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After S3, I hate Reina but love Mayu. Is that weird?
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Season 3 was good
It was very good, actually
Both Kumiko and Mayu are good characters and their conflict was expertly written because it originated from both of them having individual conflicting desires
You shouldn't hate Reina
She chose Mayu because she was slightly better than Kumiko and needed to choose her because that's who she is. She made the difficult choice to have the better player play
It's true that they were so close in skill level that it probably didn't make a difference for gold, but it was still the right choice for Reina to make
Some anons have said that it was a betrayal of Kumiko to recognize her sound and not chose her, but in my opinion it would have been a bigger betrayal if she had violated her own principles. In the end, the most important thing is that all three of them held to their convictions and became stronger because of it
Kumiko lost the soli, but she won every anon's heart
She truly is a best girl
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After S3, I love both Reina and Mayu. Coomi felt slightly upstaged by the other girls
I don't feel like arguing with you and your generic bullshit talking points and I'll hate Reina as much as I want, but I'll just say that Reina's decision comes across in a worse light given that she was a cunt the entire season. You can maybe overlook a hurtful but "omg so brave and moral" action from someone you respect. It's harder to do so when the character has spent the entire season being a shithead and has already burned any fondness or respect you formerly had for her to the ground.
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Piss, shit, and cry about it gayboy
Reina is more special than you and the fact you're offended by her superiority shows that you are untermensch
Maybe? To me, it felt like Mayu's character was made to be insecure and indecisive to the point that it invokes annoyance and frustration. Did you love that aspect of her?
Reina is superior to nobody. She's stupid, unlikable, boring. She's the worst character in Hibike and it's hard to think of anyone who's less interesting and less likable than she is. She has no redeeming qualities. She's not even physically attractive, Lipstick-chan and Mayu are much hotter.

I can relate to her and I have a lot of tolerance for "whininess" even though most people consider it the worst thing in the world, though I'm not entirely sure why she even signed up when her personality makes her ill-fit for competitive events.
>it's hard to think of anyone who's less interesting and less likable than she is
mizore and nozomi
>when her personality makes her ill-fit for competitive
She didn't know it's that hard to quit the slot
Mayu was fine, and the anime significant improved upon her characterization.

Mizore and Nozomi are full of problems, and they are really dislikable, but they are literal magnitudes more interesting than Reina.

I don't think it was a betrayal for Reina to pick Mayu. I think that was fine. What was not fine was Reina being an incredible turbocunt all year. As a member of leadership, she was negatively helpful. As a personal friend to Kumiko, she displayed the emotional intelligence of a pool of nuclear waste. Watching Reina all season was possibly even more exhausting than watching Mayu when she's walking up to Kumiko yet again.
>I'm not entirely sure why she even signed up when her personality makes her ill-fit for competitive events.
She enjoys the eupho, the thrill of group competition, and giving her all. She dislikes the personal social drama that comes with that. Sometimes (oftentimes) what she enjoys and what she tries to avoid comes in one package. The soli competition at the end is all about personal competing wishes for all 3 key characters that wind up being mutually conflicting. Mayu's preferred outcome would have been to have given her best and have lost the soli competition. But she didn't, so she would have had to live with the stigma of being That Person, if it weren't for the grace that Kumiko offered her.

The only way for all of their wishes for all 3 characters to come true would have been for Reina to honestly believe that Kumiko was better. But she didn't. She kept to her musical honesty and brutally chose against her heart, leading to the collapse of the ideal outcome.
>The only way for all of their wishes for all 3 characters to come true would have been for Reina to honestly believe that Kumiko was better. But she didn't.
She did in the LN, KyoAni just chose to be cunts with an artsy 3deep5u ending to make redditors cream themselves over how stunning and brave Reina is.
>I don't think it was a betrayal for Reina to pick Mayu. I think that was fine. What was not fine was Reina being an incredible turbocunt all year. As a member of leadership, she was negatively helpful. As a personal friend to Kumiko, she displayed the emotional intelligence of a pool of nuclear waste.
All true, but the person you're speaking to is low IQ and low EQ, unfortunately, and can't do much besides read from a script.
No she didn't because there was no dedicated public soli audition. In fact, the entire LN audition felt flat. KyoAni intentionally changed this, and it was for the better. With that change, it finally gave Mayu and Reina some satisfying internal conflict, as well as gave Kumiko an ultimate and very public test of leadership, far more significant than anything else up to this point. And the denouement of all that drama gave us Daikichiyama 2, the single best scene in the whole franchise. S3 episode 12 was peak anime, and I will entertain no objections.
It does succeed in closing out their character arcs, but it's cringe when people say that Kumiko would have been more upset over Reina choosing her and felt betrayed by that. She's not some obsessively honor-bound Wuxia character. She'd have been conflicted over it, but it wouldn't have caused long-term pain (the way things actually played out very likely did). Kumiko's half-hearted blathering about meritocracy doesn't matter; she might not have felt betrayed by Reina's choice, but she wouldn't have felt betrayed by the opposite choice either. Reina, if she was in Kumiko's position, would have felt betrayed if someone threw her a bone like that, but Reina's an unlikable autistic weirdo. Kumiko is much closer to being a normal person. It's perfectly fine to say "It's admirable that Reina stuck to her ideals" but to go "No no you see Kumiko would have been even MORE hurt by Reina choosing her" is utter bullshit. Hell, that's part of the tragedy.
I too think Kumiko would have been fine with Reina choosing her even if Mayu was marginally better than her. But that's because Kumiko always chooses to see Reina in a positive light and always gives her the benefit of the doubt.

And that's what hurt about S3. Kumiko supported Reina every step of the way in public and private to her own personal discomfort, and Reina never reciprocated when it mattered. The most I can say is that she (eventually and after far too much time has reasonably passed) apologized, so that counts for something maybe? Kumiko was way too good for her. Imagine tolerating Reina without her Kumiko handler.
Great post. Totally agreed.

Sorry to >>273309540 for being mean.
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It's out!
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>Reina, you're a frowning shit
Hags edition.
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Mayu's mayus....
Do not bully Buchou. She is trying her best.
>>273310835 here. I would like to add that what Kumiko told Reina up on Daikichiyama about how she was happy Reina lived up to her musical ideals was in the setting of Kumiko comforting Reina. Reina was feeling horrible about betraying (one of) their shared goals, and Kumiko was giving justification *to Reina* for Reina's decision - not just to make herself feel better but also to make Reina feel better. It just adds to the season's theme of "Reina does thing that hurts people, Kumiko has to pick up and mend the broken pieces."

Once again, Kumiko is too good for that autist. BOTYAY
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Eupho concert!
Please watch!
Mayu should have stolen Reina from Kumiko for more yuri drama.
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I listened to the character songs and Mizore's is the strangest. All of the others are typical upbeat synth anisons while Mizore's is totally different, I don't know what genre it is.
Kumiko never stood a chance.
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It's amazing that even Reina almost went to NTR with the magical breasts of both men and women.
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>Mayu: "Kumiko, maybe I should give up after all..."
>Kumiko: "Come on, Mayu always says things like that"
>Mayu: "But Kosaka-san is better..."
>Kumiko: "Reina isn't here anymore"
>Mayu: "But..."
>Kumiko: "The only one who's special to me is Mayu"
>Mayu: "I'm so happy! Hug me tight"
Is Mayu the type to be bubbly and warm and affectionate in relationships?
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>I feel sorry for Mayu-chan because she is still being told that Kuroe Mayu is malicious!
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How many babies?
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>Mayu: "Kumiko, I think we should break up after all."
>Kumiko: "Geez, Mayu never changes."
>Mayu: "Well, I read in the main thread that Tomoyo is cold towards yuri!"
>Kumiko: "The person inside has nothing to do with it."
>Mayu: "Really?"
>Kumiko: "Yeah, Mayu is special to me."
>Mayu: "I'm happy!"
She;s the type to grope Kumiko's breasts and crotch in the bath
We were cheated and it's all NHK's fault
I read that Natsuki and Yuuko LN that came out and it was the most boring shit ever, is the new collection of short stories any good
well Mizore is a very strange person!
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>tfw no Taki verbal abuse character song
i like that Tsubame became Mayu's friend because then we got to get a lot more shots of the percussionists who are prettier than Tsubame
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>Mayu is proactive and says, "I like Kumiko."

>Mayu-chan is more assertive: "I like Reina-chan."

>Mayu-chan is even more assertive: "Shuichi likes me."
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Why did S3 kill the hype?
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>Kanade becomes the sacred object of a cult religion
It's a 10 year old franchise. It's only natural that there's less hype with time.

Mayu is the type of person to get emotionally and physically abused in relationships. She seems like someone who would be easy to gaslight.
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Kanade is so cute, the poison from the jellyfish has spread and she has become soft and weak.
Eventually, if she doesn't take Mayu regularly, her body will have withdrawal symptoms, so she goes to the Oumae Counseling Center for counseling on how to get rid of Mayu.
Your points might be debatable and up to anons opinion but yea, season 3 was great
>After S3, I hate Reina
>Is that weird?

>After S3, I love Mayu
>Is that weird?
No. Mayu is great.
Shuuichi won
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It's okay
I still love you :)
Reina is the worst character in this series.
What noises does Mizore make during sex?
Not weird if you're a psychopath. Because that's literally who Mayu is. Literally no empathy, no understanding what others might feel in different situations.
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>Mayu is great.
mlem mlem mlem mlem
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>What noises does Mizore make during sex?
She's just awkward and don't want no trabble. She's just too talented and has too good a work ethic to keep her out of trouble.
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Wrong character
Ask nozomi
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Mayu gets into conflict with exactly one person in the band, but she will not compromise her attitude towards her own personal performance, much to her own social detriment. She feels awful about the whole thing the whole time.

Reina does not give one flying fuck what anyone in the band thinks about her, and everyone knows this. She would be that annoying first chair that no one likes if it weren't for being attached to Kumiko. Reina felt awful only once during the entire show and she goddamn should because that hurt to watch. Aside from that one moment, she is not merely awkward - she is literally trumpet assburgers.
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Reina is a backstabbing cunt. She ruined everything.
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Did you really think any of us here reads moon?
blame the director
nips really do struggle a lot with good endings, god damn
Reina doesn't care what anyone thinks besides Taki. She gives the very blackpilled aesop of "If you're selfish and uncaring all the time, people will blow rainbows up your ass about how principled and noble you are."
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I just wanted to post that picture.
She is literally the band's commissar. Even the people that agree with her in principle are intimidated by her. When people talked about "bad vibes", Reina was a big chunk of those bad vibes.

As an aside, I wonder what the band must have thought about Reina's decision at the end. A huge portion of the band must surely have realized that that audition was not at all blind for Reina. I wonder how many people would have thought it was betrayal and how many people would have thought it was noble.
I'd say 90 percent thought it was betrayal or otherwise the wrong decision, 10 percent noble. Most high schoolers, most adults even, are not that high-minded. The most common responses were probably some mixture of "What a bitch" "I understand where she's coming from, but that's heartless" "I wanted the leader to play with us..."
I dislike the fact that Mayu played the solo not because I think Reina should have chosen Kumiko, but because it makes it feel like they only won gold because they poached the top player from a rival school and not because of Kiauji's efforts. I think it would've been better if Mayu was an extremely talented first year instead, to properly parallel Reina crushing Kaori's hopes and dreams in season 1
Shuuichi won
Are legs an instrument?
I disagree. An extremely talented first year would just rehash trodden ground, plot-wise. We already had that in season 1. Mayu being a third year transfer student further highlights her "not-one-of-us"ness and the profoundly difficult social situation she found herself in. She chose Kitauji for being a top school. That was on her. But she couldn't have possibly predicted that the well-liked band president played her instrument and that there was going to be a soli that was going to be a perfect match for the hard working band president and her hard working best friend. It must have been Mayu's worst nightmare. As a third year, she didn't have a cohort of similarly fish-out-of-water first years to sympathize with. She was maximally isolated.
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>it's a Reina is a cunt and nobody likes her episode.
Hell, even Hatsuki and Midori treated her as a glorified "friend of a friend".
All of this shit is taki's fault desu wa
After 3 years he should have realized that when the skill level is virtually identical, he should take it upon himself to give the part to Kumiko because the morale boost the band would get from the beloved buchou playing the soli with her best friend vastly outweighs the benefit having a 1% better player does
All he needed to do was say that Kumiko played better at the audition and literally every single person in the band, including mayu, would have been happy AND they would have won gold
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It would have been better because then she could be the main character of the spin off!
>Hell, even Hatsuki and Midori treated her as a glorified "friend of a friend".
Reina never seemed to care much about them either.
Shuuichi status?
It was but Taki is about as oblivious as Reina is autistic. So of course it gets left to Kumiko to fix.

Coincidentally, Taki and Reina are the two most static characters in the show hmmm.
But muh meritocracy
but she -is- a cunt
her word is worth less than diarrhea
How many kids that high schooler already had with those hips made for birthing?
Let's not forget this whole thing starts by assassinating Taki's character. The dude who for some reason, woke up that morning and decided that he cannot pick the best soloist, after a streak of successes and improvements to the band over his years working as their conductor and decided to go along with Kumiko's retarded plan that could've backfired and imploded the morale of the group. Of course that didn't happen because the 3deep5u lessons of the story only apply to Kumiko and no other character.
To be fair, Taki already lobotomized himself and announced the public auditions for the soli. Kumiko merely made it slightly less stupid.

Kumiko had a tough year.
No, all Reina did was complain to Kumiko and stab her in the gut, twist the knife in and barely apologized for it. Mayu was just good and they hated her because she was good.
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what did Mayu mean by this?
The public auditions aren't the issue. We're talking about the same dude who, in their first year, made an audition where the whole point was to prove that his judgement was right and the band should just fucking listen.
He's also someone who had a very clear vision and goals for the band, the whole idea that he heard two different performances (they do play the solo segment differently) when he probably had an idea of the sound he wanted for the competition in his mind, and then, only this time, he couldn't choose the one closest to that vision feels out of character considering how gifted he's supposed to be
It doesn't stop there. After, he not only acts like that completely going against his previous actions, he, instead of asking them to perform again and making a decision himself, decides to leave it to the most biased jury possible with an open vote because... uh... I don't even know. Oh, right. The author really wanted to ramp up the drama, force a tie, and have Reina be the executioner because sad or something.
>Reina picks Mayu over Kumiko
I sleep.
>she said this a few episodes prior
Be honest, does Reina have a chance at fucking Taki?
Kumiko has a higher chance of fucking Taki than Reina.
I don't disagree with anything that you said. However, because of the drama, we got the emotional catharsis that was the Daikichiyama Redux scene, which I am unwilling to part with.

Neither the LN nor the anime had perfectly satisfying writing. The LN sorta just...petered out. Mayu remained a nothingburger and a waste of a character for the whole two volumes. Kumiko won, and that was it. It actually felt very anticlimactic. The anime, on the other hand, made Taki go full retard to effect its drama. I am willing to forgive its flaws because I think the presentation of conflicting personal goals for Reina, Kumiko, and Mayu was very gripping. I understand not everyone will agree with me.
Mind you, I would've been fine if Taki picked Mayu again and Kumiko lost. How the whole thing felt way too fucking contrived pulled me entirely of the episode and the final scene at Daikichiyama just made me laugh at how retarded the whole thing felt because of how things got there.
At least the novel ending didn't go full retard and appreciate it for keeping things simple.
I don't like how after the movie they suddenly had a fat guy on the band but never brought attention to it
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puberty was nice to them
Daikichiyama Middle had a good crop of band kids in Kumiko's year. Their alumni run two Nationals-level bands. I wonder if Azusa is as nepotistic with her leadership team as the presidents at Kitauji are.
Mayu's fat mommy milkers.
Why does a band dork have a body like this?
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>mayu thread a day after i made this
Looks good anon!
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Marching keeps the glutes engaged
I'd engage her glutes if you know what I mean.
This bitch is going to come back to Japan only to find Kumiko and Taki in a relationship because Kumiko is pretty much his ideal person.
And she will seethe at karma.
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I remember taking one of those retarded online tests and it told me I had this and I was offended
It's kinda half true
I don't really care for others and don't really like people. There's very few in my life I care about and those are my family
I get super emotional at the media I consume, though. I feel more attatchment to fictional people than real people
I'm basically broken
I remember watching the season and telling myself that this and another episode looked different to the rest, not just in how they were directed but also the linecount on the characters. It was only later that I found out the VEGfag was trying to save a sinking ship. Lmao Reina is such a bitch.
>Why did S3 kill the hype?
Kuroe Mayu was trending on Twitter for two days after episode 12 aired
It does not. It does, however, engage your paraspinals, core, and shoulders. My standing posture and lung volume had never been better.

What Hibike doujins really need is breathplay.

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