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If you believe in twintails, anything is possible.
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If I believe in twintails, can I bring about a world where everyone wears glasses?
I must believe harder to get season 2.
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This show had one of the best OPs. Such a banger.
I've never watched this show but I've beat my dick to this nigga until the skin tore on multiple occasions.
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Same. Not the first part though.
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Is it gay to have sex with Tail Red?
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One fine, straight line...
Only if you're a girl.
Not if you’re wearing socks. He’ll have to take his off to give you a footjob though.
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Doubly so when he's naturally a girl.
Why is he not allowed to fuck Thouars?
>129cm / 4 foot 3 inch
>26kg / 57 pouds

Imagine the manhandling possibilities.
Damn lesbians.
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How can a design emphasize flatness so perfectly?
Damn, he’s tiny.
Because they're not married.
i want to believe... but how can i with only 1 season?
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Tail Red > Solar
And the rest of the story is in LN form, when it really needs to be in a visual medium. Maybe the studio would have survived if they gave us more sesaons...
He's a man inside. There's nothing gay about Aika rubbing their cutting boards together and interlocking twintails with him.
I can't get it up for genderbenders
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What would you do with a board this perfectly straight?
This show had great mech designs.
I wish Japan would produce such kino in current year. God I miss early 2010s...
I can't believe I only watched it this year. It only took me three episodes to convince me to buy the BD.
So much naizuri.
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>series was called twintails
>best girl wore a ponytail
Is it gay to put it in Tailred's butt?
>only 1 season
The universe will be complete once it has twin, I mean two, seasons. Therefore it can never happen.
If I had the option I would not even ask such a question until I had already done it.
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>Twintails aired 10 years ago
How does that feel?
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I don't want to let go of hope
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>this entire thread
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I was surprised to find out it was a 2014 series. To me, it's got the feel of an anime from around 2006. Although I wasn't paying much attention to anime back then so maybe there's more like it from the early 2010s.
The guildies were too based for this world...
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>still talked about a decade later
Like there's yet some fucking good taste and hope left in this world.
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When a show has girls this great, it's inevitable.
>its a boy
muh dick
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>flat chest
>sensitive nipples
indeed, literally built for it
What a strange girl.
I don't watch anime, how did it end?
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holy shit
We're reaching uncharted levels of IMAGINE
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Naizuri, then I'd brush her twintails
Is this show actually good?
It's the most fun anime I've watched this year, if that means anything.
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I remember the QUALITY
yeah, low budget as hell but you can tell everyone involved in the production was enjoying themselves.
I thought it was just alright at first, though still very fun. The last few episodes really surprisingly elevated it though.
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>26 kg
The twintails must be a significant fraction of Tail Red's body weight.
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>Is this show actually good?
Unironically yes. I only watched it last year and was extremely surprised at how it walks the fine line between the absurd premise and actual plot.
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The part of the show is the villains, a group of interdimensional otaku monsters who push their fetishes. They are us.
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*best part
I wish we got to seem more of them using their powers.
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These three would have the kinkiest threesomes.
I thought her exhibitionism fetish was kinda annoying but something really clicked when she started acting like a dog, and I started to like her. I'm not even in to that kind of stuff, but somehow it worked
Twoearle and Aika's hatefucking would be magical to witness.
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it was a little disappointing to see a new villian show up, monologue for 2 minutes about their fetish, and then get instantly obliterated by aura pillar instead of getting an actual fight, even if only a few sword swipes long or something
Yes I do and the problem is there's no futa or trap setting so he can still give you guys the business while in loli form.
I do not care for yuri as a genre but I find it insanely hot when two mostly straight girls who kind of hate eachother's guts but like the same guy end up liking eachother by proxy, physically at least.
That's an issue with the genre at large and generally parodies get a pass with that.
official art btw
Look at the indentation as she grips Aika's thigh
>interlocked fingers
>spit string
>gripped thigh
God that's hot.
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Also the leftover circle mark from the top of the stocking. Marvelous.
Scientifically designed to activate the neurons
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>mostly straight
She's gay as fuck, anon. She used her position as a hero to create a loli harem and scarred countless girls for life.
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I would hope he doesn't need sunscreen down there...
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soft inner thighs...
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I would lick this girl (male) everywhere. I would run my tongue along her (his) tummy, thighs, delicious flat chest, nape, feet, pussy, and ass. I would make her (him) mine.
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It also works if only one of them is mostly straight, it just loses some of its appeal when both are established carpet munchers.
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>She used her position as a hero to create a loli harem
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It's a shame the LNs will never be fully translated.
I kneel, what an absolute chad
Was there a reason translations were abandoned? I was thinking of asking if anyone had read the rest of the series. It's a shame. There's no reason a western publisher would even look at the series, ten years after the anime aired. Even if they did, we wouldn't get an honest translation of it these days.
>Was there a reason translations were abandoned?
I've heard it's a fairly difficult series to translate faithfully. Each character has a unique voice that doesn't represent in English well, and someone in another thread described it as 4/5 difficulty level.
That and I think the guy who was doing it has kind of disappeared at this point
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I love twintails.
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This is just god being cruel
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This image may contain multiple meanings.
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This face was more important.
There’s such a thing as too flat and this is it.
Something about perflat girls drives me absolutely fucking wild. Every time I see a picture like this there's this voice in the back of my head screaming UUUUAAAAHHHHH SEEEEEXXXXX like that video of the dude riding a bicycle through a tunnel.
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Make sure to watch it with the correct subs
At least you occasionally get decent looking moments, like episode 4 where they got Yamane to do some of it
Which ones?
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There aren't enough twintails this season. Japan has fallen.
Shy’s twintails girl might be getting more action this season. Giji Harem’s twintails probably don’t count though.
>best girl is a boy
Why do this keep happening.
Boys make the best girls. It's just how it works.
tsundere-chan from pseudo harem is pretty cute
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>in current year
You've already got Onimai in 2023
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That's not true.
>subs reflected in the window
This show ignited my love for twintails, before it I never understood the beauty in them but now I do.
Twintails are beautiful but is it a coincidence that they’re worn by best girls? I only realised later that my favourite anime girls usually had them.
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No, girls need to pass a certification to earn twintails. The tests are rigid and measure the cute level, tsun level, innocence level and even mesugaki and landmine levels. What we see is only the cream of the crop, which is why they are generally above their peers.
Stick it in him 10 times? Why not 20?
>Giji Harem’s twintails probably don’t count though.

You merely adopted the twintail...I was born in it.
Now that's kino.
What sub is that
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There is the main girl of the parry anime, the jobber from the ossan anime, the wheelchair (and lead cheerleader) from narenare, side vtuber from vtuber legend and side youtuber from mayonaka punch, milim, main girl from quality assurance, cafe terrace, dedededestruction main girl, tasuketsu and loli from failure fame.

If you count two-side up there are a few more like atri main girl, devil girl from the dungeon anime and the sister of the main girl in that awkward romance of a princess mage and enemy soldier.

It's not a terrible season, it just lacks twintail leads.
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Twintails are the biggest anal-queen flag a girl can have.
If that's what she wants, I can happily give it to her.
Boys know what boys like.
That butt needs to be planted on Soji's face if he dares to mention her flat chest again.
that's not how reflections work
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That hair seems to be loose and not in twintails.
Can't believe I haven't read any doujin from this series yet. Must fix that ASAP.
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Yabuki knows his stuff.
I was wondering what that was.
Lick it until my tongue falls off.
Can they smell the boy inside?
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I wouldn't even describe them as partially translated.
As far as I'm aware the translation stops partway through volume 5(6?) and there are only summaries for the rest. The site also died at some point recently.
Damn, that's hardly anything. I hope we get to read the whole story one day but it's unlikely...
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Do twin braids count?
Mangaka is a legit tokufag, that should tell you enough.
>Final battle has tailred using her base form with a final form-tier powerup
I cum.
>using the old 3MB-filesize-limit .webm
Aika deserves better.
File deleted.
Perflat, now in SD.
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Very nice.
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Forgot to trim the start.
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Great legs.
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No wonder this shitbseries has no seeds
>male characters never have twintails
Men used to tie their hair up to the sides of their head back in the days of antiquity in japan. Sure, it's not the platonic ideal of a twintail, but whatever
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When will the world accept that twintails should be worn other by people other than toddlers and sluts? It's simply peak hairstyle.
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Forgive me, Yellowbros. This is the best I could do.
Looks great to me.
A window leading to a brick wall...
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Bah, it keeps happening. Had to trim this one too.
They've got to fit two huge swords in the bows so probably.
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Full sequence for the completionists.
I wish I could impregnate Tail Red. Purely for scientific purposes, of course.
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This show was super interesting.
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(low-quality gif from 2016, please understand)
Lovely embarrassed Aika
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Aha! I found the one I wanted!
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The backstory was quite moving.
god that height difference
>the tiny one turns into a mom
>the tall one turns into a midget
>Tail Red’s height
Seriously, IMAGINE
>Aika stays the exact same
Aika just can't win.
>Aika stays perflat
She can't stop winning.
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cute female boy
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Sexy twintails.
Flat chests or big tits, which goes best with twintails?
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small > big
Flat/small, but long twintails are needed for maximum effect. They compliment each other.
Smooth and flat!
skinny twintails = flat chest
fat twintails = big tits
Fat twintails might as well be turned into drills proper.
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drills occupy a unique niche in the ecosystem where they can promote either really huge tits or completely flat chests but nothing in between, with the effect magnified according to the size of the drills
Oh, ponytail for sure. Sorry to say that here, but them's the breaks.
I thought this question would be easy but there are great examples of each.
Ponytails are better on sporty, active girls.
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Flat chest + big ass is the best combo.
You are a heretic and I hope you suffer for your choices.
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>Flat chests or big tits, which goes best with twintails?
The longer the twintails the flatter the girl should be.
Shame she died
She's a little taller.
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By god, I think you guys are onto something.
I think the fact that /a/ recognizes twintail day and every 2/2 you can find Twintail threads helps a lot. Plus it's just good, and there's something for everyone in there. I'm not usually a huge fan of DFC myself, but from time to time when I'm in the mood for one, Aika always comes to mind as one of the most perfect specimens out there.
I believe in them!
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>Ponytails are better on sporty, active former boys.
That just makes her flatness stand out more.
Is this the only show where the monsters of the week are also the audience surrogate?
This man speaks truth.
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Tail blue has a nice one
Ponytails can look great but I'm sure twintails would looks better on those people.
It's less Zero One and more W Gold Extreme but all gold >>269102091.
No matter the chest being big or small twintails are always best long.
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I'm just saying that smaller twintails girls look better with bigger tits.
Souji gets that ass all to himself once Twirl is done with it
Look how thin his arms are. You could pin him down and lick him all over and he wouldn't be able to stop you.
I hope he goes for it eventually.
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>you can see everything!
except the ears.
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Hurry up and lick it off before it dries, Soji!
Do girls with Aika's bodytype exist in real life?
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Twintails are often on the back part of the head though (which is why the are tails). So they fall between the ears and the back of the neck, giving the illusion of long hair in the front while not hiding anything important.
Damn, the top of his head lnes up with the bottom of my ribcage. I'd have to pick him up under his arms to kiss him, while he flails helplessly.
Where can I find them?
Generally in Asia, although there are some latinas that have that body too.
Please respond.
I'm not gay but
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>>129cm / 4 foot 3 inch
>26kg / 57 pouds
If her belly button wasn't there, I would have guessed that was her back.
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The sad truth is that her shoulder blades would protrude out more than her breasts.
Even Dekinais learning the bare minimum N2 moonrunes to read the novels?
Twins obviously
The biggest ponytail
We need more mahou shoujo/toku-inspired animes with genderbent protagonist
I'd take more light sol/cgdct GB over more battle oriented ones though.
Now I'm really confused.
The same guy who wrote this wrote Akibaranger
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Aika my flat queen
He wrote the anime adaption, anyway. That makes a lot of sense.
Shows a lot of dedication on their part to get Arakawa
I didn't know they made bikini tops with completely flat tops
That's a sidetail you mong.
How will she feed Soji's children?
apparently breast size is independent of milk capacity
Was there ever a physical Tail Gear?
And not invite Erina?
Cute twintails
I believe all posters here except me are cute girls that wear twin-tails
This is /a/, we are all little girls.
Including you.
Correct. Milk glands and fat aren't the same thing. The fat is there to make boobs a faux ass.
Gomenasorry but I'm an ugly bastard.
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>best girl will never be animated
I wonder why Phoenix works so well for a ponytail theme
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What I like about flatties is that even when they win they lose.
I find this hard to imagine. It's closer to the golden age of anime than any anime that airs today.
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Post the Erina QUALITY faces collage
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What a qt
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Didn't know Aika was a fujoshi
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Aura Pillar was a mistake.
The potential wasted was a mistake.
There's no good tokusatsu outside of Precure/Kamen Rider/Garo, unless something badass came out between 2017 and 2022 that I missed.
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>no more seasons of this hilarious gem
hold me, bros
No clue. I prefer sticking to comedies.
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That show is great too, too bad nobody picked up the manga.
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Akashic is badass.
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Chop produce.

And I miss ESLs not being everywhere, but you can't always get what you want.
You're not wrong, but nothing in his post is grammatically incorrect. Lurk moar.
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Phoenix ironically got all the mystery girl drops out of the sky goodies that Twirl always kept trying to push for. Besides being hot and cool she got a character arc emphasizing seeking a kindred spirit and Red didn't respond to that like the typical dense MC so it's no wonder she scored so high on the best girl meter. Also Freud would approve.

It's just the signature reusable finisher footage thing. It's what leads up to it that makes the fights fun. Like how Aika Godzilla'd her way through an army with her atomic breath.
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Too bad Tail Yellow is shit compared to Erina.
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>/v/ crossboarder has a dogshit opinion
Which character song is your favorite? Basic a choice as it may be, it like Red Braver quite a bit
I still listen to Seek time ZERO all the time
I want to impregnate Misster-Wolf-boygirl-kun-chan
>I want to impregnate Misster-Wolf-boygirl-kun-chan
>your boyfriend will never fall asleep on your chest
What did she do to deserve this?
I prefer my pillows firm anyway
I legitimately wonder sometimes if any femanons that stumble across these posts think we're shitposting.
Let it be known, I genuinely love flat chests.
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He's a boy! This was a terrible mistake by the corporation. They must fix it as soon as possible!
A boy that needs a penis in his female vagina.
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Very well. We'll expedite this ticket and do the needful. Off to the room of maidenly heart correction with this one.
>Miss Kuroitsu
How is that series? I was interested in possibly adding it to my watch list.
Onimai is disgusting because Mahiro acts like a faggot while Souji is based.
If you liked Twintails, I don't see why you wouldn't like Kuroitsu. I find them to be a very similar type of comedy. It gets a bit QUALITY at times, but that shouldn't be a problem if you stuck through Twintails.
If it's close to Twintails, it's next on the list.
Both are peak performance in their own right
Maybe in the next life...
Letting original artist go was a sin.
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That cover is from a comiket release
Only one of the volumes had a different illustrator because it was a crossover with the author's other series or something
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Oh, that's good to know. I like Kasuga Ayumu's drawings, and all recent volumes I saw had different illustrator.
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This was also from comiket (official)
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Also this
Whatever happened with the Bahamut harem academy LN art? Kasuga dropped doing the art for that one and iirc is one of the sickly japanese artists type so the only works she does anymore are either for new extra Twintail novels, his new LN series with the shota and not flat Aika and whatever state the Joukamachi Dandelion series is in now.
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That's a delicious tummy and pits.
>even the BD is censored
I hate women so much it's unreal.
I wonder what the admin is doing. Haven't seen a new image in ages.
Maybe we’ll get to meet the other twintails one day…
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Was this a rate case of childhood friend wins?
What part of that confused you?
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God I wish that were me.
Twirl gets her affinity back?
I can't cheer the MC and friends when they fight such refined gentlemen.
Yes. Souji becomes a twintail singularity, giving twintail affinities to everyone.
How do I jump into this universe?
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You wouldn't right?
You know he's a boy.
It's fine because I'm a boy (girl).
How were women involved in the censorship?
Not right now he's not.
He has a womb in that form.
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His sex is female at the moment we engage in coitus.
I know he's a boy that's why I'd only use his ass
That form is female.
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My instincts are awakening. I cannot take responsibility for what happens next.
Yes, with plenty of kissing and cuddling before, during and afterwards.
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How would he respond to having his twintails coated in cum?
Not to worry, twintails are for admiring and nothing else.
It sounds like it'd be a bitch to clean it off, so he's going to have to swallow it all.
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Aww man I had the whole album saved somewhere back in the day. Such a KINO show, my only hope is that the show didn't encourage people to troon out
I absolutely would
Aika has other assets
Glad to see a twintails thread last so long
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Aikabutt reminds me of Sayabutt
I'd gently do them both
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mating press + nakadashi + taking responsibility
only temporarily
I'm not gay I have a wife and child. Why does this boy make me feel immoral feelings?
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You fell for snailguildy's teachings
I really like this ED.
there's also the red solo version, which makes you feel like doing a karaoke with him
He should try doing that on my face. It might feel better.
I like the ED more than the OP, good a song as the latter may be. It feels more hotblooded
After seeing this thread, I'm considering rewatching the series. It might be QUALITY, but it was fun.

Also the ED is great.
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Does anyone have the older colored concept arts that got deleted from the author's blog?
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I believe in twintails, still
Here's the ending sung by red.
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*thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack*
I liked the scene where he realized just how much effort twintails maintenance is. It gave his obsession some real roots.
I haven't heard them all (would need to find them all first) but I like Twoearle's. Maybe because it has a unique sound compared to the others.
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I believe in s2.
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I believe too.
Hold on to hope.
I have a question, was he turned into a girl permanently, or does he only turn into a girl once in a while for a limited time?
He turns into a loli to fight in every episode and a high school girl for one episode but neither is permanent
He’s only a girl when he transforms (usually)
He turns into a girl when I have sex with him so it's not gay
This. It also gave him some respect for his childhood friend who had to do it manually with no magic her entire life.
It's temporary, if you're expecting Kampfer you'll be out of luck.
So hard he'd forget he was ever a man in the first place
Limited but apparently he has the ability to turn into one without the tailbrace if he feels like it.
If you busted in him while he was in tailmode and then he turned back, where would the nut go?
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Twintails S2, Horizon S3 any day now.
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>i'm gonna eat your twintail and force you to change into a ponytail
Twin tails are nice but ponytail is the best.
and what a boy
Getting stepped on by a flat girl with nice legs is my fetish. But so is gender bender.
Boobs wayyy too big.
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Look how helpless he is…
It stays inside him until he gets dressed, at which point it dribbles out of his dick and makes an embarrassing stain on his trousers.
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She should have been flatter.
Character design for anime.
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my melanin-enriched brother
The futa doujins for this series are embarrassingly few and bad. Seems like any series that didn't come out within the last 5 years just doesn't get a lot of good material if it's not called fate.
I don’t think Tailred having his butt hanging out would have been a good idea when fighting an army of alien perverts.
Lovely thighs.
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Princess carried
I'd dominate that 129cm 26kg body
And I'd put children in his womb
And we'd grow a healthy family together
This is absolutely no homo, mind you
Straight to bed to be pegged.
As long as you finish before he changes back, it's all good.
What if he changes back while you are inside? Where does your dick go?
I would hope it gets pushed out...
It is lost to the void.
For her (him) I am willing to take that chance.
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The manga doesn't have Poorfag-chan, so it does not matter.
Isn't it weird that these monsters are attracted to human women?
Are they the furries of the monster world?
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>To have the shapely legs of a cross-dresser stepping on me...
Would anyone be interested in DDLs of the character songs plus OP and ED?
>Isn't it weird
They're already weird. The fact they're attracted to human girls doesn't make much difference.
I'd definitely like one place to find all of them.
What's a DDL?
One moment then
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Consider this.
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Alright, this should be all of the character songs plus the OP and ED. Let me know if there are any issues.
Thanks! I'll check them out in a bit.
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I'm surprised. I figured futa would be a common theme.
It's too old of a series, there just isn't much content for it of any kind. If it's not something insanely popular like Fate there's a low chance of having many doujins.
Sad because there is so much good content to draw from from the 90's-2010's but the stuff that is drawn from those times is so dated I can't really get into it.
How kind of him to lick Soji clean after using his armpit.
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I was considering watching this show for a long time, but now that I know it's a boy, I'll do it right away.
I can't tell if she's puffy or if her butt is just so small you can see her bulge from the back.
Will Aika's perflatness ever be beaten?
Those wings look too advanced for the setting but I've never seen this show.
Yeah? Can I believe in the downfall of shonentards?
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>now that I know it's a boy, I'll do it right away.
I really respect this anime
So... where is season 2?
we didn't believe hard enough
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I wish I'm a rich saudi oil prince so I can fund it, like grendizer u...
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Yes, homo.
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You cannot tell me this thing is a boy.
well how would you feel in his position
Probably decomposing then.
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I don't want to think about that.
cmon anon, have some imagination
But thinking about that makes me feel funny
You too
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>well how would you feel in his position
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For me it's Dark Grasper
Does it also make you feel cute?
Please respond!!
kind of, I'm short and small for a guy so I don't want to think like that.
commie subs
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>Urkel-looking ass
Fucking Commie.
Mahiro would definitely have banged Tailred if he still had his comrade…
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No, but he would jerk off to Tail Red a whole lot.
Well yeah. To a rape doujin specifically.
Why does the left one loves turning boys into girls?
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If you had the ability, wouldn't you?
Cunnlingus on Twoerle while she is kissing Tail Blue.
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Twoearle sitting on my face, Aika on my dick.
Tail Blue's head is touching your head while you are doing cunnilingus on Twoerle.
Then they force you to change position and do cunnilingus on Tail Blue while they kiss even more.
Then you are licking their butts or they sit on your face while they are scissoring each other.

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