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A bit more fleshed out on the different scenarios and giving the other main cast some stuff to do, on the other hand gives a poor reason for Featherine to just give up, makes Satoko even more cruel and brutal yet is rewarded so its like presented as a good thing she did what she did, kinda weakens Satoko's whole resolve and feelings for Rika as its also presented as her actions being "forced" upon her and thus she's "not at fault". So for that reason as dumb as anime did about it, I actually still prefer the anime as it does progress from the original ending, because in the manga its even more like pointless since it ends with them again as kids instead of grown up so its basically just like the original ending except Satoshi is around and Satoko is more worried about winding up in a loop if she dies rather than how she had no qualms murdering everyone.
>Man from 19 years ago
She's valid and Umineko is inherently a pro-trans work you can fuck off now bye-bye!
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And bye-bye to that 41%, too.
Stop posting about this tranny garbage VN freak
Rika has a cute bussy and a cute boypenis

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>all girls are in love with males that ain't MC
>MC is forced to listen to how much they love other men
>2D girls behave like 3DPD roasties toward the MC, and treat him like shit
Who the fuck is the target audience for this shit?
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She has a void in her stomach. Eats and eats and doesn't get too fat.
LN says, "cup noodlex2+corn=stuffed belly" in swimsuit episode.
harem's always like this, ignore MC and watch the girls.
>why not remove MC?
then who would UOH at the tomboy in ep2?

What is Anna's cup size? Since Karen canonically has larger bust than her.
One D and one E

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A fat helping of pork is on the way

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it's moe
Why was she jealous of this? Just because you get a little sister doesn't mean your parents are disowning you.
She wasn't jealous. She was proud.
>Just because you get a little sister doesn't mean your parents are disowning you.
i mean she probably thought exactly that - "they have their own REAL daughter now, what would they want with me now" but her adoptive parents are too kind for that sort of behaviour
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If you believe in twintails, anything is possible.
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Thanks! I'll check them out in a bit.
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I'm surprised. I figured futa would be a common theme.
It's too old of a series, there just isn't much content for it of any kind. If it's not something insanely popular like Fate there's a low chance of having many doujins.
Sad because there is so much good content to draw from from the 90's-2010's but the stuff that is drawn from those times is so dated I can't really get into it.
How kind of him to lick Soji clean after using his armpit.

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Everybody gather round for this week's episode
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That killed the discussion
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Will this have cute demon girls?
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Right? I don't get how a cheap-looking anime about managing a dungeon could be this enjoyable.

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The girls arrive at an amusement park and the animatronic is definitely not haunted.
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Thank you for posting.
What's her archetype?
I don't think the cat wants to fuck the SKK girls like you do
Oh shid
At adventure world in perth West Australia there's a sort of pedal lift track thing that goes around a lot of the park, it would be something like that

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>this is considered adorable and hilarious in nippon
what's wrong with them?
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This thread.
Why every show im watching get posted here wtf I toght it was obscure
Do you mean its trannys secret hideout. Because fuck off.
that's what someone from a tranny hideout would say.
>japanese humor

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Welcome back, everyone
Today, Popp and Hyunkel finish their fight against the Dragon Riders
Previous Threads:
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Noooo, not the helmet!
My body is ready.
The 5 disciples of Avan.

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Naked Magia Magenta with Pasties figure!
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Girl goop. That's how they reproduce.
kart racer
RTS, ideally the next Command & Conquer title
You see Azul's clit through her panties when Utena spreads her
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Oi, who are you calling a shark?

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Nino will fix and sanitize the manga by killing Ratby soon.
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>Rat hopes and dreams
Aqua is ojisan.
Aqua will marry Akane and oshi Ruby.
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Even if in their childhood he saw her as a sister and nothing more, they'll argue that doesn't matter from the moment they confirmed their past lives identities.

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None of the overpowered, power of friendship shonenshit. The magestrial authors came up with the genius idea of giving them legitimate character flaws which is that they're Too Nice! Too Smart! and Too Kind! for this cruel world. This makes for such a classic tragedy where they try to help the ungrateful girls who often fuck themselves over by not realising how nice, kind and smart they're. I love how 8man-kun committs social suicide for the benefit of his undeserving, plebian peers. I'm awestruck at the masterstroke of having Araragi's greatest failure be some girl seething at him for....Not Saving her when didn't even she wanted to be saved! See Araragi-kun was a saint but not a psychic saint which was his mistake here! Genius. And what's the reward for their sacrifice? Just dozens of cute girls pestering them to be their wives. The horror!

The tragedy of two unique, deep and wise men in a society of selfish-automatons.
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dude was a total simp for the ice bitch, he was just really good at hiding it
This thread is brought to you by the same retarded tranny who plays genshit anal worms faggotry and raids konosuba threads for years complaining about men
Unironically best mc arquetipe, at least this fuckers are fun to watch on their own and have entertaining dinamics with the bitches around them, unlike the generic nice guy tipe or the awful blushy faggot type like kazuya
Pretty much this. They're more polarizing because they actually have character. You could place them both in another show and they'd still carry that show.
You can just say you’re a pedophile we’re all anonymous here you don’t have to pretend

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>Title: Meal/then
>Summary: As for conquering the Tower of Mourning...! It seems like it's going to be difficult...!
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Has anyone been scanning over the pages for tarot card shit?
fuck off
there's a mega going around where an anon uploads all the chapters (and extras) with the pages stitched up together
whops meant for >>269233899

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Bear is cute! CUTE!
121 replies and 59 images omitted. Click here to view.
i want a yes or no answer not maybe
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from what ?

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