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Welcome back, everyone
Today, the battle against Hyunkel ends
Previous Thread:
Why were you so late today?
It's the same time I've done all the other ones
Could have sworn it was closer to two hours prior. It's 2am for me.
Seeing how the evil generals aren't just smug retards, I'm surprised they didn't tell everyone about Dai's crest fuckery.
You're too early!
The ones that saw it don't recognize its significance.
What the fuck's going on?
anyone can be a zoomer with a wyvern's wing?
I'm more mystified by why is crocoman doing this. Whether it's a case of "I'm the only one who can kill him!" or something else.
He'll explain himself soon enough, enjoy the ride.
>I will go through you in every sense of the phrase
Clean thoughts, anon
Besides, Hyunkel gets a gayer moment with someone else
You know, I feel like Dai is pretty good proof that judging a Shounen by how many permanent deaths it has is stupid
His resurrection leads to a swift death.
He's not dead yet? I was looking forward to zombie crocoman too.
Look at the dumb bird all friendly.
Mystery nigga!
Dai probably would make a good monster tamer.
Monster tamer who could manhandle the monsters himself sounds dope.
More doujin materials.
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He never has this facial expression ever again.
That's the case in Dragon Quest 5 already. You have to beat them into submission to get them to join you, though it's still RNG bullshit.
How long has it been since volume 5 came out in English?
Exploitable pannel on yhe bottom right.
>Like one that can flip night and day
How does that work? Do they rotate the planet? Shift the sun? Move the moon?
neat combination move
I've only played DQ Monsters game, so I didn't know that.
It turns off/on the lights.
But the sun isn't a lightbulb.
Cool, it's kinda rare to see magic combo.
HUNKel BTFO (moraly)
Sorry Zaboera he's into Chad Dragon twinks
Hyunckel can't not be a virgin. He just stays couped up in a dusty castle surrounded by corpses all day.
Tell that to a level 25 wizard.
I mean let's be honest here Dai is good inspite of it not, because of it.
At some point you just roll your eyes when Hyunkel dies for umphteenth time.
The amount of fake out deaths are actually pretty fucking insane.
Also I personally still think that you know who coming back in the final arc is pretty fuckinblg retarded even if he deserves his happy.
It's biggest saving grace is that the few deaths that are permanent hit really hard.
ENTER Speedwagon #1
Hyunckel only has about one fake death, the rest you're assured pretty much immediately so they shouldn't even count and are just there to speak to his determination and resillience. I get more pissed off at his constant upstaging of Popp if anything else.
I can appreciate Popp's less idealistic viewpoint. It's fine to sympathise for Hyunckel and anyone else wronged by humans but none of it justifies their mass scale genocides. Not to mention the dark army PRIDES itself on being evil. Not that others shouldn't have other viewpoints but he was like the only guy who thought like this.
I remember atleast 2 fake out deaths.
The one at the end of this arc and the one with accepting Myst's dark aura.
It was obvious from the start he wasn't going to get taken over. The whole final Myst fight is probably the messiest segment of the entire manga and I dread it every time in case I somehow sour on the series because of it.
Thick maam thighs and pantsu....
No the other time he accepted Myst's aura and everyone thought he was dead.
It's magic he ain't gotta explain shit.
Yeah, fuck you Hadlar!
Your fat ass is your worst enemy, Maam
Popp, noo!!!
It's cool that Popp has this mindset, and it goes a long way to show that Sanjo had a good idea with making Popp complement Dai.

This entire conversation is pretty ironic when you consider that both Avan and Popp would have stayed dead permanently had the manga not been extended, also Larhalt by extension.
She gainaxing like crazy
How do you feel about the later art compared to the earlier art? Seems like it was more detailed here.
How convenient
>He said, "Do not hate Avan, if you cannot live with him then at least do him no harm"
>"For his is already a hard lot"
I remember Hyunckel's armor had to be simplified for one and that's fair, Inada got really sick after all.

In retrospect this was a huge 'Oh shit' moment and I greatly enjoyed re-reading the manga to see how the reveal was built up especially with Baran being introduced within this arc.
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>guy raised by his undead skeleton single father has mommy fetish
many such cases
I love flazzard's design and he's such an asshole lol.
You may as well skip these pages. No purpose to them in a dump.
I could never really get behind their "romance". I liked the idea of it highlighting Popp's insecurities but as an actual part of Hyunckel's (or should I say Maam's) it doesn't really have any romance to it. Their relationship started after he had only done villain things and he hadn't given reason to like him yet.
It's fine he is taking like 2 points of damage on the lava tile.
Missed opportunity to do the terminator 2 thumbs up baka. If I was about to die in magma Id def do it
>Villains sabotaging each other even within the group and thinking about their own agendas
So, you guys like maps, huh?
Hell yeah I do. Look at those continents and biomes. One thing I think is underrated is having some amount of geological reason behind environments. Like obv cold place north but little things like how the nearby mountains affect the weather or some transition between a desert to a savannah to a jungle. Its alot of work tho and you only really have 1 template, earth, to get inspiration from. But i think about it alot.
Done for today
Come back tomorrow to see what they do about Flazzard
>Don't do it!
What the fuck else do you want him to do? Put it back down so you all roast?
Holy fucking TANKED
This map really lays out how much destruction was done by the time Avan was killed, and it in turn serves to remind you that Dai and co. fought hard for their victories.
>have you heard of the puff puff?
Eh, some of those should have stayed dead honestly, especially the one that shows up by the end
Too early for a celebration, always double tap.
This isn't the crest, this is new.
You retard, that's sunk cost fallacy.
Also, Maam stopped wearing her tight pants?
Oh shit, that's what, 3 moves combined?
I want this guy to raise as a skeleton. But that probably won't happen, he's too good looking for that to happen.
>Flames of Mera
nice translation fuckup
that would be a frizz/flame sword
Thank you for posting.
Mad respect for the dude for having the foresight to do this but that is so oddly convenient
which is weird because they have Baran, you're telling me he never used his crest in front of them at all? they could at least ask him about a dragon shaped crest since he is, you know, the dragon guy.
broken spell
he tanked that btw
This is one of those moments that I thought was just way too convenient.

Remember how he took down Ringaia so quickly? They're scared as fuck of him and those who see Dai's crest tend to convenient join him.
for a beats king he was truly a gentlemen and more human than humans. sleep well king
>finish securing holkia
Wasn't it papnika?
Holkia is the continent where Papnika is located.
I see
*conveniently, also some of the people who saw the crest aren't asking Baran about it for a very good reason.
Cool to see combos! although I wish that Popp would summon rainy clouds and just rely on luck for lightning to hit the fully clad metal armor.
Now I see why Mam was kidnapped, she can easily store a Zapple in her bullets and have 100% accuracy.
Wait how the fuck did Popp survive a Megante?????
He didn't manage to complete his Megante and died in the process, but Baran was so impressed with his spirit that he gave Dragon Blood to Popp later that brought him back to life. Popp was supposed to have died permanently because this was the manga's original end point but it got an extension and so Popp remaining dead was unsustainable.
is that the part where Dai's crest shift to his hand? it was such a shame, I loved the forehead crest
Yeah, and even that becomes a setup to yet another change.
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Who is your favorite DQ party member d/a/i?
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>beats king
I simply must do something after that.
Fucking based anon.
huh? wasn't he going to spare the mage? filthy liar!
Wow, so they didn't want Baran to know that early huh, funny how the villains are doing more harm to each other than the heroes. They even commend "scheming and betraying" as a good quality of commanders of evil.
Hadlar has a good guess as to what it is and he doesn't want Baran to know because Baran can easily BTFO him. Zaboera also knows and he would like to overthrow Hadlar, and personally I find it fun how much time is dedicated just to letting you see the villains screwing each other over.
Girls like broody boys, simple as. The cast are still teenagers.
>Girls like broody boys, simple as
Even in works of fiction there's reason given for that instead of just being paired on that alone. Popp saw Maam's sentimentality and warmed up to her for it, even something small like that is a lot better than him just being a bastard.
Huh, I always thought it was pretty evident that she could see how lonely he was.
Well yes but is that really enough to really *fall* for someone when he hadn't been good at all yet? He showed positive aspects but he was still fresh off of killing a kingdom and destroying a city.
Wasn't it a big plot point that Maam later realized she didn't know at all if her feelings towards Hyunckel was true love or compassion? Granted, I respect Sanjo for writing female characters that do more than be damsels but Maam fell out of relevance fairly quickly.
Well yes but it wasn't really highlighted for most of it. I'd have liked that if it was in the oven for longer. If she was the tritagonist before, she stopped being one when Hyunckel came in as an ally.
>chad warrior
>established commander of an army
>his castle was the previous devil king caste
>already conquered countries
>has a cool armor
>spares women and children
>kidnapped her
>slapped her and put her in her place
>saved her
how can Popp even begin to compete at all?
I think a page is missing
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I-I'm such a happy cuck
doesn't he get the cutie mage girl in the village tho? apparently classes are inherited, i doubt a mage can be compatible with anything but a mage.
But how many does he have to spare?
Agreed, guess in the end Sanjo is just better at integrating the guys and villains into the plot.
a shy fortuneteller gets interested in him but he likes the more active Maam, Popp doesn't give me the impression that he's got long term family planning in mind, rather something more immediate
Yangus my brother
About the whole discussion with deaths it's not subversion of death and fakeouts themselves that are the problem but whether the writer can justify playing that card. If at anything Dai is a great example of why writers are reluctant to kill off characters since you can do it at what you considered to be the perfect time only to realize later that you fucked up anyway.
It becomes deeper over time, he can give his own reasons as to why he likes Maam. It's a pretty integral part to him as he views her as the reason he becomes a better man. On Hyunckel's end, he sees her as the one who saved him from himself but I don't think it's very romantic on his end and I much prefer his own arc of self loathing and being self sacrificial, we don't need two of those same character arcs going on especially when one is much more fitted to it than the other (Popp).
which is odd because Avan died in like what? the first couple of chapters? and he was a great character with decent build up and screen time for a mentor. the writer could've followed the trend and killed a character every now and then.
the thing is, when you have a enough characters, introducing new ones without killing some of the old ones clutters the story and makes it impossible to give equal attention to everybody. a character dying for a reason and up the stacks for the heroes to push themselves more is way better than a character getting no screen time and fading into irrelevancy.
That's the thing though, he managed to do fairly decently with everyone and he also understood correctly that some characters can't be replaced. Hadlar's character development is a great example of this because it might have been Avan's disciples who made him start to change but he had the closest tie to Avan out of all of them, using anyone except Avan for closure wouldn't have had a good impact.
>and makes it impossible to give equal attention to everybody
That's the thing, I don't think that should be anyone's goal. The story should have an ultimate focus and not everyone will contribute equally, some will do more than others and I think that's how it should be. The other risk of killing off characters on the regular is that readers will stop getting attached to the characters and start betting on which one is the next to die.
that's the spooky thing
This is a complaint I have with other people's complaints. Yes, I get annoyed too if a manga is too biased towards the main character but my complaint isn't so much about the main character being exactly that as much as the side characters feeling like props.
Then that's not a problem of equal screentime or contribution or anything like that, but whether or not the characters and the world they live in feels real or if they're just there to prop up the hero (which can be the writer's barely disguised ego).
As I've began to delve into writing I've found that equality is overrated. What is important is defining your most important characters, your side characters and giving them scenes that make them shine.
Kek, nice.
Definitely Yangus too, but Angelo isn't far behind.
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What other manga are you all reading currently?
kengan & ippo, I might give hokuto no ken a re read it has been a while
the sexy redhead with strong offensive magic
I follow tons of ongoing manga, but series I recently caught up on was bugle call.
I hope we can get a draw Anon throughout the rest of the threads
>broken spell
The fingerpuppet possession technique?
I like Ura Baito.
very nice
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>Hadlar has the properties of "Explosion" and "Heat"
Reading Worst after I finished Crows and its gaiden stories.
Not very original but Yangus.
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>Hexagrams are censored in re-releases but pentagrams are left intact
See you there.

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