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Starting with picrel. This shitty franchise is hard carried by a god tier editor like it's unreal. Had it not been for the editor to reign in on the author's autism, then this series would be about furries
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Toriyama's original editors were BEASTS. They hard carried him and kept his shit humor and stupid ideas contained for so long. If it weren't for Torishima, this series would have ended after Pilaf.
All of the best parts about JJK is carried by the editor
He truly was something SPECIALZ
What ideas did he reject?
I liked Android 19 and 20 and was sad that they got the boot.

I've been rewatching DBZ and this is all bullshit. The worst aspects about this show start to become really more obvious as soon as the Android Saga starts and Super has already taken the worst aspects of DBZ, hyper exposed them to the public and have no made them a selling point

Who the fuck was Toriyama kidding leaning into giving Goku a pacifist angle? I get that Goku is stupid and he lucks into things because its objectively shit writing that people tend to not think about because the flashiness of DBZ and the spectacle of it distracts people from it
Yeah. I too hate what happened to Goku in Z.
Liked him when as a kid he had a NO BULLSHIT rule
Bros what about togashi’s editor? I consider hunter x hunter to be the most well written shonen how much of it could be contributed to his editor?
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MAEDAX. 'Nuff said.
Togashi was Kuroko no Basket first editor btw.
Chainsaw Man
>Android Saga
You mean when Torishima was no longer his editor?
>Super slop
You mean the Toei fanfic of which they've only got Toriyama unsupervised napkins to go about?
You're just adding to the point that Torishima was vital.
Some people give editors too much credit, the mangaka is still the one drawing and writing, bringing the story to life. When people say Kishimoto’s editor is the one that created Sasuke, it really means that Kishi was told to make a rival character. He’s the one that designed and wrote Sasuke the character though
1. Godlike numbers
2. I am pretty sure Togashi had the condition to have full creative control when starting HxH. The only known case of an editor making him change his mind was when he intented to make Gon fail the exam at the beginning
How do you even know what input the editor had?
those editors are nothing without Toriyama GOD. cope seethe and die
unlike other hack writers Godyama never afraid to end the story taking benefits of the reader doubts and keep stretching shitty plot as long as possible it only came back bc the fans wanted it
When you don't like an author/artist and yet feel obligated to acknowledge their work, it's convenient to invent a narrative in which their success was actually the work of someone else.

Sometimes, editors or authors will talk about it openly. You still don't get much information though.
How so? Can you explain to me?
The writer is still the one responsible for what happens in the story. The editor is only responsible for some things that don't. So this means you should only credit the editor for things that were avoided not the good things that happened because the one who wrote it was the writer only.

On Naruto itself, it's more nuanced than you trolls would like to admit. The highest selling Naruto arc was after the editor left.

The editor was also responsible for the single most reasonable criticism anyone will ever have of the series which is that Naruto and Sasuke and team 7 as a whole didn't bond enough before they were thrusted into everything that happened after land of waves. this was because kishimoto WANTED more missions and stuff which was nixed by the editorial staff
It’s kinda obvious, editors were responsible for Kaguya shit as well
Yes. The magazine and/or the editorial staff are responsible for the Kaguya blunder because they wanted a sequel for Naruto so they added some farfetched shit to justify it.

Keep in mind that Naruto and Sasuke were dealing with Madara's abilities and giving him a good fight. The series could and SHOULD have ended there with a legendary 2v1 fight for the times but Naruto being the cash cow that it was demanded a sequel so Kaguya happened.

For historical context, look at Dragon Ball. When the series ended, there was a huge content drought and that's why Shueisha wanted to avoid that by introducing a sequel immediately.
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This manga would have sucked so hard if not for the GODitors. Would have flopped harder than Squid 8.
this is basically the GODITOR's manga
Wasn’t Naruto meant to be some cooking school Harry Potter type series before they decided on the ninja back drop?
It was meant to be some structureless furry garbage.

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