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Does this imply the existence of Subs as well?
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>he's so homoerotic he can no way fag a woman from her thoughts alone
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>Devil Crocodile
>Zebra Kong
You can tell how early in the series this is when two of the viwer submissions are just shit Toriko already fought but with a slight palette swap.
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Are they going to butcher a baby mammoth?
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Is this a vizism? Did he actually change/drop an honorific or something?
Oh look, it's just like Breath of the WIld.
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Eight headed snail is definitely the coolest submission so far.
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Gourmet jewelries?
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Rin is horny
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Flavour... is strong!
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In a world with everything having some kind of nutritional value it feels especially heinous that the villains just kill to kill.
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Rin can keep up with Toriko, she's quite strong then.
I'm surprised Sunny is the one to give this kind of reaction first. I figured Toriko would be the one getting pissed about pointless slaughter.
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Is there any reason why they are so chill with each other?
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He got pissed last volume.
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Rin is a lot hornier than I expect.
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How is the dumb faggot biting anything, with its tongue out like that?
That was specifically over wolf mom, though. I meant getting mad at more general wasteful killing.
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How did Shimabukuro get a picture of me to depict this Rubanda?
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How did the golem's kick scatter them to two different locations almost opposite to each other?
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I thought you guys said this is a gay manga?
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So what's the upper limit of strength without gourmet cells? Did that zombie guy have them? Also, I wonder when Komatsu will get gourmet cells.
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I forgot Komatsu is a rich 5 star chef.
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I'm wondering how he hasn't been fired yet. Even if there's some unstated downtime between adventures he still spends quite a lot of time away from the restaurant. Does he own it himself or something?
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Cool, so it's something you can get without any bullshit lineage or such thing.
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Imagine running into this shit if you miraculously try climbing the normal way.
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Here's the non-gourmet food for that one anon last thread.
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That is one ugly bird thing.
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>Temple Run

Dude only can splurge 200,000 yen
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No, He works for IGO>>273337286=
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Really? That's not that much, even for real world standard.
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Me but with underwear
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This is a really bad match up for Toriko.
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Nice balls nigga.
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I don't get it.
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He does this in other TL too
Rin is an ugly annoying slut
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Sirloin mushrooms sound scrumptious.
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Netero meditating in that general direction.
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I figured Coco would show up to help Terry. I guess a newborn wolf is going to solo the guy that made Coco and Toriko piss themselves.
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What the fuck, how?
Those silhouettes....
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Oh fuck.
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I assume left is young Jirou.
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Would you eat it? So is it just a banana with cucumber texture?
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I like Rin's smells.
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Rapid evolution for a little pup.
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Oh hi Ob
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Terry has his RESOLVE.
If not even this is good enough to be Toriko's meat dish then he is a confirmed snob.
Holy shit her fucking THIGHS here
That's fair.
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It's okay, it has wings, it will regally soars
Hair sensors are incredibly useful.
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I love Shima's map design
I wanna explore this Texas-sized island
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How regal.
I like how you can instantly tell who's piloting this GT Robo
>Coco has Kiss
>Toriko has Terry
Does Sunny get an animal companion?
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Rude apes.

A low-key ENTER so far as Toriko goes.
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Yes, later on
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is this NTR?
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Buti thought the troll kong was the strongest ape?
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I totally forgot this one was giant.
I see I happened to come in time despite sleeping in.
All good Hunters are loved by animals.
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He has a reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaallllllllllly long snake named Quinn
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He's the head chef but missions the IGO gives to Toriko that he participates in are accounted for. Hotel Gourmet is owned by the IGO.
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>Price: 100 G / 9000 Yen
>Selling upwards of 60k yen a kilogram
So which is it?
Always a bigger fish.
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>Rin tries to spoiler
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No, he's calling him Matsu in the raws too
S-Shut up, Girly Boy!
Finally mushrooms I could eat.
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Startled the robot.
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These matchups seem freakishly skewed.
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>color based power system
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Who made this and for what purpose
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They'll say more on this later, but there's generally two ways to get gourmet cells yourself. This isn't really a spoiler:

1. Eat foods that have gourmet cells. This method is safe, but has a low chance of integrating the cells in your body.
2. Inject the cells directly into your body. Like getting shot with a stand arrow in Jojo, this method is highly dangerous and you can die from it, but if you survive, they'll integrate, guaranteed.

Anyone can potentially get gourmet cells through these two methods and obtain crazy batshit powers like Toriko and friends have.
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Why did we have a bit about Terry catching up in a few hours assuming he didn't get intercepted by an enemy, and then that didn't happen?
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It's like having afterimages with mass. The bird is flash stepping.
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Nice banter.
What is driving all of these incredibly powerful creatures to extinction?
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I don't know who is in the robot but I like him.
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I forgot how weird that one looked.
>I've missed your insult
komatsu really is a shoujo FMC huh
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Yeah you just pop down to the store and pick up some rainbow fruit to eat with your bacon leaves
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Me taking a 15lb dump in the woods
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Terry is such a good boy
>100 kg
this combined with his sparse course probably tells us that he isn't that big of a gourmand
Need the first panel there to be "Welcome to /d/"
Is he dumber than Toriko?
Sure I'd try it.
>Gourmet progress marches onward
It was said before, but just slapping Gourmet on everything makes it way funnier.
Lack of breeding due to their power and feeding habits making the need to breed be pointless over short cycles or to create more competition
What, he's gonna shit on the robot's taste receptor to kill the guy?
Now THAT's scale.
Yes, Sunny is actually the group idiot believe it or not.
It's like some kind of... Devil Fruit. Hm.
Nooo, not again Komatsubros...
So what determines the capture level for this one? It's not strength, obviously, and it doesn't seem to be hard to collect.
Is it just that it's thought to be extinct? You'd think that'd make it way higher then.
Also surely that price will crash if they're now made artificially.
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Also, Here is the stats for our mystery man of the four for comparison. Tied with Sunny for brains
How strong is that monster? Level 50 is possible?
RIP Terry, it's your first and last day of living.
So, I'll spoil that 'Capture Level' is more related to the ability to 'capture' the food. The Rainbow Fruit Tree is capture level 1 if you placed it in a safely guarded place to naturally collect the fruit. But since IGO is the only one to have a grove and it's surrounded by Troll Kongs, the Capture level for it is on par with the Troll Kongs.

It's more akin to One Piece Bounties then Dragon Ball Power Levels, but it still is straight up an increase to show the dangerous power of the world increasing like a JRPG level. (It's why Zombie is so pivotal to the story because he is a JRPG character)
Nah, that guy rode in standing on a dragon with his arms crossed. Only protagonists and jobbers do stuff like that.
Cool, so he was holding back a lot back then.
I guess that shouldn't be surprising considering he's related to Rin.
Damn you F91!
Thanks tin.
Still, I imagine even with gourmet cells getting to even capture level 10+ strength on your own would take tremendous effort or appetite since so few hunters can. So between that and the relatively low rate of success there are not alot of average people with a high enough cell count to have powers.
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The last guy looks burlier than Toriko, so I thought he'd be the group idiot.
He's a complicated guy. Don't get cocky about it.
Thanks, Tin.
it tastes like shit
i like thay toriko plays with tropes. mystery guy is more the team mage, with off the wall abilities he uses in creative ways, while sunny is the brute
Star is so fucking cool.
Also the black GT robo looks miles better than the light colored ones
Rude. Rin smart.
So the bird is doing the separating the thumb thing?
Imagine having female characters like this today.
>Taller than Sunny
>he weighs like twice as much as me
how heavy is his hair? sheesh
>senses shitty smell
>puts them in her mouth
those other hunters had that much trouble with a capture level 1? damn
I'm amazed it's only level 1 to be honest, those things are pretty heavy and huge plus they come in large numbers
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Oh for sure, just look at this mage using his wizarding.
Posting spoilers in a storytime, even hidden, is a cocky attitude
Saying he is a wizard is even cockier.
What I like about Toriko is he's clearly the top strongest 1% of humanity but his enemies are even stronger and part of the 0.1%.
Their only real defense is making themselves smell bad.
They're 500kg and can move somewhat fast
It won't work on someone like Toriko but the sheer size and weight of those things are enough to be a huge danger
i mean, look at all the kinds if buffs he bestows on the team with his sound powers
maybe he's a pathfinder skald
Then just use a range attack or don't stand in front of them. They also roll up when attacked, so as long as you have something hit hard enough to make them feel threatened, they wouldn't even try to rush toward you.
I mean, that's the capture level for a single one.
Getting swarmed by 10+ of them will get you killed pretty fast.
Shouldn't things like pack behavior be a part of the capture level?
If it was that easy then Zombie would have just cleared them, not like his full course had anything special on it but it was at least above level 1 trash
Zombie is a retard with an axe.
He and his friends have at least killed some beasts to get to that point at least

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