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Everybody gather round for this week's episode
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Comfy rape!
>another boring ep
and dropped
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See you next week anon
Should have been
>DungeonMaster no Naka no Hito
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god i love these golems so much
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read the manga its great this reminds me a lot of Handyman Saitou. I guess the anime will adapt 24 chapters?
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Scary Chino
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Fax machine slime
So this bitch just straight up goes around killing people?
don't let rimuru see this
Love how straightforward she is
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holy kek
>civilized goblins
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she's cute
clay is shit and worst girl
I love this dork so much
>resting bitch face
what the fuck was her problem?
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huh, that's an interesting portrayal of how these things work, i haven't seen it done like this before
What if you shove in something else?
I kneel
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He's just like me, frfr
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precious smile
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>breezes through the dungeon after being gifted 10th floor gear
clay is a nepobaby
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cutest girl this season
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modest curves really get me going
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>hay bb u want sum fuk?
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clay and goblin slayer would get along
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>episode immediately ends
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these lil guys can do anything
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well, /a/? how do you respond?
I'm not a woman, anon. But if I were Clay I wouldn't give some jobber access to my womb.
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clearly she needs to kiss it
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Would Clay kissing it make the dagger bigger? cause it would make mine bigger. captcha: MYJK
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Why did her copy get to keep her clothes on this time?
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>Why did her copy get to keep her clothes on this time?
I expected pic related to be about this, but I guess it wasn't...
Surely you'd end up developing a trauma by getting violently "killed" repeteadly even if your life is never actually in danger.
I never thought I'd see a slime used as a fax machine.
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I have the need. The need to breed.
Imagine having your life be dedicated to vomiting up random shit that some other faggot ate.
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okay two things if you count endlessly gaining skills from eating.
I'd take all 3 of them at once, and ask Belle to watch.
y-you too.
The point was it doesn't function properly because Clay didn't earn it
and even without it operating at full power it's still as a strong as a 7th level weapon...which is coincidentally the floor most adventurers cannot get past
it's still an op cheat weapon when "sealed"
what happened to her dad?
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>implying the Gigachad dad would give her a cheat weapon
she was obviously ready for it
>exposition dump episode with a forced fight
>ends as it was getting good
no idea yet the raws have some info on him but nothing current I think.
Read chapter 28
what if you put in another magic bag?
But how many magic bags can the magic bag hold?
I watch this show for the exposition dumps desu
Only the master copy is nude, inferior secondary copies have clothes
Except for jumping really high
not all magic bags can't hold magic bag. I guess small magic bag can't hold medium or big magic bag but a big magic bag easily can hold a small magic bag also one magic bag can hold at most one magic bag.
But you shouldn't be able to obtain the items of a magic bag inside the magic bag so need to bring out the magic bag from the magic bag which is kind of annoying.
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we need to ask an expert
No, you watch it for dungeon mechanics.
What if you put someone in a magic bag?
Actually never mind. No episode next week cause of the Olympics
>Let's make the Olympics even more shit
Hello, Clay. I'm Dagger.
I hate even more the olympics now.
The weakest expert
I don't even watch the Olympics...
god fucking DAMN it
Bet it's some gay shit like gymnastics or something
FUCK. I thought only Saturday shows are affected
I can't believe this is actually great.
>Honorable salaryman gets home
>Wants to watch cute dungeon girls
>Gets a bunch of gaijin running around instead
This always pisses me off, the whole world is supposed to fucking stop because a bunch of roided faggots want to play games against each other
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>Our former slaves are better than yours
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That killed the discussion
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Will this have cute demon girls?
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Right? I don't get how a cheap-looking anime about managing a dungeon could be this enjoyable.
fridge body
perfect for childbearing
It's a good manga
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fun things are fun anon
Clay is /fit/
Execution is everything with anime. This has a lot of the same cliches you see over and over, but it's done in a very charming way.
Hell yeah
>2 anime on friday with belles
>2 anime on friday about dungeons
So will Clay be bred by the dragon if she loses to him?
>Thieves Guild is in collusion with the dungeon

But to what end, I wonder.
look how tiny she is
>Clay can just use creative mode
>never uses it
Games are funnier with cheats...
rules of nature say so
>But to what end, I wonder.
they said all the adventurers were dying to traps, so i imagine the thieves guild is pushing their thieves into parties to raise their survival rate
Belle is so silly, if only she knew the rule back when she fought Clay
how does it compare to dungeon meshi
comfier and cuter imo
they're different things and not comparable
Better but that's not a hard thing to achieve.
Didn't she used a different daggers?
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>Didn't she used a different daggers?
she has at LEAST 4 different ones on her
i assume they're all different elements so she can target multiple weaknesses
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she's autistic
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>woke up
>page 10
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so like, what's the actual purpose behind the dungeon? Why do the demon realms rent out their monsters just to sequentially challenge adventurers? Why do they use resources and money to support the adventurers? Do they make money off this somehow? Is the ultimate goal to kill as many humans as possible or to get as many people to fall for the allure of the dungeon as possible?
Belle is so cute.
You know, sometimes I feel like it's always the same half a dozen people posting in threads of anime I like
this too was forshadowed
What? What made you think so?
dungeon meshi is more of long single adventure this is just fun dungeon building while managing the monster/dungeons and the city
It has cockona
breeding belle
She is so perfect
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magikku baggu?
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which one would you pick?
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You didn't beat the game.
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>romaji karaoke
who is the target audience for this

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