Alita bros it seems this is our year another half chapter has released
>>275611995Keun bros we are so back
>>275612024ah right this julius caesar looking fuck guess its a mars künstler politics chapter too bad that i don't remember anything
>>275612122Gendarme sound like its supossed to be a german word but it just isn't
>>275612186So we can get revenge for keuns hot brown gf also after googling a Gendarmerie is an actuall thing wtf
>>275612287this guy seems so untrustworthy did it get revealed that he was shadie in earlier chapters or is it just the dementia kicking in?
>>275612401Wtf keun has friends
>>275612464And thats all for today since it was only a half chapter but it means the other half is probably just around the corner.I just hope keun survives
>>275612161Gendarme is French, actually
I watched the movie way back and meant to read the manga but never got around to it, how much kino am I missing?
>>275612568yeah which is weird since mars space germany weren't jupiter or venus the space france
>>275612502Keunbros we are BACK
>>275612649All sound same
Will Erica finally die?
>>275612645alot of kino. The og is the best part, the sequell last order has its moments but turns the series into a battle shounen for alot of it, and mars chronicles returns to kino but the realease schedule was fucked for a lot of it. The series also alot of great villians Nova, Mbadi and Mustrer to just name a few.
>>275612757well even if worst girl dies she comes back as necro solider so the suffering continues
Sure was a lot of no Alita in this chapter.
>>275613287We haven't seen alita in a while but she is still a toddler so i guess you can't really push the story forward while focusing on a retarded toddler
>>275612502Thanks for the dump. Feels strange to get new content after such a long time.
>>275612401I get the feeling he'll die in this body.
>>275612645First manga is kinoSecond manga starts off by retconning the first manga's final chapters and continuing the story, it still takes some elements from the ending here and there but there are some things that have been reworked so the original ending isn't really possible anymore given the nature of certain things, third manga is an eternal flashback from which there is no escape, accept that you're here forever and you'll never see the present day conflict the flashback sets up actually play out.
>>275612645>He missed the StorytimeI pity you
So, when is the new Alita series start, mid-2025?
>>275617955Probably 2038 at the rate this manga is going.
>>275617955>new Alita seriesI totally forgot about this
>>275617955Considering they're announcing Mars' Chronicles ending already, I can only guess the new series will just be a direct continuation of the mars chronicle story except taking place exclusively in the present and mars chronicle's ending just marks the end of the flashback. We'll finally get to see Super Nova again.
>>275617955huh there is a what coming?
>>275617691i swear to god if keun gets the same sacrificing himself without actually achieving his goal treatment like the cowboy im gonna scream
>>275611971this series died for me at space tree. space vampires and 15 volume tournament arc never happened.
>>275612645>kinoFuck off and never read it
>>275611971Thanks OP.>>275620254GOD I hate it went that route. Last Order started off so good until it got bogged down at the tournament.I like space vampire, though.
I think I'm going to stop collecting Alita paperbacks after Mars Chronicle ends. It takes forever to release a volume.
>>275621863how are official alita english volumes?
Since it seems like we are getting new chapters i wanted to start rereading mars chronicles and god damn i forgot how dark the first few chapters are. I can't remember seeing that many dead kids in such quick succession in anyother series
>>275623316Given what we knew about Mars, it had to be this terrible for Alita to end up as a child soldier.
>>275612502>I just hope keun survivesNigga, 90% of the characters in MC have died ages ago, we're in a (needlessly long) flashback, Keun fucking dies for sure because this shit happened 300 years ago or so.It's already a miracle that Keun didn't croak against Gyapollo, and honestly I don't really like that Kishiro is stretching his story even more considering we're still in the toddler part of Erika and Yoko's life on Mars, and Keun's story is just an overly longwinded and slow prelude to the shit that we want to see between Erika and Yoko.
>>275622147I've never had a hard time following the story. I don't know Japanese so I can't compare it to anything. However, I've downloaded some weak scanlations that made me think the official translations are pretty good.
>>275612365>>275612401I hate Auschud for ruining my nigga Keun's vibe like that. This is NOT what I was hoping for after Gyapolo namek.
>>275620254>t. MchudiSpace vampires are kino and Caerula is bae.
>>275625183GODbadi did nothing wrong
>>275611971>this coverwas it before or after 2015 october?
>>275611971How does Mars Chronicles compare to Last Order?
>>275625479I think MC is better than LO. Last Order was too much a battle shonen and, while it had really interesting characters, the atmosphere was way different. Mars Chronicle is more like the original series and explores humanities cruel, insane, repulsive, and grotesque nature. Some of it is shocking and disgusting, nothing in LO comes close.
>>275625183He was the best part of LO
Are you guys ready for Mara finale? Expectations at this point? Are We finally going back to Gally vs Mega Nova ?
>>275625850I have no expectations because it's been so long that I forgot most plotlines in this manga.
>>275612502Thank you for posting.
>>275625922NTA but same.
>>275625850>Implying Kishiro will live long enough for that.Guy's 60, working at a martian snail's pace and clearly not interested in any sort of cohesive story given the various retcons, I'm surprised he even remembered Alita's subwoofer-mouth master from BA and rewrote him in the story after Gelda's retcon in LO.We're still stuck in toddler namek after a decade, what makes you think he'll ever get to a possible confrontation between Alita and SuperNova? And even if he does get back to the present both of them agreed to a truce so Alita can deal with Erika and the Einherjar.
>>275611971You mean chronicles of the nazi breast cancer?Even worse than last order
>>275612816>mars chronicles returns to kinolol no>>275612645Movie was dogshit and nothing like the manga
>>275633447Listen up boy, Yoko might be a tumor but she's not a heckin' n*zi tumor!
Post your FAVORITE Mars Chronicle page right fucking now!
>>275633104Kishiro will live forever. He WILL finish Alita's story
>>275634213I'm partial to this one
yooooooooooo nice. bump from me
Which Alita series have official english volumes?
>>275625922Same. I haven't read the last two volumes because I'm just going to read them again when vol 10 is released.
>>275641195All of them?
his art is so shit now
>>275650230Kishiro's old now, he can't slave away like he used to when he was young and full of vigor.
>>275650362True, we need to transplant his brain into a body donor soon.....
>>275650230While i enjoy is old style alot more, i personally don't mind his current art style
>>275653701People don't get that he's still making an interesting story with anticipation and mystery in mind while expanding the world. He's no shonenshitter mangaka, his worldbulding actually matters when the arc is finished. All he lacks is polish and that is a compromise that had to be made if you want the story to even go on
>>275612645I thought the second series was the best one. It had an impressively large cast of characters who were all enjoyable and well characterised. Which the first series lacked. The trade off is that the main villain for the second series sucked, especially compared to the great villains of the first one.This latest one I dipped out of for years because its an endless flash back.
>>275625479Last Order is significantly better. Mars Chronicles is essentially just a massive flash back chapter, I'm not a big fan of it ditching the cast too.>>275625231...Except for becoming a pathetic jobber and losing control of his own tournament
>>275642769This is cool as heck, where is it from?
>>275654458Truth to be told GODbadi was the victim of a galactic asspull nobody would ever be able to deal with, Melchizedek pretty much wished Alita back just to fuck with him, after that it's just a series of inevitable losses because Alita 2.0 is also fully equipped to deal with GODbadi's bullshit, also courtesy of Melchizedek, AND she gets even more bullshit later on in the Z.O.T.T. finals.Even Kishiro knew it was ridiculous which is why he dramatically nerfed her for MC and removed 90% of her LO haxx as the only characters that could even hope to deal with that shit were Tunpo and Zekka, who also got removed from the plot because they were complete bullshit as well, Mbadi was an extremely competent antagonist that got fucked over by a literal Deus Ex Machina.
>>275654969Its been many years since I read Last Order, but I remember even other characters within the story completely emasculated him even before that happened.Its honestly kind of sad because he had so much presence especially at the start and it was just a downwards spiral after that.
Bought this last month
>>275655008Nah, you're mixing things up, all the humiliation rituals with Zekka and Tunpo don't happen until Alita comes back and Mbadi gets nerfed, he dominates for like 60% of the manga and even Zekka doesn't dare to start shit until he sees Alita mogging him.
>>275655085Yeah its been years, its mostly just a haze now. Still remember loving Last Order even more than the first series though.
>>275654458Well, I feel like if you just accept that the current day story is on hold and treat it like a prequel, Mars Chronicles is pretty good. With fun characters and interesting world building
How would you feel if Erica gone for good?
>>275655614Yeah for real, people just can't look past the not as stellar artstyle. MC is important because it delves deep into whatever the fuck happened in the past, panzer kunst, the space war, Yoko, and the final mission before the first series. I personally love how the Kunstlers are more like a military faction with super soldiers than just some shaolin temple type thing
>>275655743>mmm choccy leafDo kids really?
>>275655743I find it so cute how they find bemite disgusting but still keep eating it. My head canon is that they do it to remember the doc that took care of them
>>275655717The art style isn't even that bad, it just falls behind compared to his earlier work but if you compare it to other manga that is currently releasing its still among the best
>>275655717I think the art is fine, though it did decline after Last Order. It's still definitely fine though.
>>275655806They're good girls who want to grow big and strong