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>another woke censored slop
remember when Netflix shills tried to push this trash as a faithful adaptation?
Speak like a human
And you're doing nothing to stop it. What a cuck you are. You're letting them win
I don't know anyone who wasn't annoyed by this piece of shit character.
Stop pretend you suddenly care about Happosai
>bad person does bad things
I don't get it
i liked him. he's a good mix of antagonist\jokester\oldmaster. anyway they should just cut him out, remake is crap anyway, no point to make a boring happosai. he's still a side char after all.
Because some fucker from screen rant doesn't like the character that means... what exactly? Is screen rant producing the remake?
>bad guys shouldn't have bad behaviour
>lived long enough to see /a/ defend 4kids tier changes and censorship
How and when did we exactly end up like this?
I met kasumi's seiyuu at a convention and asked her what the biggest difference is with voice acting modern stuff versus ranma and other things in the 80s
she said for ranma especially it was all the voice actors being wildly different ages, like happosai's seiyuu being in his 70s at the time, and all of them acting together in a room felt like a big family
compared to modern stuff where most of the VAs are all young, except her, but it's okay because she's eternally 17
Society is an eternal cycle. Once censorship gets even stupider than this one people will want it back.
Part of it is that zoomers are sort of retarded because they have no conceptualization of the time before corporations began to function as pseudo governments but enjoyed the rights of private companies.
The rest is entirely cope, because the very presence of blatant censorship completely derails all other aspects of the anime. Obviously it probably bothers most of them on some level, but they don't think that the situation will improve and so they feel like they have to accept it instead, so that they will be able to have discussions about the show, and not about censorship of the show. They will reach a breaking point eventually though, so I really wish they wouldn't take the long route.
This was the worst part of ryoma
>Nooo, you can't have an unrepentant asshole character
It is my deepest, most heartfelt desire to find all these 'people' and feed them feet first into a woodchipper, just to listen to them trying to explain to me how I'm going to be totally cancelled for doing so as they go in.
most problematic post
Happosai was really fucking annoying even when I was a kid.
His best episode was when he was about to die so Akane and Ranma had to rush their marriage.
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Nobody fucking likes perverted old men. Dogshit "comedy" trope that should stay dead.
Do what the Arabic dub did to him and make him a demented old man who thinks everyone is his beloved granddaughter.
So back then there were youngsters and an old fart, now there are youngsters and an old bat.
Indeed, very troublematic
>Nobody fucking likes perverted old men.
the older I get the more I relate to Master Roshi, he's literally me
you can't understand because you trooned out
kinda weird this is what does it for you but whatever
Who the fuck likes happosai
Speak for yourself muhammad
the same people who like mineta
Mineta is nowhere near as unlikable as happosai
You could remove him from Ranma and NOTHING would change mineta too but he's not unlikable enough to warrant the effort

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