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was it autism?
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He was a man dedicated to his craft
kids these days confuse devotion with autism
According to Kui no.
Death of the author
Japanese don't even know what autism is
You say autism
I say a PhD
I'm just glad the author got exposed as a fraud.
No, he's just a normal guy with some strange hobbies.
Not really, in his exchange with Shuro you can see he can understand some social cues. Now if we want to talk about trve autistic mc, I'd go with Yugami from Yugami-kun
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> he can understand some social cues
autism is a spectrum anon, and Laios is definitely oblivious/uncaring enough of social cues in many instances that it'd be pretty believable for him to have autism.

No normal person would be willing/able to talk one-sidedly about their own interests to a total stranger for 5 straight hours. At least, not when said stranger looks like this the whole time.
he made it up
>No normal person would be willing/able to talk one-sidedly about their own interests to a total stranger for 5 straight hours
That's exactly what normalfags do.
>No normal person would be willing/able to talk one-sidedly about their own interests to a total stranger for 5 straight hours.
Normalfags do this to me all the time.
>Death of the author
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He's an otaku not retarded
There's nothing worth devoting to. You either have access to wealthy friends or you don't. The world should end so people can live.
They have batter ways of coping with autism by helping each other live, so symptoms rarely amount to a disorder unless you're poor. Poverty is the real mental illness.
Spectrums are a horoscope. Don't tell me or my gullible parents I'm damned by the indigo star before I know better.
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Consider this, Shuro is the one with autism.
>obsessed with Falin so much that he wanted to marry her on site. >Sheltered and heavily cared for by some mage because his parents probably couldn't care for him due to him having the tism
>Doesn't eat and sleep for days because all he thinks about is Falin
>sucks at communicating and has to talk indirectly
>gets pissed off at Laios because he thinks he's to dense to understand his tism speak
I’ve found that autistic people often fucking despise one another when neither of them understand the other’s social cues or needs and consider eachother to be exceptionally rude and stupid.
By intent, no.
After psyche analyzing Kui to determine if she through ignorance on autism has somehow included autistic characteristics into her sense of normalcy and unknowing created an autistic character, maybe.
It's very possible she imbued Laios with characteristics inspired by otaku who were autistic but undiagnosed so she never became aware that their characteristics were from autism.

So I don't know.
That is not autism, that is love.
Most undiagnosed autistic adults are kinda like Laios, they were never obvious enough as a child for any diagnosis so they just become a strange obsessive/ritualistic adult who maintains a deep interest in some niche and has difficulty with social cues. And even then most of them have a fake normie persona they’ve developed to use when other normies are around.
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Shut the FUCK up nigger
The only studies I've heard about looking into the idea have suggested the opposite. (I don't know what these studies were called, I only know about them 3rd hand)
Where understanding breaks down in groups of both normal and autistic people, but understanding is maintained if the group is only comprised of autistic people just like if it were only comprised of normal people.
I believe it's called the double empathy problem.

With autistic people hating each other, sometimes it's just they don't get along, just like a normal people might not get along.
But aside from that I have couple of ideas as why it might happen.
First is masking isn't real expression, it's a facade designed to convince normies, and since autists have to manually deduce emotions they might not be able to read the masks of other autists. So they would be fine if they dropped the mask and just communicated literally with each other, but they can't because they're in a group with normies.
2nd is just not learning social lessons, so there is one guy I know who would stand a little to close, or another who wouldn't stop talking even if he didn't have anything to say and would interrupt people. You never got along with people so you never spent time with people so you don't know the rules. 2 people who don't know the rules smashing into each other.
3rd is incompatibility of special interest, let's say you have a guy who only cares about 1 thing and will only talk about talk about that 1 thing, then you take another guy who only cares about a different thing and will only talk about that different thing. At least one of them isn't going to enjoy the conversation they're about to have.

As someone who very likely has the ass-burger and attends a sort of meet up where autistic people hang out with each other, some people hate each other, some people like each other, some people have no strong feelings.
As they become a minority in developed nations, you're gonna need a better name for unaustistic people. Nautistic.
'Allistic' is the word generally used within autistic circles.
Retards don't decide language until they vote as a block.
No, he's just a geek who's mad about monsters. The term autism gets used in several folds after the anime started. Probably paid for by drug companies because what are the likelihood of the anime crowd being outgoing and gregarious?
Look, SOMEONE has to be autistic in this series.
And it's not Marcille.
He's autistic in the colloquial sense that many anons are familiar with here, not literally on the spectrum.
More '4000 hours in factorio and hoi4', less 'sweetheart from the ground-up'.
And also socially inept, unable to fit in almost any group.
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Side materials definitely seem to hint at it.
To me the most autistic thing he does Is being a legit otherkin with an OC
Worse, its reddit.
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no, just curiosity, you guys say autism to everything
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The 2nd op was so good
This guy believes he's a monster in every sense but physical and resents other people because he has a hard time getting along in most groups. Totally normal.
Reddit anime
What? That's insane, he knows he's a human but thinks monsters are cooler than humans.
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If Laios was autistic, he would've been crying in the corner and slapping himself, moaning like a retard at the first sign of danger. That's real autism. It makes you a parasocial, severely dysfunctional weirdo that's barely able to care for themselves (and often not at all in severe cases). Real autistic become useless the minute life becomes even slightly disruptive.
Modern social media style " autism " is the name given to whiny attention seeking behavior that attention starved zoomers use to try and score oppression points with each other. It might look like autism on the surface but ultimately amounts to less of a deeply difficult psychological disored and more a childish tendency to act inappropriately and immaturely, often on purpose, out of a sense of entitlement for people's digital affirmation.
Most " autistic people " you see online don't have autism. They're narcisstic fakers and immature faggots acting up.
If Laois was really autistic, he'd be this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylCxK9Ck0BM
>autism is when retard
>retard is when retard
>I am a retard
>you cant be high functioning because I dont want you to
>what the FUCK is a spectrum
none of you faggots know what real autism is and it shows.
>it's not REAL fun
I'm looking at you right now
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Becoming a monster is his fucking dream. Is the "in every sense but physical I'm a wolf" thing
Just from working with low-capacity autistic people, they do often really fucking hate eachother because of perceived slights stemming from both parties being socially inept. Staff generally aren’t bothered but the other people they live with? Holy shit, lifelong enemies.

Autists who are ‘high functioning’ are usually just regular people, with some processing disabilities, intense interests and some general weirdness and some difficulty getting unspoken things that normies easily understand etc. It’s two different worlds.
He wouldn't even be able to function in that society and work with his party so well if he was even a bit autistic.
Only two party members remained with him at the beginning and neither acted like his designed caretaker, yet he was doing fine, managed to recruit another one, met some other parties and had no problem interacting with them.
Nigga I'm diagnosed with Asperger's, YOU don't know what it is.
Furry who produces thousands of words of niche NSFW art and fiction and is building their own fursuit meets furry who just bought their fursuit from aliexpress.
Nta but my brother has aspergers, you probably don't.
He's not autistic, he's japanese.
>It makes you a parasocial, severely dysfunctional weirdo that's barely able to care for themselves
Have you SEEN what Laios looked like before he came back to get Falin?
>be me
>adult autist
>thanks to (You) I realise I no longer exist and turn into a caricature of a retard you saw on TV
>quit my job and return to shitting myself and beating up my caregivers with gorilla strength
Thanks anon!
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Laios is that "normal" guy everyone feels the need to remind that you have to return Valentine's day chocolates on White Day.
Which in Japan is like reminding a little kid that he should say thank you after getting a present.
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If you're capable of holding a normal job you're already higher functioning than Laios
Laios is literally the authors otaku self insert
Why do people keep calling her a retard
>otaku self insert
>a retard
you answered your own question
You just need a low-energy job or something where it can’t trigger noise sensitivities that intersects with your interests. Laios liked adventuring and became quite good at it because it let him see monsters.
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don't know but I sure do love his sister
she had nice boobs
I to this day don't quite understand why terms "high-functioning autist" exists. I can understand it from a medical point of view, but what is the importance of it? It helps no one, muddles the water when it comes to social expectations (just ask a rando from the street how they think about autists. Most people have an image of a quirky high-functioning super genius instead of someone clearly suffering from being socially inept. Hell, if you look around and listen to people, it might even appear that most humans living on this damn planet are highly functional autists. What is the goal of this term?
Author is just another normalfag, and everyone thought she was ultra autistic with a high powerlevel.
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She cute, despite the myopia(undiagnosed)
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she's just a cat
Autism isn't real. You are either normal, kinda mentally deficient or, the worst case, retarded. This. Only 3. Everything else is just using baby-language.
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Oh hey, a Dungeon Meshi thread. I wanted to share this with you guys but you guys stopped having threads all the time (good for you, honestly, better than having dead zombie threads).
You definitely meant to reply to
I don't know if it was autism but I do know he's my fucking king.
She's just a picky eater, not autistic.
My autistic friends barely eat anything but chicken nuggets and pizza. An actual autist wouldnt survive a day in the dungeon;
Cute CUTE anon! I love this, what did you use for the diorama piece?
Autism is real, but it's rare. A lot of parents just can't deal with their kids struggling about something and pin their hope that a rare diagnosis will absolve them of their troubles.
I see you've never been to a party before
You don't leave your room often do you dumbass?
autism doesn't exist is a crap made up by big pharma and the shit that is modern psychology, INB4 soemone starts complaining about myers briggs I remind to all of you that their stuff is based originally in jung's model of 16 personalities so people that are into cognitive psichology just those letters to have an easy system to remember and group personalities without having to remember every single function they have (kinda like doing maths)
>he is an obvious INTP, even his sin of gluttony is the one related to INTPs
Shuro is a lot more expressive in his own flashbacks. When we see them together in Laios' and Kabru's flashbacks, he's completely neutral.
It's to represent how strong the signals are Shuro THINKS he gives off.
Man I wish I was as great of a big bro as Laios is.
Despite what Ryoko Kui says it was autism
The Japanese only label autists when they are borderline retarded and non verbal
I get what you are saying, kind of like Aizen being an amoral sociopath for us but for the Chinese he is a regular person with dreams and aspirations
"High-functioning autist" is mean to be high functioning relative to other autists, not high functioning in general. It's a useful term for getting across that someone is autistic and has the certain mindset and behaviors that often comes with that but isn't on the "dysfunctional retard" side of the spectrum.
>instead of someone clearly suffering from being socially inept
>a quirky high-functioning super genius instead of someone clearly suffering from being socially inept
If someone is "just" suffering from being socially inept then they're pretty high functioning all things considered. Non-high functioning autism is on the level of people who can't cope with even minor disruptions to routine or won't even feed themselves and genuinelly can't live without a handler/caretaker.
That aside that's just a consequence of a lot of peoples attitude to mental disorders in general. A normalfag is likely only to meet/work with a relatively high functioning person because someone with truly severe autism/ADHD/whatever else is unlikely to be able to hold a normal job in the first place, so said normalfag will tend to notice the quirky behaviors but not the more series issues higher functioning individuals learn to mask and deal with.
This is the cutest thing
It's YOU, the reader.
Why do some many people in this thread think autism is specifically when you're a non-speaking person who throws tantrums every five seconds? Are people that ignorant, even with all the information within their grasp? Holy shit.
High functioning exist within society as productive members of it.

Low functioning do not. Low functioning autists can be able to hold a conversation and something like a dishwashing job and live alone but need some support from caretakers, or they can be a complete human baby with no ability to speak, smashing themselves in the head all day. It’s not a super necessary set of terms but they can quickly differentiate types of tism.
>Why do some many people in this thread think autism is specifically when you're a non-speaking person who throws tantrums every five seconds?
That's what the majority of people think when they hear the word. Which is why Kui doesn't agree with Laios being one
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From one of the production interviews:

>It also became difficult to explain Laios's mood to Mr. Kumagai, who plays Laios, during the recording... "Why does he think of these things in this situation?"
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>no Fromslop
I kneel
>that taste
I will read her next series.
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Did anyone manage to ask Kui a question?
Because there's classic autism which is what most people consider autism, which Laios most likely doesn't have, and there's autism spectrum which isn't even a disease, but a collection of kinda similar disorders like ADHD, aspergers, tourettes and classic autism itself.
Is sousuke from full metal panic autistic?
Underground Palace Dungeon 1/12 Scale by Twelve World.
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Based, thank you anon! I’ll be getting it for my dunmeshi figmas.
They have two other dioramas that may work too. I think mine was labelled 'B'. And no problem. Enjoy.
Which one is Kui?
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Wrong, faggot
Almost everything here it is normie shit.
wow holy shit how dare she play popular video games, I'm burning her manga
Having an interest in something and not recognizing social cues aren’t the only symptoms of autism though. A character like Bocchi exhibits more autism symptoms (hiding in small dark spaces, social ineptitude, special interest, shit hand-eye coordination outside of playing guitar) compared to Laios and Bocchi isn’t meant to be autistic. Just an awkward girl.
She wasn't a gamer prior to writing Dungeon Meshi either. This was like her research.
She says what she played before, after, and merely watched her dad play or heard a lot about. Why do you make shit up?
It's a set of diagnostic criteria subject to change. Outside that it's monkeys screaming at each other.
Which is correct, because functioning in Japanese society is a very different proposition.
I mean, she said she wasn't much of a gamer prior to Dungeon Meshi.

"I think the first game console I ever played was a Famicom, which my parents won in a lottery . So before I knew it, we had a Famicom at home. I think my parents bought me the Super Famicom and PS1 after that…

After that, I took a break from games for a bit around the time of the PS2, but around the time of the PS4, I was finally able to buy games with the money I had earned myself.

–Why were you able to stay away from games around the time of the PS2?

Kui: I was too busy with exams, so I thought, “Well, I shouldn’t be playing games,” and left. When I started living alone after that, I couldn’t play games because I didn’t have a TV. My computer was also a Mac. [Macs aren’t compatible with many games.]

–What was the trigger that made you think, “I want to play games” again?

Kui: I think the biggest thing was starting the serialization of “Dungeon Meshi.”"

So, most of the games on this list would be stuff after she had started the series. This isn't a value judgment, I just found it interesting because I also assumed she was just deeply familiar with video games when she started the series. I really appreciate her putting in the time to dive into these systems and produce such a great work.
It could also be trauma. People thought I was autistic when apparently people with bad parents tend to develop autistic traits despite not having problems with things like eye contact or talking to opposite sex.
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I don't understand why people are so hyper-focus on Laios mannerisms. His attitude is no different from that of a hyperactive shonen or Kodomo MC. Do they have autism too?
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>Death of the author
Based and true
Another banger by a sperg
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Death of the Author is a dangerous road filled with many dangers. One day, you're saying that Rorschach is a hero and good person depsite what Alan Moore intended. Then, you're stating that Megatron fighting Starscream in Transformers One is a metaphor for buck breaking, and that he's actually raping Starscream in front of everyone, and that he also rapes Sentinel Prime in front of an entire city as well.

It's a very slippery slope.
He was a bum, but not a dysfunctional retard.
>adult pretending to be mentally ill for attention
He was utterly incapable of taking care of himself like a normal adult should, Falin even implies pretty strongly that he would've died if she hadn't joined him.
A quake therapist diagnosed you as a autist because then it'd just be easier to put you on meds than to just help a socially awkward kid.
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Turned out my childish hyperactive cousin had autism too. Anyway I consider Laios a borderline case. He have autistic traits but not enough for the diagnose criteria.
>autism spectrum which isn't even a disease, but a collection of kinda similar disorders like ADHD, aspergers, tourettes
ADHD and tourettes aren't autism spectrum as far as I'm aware. Like Autism they're spectrum disorders defined by an associated collection of symptoms with varying severity, but the specific sympoms are different to Autism (though with some overlap).
As for classic autism and aspergers, from what I understand they were basically merged into one as it became increasingly recognised that the two were essentially differing degrees of severity for the same general sympoms and (presumably) the same root cause.
>Let's make a business out of granting victimhood to troublemakers.
She is dedicated to her art to go so in depht into research for work. More than that would be like a shoplifting actress claiming she was training for a new role.
Bums are bums because they are drug addicts, severely mentally ill and/or otherwise dysfunctional retards. Laios isn't a drug addict, and he got bullied in every environment he was in for being a weirdo deaf to social clues. (Including by his own party, though it's far lighter bullying.)
He does shit like stimming, has poor recognizing of social cues, and is extremely hyperfocused on one subject
T. high functioning autistic
Laius is a genius.
It's possible he recognizes the cues and doesn't obey because he doesn't want the result.
>As for classic autism and aspergers, from what I understand they were basically merged into one as it became increasingly recognised that the two were essentially differing degrees of severity for the same general sympoms and (presumably) the same root cause.
I’m on the opposite side in these. I think some conditions like autism where you have a large spectrum of cases are actually many different conditions who happens to affect a common system resulting in shared traits. Kinda like how viral hepatitis and hepatitis due to intoxication have similar effects but different causes and management. The same goes to other conditions like depression.
Autism doesn't exist in anime, it's an American thing only.
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I miss the Extras. I imagine the last BD Volume will be the only one set Post-Series
She's lovely...
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Didn't get a chance before, but I did finish putting this together awhile back:
>Marcille hugs Izutsumi
based Kui
Just watch Love on the Spectrum if you want to see proof on various types of high functioning autism.
>Noooooo it was autism because there needs to be heckin mental illness representation
Cope xittertard. Nobody believes your Hollywood lies
This is really the problem with this shit. The definition of autism is just too broad whereas most mental disorders are relatively concrete in their set of symptoms.
The information age ended. We're in the narrative age now.
They're mostly code for poverty anyway.
I have a relative who was diagnosed with autism by a professional and is actually better at socializing and more successful than me. Somehow he managed to do all that while reaching adulthood oblivious about many common figures of speech and other things. Also these people have high pain tolerance, something handy in a dungeon setting like DM.
The "oh yeah" he gives Falin does give the impression that he remembered to consider the appropriate response to a Valentine's gift just then, but he definitely did not need the repeat reminders.
He's just dense and that leads to social snags, but not autistic or otherwise unable to function.
The seething defeatism of someone who hasn't had to work for anything or learned how to want anything,
That's just Anon.
Yeah that's fair enough, and figuring out the underlying cause for these types of things is a pretty difficult thing to do. At the very least I think it was recognised that it's not really a cluster of "low functioning autists" and "high functioning spergs" and more of a smooth gradient in terms of the severity of symptoms, hence a spectrum. Whether that is because they have a common cause, are seperate things with a lot of overlap or are actually a bunch of unrelated stuff that gives similar effects with the right combination is another matter.
Death of the author is valid but having interesting, or flawed characters doesn't make them mentally ill. Autism is basically a word so ill-defined in the modern day it's basically useless.
>Jungle Love Falin
Built for breeding
>only two books
>it's neverending story and Lotr
I can't respect an author who doesn't read
She doesn't write books. Amazing no one asked her what manga she likes.
I don't get why some people are so obsessed with Laios being autistic, it doesn't add anything to his character. If anything, it detracts from it because this is twitter garbage on par with claiming characters as gay.
She's an author though. Frankly any person writing any stories should be an avid reader of literature.
I'd say she did a good job, despite seeming not meeting your bizarre imposed prerequisite.

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