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Welcome to the Vacation!

Chapter 8
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I kinda prefer the anime with husband coming
>ywn have a cute girl fail to save you from a suicide attempt because your friend brought her to comiket instead of coming to help you
why even live?
In the anime it wasn't anticlimactic like this. The whole thing was treated seriously with a dramatic ending like a proper resolution to a story arc.
Yeah. My favourite scene in the anime was the cliff one, and the tent just didn't live up to it

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What should the punishment be for a false rape accusation?
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How about like, paying for the damages? A few months in jail?
The punishment for any false accusation should be the maximum possible punishment for the crime they're falsely accusing someone of, in addition to a fine paid to both the court and the falsely accused, as well as a brand on the face that marks one as a bearer of false witness.
This evil cunt sold Spear Hero's other female party member to a brothel. She wasn't punished nearly enough.

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Delinquent X chubby girl romance
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Ive had worse desu
plus, I dont think dieticians are real doctors anyway
This guy loves to draft blueprints
These things never last long (see the rice cooker manga)
That looks cute
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BASED. Lose weight fatties muahahahahaa

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Why did Kishi make medical nin cool for two characters which are orochimaru and kabuto bet then made it lame for everyone else? Somehow real life doctors are more badass than ninja doctors.
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No, he even has Raikage keep company to his wife so he can concentrate on his duties.
I'm re-reading the manga right now, and cannot fathom how anyone ever liked Sakura in part 1. She's literally spent the entire time so far, at the end of the Chuunin exam arc right now, doing nothing but thinking about Sasuke and does nothing to better herself in any way, despite realizing she's even weaker than Nardo. And I completely forgot she turned her back on Ino, who was a great friend to her and protected her from bullies, for no reason other than she also had a crush on Sasuke and she just stopped talking to her and told her they were now rivals. What a shitty character, she deserved to get cucked by a dinosaur.
Nah Hinata's pussy can only accept Naruto's cock.
Just rike my wife *raughs*
No. Boruto just makes everything worse for dumb reasons.

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There's something for everyone, the dog team is literally perfect. No other team comes close. Having the most members in a team does that.
Which team would you add more members to even the playing field?
And what kind of a girl would she be?
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Those are as high as possible, she's wearing low-rise spats today
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Inspect the condoms you get from Mizu, she could have poked holes in them
not using them anyway

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My favorite evil girl
Unironically and canonically made for shota cock correction
a real example of what vitamin d deficiency does to a woman
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Very evil but very hot.
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Friendly reminder that if you haven't watched Mii's show, you do not belong here.
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>some guy organizes twitterfags to draw Mii for July
>easily more than half of the art is just shitass OCs wearing her outfit
Children climaxing in my heccin' animu!?!?1? YESSS
The plot and the battles were nice but the ending was a bit dumb
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The ED always makes me feel so nostalgic.

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Chapter 9: >>271135466
Chapter 10
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We made it to two chapters.
Can we make it to three?
We could try.
Seems like it.
This post is a lie.

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I really wanted to like this but I can't.
Sometimes art is nice and very creative but that's it. Main cast is very cliche and boring, story is straightforward and without tension (last cap was somehow an outliner), fights are terrible, Ishida can't blend humor and action, panels are messy most of the time and he often uses a very cheap digital
Fans (all 20 of them) also don't seem to accept criticism, geez if you have to simp for a manga at least pick a decent one
The manga was good until Azuma got power and he became just another cliche straight laced character.
I only read it now because of Nou mask.
I don't care about all of the literal whos fighting in the current arc.

Tamayura turns 24! This is a series that is very important to me. The first time I watched the final movies absolutely destroyed me and even now, I wouldn't be able to watch them spontaneously without some heavy emotional damage.
What highlights do you remember and who's your favorite character? This is a really tough pick but I'm gonna go with Norie.
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/a/ doesn't talk about it because this board has mainstream normalfag tastes in anime
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Bump for one of the best anime.
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Post DSC00752

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Last parry.
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and well, Swordmaster. No wonder he trains with Noor.
>rolo gets all the girls (ines, sirene, etc)
Who is left for Noor?
see >>271217816
"Let's spar, Noor!"
What's his name again?

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The full version of chapter 73 has been released on Comiplex.
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>Powerpuff Arthur
He...he's going to get back up r...right?
Godspeed and Thanks TL-Anon
Orochi WON!
Alibababros, our turn soon.

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>This was considered a ridiculously busty anime girl in the 90s
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Back when adult characters looked normal, not like moeblobs/lolis.
Should still be, minds have been warped too much
>Eiken was 2001
So we had like, 5 years tops of normal proportions in anime. What a shame.
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>she's no slouch even in the modern era.
Very true

This is also true of her personality, an arogant bitch who also acts goofy.
I can hear this image.

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Wtf is this?
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the point is, a lot of tards say they can't hire a hot middle eastern because of stupid reasons like the studio gets bombed,
meanwhile there's sanji. Shakira is shaking her ass and belly dancing, she is middle eastern descent too.
A lot of people agree Vivi is a miscast, period.

also toei studio is getting Saudi Arabian investments. The crown prince favorite anime is one piece. He's gonna pardon any Arab lady if she plays a role there.
he also allowed a gay rave in his nation.
sanji is a man
Shakira is middle eastern ‘descent’
Lmao, I'm not Arab nor a Muslim.
I'm a middle eastern woman fetishist. Indian women are ugly, simple as.
>/a/ caring about live action
>/a/ caring about western live action
the bar keeps on getting lower
Who do you think is getting cut/changed for CGI Chopper budget reasons?

My guess is
>Wapols Submarine
>Smokers bike
>Skinny Alvida
>Dalton's Bison Fruit
>Wapol as a House

Preview pics for episode 12 are up.

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He does tend to go for younger girls
Are there people that actually like this trash?
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>Are there people that actually like this tr-ACK~!
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Nice bait but no (You) for you.
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