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Imagine being beaten to death by this
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Yes, Razor got a flashback right when he was defeated (in his volleyball game) So did Binolt when he was defeated (in Bisky's challenge). If the Phantom Troupe lose it will mean their deaths since it's not just a game and none of Hisoka, Morena's group, or Kurapika will spare them like with Binolt
The spiderlings will be picked off one by one by the magician.
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I can see the spider dying but not every single individual member
It’s fucking insane that the longest flashback in the series is given to the childhood troupe. Not Netero (a handful of pages), not Nanik/killua (like a chapters worth), not gyro (literally a couple of pages).

But the fucking child torupe

We better get a flashback of the Kurta massacre at this point

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>Peacemaker looks like this
>the black guy still gets Haley

What is even the point of this character?
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It's very easy to check that. Just see trailers for recent Japanese movies.


It's clearly the same exaggerated acting and intonation you'd see in anime.

Now, this isn't completely universal and you have some "cult" directors that push for more naturalistic performance, but most Japanese medie doesn't go for naturalistic acting at all, even outside of anime.
males: okay
women: meh...
You sound gay
Katana only appeals to losers who barely watched anime
Katana is a westoid take on the jap woman.
She's a shallow normal woman who kills and is quiet.
Hopefully Harley kills her soon.

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who would win?
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So neither?
>"Have you ever even BEEN to hell? I have. Can't stand the weather."
death battle, plz.
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Uhhh, but your pic implies vaginal instead of anal??
Fair enough, I only know the one on the left.
Yeah. Never mind relative power levels, Alucard actually knows how to fight.

Chapter 576 - The Great Pirate Edward Newgate
Last Thread (572-575): >>268987184
The Beginning: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/246835384
Previous Chapters: https://desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/Daily%20One%20Piece%20Chapter/
Arc List: https://pastebin.com/fjeg9Qwa

We are on the cruise!
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The "mom" part of the theory was made by people who couldn't understand why Crocodile started to help Luffy during the arc, as well as shitposters who thought it'd be funny if female Croc got impregnated by Dragon.
Buggy turned his head the last second. I've seen it happen before irl.
>winpy minor character from the beginning of the story comes back 509 chapters later to have a moment in front of every major player in the series
The admirals in the war are the biggest plotholes, they teleport around the battlefield the entire war and other than Ace none of them are allowed to finish their opponents off for good.
Sweet, only 542 plus some yet unreleased chapters to go

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>Lilysa's ass will never land on your face
>you will never see or stare at Lilysa's white panties
Why even live?
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I was really looking forward to hearing Sugita's voice acting, but then once I heard Ogino talking it didn't feel quite right. Not really sure why.
But you saw her panties this episode, they just cut out the actually good pantyshot. Which fucking sucks and made me so angry I might not even not bother watching this week, but it's better than nothing. We also saw her panties in episode 1 and 2 so it's not a total lost cause.
Third choice is the only correct choice.
Unironically, yeah.
doesn't fucking matter. japanese make anime to satisfy their own ego not to sell to pander to bugmen. otherwise you wouldn't have animators working for bags of rice just for prestige of being associated with XXXX project or being able to say they created something while at kyoani or wit studio or whatever.

How did you react when Maon died? How did you feel when you heard the news, and how did you find out?
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Touma's birthday is the day he lost his memories and became the Touma we know today.
Another fucking hematoma like Toriyama? It's the fucking vax. It's a known adverse effect.
Have you asked your healthcare provider about Abilify today?
>documented side effect of vaccine that was otherwise rare beforehand
There's no helping retards like you.
She had been having headaches from a young age and was reliant on painkillers for most of her life. Things got so bad that not even aspirin proved effective anymore. Given her reported cause of death was a "chronic illness" I imagine her epidural hematoma was caused by that and the hematoma was what caused her collapse and not the other way around. In any case she was having health issues long before the pandemic.

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Would you seek immortality in isekai?
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Did Tsuki ever confirm if Root's husband was Makoto's ancestor?
isn't that that one big french castle place? st michel or something like that
Wolf that don't Sleep
Dungeon Meshi
isn't he a fucking granpa? does it even count?
Munemori founded Kalaenon (the kingdom Makoto's ancestors were nobility of). And he was the conqueror with huge harem type with 60 wives. While it has never been explicitly stated it's pretty clear that Makoto descends from Munemori
Any Isekai where a group of people are Isekai'd and are forced into a battle to the death with each other? Ideally with a CF included.

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I don't get it
They are making a promotional ad?
No, it's a compilation of the author sperging over the live action cute and gay scenes to the point it's becoming a meme due to her sperging being feature in some japanese news sites.
Well, that does sound like a clever way to get attention to your work

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>Title: Meal/then
>Summary: As for conquering the Tower of Mourning...! It seems like it's going to be difficult...!
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Jesus Christ you sound insufferable. I'm just saying I don't enjoy it as much.
And I'm just saying that the industry would be in a better place if hypebeasts were rounded up and shot in the head.
Yes and you're holier than thou you fucking loser.
No reason to be personal, just giving you an advice. If "hype" is all you care about, then there are dozens of series better suited for your dopamine fried brain.
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Would you the teacher

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Vampire thread
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Just taking a break from her sex marathon.
I'd like that!
Yes, I misread lol
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She's at multiple points on that scale.
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What is your opinion on this family?
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kill yourself
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C'mere and give grandma Kikyo a kiss.
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Milf Kagome in bottom left makes me feel things

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Shikanoko Noko's Nokos
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No, it's not.
much better.
those hardly do it for every frame, are focused on the face and need a frontal angle
The way it looks back and then runs away, lmao
>The fuck?!
You've got it backwards. Nara contains them. If you nuke it, the deer will scatter across the Earth.

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Chapter 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73: >>268615062
Chapter 74
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thanks opsama, please don't disappear
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Dumpy the second, you should be able to relax, Dumpy mama will return
>that note
Yeah, he’s fucking smooth with it. Thanks dumpy 2.0, stay safe from the curse with my prayers.
>stuttering in text
Thank you for posting, dumpy n2.

>adults are... le bad!
>illegal immigrants are... le good!
>mc gets yurizoned cucked
What did you think of this?
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Aya is a top student. Tomboy is dumb. They will not enter the same college. Tomboy won't even make it to Tokyo.
Sports scholarship or some shit. Like Kase-san.
I haven't watched it and if that's what I'm to expect from it then I probably won't ever watch it either.
The girls are showing their feet and the guys aren't so I think it's good.
>decide to run away from home and go on a 7 day adventure
>wear sandals of all things
These girls are footsluts. They just wanted to show off their feet for 7 days in a row.

Things are happening in this chapter.
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NTA but good to know.
cute obasan, I will now read your manga
I'm tired of them all being used on the Vtubers so they better get some payoff
I mean it's digital. I've seen some series have full color on spreads in digital manga.
Also, didn't the little girl outright try to eat them then get her stomach riddled with bullets for her trouble?

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