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You get to remove 1 anime / manga from history.
Which is it and why?
one piece
I hate shounen fags so much
Evangelion. The root of all cancer
Steins;Gate. The fanbase is very aggressive and insufferable.
Whatever the first popular isekai was.
Attack on Titan or Frieren
whichever one lead to your birth, as indirect as it may have been
Attack on Titan
Konosuba because I don't like it
I wonder what the butterfly effect of erasing Dragon Ball would be
Oregairu made browsing /r/anime a chore to browse from 2014 to like 2017/18 so maybe that.
Hitori Bocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu
This. It's insulting to my senses.
i hope you remove it then, so that you can go back
>dragon ball
>not naruto, which is more popular worldwide, while DB is mostly usa, japan and mexico
Either Naruto or Bleach.
(You)r favorite anime because it sucks
total saint seiya saturation of battlemamga
Imagine a world without Dragon Ball derived works
Sword Art Online, if that's what it would take to prevent the current isekai plague.
Code geass
Suzumiya Haruhi, the root of moefaggottery
yes this one definitely. Fuck Juan Piss.

that would be preferrable
this, so Bind focuses their resources on MT where they belong
Boku ko pico. It ruined my preference
I think everyome would be a lot happier if axis powers hetalia never existed.
SAO, the root of all video game isekai.
it has very high production values
if you removed SAO, someone else would have popularized "what if zero no tsukaima but mmorpg"
>only usa, japan and mexico
anon I'm not even into that but even I know that DB is by far the most popular one based on the revenue of the merchandise
Dragon ball because it would massively reduce the amount of latinx shitposters on this board..
latin earnestposters*
if i'm not mistaken, lots of gen 1 pokemon designs were to some degree inspired by dragon quest monsters. knowing how well known pokemon is, i'd imagine that would be quite a big impact
Fate. I blame Fate for every problem with modern anime. Every single one.
All a complete waste on an abomination.
.hack was good though
game freak would just even more blatantly copy shin megami tensei
Shounenshit would be unrecognizable without the influence of Dragonball.
Witch of Mercury, for no other reason besides I hate women and think their inclusion in mecha is anathema to the very core and soul of the genre to begin with.
Is this a single production or one franchise?
You mean Gundam.
Would be awful. Dragon Ball brought a lot of goodness to the industry.
Monkeypaw but with this anon in charge of reading comprehension for the wish
It was also not popular so you#re safe anyway
Wolf's Rain so only furry shit gets removed from the timeline.
I was going to say MHA but then I realized it's probably doing wonders as a containment series
Every anime that isn't MtF gender swap needs to be removed in general, I don't know where to start.
Love Hina to prevent the great harem setback.
One piece and its cancerous fanbase
This isn't Wataru's fault. You want to take out ZnT.
If DB never gets made, Stop! Hibari-kun stays the King of Jump for a while, even with Candy Eguchi's flakiness. So you get a lot more traps.
Stupid faggot, female fans in the 70s and 80s are why we get mecha anime that isn't just kodomo bullshit. Learn your history.
Most logical would be to erase Rose of Versailles or whatever shoujo first featured a Bjorn Andersen lookalike bringing fujos into existence.
I'd love to delete Your Name allowing this fucking hack fraud Shinkai to never maje it big and stops all his drones to suck his cock because he made more money than other directors despite having 1/10000th of their talent.
My choice is removing Cowboy bebop, even if I like the show, it would mean anime never blows up in popularity with toonami in the west. This results in millenial rodents to never reproduce their garbage taste into this fucking medium and I will never have to hear their retarded zoomer kids talk about garbage like oshi no ko, jujutsu kaisen or dandadan like its the peak of animation onto every single corner od the fucking internet.
youre an idiot if you think cowboy bebop ran the numbers for toonami.
toonami got its run with dragon ball gundam and sailor moon.
>blaming the west for idolshit
retard moment.
Why not Dragonball then?
Monogatari. I hate this thread so much.
>My choice is removing Cowboy bebop
>it would mean anime never blows up in popularity with toonami in the west
In the US, you mean.
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Yotsuba. Always hated that little green shit, and the anime was annoying as fuck.
Hope this works.
Dragon Ball. It will by proxy ruin the shonen genre as a whole.

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