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Nino will fix and sanitize the manga by killing Ratby soon.
Ruby won
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>"Oshi no Ko: Aqua to Ruby, Unmei no Hajimari", the novelization of the manga by Aka Akasaka and Mengo Yokoyari, written by Makimi Hano, presented its cover.
AquaRuby won!
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Akane won like Sayahime
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Kanabros, our response???
Mass suicide
This caused the deaths of countless Kanarats.
>"Nobody should surpass Ai!"
>attempt stabbing
>get arrested
>News media next day talks about how Ruby not only avoided a stabbing but performed afterwards surpassing Ai
>"NOOOOOOO how can this be!"
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Soulmates confirmed.
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Ruby is Sayahime
Kanarat will follow in Ninorat's footsteps.
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>Hacka can't write novels
Useless hack.
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>Sayahime and Touki are actually to be married

>"I'll give some thought once 16"
Not even close to the same.

Akane is Aqua's first love
and now Akane lost Aqua to Kana

Aka cannot spell it out to you more, they literally played them
...'s sister-in-law.
>the novelization of the manga
You continue to show how illiterate you are.
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What we really need is a KanaKane novel.
Touki and Saya were actually in a relationship, unlike Aqua and Ruby.
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You incestlosers are disgusting. Literally so jealous of AquAka you have to retcon yourself into scenes you had no relevance in.
All you have is a shallow love with no scenes and relevance, time to accept it already.
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>Aqua to Ruby
This is a euphemism of Aqua inserting his dick inside Ruby's vagina.
Aqua didn’t make any marriage vows to Akane whatsoever unlike with Ruby
And Aqua already dumped Akane so who cares
Seethe, Sayahime is Touki’s heroine just like Ruby is Aqua’s
>And Aqua already dumped Akane
And will get back together with her.
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Akanebros, where is our novel?
>Aqua didn’t make any marriage vows to Akane whatsoever
yep, instead they dated

>unlike with Ruby
post the panel of Aqua saying he will marry Ruby
I hate it!
>t. ratbykek
Aka is making other people kill the pesky rats for him.
Akane has the manga.
>Nino will fix and sanitize the manga by killing Ratby soon.
We can only fucking hope...
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I swear you incestlosers just want to be made fun of.
What do you think "novelization of the manga" means? Have you ever read a book adaptation of a movie or whatever?
Christ, that novel might be more about Akane than Dumby considering her irrelevance in this manga.
Are you retards still on about this? It's a fucking LN recap of the 1st manga volume. Jesus fucking christ. It's even fucking marketed towards kids with it being written in furigana.
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>where is our novel?
Don't worry. The KanaKane novel is on the way.
There's no vow there. "I'll consider it", isn't a marriage vow he isn't saying he'll marry her just that when she's older he'll consider it. So fucking illiterate.
Ruby is so fucking tight
Kararats' brains are going haywire on this.

Giving it a thought (in order to not break cancer girl's feelings) =/= vow to marry.
Like.... are you autistic or something?
>Aqua didn’t make any marriage vows to Akane whatsoever unlike with Ruby
Oh you didn't hear? In the previous thread Akaneschizo decided to take it upon itself to redefine what the word "vow" means in the English language >>269223283
>Aqua and Akane fake relationship is a vow beecause it becomes real, just like a marriage vow
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Stop fucking your sister, Aqua!
I wonder how it will be narrated. If it’s going to go more in depth about emotional states than the manga since you have to describe their feelings and thoughts through words.
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Nta, but, kill yourself already. It's not a PROMISE to marry her. But it is a promise to CONSIDER it.
Goro wasn't a fan of giving false hope to a dying girl.
>Giving it a thought (in order to not break cancer girl's feelings)
Just read the novel cause your understanding of the characters is incomplete
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Yes, symbolically Touki and Sayahime are the path that leads to 78.
The reader is supposed to be fooled Touki will reject Sayahime for Tsurugi. But the opposite happens.
Replace Tsurugi with Kana and Sayahime with Akane.

Dumby doesn't have a Tsurugi. She has no rivals because neither of the other two girls see her as a rival and she herself just lets them flirt and fuck Aqua no problem.
Dumby never was in a relationship with Aqua and never will be,
Dumby never made a marriage vow with Aqua.
So she's not Sayahime, and never will be. You're jealous of AquAka and it shows.
>It's not a PROMISE to marry her.
cool, so it literally has nothing to do with Sayahime

Glad we agree, schizo
>Just read the novel
LMFAO, I'm not reading any shitty random novel, you dumb faggot.
I read what's canon, and that's manga where Gorou/Aqua did not make any promise to marry Ruby.
>being written in furigana.
This doesn’t mean anything lmao. Furigana is additional kana over Kanji, it’s not an alphabet. A lot of media has furigana, even for teenagers. It’s not like the story is going to change because the book has furigana (what a weird cope).
>It will be available on August 23
Manga ending in September?
>so it literally has nothing to do with Sayahime
Retard. It's a promise regarding mariage. It's entirely linked.
What you said:
>LMFAO, I'm not reading any shitty random novel, you dumb faggot.
What it means:
>novel very very scary, my fragile feelings get hurt so I pretend I do not see it
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This will show details about Aqua and Ruby falling in love with each other before the reveal, but they try their best to hold back on their feelings because they are siblings and both still have lingering feelings for the person they loved in their previous lives.
personally i think that Aka wrote the sayahime relationship only for that arc and it wasn't meant to mirror any of the real relationships
you faggots are arguing over nothing
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I wouldn’t be so excited over a novelization, it probably means text adaptation of the prologue possibly with more in-depth explanation on the events that happened in the first volume and some additional scenes that weren’t in the manga
I think Aka can't write romance. That is why he asks other people to write for him.
fellas, let's be real. Do you care about aqua's happiness or which hole he'll put his peepee in?
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It was meant to mirror the love triangle, its fucking blatant and those retards just inserted themselves into it because they live in headcanon land.
The whole point of the Sayahime stuff was for the build up to 78
There's only 1 Sayahime
Or maybe… writing a novel and writing a manga are two different things
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Yes, Ruby. Aqua even presents gifts to Ruby like Touki did to princess Saya, see pic related or him giving her tickets on B-Komachi concert as a Christmas present
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I guess the purpose of the novel is to show that Ruby was telling the truth here.
The toukisayatsurugi love triangle is meant to mirror the love triangle with Aqua, Akane and Kana.
It's meant for build up to Aqua and Akane getting back together in the final arc actually.
Fucking christ you are retarded
my cute schizo wife has new cute akane pics to go along with her cute schizo yapping
>Or maybe… writing a novel and writing a manga are two different things
Except Aka has already written 2 novels for OnK and after IB ended he said he wanted to get into writing LNs. So if he TRULY cared there's nothing stopping him from doing it himself.
Ruby's soft sweet lips...
>AquaRuby won!
But will Ai in heaven give her approval?!
You two are just adorable together. I wish you two the best.
Really? It'd be hotter if you were.. the hatesex..
Short stories are not novels. He can barely keep track of the plot and his own characters in a manga, let alone an entire book
>Q: In that case, if Ai ever had a family, would you also treat your children as friends or partners instead of keeping a parent-child relationship?
>Ai: It doesn't matter. As long as everyone is happy and smiling, then it's fine with me. If you asked me what a perfect family is, I just wouldn't know how to answer that. But it would be one as long as the children are happy. If I had a family, I would do whatever it takes to achieve that.
Shut up ojisanschizo
Kanaputa will lose like Tsurugiputa
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Reminder Nino is an antagonist.
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Just like how Goro gave Sarina a Christmas present…
>and some additional scenes that weren’t in the manga
ib4 it's just the Kana/Ai scenes from that interview
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My wife Nino is so cute.
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>more in-depth explanation on the events that happened
Specially AquaRuby's relationship.
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Ruby won.
Aka said he wanted more childhood scenes of Aqua and Ruby so it's probably that.
Like with Spica he is expanding on the relationship of Aqua and Ruby, wonder why.
>Specially AquaRuby's relationship.
Good! The manga practically skipped their day to day interaction. The novel will make up for it.
You are fucking retarded. Furigana is for children and learners of japanese. Thje poster had fucking chibi versions of all the characters. It's marketed towards children and has nothing to do with Shitby.
Plenty of shit uses Furigana. You aren't going to pretend that volume 1 is aimed at children are you?
>Furigana is for children and learners of japanese.
Also for people with very low IQ like you.
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Inbreds already got 1 outsourced cope novel and now they're so desperate for another they completely miss the fact that this shit is just a recap of the manga? Illiterate fucks
>ruby text (rubi)
Have you thought about how it could be a cheeky thematic reason?
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Kanarats are malding non-stop again ITT.
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>They're showing AquAka sex on the anime
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No you inbred fucking retarded fucks. It's furigana because it's FOR CHILDREN. That's why teh fucking poster had chibi versions of all the characters.
Please just rope already. The only malding is because of having to deal with you braindead fuckers
Two AkuRubi novels. Kanaschizo is seething.
>Aka is forced to treat Kanarats as children because they are too retarded
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>rubi text
OnK is a seinen in the first place, it’s not even appropriate for young children. I wonder if the anime’s success and the cute drawings kinda backfired in a way. I mean, the twins have already kissed in the canon story and it’s even “advertised” in the synopsis of volume 15, you can’t undo that
I love Minami so much
Little kids love Ai for some reason
Are you fucking braindead? This has nothing to do with Kana you illiterate waste of a being.
Yeah thanks for proving your retardation to me. Do you look at a bottle of water and take it as evidence for aquaruby you actual subhuman?
>Akanekeks admitting that they are delusional
Shounen manga also uses furigana. Why is your retarded ass trying to pretend it's marketed to toddlers?
Ruby needs to be dicked down
>I am not malding. Trust me!
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Delusional over what? It's the next episode leaks you moron.
Did you forget? Its the one where Dumby interacts with Melt and gets picked up by that other guy and ends up giving him her LINE.
Toddlers can't read retard. And shounen is LITERALLY for children.
Nice response retard.
Yes, but not by a playboy like you, Aqua.
>falling for donut's bullshit
Why? By more lewd he just means Akane saying some sexy voice line or moaning while Minami imagines it.
Literally who commented this? Because it was not donut
Probably the same retard that said the ED was all about Akane.
Avatarfag, I thought you dropped this manga.
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I wonder how they’re going to portray Hikaru being a rape victim at 11 y/o in a book for children
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Are you forgetful or what? The implication of that scene is that Dumby is a naive midget who doesn't understand what a couple does and she has to tell her they might've been having sex unaware they were training Aqua emotional acting.
Aqua is never going to fuck you schizo.
He's a weasel. Pretends it's not him despite posting the same fucking images with the same fucking filenames. A complete weaselly little liar dude.
By ugly old men.
I know, he fucks Akane.
>he fucks [HEADCANON]
Aqua only gets hard from Ai and she's dead. So unless he's been spending his nights digging up her corpse..
aqua impregnated akane again
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>Aqua only gets hard from Akane
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Aqua would never do it because Ruby wouldn't allow it. It's that simple.
Because Kana turned Kanarats' brains into mush.
This is Aka's way of telling you Akane is currently pregnant with Aqua's child btw.
Aqua and Akane dated, they fucked. This will always be a fact, sorry to disappoint your pathetic inability to accept that he's not "pure" anymore.
>Kana MELTed their brains
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>because Ruby wouldn't allow it.
She literally begged Akane to do it you clown lmao. Are you incestlosers ready for those scenes btw? Your "pure love across lives" and all that conceded to AquAka in 0.1 seconds.
Sorry. Not how it works. Aqua is an otaku for Ai. Could only get hard from her. She's dead = permanent ED. Sorry to burst your bubble about Aqua fucking your self insert.
They did not fuck, he will never fuck you self-inserting schizo.
I wish we got to see Akane in this hairstyle in the actual manga.
>Could only get hard from her.
But enough about Kamiki.
ruby knows kana for a long time and yet she instantly chooses akane
even in-universe characters hate kana
>She literally begged Akane to do it
No that's Kamiki too. Nino is very disappointed, she wanted to get a feel for the cock of the one who had seduced her goddess, but alas, it was not to be.
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next episode will be peak
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Akaneschizo is quite autistic you know? This is normal behavior for him.
I think Akanekeks and Kanakaks should have sex with each other.
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>cut out what he's actually smiling about
Why do sidegirlfags love to gaslight themselves?
This trite soap opera is still going? What the hell, I could have sworn it ended months ago
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Based, Akane = happiness to Aqua which is why she was his first memory.
i cut the sidegirls tho?
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Based on the current developments, Kanarats are more sane than Akaneworms.
lmao fucking pathetic. Sidegirlfags can't help themselves. Sorry akanesissy, Ruby is his happiness and salvation
>more sane
less insane*

This is more appropriate since both are mentally ill.
you already said that
Because Akanesissies think they still have a chance? Yes, quite sad.
Schizo thinks you're me.
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Worry not, you full blown schizos have no brain to make judgement calls. If you did, you'd be able to tell there's no interpretation of 150 that makes whatever vomit you spout in here have any meaning.
So what's gonna become of this place once this ends?

-Incestpajeets will leave as fast as they came once they will see the ending with no incenst?
-Kanafags will be smug because they've won but there will be no development between Aqua and Kana.
-Akanefags will be in the same position as now, lost but Aqua spend the most time with Akane and actually seen them date
I know you'll be roping when kana loses. That's for sure.
you better show your face here when kana loses you fucking faggot
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>So what's gonna become of this place once this ends?
Rats will all be gone because they all roped themselves.
What the fuck is the point you are trying to make with this? Are you this desperate to downplay the novel because it contains fucking furigana? What kind of twisted cope is this? If it's just am irrelevant manga novelization, why are you in full damage control? Is AquKana the only thing keeping you alive right now? Shit is fucking sad.
kyaaa ikemen!!
Yep, Kana is gonna lose when the last chapters have been about her love and Aqua loving Kana and them on a date and their relationship beginning with the final concert as Kana said she will make him fall?
Yep, that will be all for nothing.
Most of them already left though because the threads are nothing but a mental asylum since months
Akane will have won in the end though.
>Yep, that will be all for nothing.
Well, yes. Especially since half of what you said is bullshit.
Your suicide? Imminent.
kana was pushing her one-sided love on him, thats a losing flag
>Yep, Kana is gonna lose
Glad you can understand that.
These threads are living proof that when it comes to arguments on 4chin, it's not the people who are correct who come out on top, it's the people who are the most deeply autistic. The real winning move is to simply stop engaging.
Aqua had black stars throughout the entire date. He was looking away when she confessed to him and did not catch her ball.
That's you.
Those stinky rats already smell like death even when alive.
someone post the "conversations are a game of catch" edit
Rats belong in a mental asylum however.
>Aqua had black stars throughout the entire date
and after that he gained white stars

btw, stars mean shit anyway
>He was looking away when she confessed to him

>and did not catch her ball
this isn't SnK, you absolute clown.
Mengo drew him being shocked at Kana's confession thus not catching the ball, you fucking autist
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Regardless of who wins, obviously not Dumby, most people will just accept it and move on since there's no other course left to take than that.
You can refuse, dislike or even reject the ending but you still move on. Incestlosers probably won't, they've never shown me or anyone in here an ounce of sanity since a year they've plagued those threads so they'll just plague someplace else.
I know for sure I'm not going to waste time in any other manga's threads with shitty little sisters who waste the reader's time.
Akanefags are lucky because Aka had Akane move on from Aqua first without any regrets and hard feelings. The short hair was shit though.
>and after that he gained white stars
Because he had scheduled a date with Akane after the interview.
Akane did not move on from Aqua, they are getting back together.
Akane already moved on Akanebot. Time you did the same.
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This scene and its OST have been stuck in my head for days now, I didn't expect them to use such a soft and tender song for it and it really created the correct mood that keeps replaying it in my head.
Coupled with the fact I saw it the same day Reiji and Nagi saved themselves it really is a special scene in my heart.
I hope they use the same OST for the bench scene, I have such high expectations for that scene right now.
You mean the last chapters where Ruby saved Aqua?
The ones where Aqua said himself that it was Ruby that understood Ai and her decision is what he believed in? The chapters about how Ruby is his salvation?
Those chapters?
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The same thing it was before you retards came. They were threads that were at about 100 posts which series without shitters can have. A spamming circlejerk is not what normal threads for series are.
Nagi and Reiji jumped in the river. They're dead.
you guys wont agree when i say that threads full of schizos are infinitely more entertaining than a "serious" thread
imagine 100 people unironically trying to discuss about this manga's """plot"""
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>and after that he gained white stars
>btw, stars mean shit anyway
Stop, you’re giving me whiplash
>this isn't SnK
No but this is Love Agency
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I read the chapter anon, pointless to waste words. I know they survived and I'm happy that they achieved their happy ending more than anything.
Abyss is a gem of a manga that OnK unfortunatly couldn't become due to the stupid decisions taken after 81, especially the movie arc, and a vast improvement over Hatsukoi Zombie.

Thanks anon.
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>Akaneschizo: Regardless of who wins, obviously not Dumby
Ruby victory confirmed.
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akane so created for me
akane is the hottest character in this manga
after Ai of course
there's no way that's true
it is for me
Built for BWC
He hates Ruby so much because she has a real chance. Nobody cares about obvious losers
Kana-chan belongs only to Akane.
Kana a shit. She ruined this manga
Mate. The 'conveying feelings to your partner/ally and them receiving it' trope is basic Japanese tropes 101. It's in the same wishy-washy indirect vein as 'the moon is beautiful' line. Even something as low test as Tamako Love Story had a variation of it. Now, it's not to say Aka will do something with it since he seems like a hipster who goes for le subversion, but it is what it is.
>Now, it's not to say Aka will do something with it since he seems like a hipster who goes for le subversion
Nope, he doesn't subvert anything. Also he already directly talked about it in his other manga.
Imagine the pathetic face Kana will make when she is rejected by Aqua at the graduation concert hahahahaha
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Is there any scene or character interactions, just plain anything that suggests that Akane was intended too have a far more minor role?
This wasn't the first instance I was having this idea but seeing so many Japanese people sharing similar opinion is quite surprising.
There is a relatively popular theory that Akane was supposed to die at the end of Love Now and Yuki was meant to play the role Akane ended up having
Akane has moved on from Kana and will settle for Aqua.
That's retarded. Akane is an actress at Lalalie, Yuki is just a model.
might as well be repeated posts of nothing but something like 3dpd porn
>i posted the porn again! they're so mad!
you idiots are just here because of enough people around to think you have "attention" and that they care
then lose it all when your porn/"posts" are essentially useless elsewhere because there's no one around - not that there truly was otherwise
There's none. Just Akane antis seething because they wish their girl was the main heroine instead.
So I'm relatively new to the fandom but that makes a lot sense. I've always considered Akane during the Love Now arc and post-Love Now to be two separate characters.
That doesn't make sense retards. Akane was ALWAYS meant to be the main romantic interest in Aqua's life.
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The endgames were predetermined.
but akane is not the main heroine...
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Both Kana and Akane were obviously red herrings from the start. It's your fault for thinking they are more than that.
I think it’s extrapolating from stuff Aka said interviews. The fact that he writes and changes stuff as he goes, the fact that Akane is based on a real person who committed suicide due to being bullied after a reality show and supposedly Mengo/his editor convinced him to spare Akane instead of killing her. Or maybe he took a liking to her and decided to keep her around and then he made up stuff about her character and backstory that wasn’t originally planned, because she is a new addition. Everyone seems to agree that the characters that were planned all along were Ai, Aqua, Ruby and Kana.
Aka: "At first, there was a character named Yuki Sumi and she was a completely deceiving character."
Mengo: "Indeed. Sumi Yuki pretended to be a dark and dangerous girl, but Akane, who was supposed to be a good girl, was far more dangerous. She is basically a good girl, but she has a dark side."
The Niconico interview confirmed that theory to be wrong.
i can tell by aqua's lack of eye pixels and stuff
its okay baby you can vent to us we care <3
how is a late addition to the cast supposed to be the main love interest
i don't stay in these threads to begin with
i know that isn't the case for others with their "posts"
>Everyone seems to agree that the characters that were planned all along were Ai, Aqua, Ruby and Kana.
Is this because Akane didn't appear in any of the interview scenes?
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The BAD MOVE caused Aqua to lose his human rights.
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>She's acting good now because she's sparkling

Do you think anime will be just as cringe or will they make her do actual acting?
Akane was introduced as Aqua's girlfriend, like how Sayahime was introduced as Touki's fiancée.
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So I thought Aka basically confirmed in https://news.livedoor.com/article/detail/20445944/ that killing off Ai was an afterthought decided after the serialization but I've seen on two multiple occasions, both on Japanese sites, https://bbs.animanch.com/board/3663886/ some anons claiming this to be a a misunderstanding and that Aka cleared things up by confirming that Ai was always supposed to die.
So which one is it?
Maybe they influenced it but it’s because she’s not part of their childhood/prologue specifically
It's because getting together with Akane is supposed to represent Aqua moving on from his past.
Well she can't obviously appear in any of the prologue interviews because she had nothing to do with the movie production and revealing her too early would ruin the twist in Love Now (if we presume that she was always supposed to be a major character in the story).
interesting theory, but unfortunately Kana already represents the light and his future
In a later interview he said he also planned to put Ai in a coma and talked about it with Mengo, put together it probably means he decided to remove Ai after the manga started but wasn't sure about killing her or just put her in a coma or something else
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But enough about Ruby
I think it’s somewhere in between. Both Aka and Mengo wanted to write about Ruby and Aqua’s childhood alongside Ai (they even said that if it were up to them they’d still be writing about it one year later lmao) but the editor stopped them. But eventually what was planned from the start was the generational change from Ai to Aqua and Ruby in the entertainment industry, so Aqua and Ruby were always planned as the main protagonists, but after they started writing the story they realized that Ai was too strong as main character and she would not allow the readers to root for Aqua and Ruby instead of her, so they had to get rid of her. Because of this he probably decided to kill two birds with one stone and make Ai disappear to give AquRuby the spotlight to facilitate the generational change and he thought of a revenge story as the ideal motivation behind Aqua and Ruby’s drive to conquer the entertainment industry.
Oops I completely forgot that Akane played a former B-Komachi member in the film. Still, I hold the theory Aka couldn't reveal her because of the twist.
Yeah I remember reading that but sadly couldn't and still can't find the original source.
I'm an Akanefag and I believe that 'suicidal sadgirl' and 'method acting anti-Kana' were originally two different characters, mashed together by Hacka because of reasons
>I'm an Akanefag
Stop lying.
It is funny because the biggest Kanarat of all, Cuckane, thought that giving Aqua a Kana girlfriend was what's needed to save Aqua.
>Kana already represents the light
Debunked with movie arc.
>and his future
Debunked with chapter 40.
>mashed together by Hacka because of reasons
Because he writes the characters and the story as he goes. He even said that’s one of the most fun part of writing a story, seeing where the characters take you instead of the other way around. He said that the main themes the story would touch upon were set from the start, but the relationships between the characters were not (supposedly).
Brilliant keikaku by Akasaka-sama, instead of Ai stealing the spotlight he let Kana and Akane eat away Aqua and Ruby’s relationship and popularity
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All of Akane's efforts to stop the revenge plan also became useless, all thanks to Sariby.
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In reality all that was needed to save Aqua was for Akane to tell him he shouldn't ruin his life.
This seems to be unlikely in the context of this interview >>269229936
nta but considering how short lovenow arc is, by the time that interview was done they should've already decided to change what Akane's character (assuming it was changed), remember that for weekly manga chapters are finished 3-4 weeks before coming out
In reality, you are coping too hard. Aqua literally told you here >>269230746 the reason.
I’m not sure what to think, did he not decide how Aqua and Ruby’s relationship was going to conclude even though they have been there since day one?
He's said multiple times that the relationship between the characters are not decided and he's writing them on the fly
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OsaraGODS... Exactly as we predicted, this manga turned out to be nigh-unreadable shit. Miko is yet again predicted to win the MC-bowl, surprising absolutely no one that has been following HACKasaka's ""career."" The incest plot-point is a Red Herring, and one which is deceiving no one except the most porn-brained onanists. What is the appeal of reading this shit? I would say that there is no appeal (to adults) beyond the OL market, but there must be one or else there would not have been a number of incidents involving men attacking other men over spoilers.

Will we ever see a return to decent writing in our manga, or are we completely doomed to be re-exposed to the same crap, ad infinitum? Has the East fallen?
He’s not one of those authors who meticulously plans his story. He even said that sometimes he gets influenced by Mengo’s drawings and changes his opinions on the characters a little because of them. So, the theory about him becoming obsessed with Kana is probably true. His first Kanawank moment was the volume 4 cover. Kana at the start of the story was much more grounded and flawed. During Sweet Today she was likeable. It went downhill from there for some reason. The Tokyo Blade arc is Kanawank for no reason and basically a repeat of the concert arc regarding her self-esteem issues, but she was way more annoying as a person at the same time. It’s like the more attached he gets, the shittier his writing gets because he can’t be impartial or objective anymore.
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Sorry for rewriting the post, yeah that's also possible but reading through the interview again it makes me think she was always intended to be like this.
STFU, Cuck.
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We like Miko, though
Idk because he said he carefully plans for foreshadowing but at the same time “the relationships aren’t planned”. Maybe some are planned and some are not, to an extent. Like apparently Akane’s backstory and obsession revolving around Kana wasn’t planned, and it kind of came out of the blue after her character was already established.
That’s fucking odd to hear because even a shounen writer like Kishimoto decided Ann the endgame ships very pretty much from the beginning. You would naturally expect a romance writer like Aka to sort out how each relationship is going to end right from the start
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>romance writer like Aka
Wasn't Kaguya his editor's idea and got a soft reboot after the first volume?
To add, in an interview after the ending was decided he said “the ending has been decided, all the characters and feelings must lead to that point” which is a direct contradiction to “I’m going where the characters take me”
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>she was always intended to be like this.
I mean, isn't this one-shot from pretty early drafts? Akane is already the way we know her now.
Ruby won
Akane is Miko
Aqua is her Ishigami
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>Kana's wife
Where did he say the relationships aren’t planned? It’s hard to believe because most authors have the idea how their stories are going to begin and end, which is what Aka also said. Characters’ relationships are very important part of the endgame
Aqua is so lucky.
>isn't this one-shot from pretty early drafts?
No, that's vol6 omake
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>Aqua literally told you here >>269230746 the reason
Ruby didn't save shit

He still wants to kill Kamiki, which means he's just suppressing the urge. That's not saving. He still wants revenge.
Kana-chan's happy ending.
>t. cope-kun
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Didn't they directly draw Osaragi as the assistant or manager of the manga author? They gave her a different name, but it was the exact same looking character. Hopeful as I'm known to be, I would think that probably refutes this hypothesis.


>arf arf, arf arf, arf arf, arf arf, etc...
Kana canonically would marry and impregnate that chick if she had a dick.
Yes, Akanes pussy starts leaking when she spots an old man.
>Aqua obeys what Ruby says.
Sasuga siscon.
probably meant for this
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>Interviewer: By the way, the character designs have changed a bit from their first appearance to now. They’ve become noticeably more attractive.

>Yokoyari: They’re completely different (laughs). But this is quite common in weekly serializations, and I think the live, evolving feel that comes with a weekly series is part of its charm. So, it's fine.

>Akasaka: Yeah, yeah, let's not worry too much about it.

>Interviewer: Did you decide on the subjects to cover, such as "live-action adaptations to promote new actors" and "romance reality shows," from the beginning?

>Akasaka: Yes, those themes were somewhat set in the initial plot.

>Yokoyari: And the main themes for future developments are also decided, right?

>Akasaka: Yes, but the relationships between the characters diverge more and more from my original intentions as I draw, so that part is always improvisational.
>Right now, Baking Soda-chan (Arima Kana) and Akane-chan are in conflict, but at this stage, I haven't decided on the outcome yet. I leave a lot to the characters' actions, so it's not something I decide in advance.

>Yokoyari: (Laughs) I'm looking forward to it. I'm actually the most excited reader of "Oshi no Ko."

>Akasaka: Indeed. I wonder who will end up unhappy (laughs).

>Yokoyari: Is that what you're looking forward to?
>Even though it's improvisational, I trust in the power of the story, including those moments of inspiration. Akasaka-sensei is sincere about the manga and always makes the best choices.

>(I don’t know who is speaking here. It seems like it’s Aka but there’s no name change after the last paragraph so it implies it’s Mengo. I don’t know): The foreshadowing and story structure are thoroughly crafted from the beginning, giving a sense of stability. The unexpected actions of the characters are the thrill of making manga, and when I draft the story, I feel it’s a sign that the story is alive.

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Ruby's pussy is leaking again.
nope, i meant for that guy i replied to
and melt-kun is THIRSTY
Well, it makes sense if he meant Kana and Akane when he didn’t decide the outcome of their relationships. Also he admitted having plans for how each character is supposed to end up, it’s just that some of them diverged too much from his original intentions. I take it as Aqua and Ruby’s endgames have been settled from day one
I find the theory that Akanese was originally going to die instead of Yura so fitting.
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Forgot to add pic rep + Goro’s promise to support and marry her
Ruby was going to go after Hikaru until Aqua stopped her. Aqua was saved because he chose to do as Akane tells him.
So this is the brain on incest.
She looks deaf
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Well, the oshi promise in ch1 has been brought up multiple times so it’s definitely foreshadowing. Even that seemingly inconsequential trivia about crows being blind at night that Ruby told Akane in ch77 was brought up again in ch145 and it was revealed to be something Goro told her when she was Sarina, so he’s *definitely* thinking about something when writing. The marriage too has been brought up multiple times.
>Goro’s promise to support and marry her
Half of that never fucking happened.
>She looks deaf
how do deaf people look?
Listen, autist, it’s too bothersome for me to refer it as “Goro promising to consider marrying her”, so I shorten it as a marriage promise
Like her.
i mean, that's not the same thing tho? you're implying she won already because of the promise
and it's most likely that she will lose
..But that changes the implication of it entirely
>I'll consider giving you a job.
>I promise to give you a job.
Imagine if you went home ecstatic over having landed a job in the first scenario.
Sorry you can’t read I guess?
Anyone who read first chapters will know what it refers to. Besides, he said he would SERIOUSLY consider it
Imagine being an author and going out of your way to write a character “considering marriage” and just for it to go absolutely nowhere
>I promise to give you a job.
This is true regarding his promise to oshi her
>and it's most likely that she will lose
>Anyone who read first chapters will know what it refers to. Besides, he said he would SERIOUSLY consider it
Well yeah, of course everyone knows what it's referring to. The issue is more that some rubyfags go around talking about it as if he promised TO marry her. And it's a done deal. Rather than him promising to consider it. Which is not a certainty.
>Ruby will win because she has to win
Very compelling argument incestkek.
it is not uncommon at all, are you retarded?
Anyone with a brain knows that Goro would have married Sarina if she turned adult
Marriage isn't the be all and end all, perhaps Aka will frame it in such a way where them being family supporting each other is good enough because that's what Sarina wanted at the end of the day, and marriage specifically isn't required. Not to mention marriage is LITERALLY impossible since they're siblings. So it already has to end up being something else.
>Aqua was saved because he chose to do as Akane tells him.
You a full of shit according to Aqua.
That's just the inbred fumes fermenting in your head, I'm sure.
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Akane chose Kana-chan over Aqua.
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because he pitied her?
Wrong. Akane is now pursuing her happy ending with Aqua.
You are fucking autistic, the marriage in this case means them becoming partners. If all Ruby wanted a family she wouldn’t have kissed and confessed her feelings to him
Because his dick ordered him.
Holy cope.
Yeah you can basically boil it down to that for every designated winner. You willingly ignore foreshadowing, and completely dismiss thematically fitting arguments for why Ruby should win anyway. Your brain glitches because all you can focus on is incest, ironically.
Keep coping
You would do the same after hearing Kana confessing that she is sexually attracted to you.
But Aqua literally believed what Akane said and did as she told him to.
Ruby was juat seeing the ghost of Goro in Aqua, same as he was just seeing the ghost of Ai in Aikane
Okay so the marriage promise doesn't have to be a marriage? Then clearly it's specificity isn't important. And a close familial relationship would be satisfactory for Ruby, since that's all Aqua sees her as.
see >>269232541
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You’re autistic like I said. Being partners isn’t the same as being siblings. Aqua accepting to marry Ruby means he’s willing to take his relationship with Ruby on the next level
>Ruby was juat seeing the ghost of Goro in Aqua
This cope again. I guess Miyako is also seeing the ghost of Goro in Aqua. Kana as well. Crow Loli is just hallucinating too.
Something something star crossed lovers being reborn as twins
>that's all Aqua sees her as.
Yeah that’s why “Goro” told “Aqua” not to touch Sarina. It’s totally normal to remind yourself in a dream that your sister is off-limits.
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Kana is for ShimaD(Aka).
Ruby is for Aqua.
Akane is for us.
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....I agree
Kana is for Akane
Aqua is for Akane
Ruby is for me
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Kana a cute.
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Akane is the designated winner though.
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It’s really funny how resident rats are such cucks they’re even fine with Aqua supporting another woman that is not his alleged love interest
Can't wait for this novel to come out and it shitting all over AquRuby by giving more insight into their childhoods and REALLY hammering home how much Aqua sees her as a sister
Of the ojisan bowl
>Rat hopes and dreams
Aqua is ojisan.
Aqua will marry Akane and oshi Ruby.
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Even if in their childhood he saw her as a sister and nothing more, they'll argue that doesn't matter from the moment they confirmed their past lives identities.
Akane is going into a love hotel with two hunky old men
And so it begins again, now in anime form…
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>Yeah that’s why “Goro” told “Aqua” not to touch Sarina. It’s totally normal to remind yourself in a dream that your sister is off-limits.
It is profoundly sad how obvious this is, yet flagrantly ignored for some illiterate sisterzoning delusion. "Gorou" knows "Aqua's" thoughts - there is no need to bother precluding Ruby as an option if he genuinely only perceived her as a sister. Logically, "Gorou" evoking the topic of Ruby should have elicited the same response from the Kana suggestion: "Why her?" + "She's my sister, I can't see her that way." Which would all but sink the ship down into the 9th circle of hell. Yet this did not happen.

Only (Westoid) shippers make a big deal about the faux 'incest'. It is a concern for neither character. We do not even have "Gorou" scolding Aqua how allegedly inappropriate it would be now that the two are blood related. Just "she's too good for a playboy like you" and "you'll get her dirty." That is not a rationalization a "brother" needs to make to himself to not touch his "sister." Aqua never even says he views her as a sister. He simply removes himself as an option for her because of the reasons outlined by "Gorou" and because he's convinced she does not really love him, but an illusion or ghost of the past. But as "Aqua Hoshino", the brother of "Ruby Hoshino" - they're still close regardless. Family. That's good enough for him.

It's ironic, really. Aqua's current mindset towards Ruby is *EXACTLY* what Kanafags and Akanefags want for Ruby towards Aqua. As in, Ruby finding solace in a familial/platonic relationship as siblings.
Sarina's chemo-induced bald pussy...
kill kanarats
She was 12 you sick fuck
Based PlotGOD.. I kneel
>"Gorou" knows "Aqua's" thoughts
Based, Kana won.
Goro knows the girl he likes isn't Kana, so he provokes Aqua to stop playing the role of Amamiya Goro by telling him he likes her and to date her.
nta, but you're retarded. that's literally what's happening. "Goro" isn't real. It's all Gorqua telling himself shit. He's literally trying to convince himself to go after Kana and not Ruby because Ruby is too good for him.
yes you are, youre fucking retarded
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He’s so enthusiastic about it I mean just look at him
he's an emo bitch what else is new
sorry you're just wrong and retarded. cope and seethe loser
>You're too god for Ruby! But not this basic gremlin bitch!
Kek. What a win right? If only you could read
learn english, retarded ESL monkey
Nothing wrong with his English, just a typo
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I don’t know I think the vibes are off
Akane's pestilent breath...
That's kana.
The fact that thousands of rats read this and unironically went
will never not be funny.
What does kana deserve? A beheading via guillotine
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>What does kana deserve?
A long, happy, loving marriage to Aqua.
No, behead Aqua also. But kana deserves beatings with a baseball bat and then getting her head cut off
You are fucking deluded.
No. I just hate Aqua for being a waste of a character and wasting my time and kana for wasting even more of my time with her crying. I legit hate both and want them dead. I know it won't happen. You're the deluded one. But they both deserve beheadings
But enough about Akane is getting.
I'm correct.
Yes, Akane is getting railed by old men. Glad we agree.
Ruby kisses me. Kana sucks my dick. Mem-cho sucks my balls. Akane puts her tongue in my anus.
me after i kill myself and get reincarnated as kekwa....
Why are they making Ruby sit with them while they're being all lovey dovey when she's CLEARLY uncomfortable?
Some rats probably get off from the fantasy power trip of Kana cucking Ruby. Just look at their t-shirts
I don't know anon, I think Ruby might secretly like to watch
Aqua is old men btw.
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Do you think Nino becoming the main villain was always planned out? I didn't think so at first but her design was first revealed in the anime episode 1, and the short story 45510, which is seemingly told from her point of view, was released alongside the anime, meaning that the anime staffs must have been told by Aka about Nino at latest from early to mid 2022. That means Aka already had Nino in his mind when Kamiki first appeared in the manga.
What does /a/ think about her?
I've seen some porn of the opposite, so yeah.
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That’s Kana
15 year lie with Hikaru Kamiki and Aqua Hoshino commentary featuring deleted scenes and outtakes, unrated edition.
Anyone with a minimum of reading comprehension knows that Ruby has already won.
Never forget that Hikaru saw his kids make out and the first thought that popped into his head was “cool, looked like mutual love”
the sisterzoned competition
Akane and Kana getting married. Akane impregnating Kana using her big futa cock (way bigger than Aqua's cock). Akane and Kana having a purple haired baby.
>Anyone with a minimum of reading comprehension knows that Ruby has already been sister zoned
Congrats on lacking the bare minimum of reading comprehension.
imagine being this confident on your delusions
it would be funny if it wasn't pathetic
Ruby's delicious vagina juices...
>Kamiki first appeared in the manga.
Maybe when he actually thought about Kamiki and fleshed out his character he also came up with Nino, but there’s no indication that Nino was planned from the early days of the manga as well. The problem is that “the father” was introduced as this mysterious culprit from the very start, while Nino wasn’t hyped up enough so it feels underwhelming
Yes. Your posts prove you are quite well versed in those.
That’s a win when the guy is a siscon
Only 2 people think he is a siscon, one of them is the girl he loves.
>one of them is the girl he loves.
*girl he has a teenage sexual attraction to
She’s not wrong though
Just like Ai had a teenage sexual attraction to Kamiki, right?
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Uh huh. The same type of attraction that Aqua had to Akane as well. Pic related? His feelings toward Kana. "Love?" Your projection and self inserting delusions.
It's already over bro. Arima Kana, she won
if nino kills someone i will publicly apologize to hacka. he wouldn't deserve it, but i'm willing to compromise for any improvement at this point.
They believe when Goro said Ruby saved him but they don't believe then Giro said Aqua loves Kana, all of that in the same chapter.
Resident Evil 1, but it features the Oshi no Ko cast
>Aqua: Kamiki, you're pitiful!
>Giro said Aqua loves Kana,
Gorou never said that. Stop reading with rat vision.
Who's voicing Nino?
They only read what's convenient
Rubykeks are delusional
But enough about rats who ignore when Aqua says he likes Ruby after her confession and produce a mountain of copes in response.
I'm still thinking she'll gut Kamiki and kill him when he tries to stop her in advance of the concert. But whichever girl ends up getting stabbed will definitely be saved by the power of MEDICINE.
This is why sidegirlfags can never understand Hacka's vision. They have to ignore one of the most important parts of the story (Aqua's love for Kana) in order to maintain their schizo headcanons. This means they can never understand it as a result. Only KanaGODS can
>schizo headcanon
I will keep praying for
>aqua finds kamiki bleeding out on the floor
>i'm not goro anymore
>i'm not a doctor anymore
>i'm hoshino aqua
>i'm an actor
>turns around and walks away
So Aqua always knew that Kana loved him but that wasn’t enough to stop him from pursuing revenge and wanting to self-destruct?
Ai's feelings for Hikaru parallel Akane's feelings for Aqua, though. Don't try to use parallels where they don't apply.
Akane uses her pussy to please old men on an hourly basis
Yes. Akane's love, however, was. It's why Aqua only got his black stars back after he had to break up with her.
Akane is for anal only unless you marry her.
Goro was talking about “himself”, then he greentexted “Aqua’s” feelings to him. Aqua’s reaction was less than enthusiastic for some reason, he seemed conflicted even though we are being told that he always liked Kana and he knew that she always liked him as well. It looked like Goro was pushing Aqua, and Aqua even raised his voice before Goro backed off and said that it was up to him.
Neither are true. Aqua was going along with Goro said because he's playing the role of Amamiya Goro, but when it comes to who he likes he can't go along with what Goro says, since while may be bottling up his feelings he still loves Akane.
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Akane only pleased old men (Aqua) on a twice a month basis.
Is Nino the big bad or something? I always thought it was Hikaru.
>I always thought it was Hikaru
literally everyone thought that too, but if hikaru is the big bad then Kana can't be a part of the finale
it has to be nino because kana played her in the movie, so now Aka has an excuse to kanawank even more
Aqua is her future husband, so he got early access to her pussy.
That's the most obvious development. How will Aka subvert our expectations once more?
hacka couldn't figure out how to redeem hikaru unless it turns out nothing was his fault after all
This really just kills the momentum. What could Nino even do other than have some psychotic breakdown and stab Ruby?
Kana will avenge nino
So far she has never dirtied her own hands. Maybe she'll send another stalker who's particularly anti-incest.
It would be funny if nino and kamiki never expected to Ai to get killed by ryosuke.
My wife is so cute. Good episode.
that's what kamiki claims lmao
That could had been a good reason of why aqua still wants to kill kamiki, because kamiki might had lied, besides that, I still think nino is just working for kamiki or something, I don't buy the "nino is the mastermind" or something, novel doesn't count, a manga (and other media) should be self sufficient and not need other sources like a novel to understand the main story.
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Ruby won.
Seiyuu joke.
All of this just to be ai's nightmare after her children had been stillborn and hikaru had been groomed soo hard by airi that they ended getting married after seujuro killed himself(and being a happy family, even expecting more children) and latter niko had kidnapped Ai, cutting all of her legs and arms just to keep her for herself.
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>and hikaru had been groomed soo hard by airi
We need for oshi no ko to end decent, there's still chance to get an airi and hikaru (11) doujin.
Akane lost
Apparently Hikaru was a retard who chose to not say no.
Based on that recent chapter, apparently she wasn't the only one.
If airi had won, she would show up to miyako her young, attractive husband, and to Ai, her happy family with hikaru (if seujuro decided to just kill himself just to not left taiki alone/airi survived)
>Goro was talking about “himself”, then he greentexted “Aqua’s” feelings to him
Aren't they the same person?
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He's pretty much the same thing as Kaguya's tulpas from the iceguya arc.
Is more like nobody will believe him, unless he really cared about taiki, because if he revealed that airi make him one of the youngest fathers in the world, airi will be pretty much in jail or taken apart from taiki, and he will be with just his father (who was willing to kill himself and his wife), besides that, ai would had survived if airi had groomed better...
"Goro" represents the person he used to be, "Aqua" represents him now.
Her virginity to Aqua.
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Akane won
taketatsu ayana
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Cute onahole in the middle.
a marriage certificate with a rich old ojisan
staff lady that noticed abiko in the crowd deserves sex
Who is Nino here?
i looked at that scene before, don't think she was there
she's not there
i only recognize kindaichi, kaburagi and aripyon
>schizos doing mental acrobatics to justify their favorite ship
>this is the entire thread

Now I remembered why I left
No mental gymnastics needed to know that Frill will win.
no one is genuinely posting anymore, they're just going through the motions of the ritual that has become engrained
Except Goro is Aqua and he was trying to convince himself to date Kana instead of Ruby
If we could only be so lucky. Sadly, Aqua is a homosexual.
>Giro said Aqua loves Kana
More like Goro thinks that Kana is a dispensable fucktoy for a playboy like Aqua.
why was akane left out of the schizo dream anyway?
Akane is more precious than Sarina. Kana is the least precious of all, so it is OK to fool around with her and then dump her. Quite literally a pump and dump type of girl.
This is canon btw, Aqua was fine with Kana skipping school but not Ruby
Because it was Goro who liked her.
Because he was bottling up his feelings for her as explained in the interview.
>Mengo's latest tweet
Lmao incestkeks or rats BTFO
Explain please.
So Akane really won.
>I keep accidentally pressing the wrong button on Instagram Live, so I wonder if there's a notification even if I leave right away (;' ∀ ')
How are Ruby and Kana related to it?
She said that readers who take a sentence or scene said by a character by itself should read the entire work instead of making headcanons. Literally incestfags or rats.
It's literally all 3 bitches fanbases
In short, Akane won.
nino is the poster
a hiding criminal, like a streamfag
I thought it was left.
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>I thought it was left.
Yes. Left is also a cute onahole.
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Yet again affirming that he sees Kana the same way he sees any of the exes he had as Goro.
More hikaru x airi fanarts please
>necrophilia fetish
Lmao incestfags have been saying to look at the entire manga as opposed to hyper focusing on select few (usually most recent) moments since like forever because OnK fanbase is a bunch of reactionary retards
mengo unironically said stop speedreading?
No they didn't you fucking retard they have been posting crops of scenes and phrases since the start lmao
Yes. Specifically to Rubykeks and Kanakeks.
Rats btfo
these goa eps remind me of a kirara game, moonlanders gave comments like "this character wouldn't do this, they aren't as dumb as well"
she's talking about neo dutch wife you absolute fucking retard
Your final cope
figure out what 原作 means
Will I regret trying Kuzu no Honkai?
If you are capable of enjoying trash for its trashiness then it's fine.
Forced final villain, created at the cost of butchering Kamiki's character
She is all of his villainous traits taken out and shaped into a separate character
>want to fug tsurugi
>don't care about kana
sure they're separate, but still
Why did Aka butcher Kamiki and Ai's characters to prop up AquAka?
You are such a fucking retard.
Is Abiko autist mode essentially gone after the recent ep?
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I'm about to make love to Akane

which mode should I ask her to cosplay?
>or AiKane?
She'll never be relevant again
There won't be any more rewrites if that's what you are asking.
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mengo cat is going to fuck your shit up
Oh no
based on analyzing the reflection i can report that mengo is short
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damned cat is a shill
BASED Mengo!
seems mengo plays spike games
she also jokes that her cat will join smash

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