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>this is considered adorable and hilarious in nippon
what's wrong with them?
They're right
>t smelly mutt
So saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
yes it's easily a top 5 most funny anime, ever. you are not cool for disliking something good and "popular"
To be fair I think asians smell bad. I think there’s some kind of difference in the smell between races that make you find them less attractive. Probably feromones too.
it's fun. no need to be grumpy 24/7.
I would totally date her. They only noticed her smell when sniffing her armpit directly so it is nothing some deodorant wouldn't fix.
Do you organize these threads in chatrooms or what?
/a/ is brigaded from discord like 24/7 mate
I like bad smells though
They might not have much body odor, but their breath is vile. Also, most of the Koreans I've seen are covered in grease. They must think they can get away without showering.
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>OP makes an armpit fetish thread
>people get into a BO argument instead
OP just being
>plan failed successfully
He has a body odor fetish too.
He literally didn't. He's making direct reference to the situation and "apocrine sweat glands" being the punchline of a joke. It's a BO thread.
i wanna suck kazumi's tiddies and get her pregnant

This thread.
Why every show im watching get posted here wtf I toght it was obscure
Do you mean its trannys secret hideout. Because fuck off.
that's what someone from a tranny hideout would say.
>japanese humor
How the fuck does that guy takes a shit shooting a beam each time?
This has the best ending I've hear in years
Your tastes are all guided by the same algorithm
Is the ED sang by the characters or is some band who the fuck are they?
>African-Americans smell worse than Africans
what's their secret?
girl pits don't smell bad lol
seed oils
mutt genes
If you are talking about armpit smell you are biologically wrong, Asians are way less likely to have the genes that create body odor.
I always wanted to fuck her so much.
specially because of her stupid fake American accent.
>being this new
>SEAs don’t stink much according to this graph
I think we can safely say there’s a lot more that goes into BO than a single allele in the entire human genome.
rewatched this show and its not nearly as funny as i remember BUT the ED song is incredible
I liked it more on rewatch
unironically >>269236244

All the smell of Africans, Europeans, and Native Americans combined.
anyone watch the latest skibbidi toilet?
Even if this were true down in Latin america people do wear deodorant, while visiting europeans have to be bullied into it.
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this is what i consider cute.
Strange how if the chart was percentage of dick size it wouldn't change at all.
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Am I the only one who thinks that Honda Hanako is cute and sexy?
Also I think she gives off some femcel vibes but in a cute way and kinda reminds be about Asa Mitaka a little
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she is very cute and mischievous but she's really pure
One big mistake they had done was the implication that Aozora might have been a trap (thankfully it turned out it wasn't). affair between a woman and a faggot or anything like that is the worst shit no one likes.
Considering the quality of the anime, if they were good at marketing as well as shikanoko, maybe we could have gotten S3 and the gay seniors animated by now.
I need a jap plapping a smelly white woman anime
not necessarily armpit smell but they do emit a certain odor in my experience it's definitely not as bad as an Indian or black person but it's there.
t. Canadian
body stinks were created by your skin bacteria dummy

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