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Shikki Love!
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or just make it yourself
Does Yoshi even knows how to take care of a baby?
Girls like her make great mothers
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2chan Archive:


5ch Archive:
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Chances on the "it was all a dream" ending and we get to see OG Tomoko for the last chapter?
So it goes.
What do they say here?
literally 0
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Watamote threads haven't been this horny since the days of /v/.
Also, reminder.

Everybody's favorite teacher is back
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>Nobody asked for this.
>Nobody liked this.
I did. you snooze, you lose
on the other hand chances are he would be the one getting raped if the FeMC caght her red handed, considering how she handled her sister's "issue"
>"You hate it that he's filming a different woman? oh boy how can I tell you"
>forced character development haircut
She's dead to me
it's okay because she looks like Shinji's mom in the OP
>heroine got fucked by someone else
>used good, whore, slut. disgusting but aroused
>MC got fucked by someone else
>Nobody asked for this
What with the double standards?

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Who is ready for some 3DCG murder yuri mystery?
will never be anime.

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ITT: anime wisdom
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weak jaws cause funny shaped heads
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>Washing yourself in the bath
Completely disgusting and a great way to get an infection. Always wash yourself before getting into the bath. Especially your ass and cock.

Gonna miss Shutter Chance, that song was really catchy and fun to listen to.

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Its already got whoever whaled as initial sales. The episodic release schedule shows its built as more of an idle style game though. Contest is peak autonomous so that fills out a nice daily niche.
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Acosta Ikebukuro will feature the Cinderella Girls cosplays at a booth September 28-29.
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It's funny how much synergy there is for translating her name as Ririsa, but others like Ikora are up to the translator.
I'm gonna miss Watch Me personally, but fortunately there's no recap episode.
Makes even less sense thb.

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For me, it's Cerea.
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Monster monster mo mo monster life
Hitotsu something something
Futatsu something something
Saikyou fall in love
ignoring the fact that horse pussy is not particularly hairy, you're aware that most people don't regularly fuck standing up either because it's an awkward position, right?
You're on the internet, this information is easy to find.
Me too I love stories about spidergirls who don’t want to be hated James in the giant peach and transformers both have that archetype
imma sucker for cuddles so I like snek-lady the most.

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>B...but sensei, we're both girls...
Me recording
Yuri always win.
Look, fag, I don't care that you lost an argument about femfaggots. Don't soil my catalog.
yeah but in series form

I think the anime would be better if Yuuki was the main character desu
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POV: Wani is informing you that you're getting pegged tonight.
oh noooo :DDDD
heart of righteous
body of sin
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obraz doko

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Chapter 112

After having overheard some unsettling things regarding Okumoto, Shima decided to tell his ex-wife Reiko who took his advice and promptly caught Okumoto cheating on her. She got some revenge by ruining his relationships with both his (other) mistress and his wife and now at his lowest, she took him in. But the real action, of course, was with Shima. It was no secret that Nancy was planning to go back to America at some point so the search was on to develop some new talent that would be waiting in the wings to takeover when she did. One plan was to bring an older American band that had been popular in Japan, Nutcrackers, over to Japan for a tour and Best Of album. The other was holding an audition for new female singers. The eventual winner being a girl named Mika Hayashi but Shima and a lot of others were impressed by a girl named Madoka Nozoe and wanted to sign her as well.

Madoka was the daughter of the famous kabuki actor Toranosuke Hanayagi and he agreed to entrust her to Sunlight, however a complication arose. Shima had reconnected with his old lover from Kyoto, Katsuko. But Hanayagi was in love with her as well and threatened to pull Madoka if Shima didn't stand aside. But the intervention and blackmail of some paparazzi caused Hanayagi to bow out. With herself now free following the death of Zuikaku Matsumoto, Katsuko sold her ryotei and moved to Tokyo, both to open a smaller restaurant and to be closer to Shima. As Shima prepared for a New Year's Day concert for Nancy being held at Inubosaki on the year's very first sunrise, he celebrated with Katsuko with Chizuru watching the whole time.
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i've always liked piggy.
She's a good and fairly well-rounded (heh) character.
Brand loyal snek.
>Shim/a/ time once again
Need to resupply on wine. Kino back on the menu.
Thank you.

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what a whore...
Built for dog paizuri
trips confirm

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Chapter 5 is done, thanks again to the translator, dumper and proofreaders.
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I didn't make mine yet. Watch zis.
Guys, when I asked Ayano how to triforce, she made a :3 face and told me to delete system32. Now the company servers have exploded. What should I do!?
sekushii midiamu baioretto oni
JC legs!!!!
Rape correction is needed

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fucking rabbit i hate you so goddamn much FUCK TEWI AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH
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>Reisen desperately needs a baby put inside her.
Which of the girls gonna become futa to do the task?
pog champing
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sometimes you try to calm down,
and you do, you know, it's not a big deal,
but often times Aya and her FUCKING NEWSPAPER IS HERE EVERY TIME
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(Watashi wo Tabetai, Hitodenashi) by Sai Naekawa will be receiving a TV ANIME ADAPTATION scheduled for 2025
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What a monster!
it's an intentional catch-22
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Indeed she is.
>"Yuri", "Horror", "Drama"
Honestly 2 of these 3 aren't really fitting

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Friendly reminder that if you haven't watched Mii's show, you do not belong here.
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my first exposure to nose bleeds as a sign of arousal.
a some point her bra snaps and she ends up topless.
I thought the big monster dude's laser destroyed it.
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Choco tits

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