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>Title: Meal/then
>Summary: As for conquering the Tower of Mourning...! It seems like it's going to be difficult...!
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Posting the translated omake while at it
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Simon is fucking useless holy shit
holy shit we are so back
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Here's the V10 playlist
>Vlad holding BB's heart over Palma
Vlad x Palma cute and canon
Brief reminder of how the stats work
Sato is a villain of this story. Palma's plan could easily work. Sato wants Tokio to stay miserable.
Tokio already saw her tits and he's still aiming for Momoma. Palma had already failed before she even started
So ishida leaving Sandek’s choujin name reveal for some grand battle, although I thought he would a gravity choujin or space choujin
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The V10 Bonus Illustration for Kikuya Tsutaya and Comic Zin. No, I'm not even joking, it's just this fucking page
Tokio is completely frustrated and jumps on all big tits in his vicinity. Which is why Palma should act, since Momoma won't even approach him to the end of his days.
Ishida spoiled you people too much if you think it's commonplace to get dozens of new shop bonus art for every single volume release when Ishida is more of an outlier. And even then, you still got the Sato illustration.
>Shadow of the Erdtree comes out
>Ishida goes on a month long hiatus
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>And even then, you still got the Sato illustration
You'd think he'd pull that one as a bonus like with Batista's. Still funny that we got fucking VLAD merch
My hero is so effay
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>Bucket is his official nickname
>Title: Meal/then
So who's gonna feast?
After Tokio's training in Destroit he's only upper-mid tier?
He is going to catch the fucking higher ups very soon, and he has only been in the force for a year, this growth is explosive, he's far stronger than all other people his age.
>s only upper-mid tier
How did you get that? Only Sandek beats him in raw strength (by a wide margin although)
>Elly's height and weight
A vulture. Maybe a hyena too.
Yeah and his Influence (the stat that matters to him the most because talking would solve stuff) is SHIT. No wonder Cabirol shat on him and Sato was telling him to get the Mark.
>BB has the 2bd highest luck stats
>gets instant killed ambushed

It must be because vlad has higher luck stats, that or BB might not be dead yet next chapter.
>he thinks she's killed
Palma got bisected and chewed by an army of zombies, a heart is nothing to a Choujin
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God the waiting took so long
Why does momo has only that much strength? Are choujin enhancement calculated separately?
More like her perception and reaction levels are fucking low, meanwhile look at Grandpa go
Vlad obviously
Yes, which means base Tokio is almost twice as strong as base Momo.
500 choujin proficiency which is higher than yamato mori's mid-tiers but beaten by the elites like arthur and bb, with only high constitution and strength setting his base stats apart.
I just noticed Momoma only has 48 strength? Tokio is stronger than her?
>those stats
No wonder Michael was shitting himself about the mission. They fucking suck!
Believe it or not, she got taller by 4cm
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>lost one of his last two points to Ely
shits so funny for some reason
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>Ely is so shit at studying Azuma gotta sacrifice one of his luck points to her so she can pass the class
>I just noticed Momoma only has 48 strength? Tokio is stronger than her?
These are just the base stats, see here >>269220112 Tokio's stats would also be way higher if he was in his Beast form, probably even equal to Sandek
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>Start with Mooks
>Now at Jing Tawa IC and Vlad
>Bucket drops after them most likely as Final Boss
Vladkeks... our thunder...
That says that strength and endurance take into account powers.
Where's this from?
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The back of physical V10
Oh so it's official. I've been eagerly waiting for Bucket's enter, dont give me hope anon
FlareBucket anon
>Tawashi Intelligence: 1
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I want to give her many head pats!
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Tokio's before and after skip too
I like how his influence part is the most lacking and has barely improved over the time, tying into his talk with Sato and how frustrated he feels that nobody listens to him
>Tokio 6' 3
Holy shit. Will he get even taller? Choujin powers can change your body, as we have seen.

Simonbros ...
>205 Kg
Jing is fat. FAT!
Cute and canon
Very nice catch
Ahh, finally!
fucking sick
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Cool to finally have confirmation on Tokio's height. I think this should put Sato at around 1,90m?
He’s a mod choujin, so his body contains metallic contraptions he had designed for himself.
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Sato will usurp YM's leadership and place Tokio as his executive power.
HERO height
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Mogged by a TRUE X
>michael 20
>michelangelo 25

got the vibe they were younger
It doesn't really feel like base tokio has more physical strength than momo
Anon we've seen Tokio punching through 3 mountain sized golems
Palma will revive BB
So beastified Tokio is almost 2x stronger than base Momoma
>Sandek's proficiency compared to everyone else's
>Sandek's genius level iq which is almost twice I.C. Ice's (the third highest score) and 11 points higher than Arthur One's (the second highest score)
> Sandek's influence which is over twice as high as Arhur One's (the second highest score)
> easily the highest proficiency, determination, luck
Holy fuck, are we getting another time skip? He absolutely mogs everyone.
>bucket being the final boss when everyone is already tired
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>kronos is associated with the harvest
>kronos wields an adamantine harpe
>kills his father (uranus) with it
>goes nuts because of a prophecy which leads to his downfall
I don't think things are gonna go well for Tokio after Sora's death
I'm talking base tokio
Man, FASERIP would have been more comprehensible.
He's a boy, she's a girl. That alone is a huge difference already. And he was apparently working out really fucking hard in that year.
Uranus in the context of Choujin is Batista though. Gaia is Sora.
Basically, FASERIP is a system specifically designed for superhero storytelling. It has such elegant and simple stats.
No idea about your specific capeshit system, but what about this not "elegant and simple stats"? In this case, they are also more for fun and not really to be taken super seriously as there are many variables in the story that make them redundant.
Bucket suddenly popping up and cleaning house at the end of the raid, after a seemingly triumphant victory would be crazy
That's what you want to think
But what if he becomes a weird ally?
>Sato rolls in with sword choujins and wants to do house cleaning so he has the organizaiton under his control
>Bucket shows up and goes Kill Bill on them, rambling about Sato being gueltan scum too
>two strongest members got paired together
GODeck and CHADthur will solo the tower.
It just means they will be trapped together somehow while the rest gets raped
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Azuma bros....
Could you explain? I'm not well-versed in Greek mythology.
I figured that she was the analogue for Uranus since he ruled the sky and Sora means sky in Nipponese
Gaia is Cronus' mother. She is the one who gifts him the Adamantine Harpe.
Sora is Tokio's second mother whose blood awakened him as a choujin and granted him Adamantine Harpe.
Batista is the creator of Xember, which makes him responsible for Tokio's "birth" too. Possibly Uranus in a sense, since there's a clear antagonism between him and Tokio.

There are also some possible parallels between Palma and Rhea since she's technically Tokio's symbolic "sister" via Sora's blood and is associated with life giving and controlling lions (via "Shishinegura" and link to Azuma).
When tokio takes the mark will be inherit Dora's white hair and blue eyes?
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>The Raid will fail
I don't know how many times I have read those words in the last 4-5 years.
I wonder who would be Zeus in this context (mythlogically, it should be Tokio's son but I doubt the story will go that far). Also, this makes me wonder if Ishida was just making a joke in his recent radio interview where he said that thought about making Tokio wolf themed or something because of how well vulture fits into the whole personification of the sky thing that Cronos has going for him.
Why did ishida use ice as a hype tool for tokio to style on if he planned on having him fight tokio during the raid, and I'm sure it'll be a tough fight
It just means they're so collectively fucked that what happened to BB is the luckiest outcome there is in this shit situation
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It only started to look that way because he had no idea who he was up against, but once he got serious they went pretty even with Ice even tanking his Harpe (and later only beat him with Ely's help). I think narratively, it's a great way to setup this upcoming fight as it reinforces Ice's determination to protect Zora with his life.
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The site where I read manga cut the double pages now, I would behead the ones that made that decision.
Has anyone been scanning over the pages for tarot card shit?
fuck off
there's a mega going around where an anon uploads all the chapters (and extras) with the pages stitched up together
whops meant for >>269233899
The raid will fail
Mr morj sama...
Masamune is not in the raid because he would solo the Tower and end it quickly.
Ishida can do whatever he wants but I'm not gonna lie the releasing multiple parts of each chapter separately has decreased a lot of the hype for me
Perseus had an adamantine harpe too, right?
Nothing is ever worth reading "for the hype." If "hype" is what you care about, then the current popular shonenshit are meant for you. Why are you even posting in this thread?
Jesus Christ you sound insufferable. I'm just saying I don't enjoy it as much.
And I'm just saying that the industry would be in a better place if hypebeasts were rounded up and shot in the head.
Yes and you're holier than thou you fucking loser.
No reason to be personal, just giving you an advice. If "hype" is all you care about, then there are dozens of series better suited for your dopamine fried brain.
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Would you the teacher
Yes to slay Medusa. Other cases were Zeus to slay Cronus, Hermes to slay Argus and Heracles for the Hydra.
If anything Adamantine Harpe is a heroic weapon that gets given around
>controlling lions (via "Shishinegura
Anon... Shishinegura with the way Ishida wrote it doesn't mean "Lion's Den" whatsoever, but rather "Nest of Flesh" referencing Tokio's vulture nature... Hence why Palma is projecting Shishinegura onto him
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>Bucket drops after them most likely as Final Boss
I thought this was always the plan. The whole Yubiko encounter and the "god" stuff gave him a lot of narrative importance
>big tits
>not fat
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>kills his father (uranus) with it
>goes nuts because of a prophecy which leads to his downfall
If we believe this theory, how do you think things will play out? Tokio reaches Sora's throne and chops her head off (like in Hume's vision) and then he gets mindbroken by one of her visions?
Either that or he gains her prophecy power
Very nice fanart
>Either that or he gains her prophecy power
One scenario I could see becoming real is that she somehow manages to partially force the mark on him before ultimately getting decapitated (we already saw that it's a process that takes a bit of time previously)
Chapter in t-minus 26 minutes
If BB raises Vlad is going straight to fraudwatch
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Seems unlikely considering that you actually have to be somewhat mentally prepared for a Raise, so surprise attacks work well
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Dumping raws
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>eats it
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>Vlad just standing there
>grumpily nibbles on the heart
I love this guy
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End of dump
Young vlad looks like THAT
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And now he looks like... this...
Another celebrity’s life ruined by drugs and alcohol…
Ishida heard there were some footfags around here, so he delivered you Vlad legs
Vlad the CRAWLER
Damn i didn't notice how nice her outfit is
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>Vlad seems to be from Iratis
>Iratis derives from Irate
>Irate = feeling or characterized by great anger.
Wow Vlad really lives up to the stereotype
Vlad beating spark ninja is a asspull
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>Vlad was canonically called a "Handsome General"
Hope my cute mahoujo wife makes it!
Zora's mark ruined him, poor bastard. This will be Tokio's fate as well
Hallo choujinbros. That last part of the chapter might take a bit, so I'm posting what I've got done for now. Any fuck-ups, please point them out.

>Chapter 53 part 1, Meal/then
(膳 refers to that tray of food that has little legs, I believe)

>Yamatomori - Battle State of Affairs
>Arrival at inner interior floor 31. Every team separated due to the Tower's reestructuring.
>Progression of Battle: 30%
>After the great division of the formation and positional relation, they are divided into 4 teams. The altitude is at its highest at floor 3A, close to the upper level.
>Tower of Mourning - Yamatomori Remaining Forces
>Choujin 19/22
>Non-Choujin forces 628/812
>Sandek/Arthur team / Floor 3-D
>Following troops:about 200
>In order to restore communications, a moden container has been set up. Presently on stand-by.

>Ely/Simon/Michael/Michelangelo team / Floar 3-C
>Following troops: about 120
>Tokio/Momoma Team / Floor 3-B
>Trapped within a "dead space" inside the Tower, and in battle with I.C. Ice.
>Azuma/BB, Tagawa, Denku Team / Floor 3-A
>Following troops: about 80

(no text)

>sfx: thump
>sfx: thump


>sfx: nom
>sfx: gobble gobble

>"Mage Flare"!!

>That was magic that could send even an elephant flying...
>"Lightning" charge...

>You underlings
>intend to battle?

>A battle is
>filled with the stink of flesh and blood
>He's even faster
>than me
>brings about irrational death,

>and ends in an instant.
>With one blow...
>...I will show you...

(kanji is 鉄血生成, 鉄血 can mean both "blood and iron" and "military might")
>"Bad Arch"
(kanji is 悪しき梁)

>A-And BB?
>Couldn't be... she's already...?
>This situation...
>sfx: clattering of teeth
>Bador Vlad
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Based and thank you as always, TLanon!
You forgot a line at the 3-C section
>As they were approaching the upper echelons, they were ambushed by Jing and Tawashi and a battle ensues
Man you are quick, appreciate it anon
>bomber got one shot
Time for GODzuma to awaken
Thank you Chad dump and TL anons
>he's actually ripping out the intestines in one fell swoop
I knew this guy was bad news but holy shit
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Sato will fuck Tokio's sister
Very clearly a time traveling Azuma.
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Was it autism?
fuck off
>(kanji is 鉄血生成, 鉄血 can mean both "blood and iron" and "military might")
It probably means the former. "Hemo" in "Hemocraft" seems to be derived from the word "hemorrhage" and "craft" probably refers to the 生成 (creation) part in the kanji. So he's modifying his blood to create his weapon
>Azuma learned from the Yubiko fight how to surprise attack from beloe (trapping Jing in the cage)
>Next he'll learn how to make weapons out of his blood from Vlad because blood got iron
>Bador, during the Great Choujin War,
>at the invasion of Guelta's Greater East Asia,
>was a noble soldier of Iratis, the first to be attacked.
>After collapsing at the hands of the Quiem lead Guelta forces and abandoning the Iratis front,
>he joined Sora Shiruha's allied forces of Nanatsu and became one general that stood side by side with the Sword Choujin (clan).

>He served Sora even after the war, and, taking root in Yamato, remained royal to her as her right hand man.
>Even after Sora was looked down upon with the "Zora" name, and even after she was chased out of Yamatomori, he remained at her side, even to this day.
>Because of his beautiful appearance, Bador was also extoled as the "beautiful general".
>When it came to battle, he displayed a destructive role.
>The greatest hero of Sora Shiruha's allied forces, just like a kishin (鬼神), inspired fear in both ally and foe, and was nicknamed

>"The War Demon"
>The Blood Massacre Choujin (殲血)
>War Demon Bador Vlad

Thanks anon!

Yes, I just mentioned both meanings because I thought it was interesting, given the context of the battle.

That'd be all, I think. Cool chapter.
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>there were anons who doubted my boy Vlad
Thanks anon you are the best!
BB probably isn't done but man sneak attack or not he fucking wrecked her
Azuma will beat him next chapter
>Because of his beautiful appearance, Bador was also extoled as the "beautiful general".
They used to call me sexy back in the day... they ran straight into my axe because they wanted to die to a hot guy
How does vlad see?
Sneak attack and heart directly ripped out and eaten, she's a goner. Plus it makes this panel even more ironic >>269238162
No way is JOBzuma beating vlCHAD in a 1v1 fight, bomber choujin is raising and so is spark and magic.
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He aged like milk, should've stayed in Iratis instead of simping
>>Because of his beautiful appearance, Bador was also extoled as the "beautiful general".
He hit the wall harder than Sora man, literally went from a model to some eldritch horror. Wonder if it was just the effects of the mark or too many raises (like with sora) that left him disfigured
>79 lbs
Retard bugwife!
I hope he at least got to plow her if you know what i mean
>sukuna and everyone else flees like bitches
>arthur or hoshi come to help
The only way i see things going
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Vlad got the Black Belt
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will azuma finally stop jobbing?
>up against the strongest opponent he's ever faced and by the looks of it he'll end up having to solo him
lol no
I think he's losing this one, Tokio probably wouldn't be able to handle Vlad either
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>up against a war veteran
>said war veteran had a rep of being so bloodthirsty he got called a War Demon
Gee anon, take a guess
>This? Average Saturday
humans getting BTFO as usual
Human GODS will nuke the tower when things go wrong
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>Sandek/Arthur team / Floor 3-D
>Following troops:about 200
>In order to restore communications, a moden container has been set up. Presently on stand-by.
Boy! Sure hope nothing bad's happening on the higher floors, amirite guys?
GODzuma? Solos Vlad next chapter.
So Vlad is probably originally a blood choujin who was given a cool nickname for the shit he did during the war
>Called Vlad
>Is a blood choujin
Azuma also thinks the current choujins lack the real battle experience since they only fight 1-2 times per month. They are turbo fucked to come across this setting's Messmer.
>remained royal to her as her right hand man
Did you mean to say *loyal* here? Because either word carries a very different connotation
This axe is probably made by him manipulating the blood of fallen enemies
Metal as fuck
Vlad is strong but Bucket looks like he's on a completely different level
Which means that Bucket is an X because Vlad is likely in the same tier as Sandek
That's a lot of choppers
I'm not sure that's enough of a sneak attack to avoid raising. I feel like the ones that didn't raise were bucket's work
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>Vlad is strong but Bucket looks like he's on a completely different level
Vlad, a war vet with War Demon title still able to jump around and bear Sora's Mark, had a period episode on IC Jing Tawa so bad it scared Nari and Batista, all the while Bucket did not react whatsoever.
Bucket is mopping the floor with Vlad
The stats are still nowhere near in Tower's favour. Vlad is strong but he's one man. They will just zerg rush him until he's tired.
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This is what women do to you man
Thanks tlanon
That's true, but from the perspective of the team that encountered him they must feel utterly fucked. Unless Sandek's or maybe Tokio's squad reach them, I'm not sure how much of a chance they have. Maybe Azuma can pull a chaos state out of his ass or something.
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The only thing Azuma can do is to try binding Vlad so the rest could go further
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It's very unfortunate that a dude carrying a power of Queem just came across an anti-Queem war vet with severe anger management issues
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Batista pulling a Nat 20 Persuasion on Vlad to vaxx Azuma is his only "hope"
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Oh shit, that's actually an interesting theory
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Plot twist would be Vlad's already in it. He sets Azuma to get on the highest floors so he can apprehend him more easily and get him to Batista
azuma used to be cooler

heb used to fight choujin with nothing but a karate black belt and now he's just panicking watching everybody die
Clothzuma will return and stall him just enough for backup (Sandek or Arthur) to arrive. As long as he manages to save the cute OL mahoujo all is well
he's a fighting autist blessed with support powers
Glad to see Ishida come back to the good old days of huge guy mowing down groups of people.
mmm tasty
old gramps was handsome as fuck
So... does he have Iron related powers too?
Azuma will job hard desu
>azuma used to be cooler
nah, he was always a bitter cunt
Azuma is the coolest he ever was. Instead of trying to pretend to be a superhero, a niche clearly occupied by Tokio, he decided to become a team player and a great leader instead.
In this operation he saved a fuckload of lives already. His inspiring speech prior to the operation was great. He only needs to finally fuck Ely and mellow out completely to become an adult.
>psh, nothin personnel kid
His huge ass cloak makes him even more imposing than he already is.
Azuma isnt 1 in luck for nothing
Pure edgekino, love it. Glad to see Ishida still got it. Makes me wonder how things will escalate even further from here on considering that we still have Bucket, Sora and the others left. I'm excited.
Bucket is bill morse

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