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>does nothing
>becomes better than Oshi no Ko
What did let this happen?
Deer anime is peak, while Oshi no Kock is shit. Also, the latter's manga author is a bad storyteller.
forced deer thread #5
>better than Oshi no Ko
That's not a high bar
>becomes better than Oshi no Ko
It's not though
Everything is
Deer are just naturally more likeable. And fuckable.
I let it happen

Do not lewd the deer.

Lewd Koshitan instead
That bar's below sea level.
this is yuritrash
>only romance is one sided incest
How do you figure?
Imagine looking at deer and seeing sex.
Are her poops like deer poops or girl poops? If she shits like a deer does she just go wherever or goes to the toilet?
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Look at her size.
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More like Shika Yes Ko
You can start a thread without baiting.
Finally, my two interests overlap again.
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Damn, she's buff
She would stop Aqua's plan
How can a third year cat be so cute?!
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Anko and Bashame plushies!
Can I lewd the Ichigo clone?
She would just become a better idol than Ai and Ruby combined
Kamiki would target her instead, although Aqua would still find an excuse to kill himself
You'll need dancing skills to become an idol which Nokotan lacks
Have you never played snakes and ladders? Sometimes your opponents ends up below you without you doing anything.
Nekonoko best girl
She deserves her own show. I hope season 2 is focused just on her.
>10 posts
>page 10
Yeah, sure kid.
Oshi no Kuck is shit.
It blows my mind how Aka Akasaka is so popular

I want them all.
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Holy shit
Boy, I hope all this merch means the show actually did well.
They probably made a profit just from putting the series in every streaming service known to man
>Crane Game
I want a nendoroid already, where's the nendoroid?
Next year
it was in PornHub?
lots of anime get uploaded to pornhub
I only see some MMD stuff.
>Nokotan wearing party accessories for some reason instead of holding a shika senbei
Oshi no ko was never good, its success is unexplainable.
It is though, waifufaggotry and le cool premise is enough even if only 1/3 of the manga was good
yeah, as we all know, bad shows being successful is an utterly unheard-of phenomenon.
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Is a reference to episode 5 when she tried to recruit Nekoyamada into the club
Best friends
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Is surprising how well Luce and Nokotan go together
That's an obscure reference to base a toy on
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Well, Koshi's is based on the tapioca gag from episode 6
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Torako's pajamas are adorable

Beware the bean toes of a tiger.
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Torako looks sexy here
Torako is a fangless tiger
She looks sexy all the time.
>t. Anko
>Koshitan gets the onesie
>Nokotan gets the cute dress
I'd have thought it'd be the other way around
Why do they choose that ugly deer to stand beside Torako?
from people watching the Kaguya anime and not reading the manga
silly shika
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>perfect score without even looking at the screen
Damn she's good
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Are you supposed to eat the paper?
Deer can digest anything. I used to feed them used banana peels.
Shika is shit
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The deer girl
Doesn't look that bad
Somehow I'm surprised to see more of this in /a/ than /k/
Guess there is little overlap between the deerfuckers and /ak/ anons, thankfully
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Light-up antler
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Anon, that's a sex toy
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What was the point of this character? She barely did anything.
She wanted to fuck the deer.
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To love deer. You do love deer right anon?
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Don't we all
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that's a capybara
Lies and slander
>What did let this happen?
Not killing the best characters and protagonist off.
is it? never watched the show and always assumed its a crossdressing boy, since it has antlers
Nokotan is a girl, anon
I can't wait for the crossover
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Tsunoda-san, best boy
Nokotan wouldn't let Aqua being balls to the wall retarded
Why did he betray Nokotan in the boxing match though? They're friends!
Sento-kun is way higher in the deer society than Nokotan
He doesn't even talk
I don't blame you, they use a lot of male humor with moeblobs. The way they make fun of koshi's virginity is so male-coded and makes no sense for a girl, from either side. Noko does male deer things and turned into a man for a gag. Anko being a siscon feels more like a crazy male siscon than an actual incestuous lesbian, but they made her a girl so it's less disturbing.
But again, it's a comedy anime and it doesn't take itself seriously. I wish it leaned more into the comedy instead of the moeslop and fanservice tho.
Have you seen him dance? He doesn't need to talk
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That's a lot of crackers.
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she's fucking dead
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I wish you would stop pretending to be retarded
Everything is if you're willing and brave enough
That's gonna be the animal to base the next big meme show on
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>10 capybara-girls jammed into one tight onsen
Let's fund this.
why are they boiling themselves like hoomans tho
Capybara rival girl for Nokotan in Season 2!
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>those two guys kicking the deer
Damn, really good placements all around. Sucks that Anko didn't make the cut tho
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was schizo koshi a thing in Japan too? wtf??
It is a popular meme

Aww, no Anko?
Total deer domination
schizo koshi is a hoax

They need a spin-off series.
Marketing, nowadays it comes down to marketing and gaslighting, for example Nokotan is a manga/anime made exclusively for elevens since 99% of the jokes will just fly over every single normalfag, yet an stupid amount of people decided to check it out just because the opening was catchy, it wasn't even a big marketing move like shit like Oshi no Ko does, imagine how easy is to manipulate people nowadays.
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Both are painfully mid and overhyped. But the Dirschau got mogged by the fact that season later we got anime that is trying to do all the same things but actually succeeds.
The what
Don't use puniru to shitpost niggerfaggot
Puniru Wa Kawaii Slime is the same zoomer autism level of comedy as Shikanoko, except the jokes actually work, pacing is not shit and there's actual tangible production value.
What're you talking about? This show was utterly DoA. Each thread was filled with less and less anons each week mostly talking about how it instantly fell off past ep 1 when ep 1 wasn't even that high of a high. I don't watch Oshi no ko cuz I don't like idol shit, but judging by how frequent its threads are-

I just realized the only point of this thread is because Shika no ko is similar to Oshi no ko
Also you know Kana and Nokotan have the same seiyuu
Still the best OP song of our generation.
capybara soup
There's still shill threads about this? I hope you're not doing it for free at least.
To be fair, it’s easy as fuck to be better than OnK.
Nokotan did it by simply being funnier.
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Cute hags
That toast looks really good.
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You could respond to a thread without being baited.
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When I said I wanted Nokotan figure this isn't what I was thinking
she cute

Where is Neko figure?
Unironically this, Puniru is everything deer wishes it was and more, I'm glad that it's doing well in Japan.
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Yuri won
Bestiality won
Nokotan won
That deer makes me diamond.
>Bestiality won
This. They will let a male deer impregnate them.
that's not how impregnation works
Only female deer can impregnate humans
flopped anime
Male animals can impregnate female humans in animeverse.
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So why are Puniru threads as slow as deer threads?
Nokotan won a one way trip to Deer's den
>Deer's den
What happens there?
Nonstop training
Training for what?
Is deerstalker ever gonna finish the show?
To be productive and not be a nuisance
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The deer anime is cute and knows that it is silly. It doesn't try to become something it is not.
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>deer does nothing but terrorize and actually bully her
>for some reason yuri
>Yuri won
>Bestiality won
Anko is a human
Torako is a human
Noko Shikanoko isn't romantically or sexually involving with any Koshi
Based Bachame scholar
t. Anko
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Sounds awful
I don't think so, didn't he have a meltdown in one of the threads when the show was airing?
Least abusive lesbo "love"
FYI, deers are primates
Aqua deer'd
Shika noko noko noko'd
>ruins your sports festival

Nokotan, I got something for ya...
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Everyone loved the deer show
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Ends don't justify the means
She is a sole reason the festival went so wrong
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Is it OK to stick your dick inside a humanoid deer's vagina?
the bully maguire dance had me in stitches
whats the worst that could happen
deer apocalypse
you deer
/k/ says yes. The deer probably wants it even.
Paying child support in deer crackers
following the theme of this anime, it would probably be a disgusting amount of vaginal saliva that makes a huge trail when you pull out, while she makes a stupid face
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that sounds really hot
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>a stupid face
>set up trail cam
>see this
wat do?
shoot it
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You just made her stronger
destroy it
destroy it fast
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I had a dream last night I was eating horse. I never had horse, but it tasted kind of sour. What does Nokotan taste like?
Depends. Which part of her are you eating?
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then we'll have to call in the big guns
Nokotan won this fight btw
Nokotan still can't dance btw
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both reeks of reddit
John Deere
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deer tummy
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Sick moves
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gay dance
This feels like ntr

april 2025. i want this a lot and i am not a merch person usually. gonna have to find a japan person to win a crane game for me
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Koshi is a certified girl-kisser
That's such a cute dance.
Even this show's Kana is better than original Kana
Their hips are stuck in place and not swaying at all. I think that is why their dances looks weird.
>dead thread
>dead anime, even japs don't find it funny at all
>one autistic faggot still bumps the threads
'Tis just pathetic. Get a life man
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nun won, jjkfags lost
Their twitter page used to get 10k+ likes per post but now it barely reaches 1k. That's just sad
Also, their Twitter followers started at 140k–180k from episode 1 to episode 12, and they have stuck at 180k since.
While Bocchi the Rock followers started from 20k–400k from episode 1 to episode 12 and now has 700k followers today.

This shows that this anime flopped hard that no one cares about it anymore.
Out of every possible example of this anime flopping, you just had to choose twitter. Do leftist niggers really? Nobody sane besides colorful dyed hair troons care about twitter.
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You retarded, third rate weebs need to understand this: You are consuming the most brain-dead, low IQ, shit taste entertainment in the history of humanity, absolutely NONE of you have good taste in anything, it's no wonder ever single weeb is a complete failure in life.
This. How do we fix Oshi no Ko threads?
Replace Kana with Nokotan
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>multiple fangroups start working on a show at the same time
>many have bad blood between each other, claiming their work is better than the rest and putting everything else below them
>All fangroups die out at around the same time, none can finish what they started
Guess starting a passion project out of spite won't get you too far, just shows how few actually cared about the show.

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comedy anime has no plot, what is there to discuss?
It's always dumps, fanart, shitposting and meta.
What's funny to me is the people who keep saying the show flopped. They're more obsessed with it than the actual fans.
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literally who even is that?
Would this be as popular as it is if the protagonist was male?
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>fansubs never even bothered to finish
Definitely not. No one wants to watch male deers.
translating puns is hell, I don't blame them
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Nokotan's seiyuu
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What do you expect? You want a boomer subs for Gen Alpha tiktok anime?
My two wives.
>comedy anime
>is not funny
>making a bait to keep the thread alive
I found it very funny, anon. Maybe your humor sensor is broken?
By me btw.
I don't find it funny at all, anon. Maybe your humor sensor is broken?
That's the reason it flopped, fans abandoned it while airing including deerstalker.
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Anko spinoff when?
shit anime
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Anko more like Ank-who
Bikini rice farming with Bashame to collect funds for S2.
>You don't even know you are already deer.
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Literally nobody watched after episode 2 since the gimmick gets old super fast
gigi wouldn't say that she loves shikanoko and hates oshi no ko
I meant the blonde girl but you're probably right.
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So fast
Koshitan was the only good thing about this show
Koshitaaan! Koshitaaaaan!
Nothing was good about this show
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t. Anko
I wanna taste shika senbei
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neko senbei better
cat cracker
>dat Anko

>posts Shikayamada
>purple Koshitan drink
Anko? Won.
Keep dreaming Anko
>Tsunoda-san and Tsucchi get merch too
Tsunoda-san needs his own spinoff. Even if it's just a series of 3 minute shorts.
Interesting selection of drinks
aaah Japan is such a magical place
The strawberries to mimic kot's hairbuns is cute.
What's Anko's drink? Hot chocolate?
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Is that a yamapikaryaa!
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Did you know? In the Japanese language, tsuno (角) means "horn" or "antler," and da (だ) is the shortened form of desu (です), the verb meaning "to be" or "is."

So essentially, Tsunoda is a pun on "it's an antler."
Oshiruko, a hot drink made of red bean jelly

Also known as Anko
I want to drink Anko (HOT)
with rice?
>o shi (no ko)
>shi ka (no ko)
i see
Best boy
Straight from the source?
delicious thighs
Left is best
Thread theme
OP of the year
Gyarus talk like this,THOUGH
Gyarus don't exist they're a figment of otaku imagination
The greatest troll
I wonder how many of the drinks served actually had spec-compliant antlers. Most of them have sunken into the drink or fallen off from the sides.
or exploded
The anime using cheap 3D deer rather than just drawing them was a genius move.
cheap 3d? What do you mean anon? All of Hino's deer are the real deal.
its ass is shaped like a heart
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Bashame the nun...
Shika is peak japanese absurd comedy
Oshi S2 became a lame arc that made more than one ask themselves: wasnt this series about getting revenge??
Not that deviation from tghe main objective is a bad idea on itself, but it was dragged way too fucking much, and inserting so many new characters feels like a negative gain to the series.
god those are sexy outfits
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Smug deer
Church of Nokotan...
Chikagoro uwasa no nakanaka kiwamono
>>does nothing

What the fuck does that even mean in this context you twitterbrained fucking imbecile?
Shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan
Nokotan won.
would you march along to the ED song in a shika parade?
yes, when we go?
>twitterbrained fucking imbecile
they are the ones who watch this anime
I really want to know how nu-/a/ would have reacted to other gag anime like Excel Saga or Dokuro-chan.
nu-/a/ only listens to tube rewies and polls so they dont watch anything that they arent told to watch
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cat is a cutie, shy girl looks like she smells so good also bazongas, blue haired babe has something special to her.
naaah cuteee
>nekoyamada made it to the list
this show looked reeaaally good, so comfy, i miss our wednesdays of new deer chapter bros..
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>oh a deer thread
>look at title
>look at title again
Cheeky bastard.
they all look amazing wtf
can anyone translate whats the tsunoda special? looks delicious
bashame is such an enigmatic character. like why a nun? why in that other official art her background is a fucking nuclear explosion lol but it all fits her vibe, weirdly.
They should've added a small mochi ball on Shikayamada's drink to represent Tsucchi
She deer.
Heroic sacrifice
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It will take scientists years to understand the meme
>Barley chocolate
>chocolate whipped cream
>coffee jelly
>lemon peel
So advanced.
>why a nun?
Because she is pure, like white rice.
You deer....
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I wish Nokotans were real. They seem like a lot of fun to be around.
Imagine a herd of Nokotans
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koshi's worst nightmare
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>See Shikanoko thread
>Post "You Deer"
Simple as
You have passed the test.
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It was all thanks to shika senbei
>that bitrate
ty anon
goddamn i NEED to go to japan
That actually sounds delicious
>deer tits flavored crackers
I can express delivery these from Nara, right?
kek I didn't notice that
so i heard from twitter she's a tranny cause of the antlers?
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Female Japanese deer have antlers
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>so i heard from twitter
when a felinoid says something so cervinephobic you gotta hit them with that shika stare
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Koshi fucked this?!
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From wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sika_deer
>Females carry a pair of distinctive black bumps on the forehead.
and in my native language
>Only the male has antlers
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Nandodatte hansū shite NUNUNUN
Shikairo days~
>What are we gonna do on the floor, pomf
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Deers frequently mate on the floor, nun.

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