to himself
Didn't he stay at his parents house for college? I'm not disagreeing that he fucked Shinobu at every chance though. He just made sure to lock the door after Karen walked in one time.
Would Karen and Shinobu be down for a threesome?
Karen would do anything for her bro
My mind has rotten so much since watching Monogatari that I perk up when I read the word bandaid. Is it too late for me?
You can find a wife as long as you have enough income and arent short
>arent short
The most important factor sadly.
I hope to find a wife who has a similar sense of humor to me and at least is slightly perverted. I really want to have a daughter some day so I can pamper her.
>Shinobu making Araragi cum his pants by masturbating in his shadow in order to embarrass him
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Post your favorite girl and favorite sweet food
Wait really?
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Shinobu's default age should be 9.
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Please prooompt some Math.
Or more Snek feet is fine too.
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>she sees your dick
>end card
There's a new ep?!
I thought it was from him not waking up from one of the time leaps on a staircase or something
the japanese flag is used, because the story is set in japan
apparently an ad aired for the new short story book aired last sunday with the new episode. has someone seen it?
This sounds interesting
I remember seeing an excerpt posted here where she says something about him not keeping his hands off her. Maybe I misread it and the marks came from the fall but I do believe he touched her all night.
No, I am pretty sure shinobu said touching occured while he was unconscious, as she was waiting for him to wake up after time leaping.
He touched her in his sleep? That sounds even more perverted.
this and her hips are her hottest features.
they seem to like to emphasize them, for some reason.
They are so cute
You can tell Doll is enjoying it too
Are there any other characters depicted by Shaft that can compare to Monogatari character levels of perversion?
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We need another Yotsugi arc
I find Ougi's character to be the most attractive. Supporting behind the scenes, acting all smug in an endearing way etc. Is it over for me?
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Ougi is premium
this image is so nice, yet I can't find a source for it
can you help me?
> Shaft draws her in a really particular way
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Older women. Since there's no way they can compete with hebe, that's how they attack the competition.
I harvested it from this place so I don't know either. The style is very nice so it is a shame. It is like a flashier version of the official style.
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I guess that is one way to describe it
Nice and plump is another way
They manage to make every inch of her sexy
I have bad news for you.
No, I don't think it is
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Uh Oh
There are only three fries left
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Buy some more
American Nadeko is cute
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I did not order this
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Ougi is pretty beautiful
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>Thread is 3 days old

Dead anime and dead general.

Monogatari is dead. And this ugly bat killed all the hype.
She gets the Shinobu shoulder treatment here
if the entire season was of nadeko quality it'd be aoty
shame about the bat arc
Post full image so we can judge if she is really guilty or not
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That stupid fucking bat is the reason why the anime went from a 10/10 down to a fucking 0. All that potential and cock tease for what could have been a great arc flushed down the drain by this whore.

God i wish Araragi would finally man up and punish this smug asshole for all the crimes against humanity shes committed,
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Ougi is pretty.
Pretty spooky that is.

Ironic product placement advertisement is still advertisement. This should be bannable along with monster shit.

All threads are dead because it takes 15mins to post here now.
Did it stop spam? No. Places like /biz/ have spammers that worked around it.
But there's like 10000 less posts here on /a/ now. Thanks Hiro!
Does the 15 minute wait affect all boards or just cancerous ones like /a/?
All 4chan boards are cancerous anon
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>all boards or just cancerous ones
>implying there are good boards on 4channel.net.au.se.moe
I blame Gaen
I want to yank her baggy pants off as punishment
>implying they aren't an extension of her old flappy vagina flaps
They are actually leftover material that they used to make Yotsugi's uterus
but pretty much every country has developed fried dough.
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Need fried dough...
European here. The bakery doughnuts I've had when visiting America were absolutely that good, but the ones they sell here in supermarkets and 7-elevens are garbage.
Now that's a dominance asserting stance
She thinks she's Kyouko
Nadeko smut chapter 5 (4) is out! You and Nadeko have ended up unable able to see eachother for a few weeks due to being busy. You're both eager to spend time together again, and very horny to boot! Luckily, your home is empty for the night! This silly little devil loves to tease you knowing you'll obey her every command, but really, she just wants to rile you up so you'll put her in her place big time! Talks of art, love, and dreams, and supplemented plenty of your seed! Hope you enjoy!
is there like an AI service thats been fed on nisio novels that will output that style sex scenes with the characters?
This is really well written and what would've happened if Nisio didn't want to keep Araragi pure in the parts the audience sees. Nadeko is so sexy and deserves sex.
I really hope Nisio gives us a Koyomi, Hitagi, Shinobu three way sex scene some day.
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I'm so glad you enjoy the series! I, obviously, agree. I love working with the writer, I provide a very in depth outline of the story and he puts it together cohesively with much more detail and substance, and then just for my own satisfaction, I spend a few hours going over everything thoroughly and put the best wording I can, add or subtract some parts and try keep them in character as best as possible. I like the effort he puts in to keeping her authoritative behavior still sheepish and silly - she's not that great at it, but that's great.

With the publication of this chapter, I went back and added intros of Nadeko's thoughts to the previous chapters - I loved the Otori LN, so I wanted to capture that vibe. I also ocassionally try and put some rrrgi adjacent lines of thoughts in (picrel)

I'm not a footfag, but... for Nadeko, I... I kneel...
I want an arc where Ougi gets into a head on collision with Araragi.
I liked the scene where Kiss-Shot rested her fat ass and hung like a bat.
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This month's Newtype has an adorable Nadeko b2 poster included! In total it cost me about 25 dollars on Amazon, mostly due to shipping.
Look at the heavens swirling behind them
I like when she stands on the ceiling
the invocation of the idea of a brand isn't automatically advertisement, surely. that would be needlessly restrictive.
if you find this board bad, you should visit /vt/.
On vt you can get banned for simply saying a streamer's nationality lol. vt is like the apocalypse of boards.
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Nadeko is a legbeard and still cute
>it takes 15mins to post here now
Not my problem.
Araragi faps to Hachikuji everyday
Based, I hate her so fucking much. Serious Shinobu a shit. Just a footfag salesman
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based 5head kisser
>ban mcdonalds

you're like rrgi on the right side of picrel
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Shinobu shit probably does taste pretty good
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>spends 400 years reincarnating only to get keked by a talisman
I feel bad for this dude.
I think part of his entire character was supposed to give you mix feelings and make you uncomfortable. It helps you feel what Araragi and Nobu felt.
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I want to bond with a vampire girl so bad
Is Hitagi a cuckquean?
Yes, she gets off on the very idea of Araragi's infidelity
Peak Nisio comedy
I want Shinobu to sit on my chest
Why does she do poses like this?
she's balancing her giant backpack
He masturbates using Hachikuji, you mean.
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>2007 popularity poll
>Crab is the only Monogatari character in the Top 10
>In fact, Crab is the only non-Zaregoto character in the Top 10
>At #5, just behind Tomo
So... this is the power of tsunderes.
Captcha: NTRN0
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1 easily. Boy squad.
your wallet is gone. passport too most likely.

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