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Good subs when?
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Yugioh GO Rush fans, “First time”
So are the books still ongoing?
Seems like this series never ends (and I'm thankful for that).
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Always waiting for subs.
Why never waiting for doms?
I was really surprised when nisio announced that he would really start a whole new season. I really wonder if he'll do a season after family season, logically I would say now, but with nisio you just never know. though I wish his writing speed would be back to his old glory, I can't even imagine how he wrote the best books of monogatari with only 4 months of time inbetween
Imagining being a guy writing a book and then you suddenly get elevated to Stan Lee status.

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Are you hyped?
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At least it stops zoomers from reproducing.
mid doesn't change even if you delete the "porn"
Yes. But I find the possible lack of rape scenes extremely concerning
extremely, Umetsu is Shaft's second Shinbo right now
Well there's that

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New episode soon!
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I remember him just randomly changing trajectory midair in the manga.
Jinka's dad was pondering his orb like in the memes!
That was Yazen, not Jinka's dad. Unless you mean his father in law
That's what happens whenever good manga get anime.

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This is Oyama Mahiro, say something nice to him
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we will have enough kids to make a baseball team
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He's a very good little sister.
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It's so over for the boys it isn't even funny
What do you mean?
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Neko copies the fanart, the fanart is of them crossdressing and he made the girls forcibly feminise them and they liked it. They're taking the potion at the end of the series.

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leaks soon
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we're discussing kinobachi anon, why post this irrelevant whore?
>irrelevant whore
hinaobros our response?
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I would lick her anus.

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Kaoru made a thread for you!
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Unfortunately for her, I've anticipated this and have been dropping contraceptive pills in her tea all this time. Check and mate.
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She's definitely a precious bean. Her papa must be so lucky to be able to taste her cooking so often
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I can only imagine how wonderful her hair smells
Throw that shit on the ground and order some pizza.
Crafty producer being a step ahead

One Page Thread
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Did this get axed or was the translation dropped?
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I see this is one of those threads
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For me, it's Cerea.
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I think him coming home with a broken pelvis would raise suspicion
Injuries fighting them off. They'd know it was possible.
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Even Kii.
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Akari is the cutest and nicest girl on the whole world.
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Did anyone save my Pic of niggurun? I'm too lazy to go on my pc and get it.
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Chapter 39: From Me,
The Most Selfish Person in the World,
To You,
The Ugliest Person in the World
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Dowman is the mangaka, right? He isn't making anything new?
Thank you, OP!
>He isn't making anything new?
Thanks OP.
That I can continue living like this indefinitely.

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Loli is back on the menu
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They also grabbed this one.
How lewd is it
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My body is ready
The manga is general is WAY less lewd than the anime most of the time, especially in 2wei. Most of the loli make-out scenes are one panel or off screen.
I hope this means more Fate stuff gets picked up, like Case Files or Redline.

Is Illya what's wrong with the anime fanbase?
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Miyu’s butt.
Who cares? Licensed manga is always censored anyway.
True. I'm afraid for Japan fanservice and ecchi are on their way out. It's up to China and Korea now, which means we're doomed.
God that's hot
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Miyu's soft butt

Tamayura turns 24! This is a series that is very important to me. The first time I watched the final movies absolutely destroyed me and even now, I wouldn't be able to watch them spontaneously without some heavy emotional damage.
What highlights do you remember and who's your favorite character? This is a really tough pick but I'm gonna go with Norie.
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She falls over too often. She's a liability.
I don't know anything about the fandom but I'm surprised to hear that. I figured she'd be fairly popular too.
She's a really important character, you know

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Just watched Gantz, are there any other series that have this dynamic?
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>do you eat raw meat without condiments?
Suck the clit.
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I like this dynamic
Isn't this also the anime that has that one clip of some guy grabbing a naked girl after she just materialized and raping her? This show is wild.
Care enough to respond didn't ya , faggit?

Mecha but lolis.
Shame about the production problems.

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