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SCE should not be poster boys edition
>Previously, in the Mortal Realms

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
What do you base your army lists off of? Tournament results and meta? Pet units you like? Budget?
do you only get one vote for outside or inside?


I take enough good stuff to make up for my lack of ability but I make lists out of things I like.
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Archaon! Be'lakor! Where are the fucking reinforcements!?
You get one vote for both, yes the UI design is absolute dogshit.

HoS for looks because the Painbringers are peak model. Also the playstyle is counter to how I normally play

CoS: Looked like it'd be hard to make an army that wasn't at least slightly balanced. Ended up liking the aesthetic mostly now.
Mostly units that I have, which in turn means units that I like, with as few meta picks to support them as necessary to make the list work. Like I love Myrmourn Banshees and have 16 of them, I also have a couple sets of Dreadblade Harrows and Bladegheists to do the heavy lifting while I run my Banshees.
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So are we supposed to just bench all non-monster, non-wizard/priest heroes that aren't one of those 0-1 freebie ones?
For now, yeah. I can count the number of heroes that fit that criteria and have abilities both worth their price and regiment on one hand.
Pretty much. That's why they also jacked all the point costs for your useless non-monster, non-wizard/priest heroes to the moon so you don't get fooled into taking them.
Come on man, the new melee foot heroes are loaded with incredible abilities like, uh..."add three dice to rally" for only 12000 points, such a deal!
Like...Bastian I guess?
Gotta bring a lot to make up for no spells or prayers
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Off the top of my head Scar-Veteran on Aggradon, Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed and Master Moulder are worth taking so if it's cav, has something other than chain combat, and/or is dirt cheap it's ok.
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Give it to me straight

Can I viably run 2 or 3 units of grandhammer annihilators with an Imperitant or Bastian
and I mean reinforced. I have so many paladins leftover, could easily do 3 reinforced units of 6.
So the Skaven are going to capture and lay waste to the inner city and then lose the outside so it remains in gridlock in the lore, right?
Phyrric order victory where they defeat the invaders but the city is still sacked.
Yes its one of the top alpha strike lists
Who cares this location will never be more than a blurb in a tome after this if it's ever even referenced at all
Wait, really?
>Phyrric order victory
Is there any other kind of order victory
The last major order offensive I read besides dawnbringers was teclis and nagash’s autism contest and most of that was lumineth intentionally doing suicide missions and Nagash getting admin perms in Teclis’ head. Also cancer. Also Hysh is fucked

Also wasn’t this during the time Archibald destroyed one of Slaanesh’s chains or did that happen before that? Daily reminder btw, none of this would’ve happened if Teclis wasn’t an ass mad faggot during Forbidden power
Annihilators (2000 points)


Grand Alliance Order
Stormcast Eternals
Thunderhead Host
2000 Points Limit
Drops: 3

General's Regiment
Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear (340)
• General
Gryph-hounds (80)
Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (340)
• Reinforced
Regiment 1
Lord-Imperatant (160)
Annihilators with Meteoric Grandhammers (440)
• Reinforced
Annihilators with Meteoric Grandhammers (440)
• Reinforced
Regiment 2
Gardus Steel Soul (200)

Basically the combo of gardus and lord imperatant makes your annihilator charges a lot shorter the turn they come down

>Daily reminder btw, none of this would’ve happened if Teclis wasn’t an ass mad faggot during Forbidden power

>obligatory Elves continue to ruin everything in Warhammer comment.
When was the last time something awful happened in Warhammer that wasn't caused by elves in some way? Even the original rise of Nagash stemmed for Dark Elf magic fuckery inspiring his invention of necromancy.
Atleast they usually manage to balance the scales
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TQ: I started out with this model, and planned outwards. Now I'm having to build up my collection again, and this has given me the opportunity to change things up. Namely doing a 'new' model for him, when GW eventually adds in generic witch hunters, he'll be in.

What are battle tactics
Isn't Yndrastra overcosted?
Just dont let your opponent score lmao
Feel like she's the best unlock for vanguard chamber, sure you could get cheaper with bastian or lord aquilor but she's mobile and deals damage which the others lack either one of
Bastian's legit, free 5" move and AoAs in every phase.
Yeah a free one time 5" move to shuffle forward. Feel like you are supposed to be dropping your hammer with the support pieces down together from the skies instead of walking there
You can only drop half your army, the other half get 5" more of deployment zone to move forward on. Makes a huge difference if you're forced to go first.
Sure I guess. I'd probably only have the gardus and the 2 grandhammers in the skies since he's the support piece that has a shorter area of effect (6") the rest should be able to make it relatively easily. But the core should be the same and anything else is just a matter of taste
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Post models and WIPS!
I've come to acquire a huge fantasy High Elf army.
Should I use them as Lumineth or CoS?

I already have DoK, Gitz and SBGL armies
LRL, there are analogues between most helf units and LRL units.
Since manifestations seem like pretty big deals after the recent GTs, are knight arcanums actually legit takes in Stormcast?

Good spell list, +1 to cast manifestations, +1 to banish them and they can't come within 3" of the knight nor move across it.
sell it to some grog and buy a real army with not shit minis
They let you get a unit of gryph-hounds, which is actually nice if you're doing thunderhead.

At 120 points they're probably the default choice for a regiment, tied with a lord-relictor or veritant.
I already have a few armies.
Plus also have a bunch of wolf riders and chaos to sell to grogs too not to mention a bunch of old marines
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how do you get a warscroll so wrong?
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Gory and cute, I got some bones for him
based. fuck chaos
Spiderfang are so crippled by the points hike holy shit
pretty much the whole index is giga fucked.

spiders got dumpstered on points and their arachnaroc abilities are shit, squigs lost save, health, lost almost all the damage on the manglers and impact hits, fanatics dont work, sporesplatta fanatics really dont work, skragrott lost his casting bonus, gobapalooza a 1 cast wizard with 5 models.

gits are gonna be doing a lot of shelf sitting for a lot of people this index
I see this shit from the front page, and my basic game-loving instinct is to tell you to play them anyway and write your own rules until you find something balanced, but then I remember who I'm talking to. GW has this grift where they make you buy models and then make you stop using them and I don't think there's anything I could say to change that.
At least Gitz are decent in Warcry
making up your own rules is fine in a cooperative game like dungeons and dragons, but incredibly suspicious and murky in a PvP game like warhammer, especially outside of narrative games where the understanding is that you will be fudging the rules somewhat.

i've been playing warhammer in some form or another since 2003 and i have never seen anyone in any of the dozen or so gamestores i;ve played at over the years just making up the rules to a wargame for anything other than the general scenario or mission. not in warhammer, not in warmachine, not in kings of war, not in confrontation or AT-43. none of them.

thats just not something you do. its not unique to GW, its general taboo across all wargames and pvp skirmish games.
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At the back are some of the first minis I've ever painted when I started warcry a little over a year ago
The front are the most recent ones.
Going to use them all in a 2k game
They're not so bad it's a bad play experience, waacfags should get the rope and 3e doomers should play a game and see everyone's army has been retooled
What's the most overloaded waescroll in 4e?
The one that makes you go "godamn now that's a unit"
Chaos knights.
Do you see this as a shared personality flaw or do you think it's some kind of tactical inevitability?
I would understand if GW were less suspicious in their own right, I can see why you would accept a flawed-but-still-passable rules set as the basis for a competitive environment, but their rules are blatantly and intentionally unfair, and they change them every few years in order to force you to buy new models, and you keep going along with it even though any of you fags could write a better codex than GW.
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Im not feeling his pose
Not dynamic or aggressive enough
It looks like hes got a rule where you roll a d6 at the start of his move phase and if its a 1 he just stays put
Inside you there are two wolves,
The first wolf says "You can't houserule a competitive game."
The second wolf says "waacfags should get the rope".
Both wolves like pay-to-win games and neither wolf will admit it.
Just play any other fantasy wargame that accommodates rules customisation as a standard
Warhammer is inherently a pick up game
Went to a tournament the other weekend, I brought 180 plague monks and 2 plague furnaces since the list is now finally playable again in 4th. Won 3 games which brought me into the top bracket, where I got obliterated by hexwraith-spam. Some thoughts.

>Using commands during opponents turn is pretty neat. Counter-charge might be a bit busted but 2 CP is quite a lot
>I like being able to blow up faction terrain
>Control is a bit weird, with abillities that take away control score probably being way more powerful than intended.
>The endless spells situation is retarded and simply doesn't work. Either increase points of all wizards, give endless spells points costs or make it so you can only take 1.
>Finalist game was Hexwraith spam vs Hexwraith spam. Make of that what you will
I'd need a full 360 to really get a full idea of him, alongside how big he is relative to everything else.
Even then I don't think it's gonna beat the hellpit abomination for me design wise.

Hopefully the new Stormvermin are pretty kewl.
How many purple suns did you see?
>Pet units you like?
This is the way, if you think otherwise you are in wrong hobby.

Only a few. Most popular seemed to be gnashing maws, lifeswarm, burning (flaming?) skull and, while I didn't face it myself, there was a lot of buzz around Krondspine.
Imo he looks like he has 2 move less than Rogres, but 3 times the wounds
Who did you fight against? Which factions seemed weak?
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Day 1 I played against Lumineth, Seraphon and Ironjawz. Mission was the same for all 3 games, the one with 3 objectives in the middle, with one of them randomly being worth 2 extra points. Pretty good mission for my list I think.

First was Lumineth with Teclis, 2 cows and some cow-elves. I rush into the middle, he crushes my monks but I drive teclis away from the objectives and kill the smaller elves. We're even on points the entire game but last turn I ressurect some rats, make an 11" charge and win by a single point. Could have gone either way.

Second game is against seraphon with Slann, aggradons, 2x3 Kroxigors and some ripperdactyls. Same procedure, rush the middle, kroxigors and aggradons squish and nom the monks, but I manage to get off the Skavenbrew + mortal crits buff on a 40 block and destroy his middle board. He then rolls poorly on his ressurect rolls and I capture his frog.

Last game against Ironajwz, a big block of Ardboys and a big block of brutes. We both rush the middle but he struggles with Battle tactics. I concede the right flank to his brutes but after some grinding I manage to capture both the middle and left flank. Plague furnace is toughter than it looks, he charged a big pig into one and the pig got oblitterated lol. On the flip side, 3+ on the orcs is very hard to remove.

I make it into top bracket, I face hexwraith spam that remove attacks, can teleport, can ressurect, retreat + charge, 3 wounds per model, etc. I give give them a good beating but eventually I just fold. 200 rats detroyed by turn 3.

Lumineth overall seems strong in that the cows are very hard to kill (guy I played first only lost a single cow the entire tourney). Sylvaneth also seem breedy gud. And obviously Nighthaunt is top dog right now, needs a nerf ASAP imo.

Ogres seemed really weak, all of them ended up in the lower brackets. Not a single Stormcast, CoS or Idoneth player at the event. All Gitz players played troll-spam.
Use them as lumineth like >>93430100
Said there is a lot you can proxy without much issue
How are rats?
>Hexwraiths are good
I will not play them until they finally refresh them, fuckers do not look like they belong to Nighthaunt when Dreadblades exist

I only play plague monks so can only speak on them really, but no battleshock is insane for blocks of 40. Their damage is pretty shit but if you pop the crit mortal wounds prayer they can really go off. Also nice that you can ressurect them.
Very cool anon, I like it a lot.

I'm somewhat new to the hobby and only paint so far (also something I do on and off so progress is very slow). Where did you get the animal the git is riding and what do you call it? Do you just substitute it for a squig rules wise? I started painting some Goingrot Boundaz this summer and I will post the one I am working on later when I get home.
Looking to get into Stormcast, is there a list of all the units that have been squatted?
They listed them off in the announcement, but I'm not going to go find that. You can double-check against the faction packs.
I've played a few casual games of 4th and have started bringing a couple extra endless spell lores with me to offer opponents, because having endless spells when the opponent doesn't is a massive advantage.

Just have a look in the free faction pack, everything in there is legal and will remain legal.

Ignore the sacrosanct battletome supplement, that's all squatted stuff.
Yeah, it'll look horrible if more than one is used
what a piece of shit model
Exactly what ratfags deserve
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Have they said anything about if you have 2 crit abilities eg crit (2 attacks) and crit (mortal) do you only get to pick one or do both apply?
i dont think waacfags should get the rope. i think they are a type of player just like any other, and what they get out of the game is running the most effective lists possible.

if the most effective lists possible happen to be cancerous anti-fun spam shit, cross table nukes, or some other jank, that is not the fault of the waacfag. the waacfag didnt write those rules. the designers wrote broken rules or poor internal balance for their units under the assumption that every player would want to field a balanced breakfast in some kind of meta gentlemens agreement on the principle of aesthetics with no basis in rules whatsoever. its a failing entirely of the game designers, and those types of players who are bringing "waac" lists are just exposing the poor rules writing and exploiting the vulnerabilities.

however there is another type of player who does deserve the rope. cheaters. if a player is cheating, they are knowingly misrepresenting or breaking the rules of the game to create an unfair advantage, and writing your own house rules to make your units better because the rules GW wrote arent good feels an awful lot like cheating with permission.
You have to pick
i recall reading you have to pick one, but mutliple anti-x effects stack as long as they arent 2 instances of the same anti-x effect. (for example anti cavalry and anti hero stack, but if you get anti cavalry from 2 sources they dont stack)
>if the most effective lists possible happen to be cancerous anti-fun spam shit, cross table nukes, or some other jank, that is not the fault of the waacfag. the waacfag didnt write those rules.
It is entirely his fault, he chose to play a game that doesn't support competitive play and then he chose to play it competitively.
It's also entirely your fault if you get destroyed by cross table nukes, for the same basic reason, no one is making you play this shit.
>the designers wrote broken rules or poor internal balance for their units under the assumption that every player would want to field a balanced breakfast in some kind of meta gentlemens agreement on the principle of aesthetics with no basis in rules whatsoever.
I know you're trying to blame the designers here but your post is still so full of cope it's unreal.
not sure a guy that's still a storenigger after 2 decades of gaming is well positioned to talk about what's "taboo across all wargames"
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Slave to Darkeness/Chaos warriors should be the poster boys. they're cooler than stormcast and have deeper lore, better art, and cooler models. They look heroic and imposing but they're
>"le bad guys???!"

P sure they're the most popular army or one of them, already. Also helps distinguish AoS as a setting and system from 40k's blue and gold posterboys.
wrong thread
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No one cares, Carnac
How do you go from this >>93431427 to this >>93431544
Wait 3 weeks until they show of remakes of half those """squated""" models. So far almost all "new" Stromcast haven't been new
why compare chaos warriors with chaos barbarians?
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the empire aesthetic was shit I don’t understand what people miss about it
It's truly disheartening. Spiderfang have absolutely nothing going for them besides speed. I wish that one of the shamans had a spell to give their bows crit mortals or crit autowound or something.
Fortification in progress I see.
uh oh the stock is going UP. are people returning their boxes? why is it flopping so hard
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Yes we know, you have shit taste.
you don’t feel the euphoria of having somebody reply to your post? Most people are addicted to it so say the stupidest shit they can
No, I dont. I might be dead inside.
you can but you need to rely on cheese that won't stick around. Lord-Imperitants ability stacks with itself and you need to add in gav with his 3d6 drop lowest.
>Wait, really?
>Isn't Yndrastra overcosted?
looks generic. could be from the witcher or whatever.
everythings kind of overcosted at the moment, especially heroes
What’s the appeal this shit was so boring and plain. Nothing of it said Warhammer
That shit was warhammer before you were born so maybe you just don't understand warhammer.
They're cheap(ish) and their regiment doesn't suck like incantors, yes they're legit. They'll stay good even after morbid gets nerfed into oblivion.
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>not appreciating landsknecht
I could tolerate cities before if they leant more into crusaders or into being knights but as it is they’re just overdesigned and ugly, but not in an endearing way
They got a couple entire armies so wrong so its understandable they've fuck up a warscroll.
flambergue greatswords, floppy hats with big feathers, puffy sleeves, manly men moustaches and beards

no need to make cos identical to the empire, but these would always get appreciated even under the current design cues
>gits are gonna be doing a lot of shelf sitting
You can still win a shit load of games spamming trolls and the squig cavalry. Its fine until their book.
Warhammer is a generic historical? What the hell was the other 92% of it then
Hexwraith and Dawnriders on pure crunch.
It's great in art, not so much the existing heroic scale models. I'm still hoping we get a greatsworder unit for CoS, especially considering all the fluff surrounding them. Keep the trad military !imperial guard stuff but throw in fancy crazed mercs and some new fanatics too
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what did they mean by this?
That’s what turns me off. It’s literally just this and no flavor or distinction. Taking a picture of this pajamas out a textbook and turning it into a model without doing anything to it is just meh. It’s not even like the empire didn’t have good design ideas the execution was just completely lackluster
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Warhammer is basically a generic historical with appended fantastical elements for Brets/Empire. They literally used historical models initially alongside the recycled Runequest, Elric, D&D stuff.
Activates the almonds
Yeah, they designed the whole faction around the prayers and give us no priest. Battletome can't come fast enough.
>its fine
>just ignore 70% of the index

lol. lmao
I fully expect Demigryphs and Greatswords to return. They didn’t even go into the noble/professional troops yet
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It was fine on models too before GW suddenly decided Empire should be monkeymen in pajamas because that's grimdarrrrrk
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James will unironically post some rando's WIP to avoid drawing attention to Warcry releases

Tolkien on steroids, Moorcock, the Mummy and whatever else they felt like ripping off.
My Skaven are shadow-cursed from Ulgu
Slaves to Darkness were the poster boys of WHFB. And that failed. Nobody wants a repeat. AoS is distinguished by the SCE since no other GW property has them and is the fact of the franchise. Still; while they hvae done extremely well, GW should let different factions be in the Starter Box, I think.
I've regularly been ignoring 70% of my battletomes for years.
Selling fast
Basically is doing a lot of heavy lifting there because what Warhammer fantasy started as and what it became is and were very different things mind you I’m the first person to call WFB a generic piece of shit setting that strangled all of its good ideas in the crib for a chance to be some gay textbook instead of a setting where things happen. But it’s also incredibly schizophrenic with its designs and kitchen sink approach. I would never call what it became generic in good faith
Did space marines and Tyranids get a limited edition army box for their codexes? I know everything else did thereafter so I'm curious if SCE will get one
no, unless you mean a Christmas boxset, that's likely
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It was called Leviathan. And both got Christmas Battleforce Boxes with both of their new codex release models in them a couple months later.
Nah, I mean the discount box + variant battletome cover bundles everything else got. Like the FEC army box
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Just noticed this lol
Man those were some good boxes. Fucking centerpiece alone is most of the cost.
And then there's the primaris one
sucks how the art direction got worse as the sculpts and technology got better
Thanks anon, he's a sumpkroc from necromunda with a pile of bits stuck to him lmao. I run him as a loonboss on great cave squig
there's plenty of added fantasy elements you're just too used to HFCS fantasy to appreciate them
oh well, that ship has sailed, cities of sigmar are D&Dsplatbookillustrationcore now
Are we really acting like Empire design wasn't just D&D shit too? Yeah, landsknecht isn't as common, but it still exists there too.
Because this is what they are turning Chaos into.
No. I crave discussion, not attention. It actually deeply sours my mood to behold low-effort responses to my posts.
This store is pretty well known for terrible inventory management. They tend to scan in small chunks at a time and sell out of a listing and then later that day will scan in another batch.
Difference being proximity to the source material. There's all manner of callouts to Renaissance artwork in the WFB illustration. Landsknechte in D&D are just cheap artists without an academic background or art history interest ripping off other fantasy stuff they're fans of.
What Warhammer fantasy elements was in the state troops?
>uhhhhhh they were grimdark they didn’t have shoes and were ugly :)
>Difference being proximity to the source material
This matters how? They’re presented the same
>muh potato sacks
I thought we passed this more than half a decade ago
The 7th ed State Troops also weren't even landsknechte.

Because Fantasy is the originator, and its the following works that's derivative.
>deeper lore
It doesn't really make sense for StD to lack gunpowder and artillery given the Northman, cut off from civilisation, fluff of WHFB doesn't exist. They're obviously aware of Freeguild in a way a once in a century invasion from a distant land's people wouldn't
>Because Fantasy is the originator, and its the following works that's derivative.
incredibly shallow
It's a boardgame they're not gonna give every army guns
That’s what you got chaos dwarves for
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I wish all the meta chasers buying sun of shyish a very happy assembly
Demigryphs but WFB fags hated them
I'm definitely glad I built mine when malign sorcery dropped and that I never have to build one ever again
>whatever intern wrote the instructions can rot in hell
>WFB fags hated them
>8e peaked sales
A vocal minority on here you mean, there's a reason AoS is so fantastical
It's a ball. how hard can it be?
Go play 40k
>how hard can it be?
*insert sinister laugh track*
Worse than you can ever imagine without building one yourself. Enjoy building an overly complicated series of plastic tubes that require immense force to fit together to eventually begin to resemble a sphere. Also every single piece your straining to push together like an alligator trying to crack a turtle shell is spikey as shit.
std players apparently would rather their army remains mechanically shitty forever than accept the existence of ranged units in it.
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ah so that's what that weird ass sprue is for
Ultimately it doesn't matter if you disagree with me on this tangent, you yourself admitted they are less trite. Fantasy landsknechte unfortunately remain pretty unique in illustration and conventional miniatures, while the CoS units, though well executed, are just yet another potatosack mudcore fantasy range.
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I always thought it was just two halves you put together then stick on a base
What the hell is this
Most definitely Dawnriders if you factor in everything they can benefit from (+4" to movement, -1 to hit, 5+ mw on charge, 5++ ward).

Varanguard are crazy good baseline, just looking at the scroll.

Nagash does some zany shit.

Relatively there's some scrolls that are just always going to be the best pick for an army. They could drop every other unit 40 points and raise kavalos 40 points and you would still see people take 20-30 of them. I don't know how GW is going to unfuck that situation.
I get enough of 40k from modern AoS tyvm
>gweilo too low IQ for superior sinophile engineering
>diagram doesn’t show that the frame side segments have to be put in with the larger stick at the back
>the spikes don’t clearly show where they can go because at that stage you don’t have the skull to orient yourself
>one of the spikes is labelled as 4 when there’s only a 24
Fucking awful
Is triple GUO playable again (including Rotigus)?
I think it comes down to CoS being incomplete as a faction as the 3e wave was simply a 1/3 of the army

But you can see what they wanted to be in the sense of movie from the Holy Roman empie to more 15th century Western Europe with the Frence & swiss & Bohemian aesthetic (and a radom ninja). But there lot of gaps within like actual full plated knights, pikemen, lances & early muskets that are mention in lore but haven't been made into models or expaned into unit like the case of archknights

Other then the Fusilers i don't really hate anything about nu-cos visually oe aestheticlly just think it not fully realized or developed. Yes Steelhelms look a little too mudcore at times but it fine for me since it the lowest infantry in the army
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I for one enjoyed every second of assembling mine
presumably its decent according to rando purportedly good nurgle tournament player who discussed the book.
This thing is enormous, there's no shot that they could tool a mould to have two hemispheres the size of a softball and have it come out okay
It's just someone wearing a mask and a cloak they don't look anything like a ninja
i've made this point before but it really feels like there is an animal totem themed unit of knights coming sometime down the road as the greatswords replacement.
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Kingdom Death assembly usually is aids but there’s no reason you can’t tool this then just attach the outer spiky layer, it just cheaper to do it their way
The spiky outer layer has a lot of intersecting lines of sculpted (energy?magic?) That would suffer from having gaps running through them if you were to add it on to a sphere as a shell
I feel that it could have been achieved by giving each "orange slice" interlocking tabs and niches, eliminating the need for the interior frame.
It doesn't come by itself though it's with a ton of other spells and the box is already huge
The cavaliers and the one dude in the cc is it, its all you're getting for the next decade.
The malign sorcery box is big enough even though it’s just the spells now. The real fix though would be to use actual instruction diagrams and stop using 3d renders to make them
Cool art, gives off Morrowind concept art vibes. They should lean into this aesthetic .
Getting boss baby vibes from this sketch
Why because you had one model in a unit and a special sculpt of that model

This is making me want to post the instructions for the Warcry trees from the Ghur box. Fucking hell
>Fantasy landsknechte unfortunately remain pretty unique
I’m still waiting for the fantasy landsknechte that existed. It was literally just that no fantasy added.
>I want my art to be sketchy and poorly rendered so you can't tell what any of the details are
I will never understand the idolation of John blanche. He's got some cool pieces but the stuff everyone seems to coom over tend to be pretty rough and haphazard.
You have no sense of adventure or wonder. Sketchy and abstract art fucking rules
Also I’m not even a fan of most of blanches stuff
The usual response is just "he's been there for a long time!" as they scream and stamp their feet about coffee stain art being amazing
There was one piece of sigmar iconography that makes it fantasy
I'm gonna agree with you only because I want a unit of whisperblades and a new assassin
always more of an Ian Miller fanboy myself
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This seems like such a weird level of overthinking. Does this kind of niche shit really need 3 layers of requirements, infantry only, contesting an obj, and you don't control it. I'm surprised its not on a 3+ too. Its like were in the simplification and easy to identify roles rules era, but we also still have this 2nd ed nerd pseudo spreadsheeting crap on comically overcosted frames.
>no sense of adventure or wonder
Nice projections
>Sketchy and abstract art fucking rules
This is subjective, but also a minority opinion in the general art world. That's why there's more people who are aware of Michaelangelo, DaVinci, and Rembrandt than there are people aware of Goya, Bosch, or other more abstract masters. Some grounding in realism is universally understood, whereas it takes a particular kind of person to appreciate abstract/less rendered styles
I feel you there.
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I hate the majority of his stuff but I do really like this piece and the dreadfleet map. I really, really hope FW makes this exact guy into a model it could look incredible
>roll on a 3+ to get your ability
>take D3 mortals if you fail
Boy I wish we didn’t have to do this because it’s destruction theming, where order doesn’t even have to roll it for the same benefits
FW is rumoured to be doing a plastic Knight master model for the Empire release of TOW so i wouldn't be surprised if they take heavy inspiration from that particle image
Are you blind how do you not see the details
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Are there any factions besides Tzeentch which can be built magic heavy with DAMAGING spells
>I will never understand
It starts and ends there desu.
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Like I said originally, he does have legitimately cool pieces. It just surprises me that so many people seem to prefer the more abstract ones over his more realized pieces when that isn't the case for most of the art world
I just don't pretend to see something that isn't there
>You guys want freeguild like this? Alright give me a minute, I got just the thing
ohhhhh autistic, my fault
>there's plenty of added fantasy elements
One singular comet on one model btw
It's literally just because he's been at the company for a long time that's the only reason anyone ever gives
>infected sylvaneth
I literally can’t tell that by looking at the model
Its just an excuse to make ugly shit in the army people buy specifically because its pretty, to be subversive.
Her stomach pussy is full of pus
If I wanted a rorschach test to look at I'd go to therapy. I prefer art that has some semblance of rendering
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Why don't people push Karl kopinski as much if it's just about him being there for a long time
>rorschach test
I called you autistic as a joke but I’m genuinely confused what about that art isn’t being conveyed to you and why you’d need someone to handhold you through art
I'm not at all against him being in the army but it's always felt kind of weird that they even thought to include a wizard in the hyper melee/tough orruk army that's all about running in and punching things
Painting the inside of that insect swarm behind the head seems like a hair pulling experience of I've ever seen one
They seem sophisticated if they pretend like there's more value in something with weird colors and blurry details
Worse: Cleaning the moldlines on the bugs.
>I’m genuinely confused what about that art isn’t being conveyed
None of the shapes have clear starting or endpoints, none of the materials read as different materials, and the background is completely devoid of any concrete attempts to realize the area he's standing.
Don’t you get it Anon? Art is a science and if you aren’t coloring in the lines it sucks and I can’t grasp an idea
Honestly I'd just continue flooding the bugs with Tamiya thin until the moldline melts I wouldn't bother fussing over something that's just going to be a cloud of little shapes anyways
I'm sorry everyone can't appreciate your favorite napkin doodles
Endless spells opened up the ability to do it much more with everyone. Cities has good bonuses and a damaging unlimited spell and the hurricanum. Sylvaneth can aoe nuke and horde clear off their trees. Rotigus and GUO can get disease rain going. Stormcast can do a blaster build with their unlimited spell and comet.
Anything for gobbos? With and without endless spells
>None of the shapes have clear starting or endpoints

>none of the materials read as different materials
I think you’re either blind or just bad faith if you saw that cloak and thought it was the same metal as the halberd despite both having two completely different textures and shades

>and the background is completely devoid of any concrete attempts to realize the area he's standing.
Wow, I wonder what stars, spires, and comets in aos might represent. Are you explicitly trying to not understand what you’re looking at here?
not really, all they have is the mushroom which is no better than the generic lores.
you still have teclis and the rune in lumineth, kroak still exist.
you can't recognize bad-faith shitstirring? he's not being "abstract" about it, that's for sure
It's fine to look at your own child's macaroni picture and tell them it's the best looking dragon you've ever seen. Looking at blanches quick scribbles and touting them as groundbreaking is insulting to the effort he has put into his full pieces that he was allowed to spend the time he needed
By all means go out and buy twice the amount of kits to run a single unit so you can avoid the female models. Just don't be surprised if people call you retarded or autistic for doing so
Who are you talking to? Hello? Snake?
About three posts in I started to believe it wasn’t I was very mistaken
A computer posted this
Schizophrenia encouraged you to post this
Those are just one lord though
Practically no kit comes without at least some female stormcasts, your best bet is looking up the used market for old fatcasts or call stores for the unsold stock

otherwise you could do as anon said >>93433279 and buy twice the amount of units to sell the females away, but there's practically no demand for them, so good luck
>every opinion I don't like/agree with is shitstirring
Do you just talk to yourself or are you this sensitive when conversing with everyone
If that was true I would’ve called you Ben but even Ben has the decency to curate his post
You know there used to be a time when stormcast were 100% male and cool and now they're all squatted.
How curious.
Not really, lacking a damaging unlimited spell or personal spell on any caster besides Skragrott (his is quite good though) kinda kills that plan till their battletome. Mork's Mighty Mushroom is a pretty sick horde buster and Fangz of Da Bad Moon puts out minimum average 4-5 MD but Spore Maws is pretty bleh.
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I seriously can’t use the old prosecutors and shit? I have to use these new ones?
Is this your first time in this hobby? No, what kind of question is this
>seriously can’t use the old prosecutors and shit? I have to use these new ones?
Noone said that at all. They're on the same size base, and are almost the exact same size as the old ones, so noones ever going to complain about you using them
There’s plenty of old models that get replaced and the old ones squatted. Are you newer than me?
I play gutbusters, so whatever combination of units I can fit in. I feel like a lot of choices are made for me. Butchers are practically mandatory, Gluttons are too good to pass up for the points, gnoblars con only really go with tyrants unless I want to hand my opponent CP and tyrants seem overcosted. I'd rather pay the 30 points for Leadbelchers over gnoblars, and belchers seem super mid. I love Ironguts and try to slip them in, tyrant or no, but man that 5+ save is bullshit. I would gladly pay more for them to actually be more durable than Gluttons.Much like the 40k indicies I feel like the designers have out me in a box and if I deviate from butcher+gluttons I can't accomplish much.
No, nobody will raise an eyebrow if you use a fatcast instead of a slimcast
>1st grade reading comprehension
Here let me clarify this for you since you are incapable of reading properly.

From a cursory glance at the indices of armies I like, this seems like a very "build the fucking army the way you're supposed to and stop trying to make a unique composition" edition, and I'm not fond of that.
Why are you yelling, ben
You can't — the GW employees have full authorization and legal standing to immolate your offending models with a heat gun.
This is the worst reply I’ve ever received in my life
Personally I just build my armies the way I like regardless if it’s effective or not
I was wondering if a war hammer store would let me use 1.0 versions instead of new ones
As long as they have that fatcast in front of their building they really don't have room to talk.
That's what I'm trying to do, but James hates me for not using Clanrats.
There's a number of good Skaven builds without Clanrats, what the fuck are you doing
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They're not wearing thunderstrike armor so it's not wysiwyg
WYSIWYG is only for mentally weak autistics with no object permanence
Is it alright to base the bats from cursed city on 40mms to use as fell bats? I do not want to pay 70 dollars for 3 models worth 90 points.
I don't see why not. They're big bats, fell bats are big bats too. Anyone who gives you shit for that is retarded
I think you would have to chop em up a little bit but sure.
That's fine. They're bats, they're on 40s, TLOS isn't really a big deal in AoS.
However you need to cope, buddy.
I'm sorry the school system failed you and you're incapable of reading between the lines. Truly grim
>There's a number of good Skaven builds without Clanrats,
May I see them?
0 is a number
Must be frustrating being so autistic that you can't cope with running a list that isn't 100% waacfag slop
There's a breadth of difference between "I must play WAAC" and "I don't like that the already unpopular units in my army are now so insipidly weak and overcosted that I am guaranteed to lose and have no fun playing them".
Justice for Spiderfang.
some armies yes, some armies no.

armies like kruleboyz and fyreslayers you can build pretty much whatever you want, while other armies like stormcast are very restrictive and playing keyword bingo, so its definitely the cast that not all armies are created equal in terms of army composition in the indexes
>what is a Skryre shooting list
>what is a Moulder Rat Ogor list
>what is Pestilins plague furnace & monks
Just the most obvious options. Have you even looked at the faction pack?
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Sounds like weak waac cope to me. If you actually like your models you'd run them regardless of whether they're competitive or not
>Justice for Spiderfang
The only thing keeping you from running spiders is your own unwillingness to play imperfect warscrolls
Tell me about all of the fun goings-on in your experiences with playing mono-Spiderfang in 4th, then.
I'm getting really sick of needing to explain the difference between "good rules" and "fun rules" every time an edition rolls around for any Warhammer game. It's always
>why are you complaining about your army's rules being bland when they just won a tournament
>why are you complaining about your army's rules being bland when you are indeed physically capable of placing the models on the table; is that not good enough for you?
>>what is a Skryre shooting list
>>what is a Moulder Rat Ogor list
>>what is Pestilins plague furnace & monks
I don't know; that's kinda the whole reason why I asked for examples. Do you not understand the general concept of a "question"? Whoops, that was another one.
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Can I play an army of just female fyreslayers or do I still have to run all dudes?
My guy it's time to face the possibility that you're too dumb to play Skaven if you need to be handheld this hard. Maybe try GSG Troggoths or SBG wolves, those lists build themselves.
Concert, kitbash, proxy, etc but yeah
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Not the slacken anon but I want a troggoth list so bad. They’re so cute/cool and such a wide variety of them too. RIP Hag. I still want to collect one model of her just for fun.
If you have or know someone with a printer the entire modern Troggoth range minus the Fellwaters has been scanned and is pretty trivial to find free.
there's barely any good builds without 80 clanrats much less 0. Tends to happen when the army is 90% expensive zero armor fragile bullshit.
How did you fare without using any endless spells or wizards?
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I don't play mono anything because I just paint and play with the models I like. I lose some games and win others but I've never used rules as a reason for me to spend a bunch of time and money painting models. Rules change from edition to edition but models are forever, and if you enjoy their aesthetics then when their rules change you still have something you enjoy about the unit instead of building models only for the rules and then hating them when they stop doing what they did last edition
Your extreme reticence indicates to me that you're actually just trolling and that no such viable lists exist. Like 80% of the pdf centers around buffing up Clanrats and using them to screen everything.
Just get like 60 then and go heavy on the big hitters.
there are fyrequeens or whatever and female fyreslayers in the lore. the only thing stopping you is the lack of physical models, as far as i know there are only the 2 in the warcry kit and thats it so far.

there have been some 3D print sets with a lot of female slayers though, artisan guild did 2 different sets of them, though his style is a bit more warcrafty so it might put some people off
>I don't play mono anything because I just paint and play with the models I like.
Yeah, okay, but I literally only like the spider part of GSG, so we're not in the same boat. You have options; I don't.
>but I've never used rules as a reason for me to spend a bunch of time and money painting models.
This is a total non-sequitur. I never mentioned buying models for rules, or indicated any willingness to alter the roster of models that I currently own. I specifically want the models that I already own to become fun to play. I don't see what I'm expected to do to make this composition enjoyable to play. They don't have any tricks up their sleeve or support elsewhere in the book (beyond the scuttletide gaining a 4+ ward when near an arachnarok, which would be cool if the model weren't the most hideous one in the range, if not the entire game).
At this point I wish that Spiderfang had gotten the Bonesplitterz treatment and dumped into Legends, so they would at the very least have their own enhancements and army trait.
I mean usually it's a balance of the two because it is a game and the warscrolls are supposed to be evocative or the model and their background
I was on the fence about Twistweald until the fluff won me over, I wanted to play Spiderfang in part because the mw seemed thematic and fun (in the context of 2e)
RPGslop and post 1e is not canon as GW had gotten compromised.
Fyreslayers are a patriarchy and their armies are all male.
Looking at the high-win Skaven lists on BCP from the last week I see one (1) list with 80 clanrats and the rest have 40, 20, or none. Where exactly are you pulling your lists from?
I don’t know how to say this but You should probably kill yourself
Way ahead of you. I'm a ghost.
>I am the living dead
You didn’t do it right
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Is this you?
from looking at the index instead of some mid tables at podunks.
ten in mawtribes
Imagine how much more interesting 4th would be if they'd simply given each battle formation its own spell lore and set of enhancements
Sorry I forgot I can’t be mean to people here :(
So you can dish it but you can’t take it? Yeah that’s definitely you.
>I can't figure out obvious unit synergies by reading the index
>This makes me smarter than actual competitive players at 50+ member events
Holy shit you're not just dumb as hell, you're actually proud of it. Bro just throw together whatever, the list you bring isn't going to change the outcome.
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>pinches you
Stop you’re hurting my feelings :’( I’ll never tell somebody to a backflip off the notre dame again I forgot how sensitive 4chan.org is. I love you Anon
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>breaks his own wrist
Sigmarxism isn't sending their best.
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I’ll give you something to really cry about. I’m gonna make you build and paint this entire box while you watch me downvote all your posts
This is the legacy of 4channel. A bunch of tourists who never left and act like snowflakes if you tell them kys. Thanks Chinkmoot
Love watching two retards jabber back and forth about the viability of builds whilst both refusing to give a single example of a list to prove they aren't bullshitting
>downvote your posts
I know I was joking about you guys being retarded but what’s going on right now I feel like you dropped the bit and are actually retarded
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You told a guy to kill himself because he didn't like female models. Maybe ask yourself who the real tourist is here.
I'll be honest, I sawed off the hand bit so it looked like just a metal lobster claw. Even if the concept of the whole thing is fucking hilarious.
>breaks wrist
Sounds like a kruleboyz problem
Still crying? I’m sorry I posted that photo of you, ok? Jesus Christ, sis!
>anonymous is one person
Every single time it never fails
I told him kill himself because he sounded like a retard when he said
>RPGslop and post 1e is not canon as GW had gotten compromised
There are many ways you can say this without sounding like a fucking retard but I unfortunately made the mistake of believing that was possible. I won’t expect intelligent posts anymore you’re right.
God damn girl go off! Yas queen
how are some dudes that didn't win shit week one evidence that they're playing the book right.
Thanks sweetie!
People tell each other to kill themselves over any given disagreement.
Me when it’s my first time on 4ching
Anyone else ever have to set their minis aside for a bit to not have that fucked up autist art brain where you see every little mistake.
Doesn't mean anon's reason for doing so isn't cringe. He confirmed it himself.
Reading comprehension undetected. His issue is with your gauche taste. You’re take is that of a secondary tourist, genius
I'll never forgive them for removing brute boss weapon options and rules
>reaction image filename starting in "17"
>out-of-date reference + it being used incorrectly
yep it's a fake oldfag
A twelve year old typed this post
I love IJ but despise that part since it's trying so hard to shove the power klaw into fantasy for no reason
If being "cringe" warranted not posting on this site there wouldn't be any posters at all
"Undetected" means "hidden", not "not present".
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I use the random filenames feature. My bad.
I fit one welcome our big meaty metal claws
I remember I got one of those brutes with the wooshy sticks, I kitbashed like 3 clubs on chains onto it, I am still shocked that shit manages to hold together.
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Do any of the warcry books or slaves tomes ever touch on how marks work for dwarfs? Obviously they exist but I'm curious how they get around the whole magic/mutation thing
>no reason
"Power Klaws are cool" is a reason, maybe not a good one but this is Orcs we're talking about
The vocabulary retort! Sis is running out of arrows in her lady-quiver
I feel like models looking cool is the only reason they need to exist

Being Ironically cringe is still cringe you aren’t making a point you just look unhinged
Having fun is its own reward you dunce
Warhammer stores and tournemants only really care if your shit is third party.
And if its 3d printed well and painted you can even get away with that.
Some really cool conversion here. Love the boss? swinging around a fanatic
How necessary is Kragnos for Ironjawz? I'm just getting into the army, and his buffs seem almost mandatory to shore up their weaknesses, but the model really doesn't appeal to me.
>I’m just having funcels when you’re just having fun and tell them to kill themselves
Shoring up your weaknesses is certainly an option, or you could just lean into your strengths and not take him.
You absolutely do not need kragnos in IJ
They never really acknowledge it outside of that model just existing
What does a good list look like these days, then? I inherited a bunch of shit from a friend but I'm looking at how to expand it. Sure, I want to have fun, but I find winning much more fun than losing
It's not actually a dwarf, he just is a regular guy who had some accidents happen and lost his shins and wrist parts. Please don't make fun of him by calling him a dwarf.

He's had a hard life, he fought in many wars, please don't bully. Please don't, please don't bully him. Please.
I would love spiderfag refresh, I like individual spider models and wish we had some more creeps like them in Nurgle but I want them to be done by come competent and creative people. Last thing I want is more of CoS or diversityoath armies. Less humanoid armies are safer from the brainrot.
post turtle
They dont exist. All of the art make me belive that.
It would be very abnormal fluffwise but not impossible. That warband are the only official female FS models so actually realizing it would be basically impossible without going third party/prints
You're a git.
You shutup you dumb idiot
Thinking of starting to collect Spiderfang given their fate seems ambiguous, are riders or arachnaroks more handy to gradually add to a general GSG list (mainly troggs and infantry moonclan).
Riders. Fast little nobodies far suit your needs better
Riders have one thing going for them: Guaranteed 10" move. Arachnaroks have pretty much nothing that justifies their cost.
Riders play the mission if nothing else. Arachnaroks questionably do anything and cost a ton.
You will be instantly killed if you try. (Actually they will not care even slightly)
Speaking of experimenting with Gitz,
>wanted to try out Snarlfang Riders because I find their speed and movement rule interesting
>due to keywords they can literally only be taken by named characters
oh okay I'll go fuck myself then
Truly a mistake of a unit.
If you're worried about not being able to get them at all just know they'll for sure be rereleased for old world if they do get dropped from AoS
Bonesplitterz aren't and ToW has a terrible timeframe so I'm not even including (yet)
Well, spider riders and arachnaroks are literally in TOW right now, unlike savage orcs.
Do the Spider Riders sold by GW right now still come with the sprue of their special rectangle bases? Have any of you bought them recently?
They do
New edition bad.
They're the best battle tactic units in the faction but if you have redshirt autism that doesn't help you much
Are you saying that not wanting to use named characters is "redshirt autism"? How does that follow?
Both have rules and neither are sold as a ToW product? Bonesplitterz are out of production
Empire and warriors of chaos aren't even being sold yet for old world and they're the main characters
>Noooo my army has to be entirely faceless nobodies, having anyone of narrative importance on the battlefield is breaking my immersion!
What's that got to do with an outdated slang term for GW employees though?
They're probably saving them for last and will be released together in 2-3 years
>narrative importance
Wait, do people not know what Star Trek is? I thought this was an older board.

More than <your dudes>, .0000001 > 0.
>Wait, do people not know what Star Trek is?
I do, but when people say "redshirt" in Warhammer threads, they're referring to Games Workshop employees, who used to wear red shirts.
Orcs and Goblins is out
Sounds like a WAACfag hell
Assuming they've ever been in a GW store, which I guess you may not be aware don't exist everywhere. I'm not sure if there's one in my entire state, if it is it's not one of the biggest LGS in any of the major cities so I don't care to look.
Lmao maybe you should lift bro with your bitch tier weak and effeminate hands
I like how Trugg has no reason not to go back to sleep for another millennia after Skaventide
And they're missing half the range
Trugg sucks. His model is ugly, it's too small, he's boring even for a troggoth. Should've just done a named hag so they could get a cool wizard that can actually be smart enough to interact with other entities
Trugg rocks. His model looks good, its bigger than the other trolls, which makes him an exciting troggoth. I am glad they went with a cool troll lord instead of a lame hag wizard. I like that Trugg doesn't talk to other entities.
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Brute spam seems common, the ragerz having run & charge and strike first makes them worth it.
Ardboyz are hard to chew through but you really don’t need many.
Gore gruntas got nerfed into the ground now and are arguably the worst cav in the game now. So I’d personally avoid them.
Big pigs are good, especially hakkin crew which has some nutty movement shenanigans.
Mawcrushas just aren’t worth their points and even gordrakk is just “ok”. Finding slots for the chanter and shaman is tough because you’d like more but they aren’t free. Wierdfist probably the best subfaction.
Are gore gruntas not worth it just to go fast enough to complete battle tactics? I figured they were expensive but necessary to actually get shit done and win games.
The issue is they're expensive AND hit like noodles, where as you can get a hakkin crew pig who can do all of that but go even faster while hitting harder.
Played a game with Weirdfist, I can only say that its a trap, I've only made like 2 of the 60 something ward rolls.
They need to get some kind of bundle box for me to even consider getting ragerz/wreckas. Even for GW these guys are ridiculous
Someone convince me not to buy more stormfiends
Played a bunch of games and endless spells are ruining my enjoyment of the game, they are way too impactful and make shitty little wizards absurdly cost efficient for no reason
I assume they were intentionally made broken so that they could clear out the boxes of Endless spells they had around unsold but i hope a hotfix happens soon
They're overcosted for what they do in both Skryre and Moulder and take a long time to paint halfway decently. They do look absolutely dope though.
Run Krondspine if ES have you that butthurt, that's what he's for.
Remember the legendary transfigured?
The ironic thing is that the generic Endless Spells have been sold out 5ever and are actually kind of hard to get.
I'm less worried about hitting and more about, like, Claim Their Land or the one that makes you take short board edges.
They're hideous
Is this what soulbound calls ruination chamber
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Feels more like they wanna sell this guy.
No, it's what the 2nd edition battletome called stormcast who had started looking weird.
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IJ is probably the most expensive army in the game to get into, no vanguard/spearhead, no Christmas boxes, and the SC boxes are out of print and contain old models and weak ass gruntas
Just take a gouger desu
The advantage there for the big pigs is that hakkin crews get to just straight up move even when engaged and can go through units they're in combat with when doing so, so between that and Power Through they're wildly good for BTs and objectives.
Anyone got a chance to play with the new skaven gatling cannon? Worth it's weight or nah?
They're kinda the battle tactic choice but I'll level with you, taking Maw-grunta Gougers at a 30 point premium might actually be the better move for the same purpose because they're not shit. It's legit distressing how bad gore-gruntas are, they're anti-cav heavy cave that get their shit pushed in by other cav even in the combat-only grind they're supposedly designed for and they're shit targets for buffs compared to 'ardboyz/brutes.
Brutes getting +2 attacks from a Control 12 foot megaboss is the funniest shit I've seen in 4th so far.
Unlike the Warp Lightning Cannon it actually benefits quite a bit from the Skryre and Arch-warlock buffs so yeah, it's pretty good.
You'd have to clean the moldlines on the brainrats and glue that fucking chest piece in three times
I ran two in a game against SBGL in a warpcog convocation and they sucked ass. Barely killed a unit of 10 skeletons and did fuckall against Neferata and Lauka Vai. I am a notorious poor dice roller though, so I’m sure I was just on the low end of effect statically. Needs more runs for sure, but I don’t think they’re better than cheap ass flamethrowers that have 2 rend and hit on 2s
The ratling gun and warpfire thrower average like 3 damage my guy, they're ass. The Doom-flayer is at least a solid battle tactic unit that can do decent kamikaze work against infantry when you're done with it, but weapon teams generally aren't worth looking at until you're sub 200pts remaining in a list.
Do you think gargants just piss shit and cum down gnawholes to deal with skaven
That would attract more Skaven
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you can’t make fun of me after I make fun of someone else!!!!!!
you’re just giving them a free banquet
They gangbang it until all the skaven drown
the shoes have always ruined this look and they still do
>implying a society of 99.9% male soldiers with fat rat nuts and extremely restricted access to females can't guzzle truly obscene amounts of cum and come back for more
I get that you're bitter your kicks don't look like baked potatoes like those fly mfs but you don't have to air that shit out here
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It’s fucked up and sad and grim that the storm cast externals’ mounts aren’t also reforged after death. Also how do they keep up a supply of trained gryph hounds????
The dragons/dracoths/draconiths are.
Same way all of the other people who don't respawn on death do?
So, what I currently own, inherited from a friend:

> 6 Gore Gruntas
> 20 Ardboyz
> 8 Brutes
> Warcry Brutes (can act as Brutes or Ragerz)
> 2 Foot Megabosses
> 2 Warchanters
> Gordrakk, Fist of Gork
> 1 Weirdnob Shaman
> Enough Kruleboyz to make Big Grikk's

Best to go for the Big Pig next? Or should I up my Brute numbers?
only the dracoths and stardrakes
the draconith don't

it's like the difference between coalesced and starborne
loooooota shit covered peasants jerking off gryphcharger studs to artificially inseminate enough mares to meet demand

Sadly Ironjawz is a small index with too many terrible or ass-backwards units, as gross as it is a core 'ardboy anvil backed up with bosses and Zoggrok and some big pigs to play battle tactics or smash face when that's not necessary is probably the way to go.
Out of that list the 'arboyz, warchanter(s), and shaman are easy auto includes, more 'arboyz, some big bosses, or some big pigs are probably your best buys. All of those have been scanned if you have access to a printer, I don't envy anyone that's looking down the barrel of 3+ maw-grunta purchases.
I really hope that there is no twist to the shadow elves. Yes they’re spiky, yes they’re rude, yes they’re evilly pale, yes they’re mean, yes they are absolutely good guys who you can depend on in a life threatening situation

Every single elf in this fucking setting sucks they’re all fucking assholes
>Volturnos - Asshole
>Morathi - Queen Bitch of Assholes
>Teclis - Such an asshole his countries are more excited to see Cellenar than him
>Maleneth - Average Asshole
Maesa- His Sword and quest is specifically turning him into an asshole
There’s two whole elves who aren’t assholes. Zenthe and that one elf Callis fucked at the end of silver shard who probably got retconned
Nobody else's mounts come back from death outside of daemons.
they are still necessary.
I'd probably run something like this.

Ardboy Big Boss 130
- 20 x Ardboyz 360
- 20 x Ardboyz 360

Warchanter 120
- 5 x Brutes 200
- 1 x Maw-grunta Gougers 220

Weirdnob Shaman 130
- 3 x Gore-gruntas 190
- 6 x Brute Ragerz 280
How can I ever forget /ourguy/ Thostos
I won't. I refuse.
They're sold out though.
They're the only really good unit in the army atm.
What about the Death ones
They don't come back from Death, they live there.
That isn't a benefit for it, it still hits for less than a wlc. and you can cover fire a wlc also. Warp-Gatling is strictly something you put in as a second artillery piece so you can double overcharge, and even then jezzails are just better. The things output really isn't that good statistically despite the zomg6d6shits meme when they showed it.
>average like 3 damage
take a guess what the warpblaster hits for without OCing it.
Had a game against Sylvaneth today, their army abilities may have diminished but Belthanos is fucking crazy.

Dude is impossible to pin down, does pretty big damage and simply gives 3 sylvaneths units run and charge for free with no range restriction.
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>Volturnos - Asshole
Where? He's trying to unite his people and if anything, the fuckers at Fue'than are the real assholes. Now he might be suffering from malachi.
He might lead a faction of piratical soul raiders, but they largely do that out of necessity. What makes them different from Dark Eldar is that many of them are actively working to fix their flaw vs degenerating into it.
>simply gives 3 units run and charge for free with no range restriction.
what? He doesn't give you a free 12" charge to do that??
Not remotely true, improve your unit analysis skills beyond "lol max damage in a turn in a white room".
Maybe if he wasn’t a shit high king he would have control over those degenerates and tell the people of Anvilguard he’s not an asshole
yeah I'll take the deepstriking guys with +3 charge over the 140 point dudes who are the only bodyguard in the game that don't share their ward, or the buff alter that only buffs 50% of the time, or a TWOFUCKINHUNDO&SEVENTY point hellpit thanks.
I thought teclis explicitly let them live by Tyrions decree. Why would he try to genocide them again wouldn’t his brother just beat him up
Why doesn’t the bigger twin eat the little one? Is he stupid
~5, or ~3 assuming a 3+ save and none of the buffs that could apply to it do so. Remind me, do warpfire or ratlings get access to more-more, overwhelming firepower, or benefit as much from Rally?

>comparing Stormfiends to one of the worst units in the index and a cute one-of to make a point
lol, lmao even. If you're going Moulder you'd take Rat Ogors instead, or if you're Skryre Clanrats tarpit better for your war engines, monks for Pestilins, or Clanrats again for Verminous. Melee Stormfiends are a thing you can do in Moulder that could be very good but the numbers aren't convincing enough to make it something you definitely should do. Run them if you like, they're not bad for sure, but calling them the best thing in the index is just so wrong I don't know what to say.
>Why would he try to genocide them again
Because Teclis is always right
Mind you just because he’s right doesn’t mean he’s doing the right thing that’s like his whole theme
I love how "WAACfag" gets thrown all over the place for everyone except the bean counters who insist that you should only use two units per army because the rest aren't efficient enough
ehhhhh he's right assuming everything goes the way he plans but it basically never does. He taught the Empire magic wrong on purpose to avoid another Nagash but humans using Dark Magic turned up anyway. He helped Nagash return thinking he could handle all of the winds of magic but he was wrong and now Nagash is everyone's problem forever. He's chill with the Lumineth freezing people in time in the instant of death because that starves both Nagash and Chaos but it''s pretty fucked and also not super sustainable.
Your comparing it to shit that cost 90 points, not that they're particularly good either really.
>If you're going Moulder you'd take Rat Ogors instead
I don't see any particular reason to, they're far more fragile, less efficient to revive, don't kill themselves, and much worse when the ward pops.
The majority of the general population doesn't even know that the IDK exist
i just got a battlefoam bag to transport my shit in, any tips for stormcast liberators? their spears seem so finnicky. really any tips for shit like spears in general
Liberators don't have spears
If they wanted him to be more popular they should have made him a hot brooding dude with long hair, or a women with large tits and a nice ass.
whichever ones have spears im tired as shit



Get in here so we can bitch about how useless the Incarnate is now.
Sure, we can do a little mathhammer. So a reinforced unit of Stormfiends (we'll assume full melee with Doomflayers because Moulder) is 520 and a reinforced unit of Rat Ogors is 340. They can get all the same buffs except the Rat Ogor Unleashed Warp Fury that's fairly likely to kill one so we'll ignore it till the end if it's needed. They have identical Warp Flamers for ~2 damage per round (all calculations assume a 3+ save, which favors Stormfiends a bit), and Stormfiends put out ~12+5+1=16d in melee per turn. Rat Ogors put out ~13d per round, which adjusted for the 1.53 point differential comes out to ~19.9 damage per turn. If you want to roll the dice on Unleashed Warp Fury + Skavenbrew that gives Rat Ogors an extra attack 42% of the time bumping them up an extra 1-2 damage per turn. So yeah, offensively ROs are more efficient but there's also defense to consider, where SFs have 6hp at 4+ and ROs have 4hp at 5+, assuming damage 1 rend 0 attacks (not realistic I know) SFs have 72 hp and ROs have 48.8 adjusted for points.

The TL;DR is ROs have better offensive math and more individual units per list, Stormfiends have better defensive math and can deepstrike intrinsically.
You only ever need 6
Never any more
It's pretty easy to paint them though. Clear areas to put color on. They were the first minis I did when I was starting out and were a lot easier than smaller more detailed minis
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Warhammer fantasy won. Again. LOL!

Suprisingly well, altho like I said the first day I had a very good mission for me in all 3 games. Not having battleshock helps out immensely, if I played a more "standard" army, things would probably have been a bit worse.

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