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Krule boyz still at bottom Edition

>Previously, in the Mortal Realms

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
What faction has the worst looking centrepiece?
I dont like Katakros
try again faggot.
Jesus what event are we even basing this on.
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Post models and wips!

Try living in a 115 (42c?) heatwave for 2 weeks. I'm not getting up at 3 am on a work night to prime some minis.
Bro you don't work 7 days a week, don't be pretending like there's no way for you to get paint on a model

Oh there is. I just choose not to paint or prime when it's hot and I have better shit to do like argue with you online about my wastes of time.
>admitting you're the reason you're a secondary
Thats admirable in some way lmao
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Nice buzzword. Try it out at your LGS if you ever get around to playing.
It's Kragnos. It's always Kragnos.
Kragnos is like a decade younger than Nagash but Nagash still mogs him. A nor.al maw crusha mogs him the fucking vulture bird mogs him Trugg mogs him. It's just pathetic
skelly looks like he's having fun
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teclis. the fact that there's some literal who monster taking up 90% of the model and then the actual god of magic is just sort of tacked on to the side T-posing with one of the dumbest faces ever sculpted, its just awful.
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There's a lot more human skeletons on that board. I was rolling like shit, we had to call it halfway into the 3rd round. It was 15-10, I was going second that turn.

>roll 12 attacks
>1 hits
>0 wounds

Rinse and repeat for 2.5 rounds
someone post the gif please
Would be better if they just had the Sphinx and called that Teclis
Its too early to have any real idea of overall balance, but it is also clear that nighthaunt are very good. Immune to rend in the edition where everything gets conditional rend is very nice.
i dont understand how thats any more powerful than ethereal in an edition where everything has rend -2 or rend -3 like 3rd edition?
Trying to get into the game, want a tough straight forward melee army, cant decide if I should go for Fyreslayers, Ironjawz, or Ossiarchs. Opinions?
None of those armies you listed are all of that.
I would but I’m finishing my dredd models first and terrain first. Also no more buying models until mine are all finished.
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IJ has the least shit to remember and the bulkiest profiles, generally. You can just run giant blocks of brutes and not feel terrible about it, or run people over with pigs.
They are, however, the most expensive army to get into of the ones you listed.
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The verminlord has becometh ready!
Things do less damage now, with conditional rend factored into a unit's power/balance. It isn't the only thing making nighthaunt good, but it is very good. Also, a lot of units have worse saves now, except nighthaunt still has 4+ almost across the board. Flying with retreat without penalty is another exceedingly strong trait. Their points didn't get a big increase this edition as well. It could be that the best nighthaunt army is just more obvious than other factions, and we see them do worse as other armies figure out what works best.
you want slaves to darkness

now that said, if the choice is between the 3 you listed, they are as follows

fyreslayers: a brutally slow army that is also very fragile but can stack a tremendous amount of buffs, counter striking effects, and once per game effects to dramatically power up. a large part of their gameplay is based around choosing the right once per game buff at the right time to swing the battle in your favor. also has a lot of priests who are able to bring magical bonuses and summons. army is almost entirely 2 wound infantry and 5 wound heroes

ironjawz: slow, but packing both good armor and high damage but slightly innacurate melee attacks, they have good durability and a swingy but good melee phase. they look slow, and if you take ardboyz and brutes they will be, but they also have cavalry and monster cavalry that bring a bit more speed, as well as a start of turn shuffle to inch a unit forward. bullies and bruisers that will muscle lesser infantry off of objectives while their monsers careen through the enemy lines. no shooting whatsoever, limited buff potential, but can play the activation wars a bit with its berzerker unit the ragers who also have run and charge so they bring a bit more speed as well.

ossiarchs: combined arms phalanx army. marching lockstep shieldwall infantry, elite bruiser skeletons with control debuffs to spike scoring values, reanimation engine monsters that rebuild your troops, long range catapults that both damage and debuff, fast and hard to screen cavalry and flying elite infantry, central command monster heroes that are expensive but issue massive buffs, and a slew of cheaper support wizards that are among the best spellcasters in the game for their points. downsides are the units can be expensive so lists can feel locked in, and the army does have to choose its buffs at the right time. shooting is also locked behind expensive catapults, but at least they have some
good job
Hey I haven't played AoS since Blades of Khorne's first battletome, do we still suck?
nooooooooooo no no no

khorne are S+ tier and have been for a few years now
Corruptor head is also my favourite
He almost looks like he's photoshopped in front of the sphinx desu.
They were S tier now
Not sure now
Thank u anon!

I loved the skull head, head to fiddle with the horns though since I was missing some of those but thankfully the Moors head had extras!
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Whaddaya think?
dude that looks fucking sick, desu better than the actual gravetide mini.

I might yoink some of the idea of the hands and bits pokin out...
I think its a great idea, but It might need just a little more skulls/skelly bits. It just looks a bit barren right now
This one really feels like they slapped his model on there last minute in the program after realizing that it was due the next day and they had spent the whole time designing the sphinx.
If the design process is similar to what I read about the design of the Old World bone dragon, different components are designed by different people and they just slap it together at the end.
Im a bit short on those right now but i will add some more in the future if i come across more bits
out of those three definitely ironjawz, but slaves to darkness is probably the best choice for sure

fyreslayers don't really have much variety to both models and gameplay, obr has not had an update in like almost 4-5 years, this warcry release full of rejected looking retards and a re-hashed boneshaper are the only releases.

obr plays nothing like that, its a cool descriptive write up but whoever wrote the rules for their index is a fucking idiot

almost all the factions in the game heal better then they do now, as well as have better stats, they literally stuck an elite pointed army inside of auras, and gave them a 300 point artillery piece that gets shut down as soon as one thing steps within 3 inches of it, and expect you to build a castle with units priced almost as much as it is.

the worst part is it's not just a points problem, harvester and boneshaper are not fixable with points, and if you do buy into that bullshit then the next time their tome drops you'll have tons of extras. it's the same bullshit as when 3e launched and you're better off not waiting another 3 years just to get rules rewrites.
>stormshitters suck
Lmfao, tracks with my experiences
>Fyreslayers, Ironjawz, or Ossiarchs. Opinions?

The most uninspired model range since Space Marine 08978216123. Awful faction that legitimately should be squatted so Dwarves can get something that's not as niche as Kharadon but not as fucking awful as FS.

Not terrible, but limited. It's either "take multiple Goregruntaz" or not as your main choice. If we were still in the days of Big Waagh it'd be different, but now that it's gone - eh...

Basically broken at the moment rules-wise in a bad way. Basically they basically took the sigmarine approach but to skeletons which sounds good in theory but looks awful to me. Dunno about how busted they are, but they'll probably be fixed eventually.

>Slaves to Darkness
Basically what you want. Model range is diverse enough and also will always have guaranteed support and releases because "it's literally Chaos" and they'll never fuck over a core faction like that. Keep in mind of the others you've listed, FS might as well be orphaned and IJ isn't too far off. Ossiarchs are newer, but GW tends to feed into whatever is popular above all else, ie: why Stormcast keep getting releases.

Otherwise if you're patient, then who cares and just pick whatever looks good and stop caring about the outcome of the game.
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>tfw seppo cunts censored my original image
So with skaven getting a range rework what infantry do folks hazard is up next? Stormvermin as semi elite squads, gutter runners, pestilens anything?
What do you expect? They're a bunch of fat cunts who can't take a joke
Sure is some cork and 5 leftover skeleton bits drybrushed grey and white
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Fucks me up how price hikes have gotten so bad that unsold copies of the seraphon army set now are a decent 25% saving here
Oh look it's the fucking ossiarch whiner from the other night

Did you sell your army yet?
I get what they were going for. He's meant to be casting his big AOE spell, and the monster makes sense, given the whole spirit animal thing the Lumineth have going on. It's one of those models that look much better in person than a 2D image, and the color scheme they went with is ass. I don't get why he has the Ymetrica color scheme
Horned Vermin
Basically chosen for skaven
If They’re based they’re going to go into the GHR separate aspects (they won’t)
thats not even a real unit
I want to play. The armies I like are
>kharadron Overlords

What is a better choice? How do these factions play?
kruel boyz

you have to think


you have to shoot
Not yet
Had fun with Spearhead last weekend at LGS as SCE. I don't give a damn about them lore wise, but gameplay wise it was fun and I tried to pay attention to other factions. Many regulars had fun playing too and borrowed some other's armies or spearheads to try it out.

Was a much more enjoyable experience than 40k Combat Patrol, and slightly better than 1k points as well. I might not get into the lore and it looks like 40k still outshines people's interests in AoS, but I like to say the gameplay was nice.
Very nice, love that skin tone on the grots.
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First of many Gutrippaz
A lot of tricks - most that take dice to land. If you play right and they all go off when they're supposed to, you'll feel like a genius. If you play right and they don't go off, you're gonna be buttfrustrated because you'd think hitting 2+ or 3+ isn't that hard until you need it.

>>kharadron Overlords
Shoot everything in a game that is generally melee-focused.
Cool skin

>price hike
>roughly $2 USD across the board

Inb4 Warhammer shill. I hate it as much as everyone else, but holy fuck you all act like they’re charging $85 as a base price.
It does add up

Cool. 20 boxes will add up to a box of nothing.

Just go to Ebay. I got a whole Spearhead for $100 after tax. GW’s secondary market has enough people using their shit currency to make a profit that you can find good deals.
We got hit 7-14% last time here up scandi style and no stores do discounts
Those units outside of the box is now 177 euro I believe,121ish in the old army box
Ebay here is fucked too, shipping is 20-30 bucks for most listings and we pay customs handling 14~ bucks +25% of total purchase value taxed ontop

Oh you’re the only place other than Australia that actually got raked over the coals. Sorry they finally adjusted tour currency pricing for inflation or however they worded it.
So what is wrong with Kruleboyz in this edition?
Well basic infantry boxes are $60-65 now, it's getting there
CoS spearhead sucks, what were they thinking
Terminal case of babylegs
I felt like Yndrastra's spearhead is better than the Skaventide one.
Thanks! They're from Ulgu so I went with a dark scheme.
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As a Pestilens bro, I feel we need a new Plague Priest on foot, also some new elite unit to replace the Censor Bearers and make it so Pestilens isn't always a horde army.
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reposting before I sit down and paint again

i tried to shade the crevices more with multiple thin passes of reikland fleshshade. is the whole thing more orange? how's it looking?
and can I pleas get some suggestions for the color on the tentacle? ignore the yellow, I was just testing it.
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Are vanguard really safe to buy?
I don't trust GW
They should be safe for the next three years.
eventually the only marines will be primaris marines
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not everything went as planned but I finished my first tree dude
Is there any forum or website I can go to if I have questions about some rulings?
New rules are just written so poorly some people in my playgroup don't understand them the same way, so we'd need an "official answer".
Depends on specifically what you find confusing, I suppose. I'd think most question marks pertaining to the core rules can be straightened out just by double-checking the rule phrasing against the glossary. Faction rules might be trickier since they vary on a case by case basis.
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GW at its finest
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Here we go again!
They are actually written pretty clear.
That is great, then a bunch of tourny meta chase fags will dump their BoK armies and I can buy it cheap
I bet most of those lists are still trying to run the 400pt of dead weight previously known as gobsprakk the cheap

They're basically playing 25% down on points
My advice is to go to Kruleboyz. Cool monsters, they look fun to paint with lots of skin, leather, and shields. GW seems to have made an effort to make KB fun to play since they where shit for literally all of 3rd edition.

You have to really, really be into KO to want to play them, no magic, no prayers, no monsters, limited melee. They play a different game to every other army being a fragile mobile all-shooting army that doesn't actually do very much raw damage.
i have both armies and i would actually probably suggest KO right now. KO actually feel like an army. you've got your endrineers leading your endrinriggers, khemists and admirals for your arkanauts and thunderers, several named characters who each meaningfully change how the army plays, and a variety of ships. the army is focused and concise but has a full roster.

kruleboyz is very strange. it has a plethora of fast cavalry heroes, but absolutely zero fast units it can use that speed to support or travel with. it has 2 different units of archers that no longer interact with most of the armies buffs, a unit of grots that dont interact with most things in the army outside of a weird named character gimmick who still doesnt make them good, and the armies mechanics, while better than they were by a mile, are still extremely random slot machines that will betray you at every opportunity. the roster feels incomplete and disjointed, like lumineth before they got their second wave, and its not exactly clear what they want to do on the table. do they want to shoot? they can no longer buff their shooters. do they want to fight? well their melee unit hits hard but its slow and made of glass which is a bad combination. do they want to lure the opponent into a trap? well thats not a good idea when the traps often have a 30-50% chance of outright failing and leaving you up shits creek. dont get me wrong, the models are fantastic, i love the kruleboyz look, but on the table they still feel like they're missing a lot and the army is refusing to work with each other
You have no idea how bad shit countrys have it
>Things do less damage now,
I've spreadsheeted most of the profiles in the game and no they don't. A lot of shit in every faction that used to suck now does good damage, and every faction can make 5-7 damage per 100 point hammers. An argument can be made that average damage has gone up. There is a ton of rend 2 vs infantry in game, more than there was before. Saves are down.
Nighthaunt is good because their points are relatively low and hexwraith gained a wound. Their defense isn't better overall because they lost kruleghast.
Goregruntas suck now. They're basically just mobile anvils.
I highly suspect stormvermin will get the graveguard treatment.
skaven need something that can take a hit, its literally the most fragile army in the game in the indexes.
Hard to play, their allegiance is designed retardedly where you can straight win or lose on 3+ to 5+ die rolls.
Not every army should have access to every unit type. Skaven are literally designed to be brittle little shits
they had an anvil a month ago.

Assuming they get squatted like sacrosanct, you'll get 4 years out of them.
Though the fact that they weren't squatted along with sacrosanct suggests to me that they'll be up for a refresh come 5th if not sooner, in which case you'll probably be able to use them indefinitely assuming bases don't change.
Play 3rd ed then if you don't like change
they can not give them one, the result will just be that they suck.
The general trend of these win rates is all the heavy Cav factions are at the top, not at all surprising.
The great grogening has begun
It has been a thing sice 3rd came out. 2nd ed is genuinely peak AoS
I really can't believe they left that dudes warscroll 99% identical, and then jacked his price up 140 points after everyone bitched about him for an entire edition.
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that troggoth model and the swamp shaman model fuck so hard that I kind of want to start KB knowing I can get so many of them cheap off ebay.

but I got a nurgle vanguard and a glottkin to get started on while waiting for the return of the dawi zharr
Those 40 health units that auto return models for 320 points isn't my idea of fragile.
The pdf with points has a faq at the end.
We had an edition of being broken. Now we're back to shit tier.
Clan rats are less durable per point than vulkite berzerkers with dual weapons are they durable?
Why are Greenskins separated into like 5 different armies, can't you just use them all together?
Yes. The non-regening unit, which has less utility for a different army that doesn't have access to easy -2 rend/ mortal wounds shooting, is also durable.
I don't see the point in you just naming shit skaven has in its faction. Its not relevant.
The point is you don't analyze units in a vacuum.
That's exactly what you're doing. Everything in skavan can suck because they have shooting. Kruleboyz could put out 30 mws in a shooting phase last edition, guess you can't mention any of their obvious weaknesses.
>skaven refresh and focus
>still sub 50%
Lmfao them jezzail crutches not quite doing the job?
Except fast, 40 health, auto wound, crit mortal, auto regening Clanrats don't suck.
>Kruleboyz could put out 30 mws in a shooting phase last edition
Cool, who cares about 3rd edition
smooth as fuck, nice
You should have seen Tyranids at the start of 10e 40k after their massive refresh. Garbage tier for a whole year.
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how is my blightking looking now? The boots have this odd shape so I guess I'm supposed to edge highlight them by adding some yellow to my DG green. same with the helmet's edges.
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Currently plugging away on Tzaangors.
I just want to see a real globadiers kit
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>'Get a taste of the Tithes'
>Show us literally nothing of it
not only that but the only reason anyone was taking him at all was because of the season rules for the wizard season in 3E, which is now gone.

hell, the regular ass swamp shaman on foot with the staff artifact is a better wizard than gobsprakk and 300 points cheaper
Boy I sure amd glad we get an animated series about the Imperium's tax system, instead of the literally anything fucking else that would be more interesting.
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gonna have my first game of spearhead (and AoS in general) this Sunday with some random dude off a local group chat. I got dice and I'm getting the rules this Saturday.

I'm bring my nurgle guys since my gitz would be a bitch to transport. Any pointers? I think my opponent plays StD but I don't want to play to counter. Is my general any good? he seems pretty squishy whereas generals in other spearheads seem more formidable. With how small the boards are, I'm afraid he'll just get charged and die trying to support the plaugebearers
played in a tournament over the weekend

4th ed is basically the same as 3rd ed except completely imbalanced. armies are just spamming the most efficient units (usually undercosted ones) and bringing as many wizards as possible to spam free summons

its so bad its unplayable, and it will only get worse as people lean into the overpowered stuff and refine their lists

we need an emergency balance patch
Oh for some reason I thought it was AoS
That was your own mistake.
so IDK are back to being in a good and fine place?
too bad no one plays them
so these two combined, they'll never get love or new units, just another pity hero and move on to the next I guess
was really hoping for a new cavalry animal or something, but what's the point
is this how they get people to start a second army?
were you hoping it was related to the bone tithe?
Not the sharpest tool in the shed are we.
why doesnt GW just slap underworlds and warcry in to one system?
I take it you're not familiar with either game or else you'd know what a stupid question that is.
Because they're completely different games?
Their infantry are trash outside of foot casters, but their cavalry are all top notch. Still feels like an incomplete faction with only one way to play, and their set gameplay battle trait of tides doesn't help that feeling of degeneracy.
>armies are just spamming the most efficient units (usually undercosted ones) and bringing as many wizards as possible
so the same as the last 3 editions.
did you even play 3rd? people werent spamming units
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Sucks because the sphinx is awesome and has a lot of good design elements to her, but teclis himself looks like ass. And yet with minimal changes the art version of him looks great!
You're probably better off asking in /wip/, model/wip posting very rarely takes off here. That said, I don't know which parts you consider finished but the skin looks pretty good, only for "healthy" skin. It doesn't feel like nurgle at all. If you're going for a diseased/rotten look you need to lean more into green tones instead of red/pink ones. It also needs to be a lot paler
the art is fine, and calenors sculpt even looks good, but yeah they just didnt handle the elf well.

they should have done a morathi style model where telis got his own base and you buy them both at the same time as a combo unit
except when they spamming flys, and stormdrakes, and screaming bells, and zombies, and bullgor, and steam tanks, and blissbarb archers, and thunderers, and squigherd, and boingrot bounderz....
As I said when this was first announced, anyone who thought GW shitting out a bunch of indexes at the start of the game would improve game balance instead of making it worse were lying to themselves.
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i think i remember a very different 3rd edition than you do
what seems more reasonable to you

>someone whose invested time & money in an army advising a new player what they're buying into currently, based on objective past history and what's happening right now.

>some dude so assblasted by an army he doesn't even play that he gets upset at the above
It is kind of amazing GW decided Thralls needed to be even worse in 4E, that was clearly the problem with IDK. Oh an lotann too, needed to nerf that bitch, also gotta give the Soulrender a built in fail-chance on his useless revive ability while they're at it, he was way out of hand with the way no one played him ever. Had to nerf the Thrallmaster and Eidolon of the Sea while they were at it, those guys were completely out of control.

I guess they at least kinda buffed Reavers? Still incredible that GW keeps trying to nerf IDK's non-existant infantry meta, though.
It's just sad to see the less competitive playstyle get nerfed while the more competitive one remained largely unchanged.
Especially since the whole army lost their memory veil and their extra range that made the foot infantry annoying and interactive to begin with.

I think they have the worst Hero/Regiment system of the whole game though with a full half of their heros only able to take garbage Namarti units in their regiments. Which only feeds even more into playing them one way.
Obviously what I meant but still
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That'd be cool. There's some decent conversions but something built from the ground up to avoid these issues would be better
>they have the worst Hero/Regiment system of the whole game
they have an any idoneth hero you want to take in every list so I doubt that.
I hate how they divvied up our regiments. If I want to take Akhelian units without our absolutely neutered King I have to take an Eidolon, Lotann, or Volturnos. Otherwise it’s the Namarti show. We just don’t have a big enough roster for our regiments to be that restrictive.
It took an entire edition of point drops for the bell to even be usable
okay, so we're not supposed to judge a whole edition based off of a snapshot of a single patch then right?

so how about we dont doomsay about 4th edition which has been out for a week then?
>they have an any idoneth hero you [need] to take in every list so I doubt that.
That's part of the problem, though hardly a faction exclusive problem
The casters have always been my favorite part of the army, and now they literally can't lead anything but thralls. So the only option to use lots of them is a bunch of solo regiments
Well, I’m trying to get a reply through despite just sending a different reply. But I keep getting a connection error. If this one gets through without the image or link, google high elf arch mage on Cults3d.
So I've got 3 built Stormfiends, wound up with 3 more, should I convert the rogres from skaventide into 3 more stormfiends or is that just too fucking much?
I haven’t been able to get a game in with mine yet, but I always hated how it felt we were almost forced to use our casts on the warscroll spells unless you ran more than one Tidecaster or Eidolon. Glad Soulscryer is a wizard now because he was literally the most useless priest ever.
>so how about we dont doomsay about 4th edition which has been out for a week then?



Honestly though after a single week, I don't know how people can say things are settled. So far I think a lot of people figure Spearhead is vaguely more balanced than 2k points lmao. But I can't say I know the OP stuff or what's really going on outside my own armies - and even then I don't play enough really WAAC or cutthroat meta to understand what's truly the most broken stuff atm.

Even so - what's the point of obsessing over that? People concerned about winning? People concerned about some dice rolls or abilities in an index in a hobby that's about assembling and painting tiny plastic army men? Going on like 15+ years in the miniature hobby, I just hope if people are discouraged about the "power" of their army or models that they understand the outcome of the game shouldn't determine your fun.

You spend (at minimum) hundreds of dollars and many hours to fully assemble, base, and paint just a single 2k army. The tools, the paint, the glue, the accessories and storage, and even the trouble to transport all the shit to an LGS or wherever you play. I'm begging you as someone who spent a long time to figure this out: Don't base your enjoyment of everything you've invested in the hobby on the outcome of the game. You'll inevitably be disappointed at the time / money you've dropped.

Play for fun and don't care about the outcome. Tabletop Zen.
>we removed summoning from the game
>also we added free summoning for all armies in the form of manifestations
>its more broken than 1st ed summoning because it doesnt even cost points lol
you only "need" 6.
slaanesh used to summon like 2000 extra points, these 1 model shit save 5wound spells are nothing.
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some issues aren't about if you win or lose, gw isn't going to adjust anything but points, if you don't like the way an army or unit plays you're basically fucked

it's not a hard concept to understand
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I'll just do a bit of cross contamination with bits...

I already have ball holding stormfiend.
order is going to win the outer regions? I'd have preferred the opposite, but I'm sure we can work with that, the important thing is that it's not an unilateral steamroll
What happened to the fyreslayer box?
>gw isn't going to adjust anything but points, if you don't like the way an army or unit plays you're basically fucked

Fucked with what? Buyers remorse? Feel betrayed by GW because the rules changed or the army changed?

My brother in Christ they've been changing for decades. You buy a fucking tiny plastic army man - trust me that the rules around said tiny plastic army man will change many, many, many times before you quit the hobby or die. The shit is not worth wasting anger over. GW doesn't sell many (if any) guarantees, and I don't know any miniature game that ever has.

I do know A LOT of miniature companies however that say, "If you buy this miniature, you will get the kit to assemble said miniature."

The rest past that is up to you. Your enjoyment (or lack thereof). I'm not trying to say AOS hasn't had (or doesn't have) problems. Like some have said: manifestations / endless spells being free now might as well be calling back to fucking 1st Ed beta rules where you can just summon shit from your bag on the table. But then AOS survived 1st Ed to get where it is now, lol right?

So relax. It'll be ok. Enjoy your models and enjoy the hobby unto itself rather than basing all the enjoyment off of the game. You'll get way more out of it over the years than otherwise.
I feel like this is the result of every GW campaign anymore
very nice color scheme, well done anon
Make the tentacle slimey and red like it just popped out of him
I’m gonna laugh so hard if Infinity’s series turns out better than anything WH+ shat out. It already looks better than anything in the catalogue. (Astartes doesn’t count because that was independent before WH+).
>An entire series about taxes
Honestly, a series that's just a look into the day to day running of the Imperium or life in the Mortal Realms would actually be fascinating, but I don't think you'd ever be able to convince GW that it'd sell.
I think they're trying to avoid the crash and burn warhammer fantasy had by actually making the game fun and attracting new players. So I don't understand condoning bullshit like this. If I had just one army I would probably quit the hobby at this point because 4 out of the last 6 years playing a faction that's rules just didn't work is not really enticing. The way GW balances is they rarely make fundamental changes unless it's a huge problem. If your army has one viable build then they'll just cruise on that until your book comes out.

It's fine if you like hoarding plastic shit, and yes all of us are playing this instead of magic or something because we like the models, but there's a difference between meta chasing and something being viable or fun.
James is being weird and not posting about Warcry.
what do you expect from warcry? more boxes for the gnarlwoods? a new edition with skaven in the box? because the second is way more likely to be announced after or with the big wave of releases after the laughters at hel crown
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That's the option people can vote on without a box's code, right? I'm pretty sure someone can vote multiple times too
Well, a box goes up for preorder this weekend, so I'd figure a rules preview for either of the warbands should be appropriate. Or maybe some talk with the sculptors, or even just a showcase of the models in alternate paint schemes. Just not nothing.
Remember that more than once GW has manipulated results to sell a story.
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Been working my way through figuring out a color scheme. Been stuck on a metal, skirt, plume, and underclothes color. Tan doesn’t entirely convince me and my brain thinks the metal might look too dingy at times.
I think the difficulty in painting LRL comes from trying to choose colors that look good on them and not actual detail, they’re relatively lower in detail than other stuff I’ve painted.
they manipulated the story, not the results
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2025 will be the last year of underworlds
underworlds is dying from the specialist divorce dynamics
no more underworlds
Dios mios mucho texto autismo
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It's so fucking aggravating, who in their right fucking mind decided to cut the god damn teams apart like that.

But if we get one more corebox and the usual 2 more teams post the last one I guess that's fine with me. I can save some fucking money for once in my life.
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Bird lads are so fun to paint. I'll never understand the seething associated with them
I think it's mostly spillover from 40k.
Articles about the box that is going up for pre-order in three days?
Do AoS players seethe about Tzaangors? AFAIK that's a 40k thing where Tsons are pissed all of their value boxes are stuffed with birdmen rather than the Rubrics/Scarabs they bought in to the army for.
Has literally nothing to do with it, the specialist game team has never had a single finger touching either Underworlds or Warcry. They're all made by the main studio just like 40k and Killteam are.
It's mostly a 40k thing because they got beastmen as half of their bespoke space marine legion
it's a 40k thing, GW has no idea what to do with TSons and Tzeentch stuff over there, so just stuffs every box with 10 or 20 of them
TSons players are drowning in these fuckers, and can't get anything we actually want
Briar and bone in August and we should assume by schedule so far we will see two warbands and a scales of talaxis sized terrain and board box around January. Probably get a new "edition" (dunno what the fuck they would add/change) next summer. I want a slaanesh warband to complete my chaos warband collection
I just want those alchemist dudes they were teasing that are either ghosts or nurgle.

Even if I feel like Underworlds has had a shit ton of Undead releases.
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I know I’m a long way from the table top but can I make a good list with my army? 9 eels 1 turtle 3 sharks volturnos, soulrender, tidecaster, 10 reavers 10 thralls
I will never understand why GW doesn't like products being purchased for use in multiple games. It can't possibly result in fewer total sales, because people don't go out and buy a different army just to play a side game nearly as much as they dip into a side game because they already have some models for it. It's not even a different department within GW so there's no stupid internal rivalry explanation to fall back on.
>Briar and bone in August
Is there any point in preordering or do they stay the same price once they're out?
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If they added some decent rules to some of these fuckers they might sell off some of the lamer warbands no one cares about.
That's basically a whole army right there. You probably won't field all the heroes though, and you'd be better served by an Avatar of Mathlann but I think you could still make it work.
You get your hands on it earlier than other people.
Literally the only aos game you’re locked out of unless you buy specific figures is Underworlds. Why are you bitching
It's the same price. Don't know what briar and bone will be like but pyre and flood is still widely available from 3rd party sellers
Are they dropping underworlds warbands for Warcry too or am I still gucci to use them in that.
this really is the entire range
why does GW hate them so much
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No one's ever buying ugly DoK with pants.
People don't know just how lucky they are that DoK were a 1e release. Before GW went full gay
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Pretty easy fix in the painting department
I don't understand the bitching about skin-tight pants.
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not so much seething about tzaangor specifically, but about tzeentch not having any chaos warrior or chosen equivalents.

people want their big plate mail wearing sorcerer with a greatsword. everyone remembers what could have been. worse now that you cant even plug the gap with coalition StD
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Your textures and sculpts are powerless before my paints
Now do the female ones
in the DBZ power levels totem pole where do Varanguard sit? I had someone tell me below demon princes
HOLY SHIT I've been looking for skincast eternals. Got any more?
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I've seen them plenty of times but never saved it
>bastions of hope
>Idoneth Deepkin
What did they mean by this
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>in the DBZ power levels totem pole
Please refrain from breeding so the rest of history can be spared of your mental weakness
Did a theater major write this post?
well you see, despite their beliefs and moral codes being wildly different, they share a vision of the realms restored
you're welcome
So with reports on the first 4e tourneys rolling in how are everyone's meta predictions turning out?
>hot takes
Lady Olynder is very good
Fitting your list into 2 drops isn't that important
Nighthaunt is a top tier faction

>mild takes
Morbid Conjuration is too strong
Hexwraiths, Bladegheists, Harridans, and Harrows are really strong
Reiknor is excellent
Lord Executioner is solid

>bad takes
Nobody will take Guardian of Souls without a Spirit Host escort
Black Coaches will be popular
Most lists will have at least one Myrmourn Banshees
Just because the entire race has a metaphorical gun to its head that forces them to raid other races for souls doesn’t mean they suck chaos’ cock.
>verification not required
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I know I'm years and years late to the party, but why did they split the dark elves faction into two places.
For what purpose. I vomitted a little when I read the line that everyone lives together peacefully in the Sigmar cities. Fucking dark elves?
How could this happen, how could they stoop so low.
They just run the red light districts and no one asks any questions.
Bad product management practices where departments fight for resource allocation and there's no adult in the room to tell them to stop or fix their incentive structure.
cav are popular & my army is as bad as I thought it would be on paper, outside a strong cav build.

internal balance is pretty off for a ton of factions

unless they start changing scrolls (for units that are subpar) this is gonna be messy for a long while. We don't have a roadmap so no expectation when first tomes are gonna drop.
A+++ varanguardia (archaon inconsequentialito)
SSSS varanguardia (maximito archaon)
Thousands of years of the world being dominated by chaos changes one's disposition
They are quite literal depressed nihilists who keep going not out of hope for better lives but out of the fact that they want to be left alone at the bottom of the ocean
Being in a post-post apocalyptic shithole makes you realize living together is useful

They trade, ply the seas, and deal with monsters more than anything else unless you’re. Khainite
Then what the hell are the Daughters of Khaine doing? Why did half of the delves wimp out?
On the level of there’s DPs that are subservient to the circles. Also an Varanguard would kill the average chaos space marine
>Then what the hell are the Daughters of Khaine doing
Being a matriarchal religious cult too busy trying to tear itself apart because Morathi doesn’t understand how to be a prophet? They’re a group of dudettes they don’t represent the entire race
This is why they should have kept the band together baka, need the dreadlords and delf dudes to keep things grounded.
It does feel quite bad to not be able to get the witch and morathi stuff and your classic dreadspears, darkrisders, delf infantry etc. in one army.
And if you want to play just delves they feel like a 1/3 of an army. Oh well.
It’s not a half and half thing. Unless dark elves are some kind of 70% female 30% male population. It’s just a powerful cult
Yeah I'm just saying that because it's like the delf faction army/roster got split in two.
It's nice that the Cursed City stuff is very playable now, makes for a very easy on-ramp into that army.

I'm thinking of bringing Chadukar, Torgilius, kosargi, vyrkos blood born, vargskyr and a couple units of skellies to an upcoming local 1000pt tourney, it seems like a fun little army.
Oh shit how viable? I've had that box sitting around for a half minute and never thought of converting it to any army?
I still dont trust this shit to stick after the battletome. It bloats up the range so bad.
The only thing that kept the dark elves together was a genocidal hate for the high elves and Malekith being too spiteful to do anything else but fan a race war to satisfy himself. They’re other wise very opinionated and factious. Also very emotional
If you don't pay attention for 10 years and come back expecting everything to be the same then you are mentally weak

Radukar, Torgilius, Gorslav, Kosargi, Halgrim, vyrkos blood born, vargskyr and the one unit of skellies is all playable and good imo, there's definite play there.

The rest is sadly unplayable or understrength, there's no warscrolls for the rats and bats and zombies come in units of 20 but there's 10 in the box.
Strictly speaking, split into 4ths. Originally in AoS 1e that army got split into a bunch of different factions, and only DoK got to be their own army. But you could ally thrn all together under Order and play them as one thing. The rest got shoved in CoS, for a brief time making a unique army out of non-unique parts. Then that too got purged leaving behind only the Dark Elves and Dwarfs. Now they're gonna purge those elements for a castle gunline AoS-Imperial-Guard army that literally no one asked for that bears no relation to the 2017 army.

Dark Elf players don't get an army, old Cities of Sigmar players don't get an army, and new Cities of Sigmar players are shackled to what they see as vestigial models. It's actually the worst possible scenario.
I mean sure, but Delves is just an army that you could run any number of factions within. But now you have one cult and then just sort of the normal elves in the order blob army.

I'm not here to change anything, that would be silly. I was just looking recently and was genuinely baffled. Just seems like a bad decision for people who like delves and had armies, why split the units? Putting them in Order is already a plentiful and big change.

Yeah I don't get, what's the plan?
>inb4 "plan?"
Any chance the whole realmstone mining and the creation of greywater fastness was an inside job by the changling thing ever comes back up that seems really important
I actually sorted the zombie issue since my FLGS had zombies a dollar each so I picked those up to make it a full 20. Though I like skelebones more desu.

Well shit, good to know with some extra skellies this is a full ass army.

Could probably toss a few underworlds dudes in too if I really want
>Just seems like a bad decision for people who like delves and had armies
People who had dark elf armies have either bought new armies in the past decade or they're playing TOW. You don't continue supporting things for a customer base that hasn't bought anything for 10 years
>You don't continue supporting things for a customer base that hasn't bought anything for 10 years
But they have half a delf army and another full faction of delves. It's just chopped up weirdly.
Turns out battleline and 1 drop detachment were the things preventing the nobrain spam.

I think they'll keep them around, they are still selling Cursed City after all, and being playable in AoS adds value to that box.
>what's the plan?
Sell you more armies
>or they're playing TOW
Not for much longer. They're not one of the supported armies for some stupid fucking reason so they only have filler rules.
Is it working?
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Malerion will bring unity. Trust the plan. Umbraneth soon.
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>Whats the plan
Original AoS 1e army building: groups of subfactions bound together into one army, see Lethis. Then 1e came about and we instead had a bunch of squatted subfactions with no rhyme or reason, just about all High Elfs, Wood Elfs, ect. It was then clear that the strategy had now changed. Subfactions were stopgap until a "new" faction came out that was unique to AoS. Therefore during 2e these distinct leftover subfactions were bound into one mega-stopgap tome, Cities of Sigmar. Rumor has it because they couldn't make their fucking minds up over Malekith. Except it actually sells like hotcakes. Phoenix Guard are the best Anvil in the game, people love the triple alliance playstyle, or at least enough to put it in the midrange of popularity.

Cut to 3e/4e, TOW comes out and they start instantly blasting anything that crosses over product lines. Beasts of Chaos, an army for 6 years, gets squatted. Bonesplitterz gets squatted after being literally one of the first armies to get a battletome. Now CoS is filled with cross-range products which is a big no-no for GW, so they squat subfactions again. But they made an army, it's popular, and they know they'll get shit on if they can the entire thing. So they go in an entirely different direction to the 2e tome. Now it's zealous human crusaders who share 0 design language with Empire Freeguild because they'll get in trouble if they do as such. Now we're here.

Tldr: they had a plan, scrapped it, made a new plan, scrapped it, ad infinitum.
Reinforced Vanari Dawnriders surprising nobody in 5-0 lists.
Okay I'm sort of following.
DoK is popular, yes
AoS feels like an endless succession of stumbling false starts. And I really felt like we were finally getting traction near the end of 3e.
It's almost certainly the fault of a big change in leadership and newer heads not being sure what to do with the ball they had been handed.
>So they go in an entirely different direction to the 2e tome.
No they didn’t lmao
I think it's funny that Idoneth have become the pseudo-successors to Dark Elves in the lore despite sharing no models and no aesthetics with the old line.
they havent
How does this factor in that the empire in ToW doesn’t even exist
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Okay completely different topic the delves, what's the deal with the AoS PDFs, why do they work so poorly on browsers like chrome?
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currently rewatching blacktalon.
here if anyone wants the show as well.
More like no one will ever take GoS or Spirit Host at all.
Also hot take, Kurdoss sucks again for another edition.
>Rivalry/Hatred with High Elves
>Shunned leader spurned by their God
>Isolated Empire away from the rest of the elves
>Faction endorses privateer raids of the order lands
>Begrudging ally necessary to stand against Chaos
It's kruleboyz, ironjawz, and gloomspite gitz. You cannot mix them
That travesty isn't worth watching for free
People are playing two like big units of something because they made all the heroes suck and raised the point cost and that's suddenly "spam". Grow up.
Khorne was a contender for strongest army since their battletome came out in 3rd. Back to dumpster tier now though. Everything is too expensive.
They hate teclis they don't give a shit about the lumineth, being made poorly by a god is different than one single dark elf being punished by a god, they're all in scattered conclaves across the realms that have little to do with eacother, they only raid order because their souls aren't corrupted by chaos and they literally cannot survive without the souls
if you want to win with them just play a bunch of bloodletters or blood warriors.
You're right about nobody taking Spirit Host but there were several GoS among top placing Nighthaunt lists. I don't know how they kept them alive without SH or a Black Coach, especially if they were holding an artifact/trait.
I only have 60 bloodletters.
>only one Battle Formation worth playing out of 4
Many such cases.
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I'm going to purchase a third mawkrusha because mawkrushas are cool I want gordrakk to get a unique model for himself so I can buy a fourth mawkrusha that's posed differently
You can print a mawkrusha in a slightly different pose and grenier sculpted some free (or practically free) wingless krushas intended as alternatives for gruntas
Thank you anon I’m gonna watch this
I don't support knockoffs or printfags
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>Triple alliance microfactions, limited by foot heroes, plays like Admech with circles and circles of buffs, aesthetic(art made for CoS in recent time), shows curasses and conquistador helms

>Human monofaction, limited by castling, plays like Imperial Guard around a static gunline, aesthetic is 1200's Taborites
Empire units exist anon. It's why they squatted all High Elf, Wood elf, and Empire units except what they're gonna update. Leaks shows Cogforts(Steamtanks), Freeguild General on Gargolyean(Griffon), and Flagallents(Flagallents with updated sculpts).
Kruelboyz too strong nerfs when
These would've looked so much better than this dogshit
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Wait, you uhhh... you got a link to those leaks homey...? I figured new flagellants since Underworlds got some and thats usually hint area for upcoming stuff.
Still playing Kbz
Yeah and they learned how farfetched it sounded that it was easier to have numbers to back it up.
You'll get your underworlds when you give me your name
All of those models are fine except the dude holding the dumb fucking sword in a box. Could even keep the pose and just give him a helmet and something besides a fucking stick, he'd be ok.
The “leaks” he is talking about was just a list with no backbone.
I get giving CoS an aesthetic that's entirely unique to AoS, it makes sense from a game design standpoint, but what's confusing is that they went backwards technologically despite supposedly being in a civilizational upswing. They went from flintlock muskets and pike and shot back to handgonnes and men at arms?
GW itself put out an episode for free. It's wasn't worth the time.
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High T post
If this was a specific subtraction like the Tallarn for Imperial Guard I'd agree. But as models that are supposed to represent the myriad human cultures in Order, this feels incredibly narrow.
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The only good idea they've had with the new freeguild is the gargoylians other than that it's been a disaster. Instead of finally giving cities units that fit the themes of the actual cities themselves they just gave us a hideous line of models that fit the concepts of the cities even less
aw fuck really? Fuckin' bummer man, I guess I'll just hope the old world re-releases the old empire stuff.
The issue is GW isn't going to ever invest in the sprues to do CoS 'properly', which would mean multiple upgrades sprues representing the different realms. It's just not going to happen. The only army that gets that treatment is space marines and they probably out sell all of AoS.
When is GW gonna give us what we all want and make a Citadel Skulls-esque box of just assorted little freaks? A bunch of gargoylians, chaos familiars, mutant rats, bats, squiggly beasts, bugs, et cetera.
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I would love that, little rats, gargoylians, little chaos dudes, and I dunno some funny little forest critters.
Kurdoss seemed like he did decent damage at least. Non-caster heroes have to do a huge amount to justify themselves with this regiments system.
They should have one for each GA
GW has been remarkably lazy with old world so they absolutely will release some of that stuff but they'll probably use an older hideous version for half of it
The cute little pets trend is great. Love the crab and fish in underworlds and the baby magmadroth and dogs in warcry
I want big monkey for bonesplitters to ride on that's mawkrusha size
>Kurdoss sucks again for another edition
I mean, yeah. He's a copy of Olynder with a much worse ward save, decent personal melee, no wizard, and a 12" aura of effectively no commands which is cool but not enough for a 200pt unique. I think he's close to good, maybe if he was bumped up to a 5+++ like the LE to be a true bruiser, had an additional modest ability, or had scarier melee he'd be as good as the best Nighthaunt heroes.
I don't even think olynder is that good. You take her because you want the double caster because shademist is probably the best unlimited spell in the game. Kurdoss needs to do like more than double the damage on his scroll, he 100% has to take spirit host and they're garbage profiles.
This doesn't look anything like a mawkrusha you broke retard
The 30/70 split q few days ago was never accurate. The results are being fortified for your safety and protection.
I just want some Greatswords, or Halberdiers.

Well, no, she's not *crazy* good but she's still quite good, Nighthaunt has pretty poor caster access so a tough wizard 2 support for 300 is a decent deal in that context. If GoS didn't want to be in combat all the time or there was any other Wizard 2 without caveats she wouldn't be taken.
If something is good and it's not particularly popular last edition, it's probably not popping up because GW has paint requirements at tacoma, a 2 week turnaround on playing and painting a 2k kruleboyz army is kind of a big ask. There was one KB army at Tacoma and like a million SCE, SBGL, OBR & S2D.

I haven't looked over kruleboyz but if they're complicated enough or there's like one broken unit that could affect win rates too, non waac aren't going to go out and buy 60 gutrippaz or whatever, or understand how to put together a competent list.

Finally the army just might not be that popular, even when beasts of chaos was broken as fuck for like a year they didn't have much representation.
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His model looks fine the pose is lame but the rest is ok.
Personally I'm more interested in tyrion with lumineth basically being wuxia elves and him shaping up to be the "blind swordmaster" archetype I bet his model will be a mirror to teclis
>full armor against teclis robes
>Phoenix/Zenith spirit will fly above him while he's on the ground switching the position that teclis has with his spirit
>probably two handed sword
I'm so ready for him and the Zenith temple.
Pic very related
>Bonesplitterz gets squatted after being literally one of the first armies to get a battletome
To be fair, no fucking one was ever playing Bonesplitters past 1st Ed. The army was dead for a long time already and I wonder why they didn't axe them faster.
>into one mega-stopgap tome, Cities of Sigmar.
CoS Tome was iirc the lovechild of a designer who pitched it internaly, got it passed because GW didn't care and could sell of the old stock this way a bit longer and decided to turn it in to a new faction once they saw it to be popular.
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Explicitly yes.
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>heraldry includes the giant fire skull let loose on the city
Facken wizard cunts
Are there any descriptions of what people in/on Bataar look like? I know their colors are yellow and red but I can't seem to find much besides that. I'm making my CoS a bunch of random aqshy people and figured I should find a way to include them for a unit or two or at the very least a wizard from there
don't give it attention
I know, I know. I just like posting the funny pictures.
You and me both. Maybe another Vanari unit, too. Still missing the chariots mentioned in the original battletome.
Chimpina caught wind of wheels being used and destroyed them all
Yeah I think LRL need another model release, maybe another 2 heroes, Tyrion, and a few elemental monsters. Around 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 more units in all!!!
There's a laundry list of problems with this model but the gargoylian being chained to the platform doesn't make any sense at all
It's reparations
There's no specific descriptions but they use a special fire-silk fabric that special spiders make so you could incorporate some spider stuff
There's no visual depiction. The rpg makes a big deal of their monopoly on firesilk and their close ties with fyreslayers, to a point where they escaped with or buried their gold in the Age of Chaos because they knew they'd need it to bring the slayers on board with their reconquest. You could extrapolate a bit and make it look like they're wearing silken fabrics (silk reflects light weirdly, look up some guides) dyed in warm saturated colors. Metal ornamentation could be made to look rich, but not gilded, so try to do silver or brass instead.
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How close is this to being an actual army? Like just a box of skeletons or so?
Cursed City was a mistake
what are you, GW?
The stuff you need for a list has already been posted in this thread, noones spoonfeeding you
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What is this base for?
Okay :(

Can I ask what type of cool shit Soulblight gravelords get in general?
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No you may not
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O-okay Anon....
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Anyone notice the new Skaven clan rats in this weeks Warhammer video?

One is clearly holding a full length spear...and another is holding some sort of forearm gun/shield.
Those are weirdly exclusive only to the learn to paint kit. (or part of the actual release that will come out later that aren't monopose like skaventide box)
There's no gun in this image and the spear is just the unit champion
...thats clearly a shield anon
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I respectfully disagree.
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Look closer.
>what type of cool shit Soulblight gravelords get in general?

Recursion, meaning when some units are destroyed, you can bring them back at half strength. Also most anything with the Vamp keyword can heal each turn (notably Blood Knights seem to take advantage of this the most). Some decent monsters - Terrorghesit etc - a lot of them have flying. An absolute assload of named Vamp Heroes (of varying effectiveness).

Soulblight has very little shooting but makes up for it with summoning (ie "from the grave") so you can drop your units near your casters / necros along with a little self-healing and recursion.
Common troll. It's the same base sprue as Battle for Skull Pass (but the Spider Riders themselves are different).
Ooo fun, I'd probably just need a cubic fuck ton of chaff I imagine to get that to work properly though so either shit ton of Zombies or a skele-TON of troops.

Makes sense.
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Do yourselves a favor and don't play any spearhead that mostly hits on a 4+
You will lose your mind
Not necessarily, just 3 units of your choice of chaff, probably not reinforced.
thats most of them
Oh shit so pretty much just a few jobber front liners then some neato vampires and big ol' fuckoff monsters? Cool.
My dude like half of the game hits on 4+
It's a dice game bruh. It's all good man.
Pretty much, SBG is the "some chaff screening for actual threats" army unless you want to go full zombie spam or oops all vampires with Blood Knights.
Most statblocks are hits on 4s and wounds on 2s or hits on 2s and wounds on 4s, just gotta deal with it.
And at least hitting on 4s mean you can buff it to a 3+
I'll keep it in mind in case I find a few cheap heroes at my FLGS or online near me, anything big or cool you'd recommend other than vampire on zombie dragon?

I do like that rat vampire, the one with the little rat tails coming out from under his cape.
I know

Ones that have recursion outside of reinforcements are fine

It's a little different from the main game because generally those armies have ways to mitigate their bad stats, but in spearhead they generally do not.
That works for spearheads with lots of bodies and lots of recursion, but spearheads like CoS either land their 2 4+ cannon shots per turn and win or they don't and lose. Game comes down to a coin flip.

>And at least hitting on 4s mean you can buff it to a 3+
Not in spearhead
I played the gitz spearhead which is probably the least competent spearhead in the game, and even after a unit of knights steamrolled half my army I still only lost by 2 points, 18 to 16.

The twists, random tactics, and shit like reinforcements keep things constantly close all the way to the end, even against an opponent with much better odds or an early lead. I even hard flubbed a tactic 2 turns in a row and it was still that close
I think I'm just a little disillusioned with my 5 cavaliers who are a 4+/4+/-1/2 on the charge accomplishing basically nothing. Don't even get me started on steelhelms.
>Mitigate bad stats
>Game comes down to a coin flip

I think a lot of WFB players would tell you even back in the day - either the cannon hits or it doesn't. And the days the cannons are hitting all their shots, very little (aside from the cheesiest units) can stand getting blasted with a shitload of cannons.

Give it another shot or two and see how it goes. Maybe Cities isn't for you. The Spearhead boxes are cheap (compared to what you get in them), so give other stuff a shot.
WHFB cannons didn't hit on a 4+ though, if you were good at guessing then it was mostly up to the artillery dice not misfiring on the bounce.

And the issue is less the cannon and more that nothing else in that spearhead does any damage or has any real resilience.

>Give it another shot or two and see how it goes. Maybe Cities isn't for you.
I did with some other spearheads and they worked okay (except the ruination one from the main box, which is bad).

LRL are great, StD are great, Yndrastra's is actually pretty okay. Give me Ironjawz already damn it.
>(except the ruination one from the main box, which is bad)
>Most spearhead armies have about 18-25 control score on the board at any time, with the lower ones usually having a banner or some way of affecting control score of other units.
>The Lord-Vigilant Skaventide list has only 12 control score and zero ways to increase it.
Unironically, what were they thinking?
Is the entire list supposed to be just tying stuff up so the prosecutors can backcap? It's nonsensical.
Anon the state troops literally do not exists lorewise at the time of the setting
That always confused the shit out of me I would always feel like I was losing it when a pic of skull pass would pop up
Prosecutors can effectively charge any target on the board turn 1 because they move 14 and charge with three dice. They also have Reinforcement like the Liberators. Lord-Veritant has a Prayer for burning chaff and the Lord-Vigilant can give himself a 5+ Ward through an Enhancement, making him durable enough to wade into some fights.
Neither did the goblin hewer, GW doesn't give a shit they're gonna use whatever they feel like/is readily available
>Prosecutors can effectively charge any target on the board turn 1 because they move 14 and charge with three dice
Yeah but they don't have their +1 damage on the charge ability in spearhead, so it's just 9 3+/3+/-1/1 attacks which is nothing.
>They also have Reinforcement like the Liberators.
They need it considering they're only 6 3+ save wounds for the whole unit. That doesn't really help when they're 3 control and will lose to most units in the game even on the charge.

>Lord-Veritant has a Prayer for burning chaff
The real G in the list

>and the Lord-Vigilant can give himself a 5+ Ward through an Enhancement, making him durable enough to wade into some fights.
But he can't kill anything, he has a basic bitch 5 attack hero profile except he has 2 rend instead of 1.

None of that matters because they can't win on any contested objectives and can't kill enough to make up the difference. Having a unit come back as reinforcements isn't that great when it means you lost on points.
>Prosecutors can effectively charge any target on the board turn 1 because they move 14 and charge with three dice.
There's only a 12" gap between deployment zones, almost any unit in the game can do a turn 1 charge and for most cavalry it literally is a guaranteed 3" charge.
That list also has some weird quirks like their once per game 5+ ward needing to be declared in your own hero phase, it's not a reaction to being attacked.
Kritza is a cute little budget hero, he's not really something you take because of anything he actually brings to the table. Torgillius lets you double up on your chaff revive ability and Radukar the Beast is a melee monster that buffs your non-Companion chaff, other than that it really depends on what you want to take, like if you like Dire Wolves Belladamma Volga is an obvious choice and she in turn buffs all other Vyrkos units control scores so that list kinda builds itself.
Was there any new fluff on the warscroll cards? I'm never paying James for all those decks but I'm curious.
Good to know, once I've dealt with my other army I should pick up the bigger Radukar and some Skeletons since I already got Torgilus then the rest I got should kinda work fine since I got a few extra vampire and necromancer minis floating around too.

Preciated Anon!
That's fine but TOW and Fantasy have some fun fuckin' rules so you can have some funny moments

Some faction rules are simultaneously shitty and unreliable, so the game accomplishes nothing.

I'm not even a huge fantasy fan and I think you can play both and have a good time but fuck they must have hired interns for rules writing because they're making TOW look like a competitive game, which is saying a lot.
The troll that came in the 7th edition starter set.
That box is what. 20 years old now
>Do yourselves a favor and don't play any spearhead
Way ahead of you
I already have one schizophrenic cav plan but I guess spider cavaliers will always be an option, thanks for the info
You can read the lore in the free app. Every unit there also has a lore tab.
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So now that the dust has settled why did aos 4.0 flop so hard?
I think what is certain for lumineth is >tyrion with his Phoenix
>Zenith temple unit (maybe Phoenix riders)
>Zenith spirit
>water mage
>water spirit
We already got the Zenith mage and the water temple unit and I'm not sure what they can add to the army after that.
In my opinion after adding the units above they should focus on idoneth and expand them because they sure need it.
I'm torn between wanting phoenix cav or for them to just have wings
>I'm torn between wanting phoenix cav or for them to just have wings.
That design niche is already filled by stormcast prosecutors and considering how they look I rather have Phoenix riders which is also a classic high elf unit and fits better in the army because they have no flying cavalry yet.
A phoenix rider would work better as the generic hero
What do people think about Gobsprakk on the table? I am building one now and I am wondering if the unbind tricks and wizard (2) are worth the cost difference from the vultcha boss
The heroes of the temples are the Aelementor spirits and they were until now always a animal + element in the case of zenith it's light/fire.
I think the zenith spirit is going to be a light phoenix and the temple unit will be phoenix riders that are a bit smaller than the spirit.
It would also fit with tyrions association with phoenix and he has a bond with a zenith spirit if I remember correctly so it would make sense.
Lumineth also lack flying cavalry.
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>The heroes of the temples are the Aelementor spirits
So Cities of Sigmar is still an unstable mess (if popular) even now because they're still keeping rules for Dark Elves and Old Dwarfs? I wanted to get into them but all signs point to them nuking their non-human buddies at this point, which is weirder why there's still rules.
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One the rumor going around is that Lumineth are getting their own Phoenix guard (narrative picking up the DB6 plotline)

part of me feel like they're going to give them their own dragons as well
The current non-humans are for sure leaving but it doesn't necessarily mean they won't be replaced with something in the same vein later on. Cities overall isn't notably more popular than any other army
Malerion's aelves will bring back the noodle dragon
Some people think he's tolerable to play because he's wizard 2 and fast in a slow as piss army due to the premium on regiments. I think he's trash personally compared to swamp staff shaman.
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Only if it's really noodlemaxing
I've never understood if it's just shitposting or if so many people are actually unaware of all the dark elf models still carried in CoS.
Had a game of 4th today, OBR vs Stormcast.

OBR seem strong, there's a lot less bookkeeping and knowledge checks to playing the army now, just gotta remember the 6 ossiarch commands and with those as well as the various spells and other buffs they can do every unit in the army can be dangerous and survivable.
The key to beating them is as always to take out the heroes, which my opponent failed to do.
They're not bringing them into malerion's army what does it have to do with anything?
katakross is practically unkillable.
Four nipples...
>the leftovers
you mean like order draconis? eldritch council? phoenix temple? lion rangers? swifthawk agents? wanderers?
not nipples
I have three nipples irl but the third isn't fully formed

I didn't even bring him, I had arkhan and a boneshaper.
My opponent had Yndrasta, and somehow didn't charge her straight into Arkhan.
Why is the shaman so good? He just has a +1 so long as the grot lives.
It doesn't really matter unless GW actually gets around to releasing Malerion's army so they're good for another 10 years in AoS.
More likely one year
Meh. They're not part of TOW. There's no indication that Malerion is coming soon, there is seriously not any reason they need to be evicted quickly.
NTA, but as a Malerion wanter, I have to admit that Chorfs are infinitely more likely simply based on the fact that they are basically telling us "Chorfs are coming" in the core book and the existence of the Hammers of Hashut.
Morbid conjurations has an almost 100% pick rate in tournament play. How long do you guys think GW will wait before adding points back to endless spells?
They're not doing that. I expect a battlesheet nerf long before reneging on free endless spells much like they're not re-adding wargear costs to 40k 10e.
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>Skaven jump to almost 70 percent in an hour
Distant-remote ballots finally arrived!
There wasn't any reason to ditch the wood or high elves either but they went all the same
Worked for Sylvaneth, they correctly identified that elves make everything worse and made the faction essentially entirely treeple, bugs, and not-elves resulting in one of the best ranges in the entire game.
it skews so badly for armies that can cast strong like teclis, he just fucks the board up with essentially 100%-uptime magical intervention auto-casting
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That's *inside* the city, cretin-fool! We're losing outside!
What is the difference between In The City and Outside the City?
It does, but that's an artifact of Malign being both one of the only manifestation lores with 4 spells (favoring high wizard power level armies) and one of the few where all of its spells are useful, if not outright great. If it was as meh as Forbidden it wouldn't be an issue.
Wood and High Elves were:
>A: Confirmed main armies in TOW
>B: Have direct replacement armies in AoS
new bread

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