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File: Jumpchain OP.pdf (5.9 MB, PDF)
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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

>Last Thread
Reposting 0.1 of my Pokémon Trading Card Game (GB) jump. Feedback and critique are appreciated.
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Tell me about waifus who have made your Jumper worse.
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How many of you make art for your chains? Hard Mode; No A.I slop.
Draw it.
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She made Jumper worse by making him use a WIP to get her.
I mean, my waifu encouraged me to be more willing to kill people. I don't know if that counts.
Draw it, . Used slop to shortcut some of the drafting process, but I want to do some proper sketches/pixel art of the cleaned up designs now that I'm sitting on a few. But that would require me to muster up the will to restart the chain they were supposed to be for.
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Best jumps to bring Flowey to?
Destiny the Darkness
>giving Flowey access to Sword Logic
He wouldn't even need the SOULs at that point.
You said best
>Restoring Flowey to his Asriel state with an Ahamkara Wish
But anon, all my art is ai slop
An Ahamkara I named Ava. More a mischievous daughter than waifu. Any wishes just end with jokes rather than horrible monkeys' paws.
Dunno anything about the Pokemon TCG other than people barely know how to play it, and that a 1st Ed Charizard can set you for life.

Hope you have fun with this one WoL!
>it monkeypaws him and still leaves him without a soul
It's hotter if she is fat, so fat she stays.
No it isn't.
I respectfully but firmly disagree.
As I have made clear I strongly disagree with your position as well. However I too am willing to keep this civil if you are.
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Someone posted something about the editors of High school DxD wanting the Waifus not to fuck. Is it wrong that this makes me want to manipulate things so people are fucking like minks. Just lewd raunchy sex going on everywhere. Turn the place in to the Hentai it always wanted to be.
Anyone else find it hard to stick with a generic self-insert chain? I mean, i can fill in a doc as a standalone cyoa, but when trying to plan out and fill in a normal chain, i just get bogged down trying to figure out the optimal order to run jumps, the optimal way to set up companions, and otherwise end up autisming my interest out of it. I can get interested if I try and think of the chain less of a normal self insert deal and more of a framework to daydream a fanfic story, but that doesn't go anywhere either because I can't write worth a damn. And the problem is despite this problem IO still keep obsessing over some nebulous idea of "what would SI super wizard jumper me do in this setting?" but can never actually get down to brass tacks to plan out a chain to a satisfactory level.
Am I too autistic for this hobby?
I did, thanks.
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I tried to draw my jumper in the style of order of the stick/keychain of creation the other day and came to the conclusion that mspaint is not the program I want to be doing that in. I’ve considered doing it by hand but I’m fairly certain that I’ll hate myself for trying if I make even the slightest mistake.
Not at fucking all. Do it. Do it without hesitation.
Just do it. Shame has no place here. Especially not for you.
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Crema Catalana, she encouraged me to be selfish and for me to do what I want no matter what it was, even if it meant that she could be hurt or affected.
>I mean, i can fill in a doc as a standalone cyoa, but when trying to plan out and fill in a normal chain, i just get bogged down trying to figure out the optimal order to run jumps, the optimal way to set up companions, and otherwise end up autisming my interest out of it.
Optimal isn’t the goal here. Ask yourself, what settings do you find fun?
There's no way they can make him worse than he already is
Pretty sure the fanfic toggle could make that change.
That's the problem though, I start out trying to have fun, but them my desire for fun goes at war with my desire to optimize, so I end up in a situation where I can't figure out an ideal route to satisfy both halves of my brain
Nope. All my Jumpers are self inserts.
You really do have to keep fucking up until you finally start fucking up less. If you focus more on the progress than the reflection, the cringe will eventually feel like bittersweet nostalgia like the days you didn't know how to vidya n' shite.
>but them my desire for fun goes at war with my desire to optimize
NTA and I'm not that type of autist so I can't relate, but wouldn't it be more fun to optimize with limited available resources rather than having things from a hundred different jumps?
Nta, but does that mean I should start posting cringe?
>especially not for you.
What is that supposed to mean, anon?
That anon is posting cringe everyday anyway
What options are there to visit versions of jumps that should exist when the jumpmaker refuses to update the jump?
Hmm. What about going to a really powerful jump first off? If you’ve already got enough power for the whole chain, you wouldn’t need to optimize anymore.
nice. imma make my own pokemon version of exodia.
>I’ll hate myself for trying if I make even the slightest mistake.
I would post the WEG meme but.
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Dude I appreciate that you are actually writefagging. I appreciate that you are posting it. I think it makes you one of the best guys in this thread. Your work is also cringe inducing. Not because of the quality of your writing, it's actually not terrible from what I'd read, but due to the subject matter. I tried I really did but I bounced off that hard. You have already embraced your cringe. Take the next bold step in your journey of self improvement and make some shitty character art. Everything starts somewhere.
NTA but you only talk about exalted/WoD and you avatarfag
That just brings me back to what I already said about having more enjoyment from using jumps as isolated CYOAs. But the problem is then I'm not really playing Jumpchain at that point, I'm just doing normal CYOA things

I've thought about it, but I also worry about picking the right powerful jump, having teh means to most effecitvely survive said jump, and then I get worried that I might become too powerful and mentally disconnected from enjoying the more low stakes jumps. Plus the idea of sitting around for 10 years being kinda useless or not doing anything productive fills me with some manner of dread and disgust that feels bothers me deep down.
I mean I could try that, but the poart of my brain that also wants to look at a chain in the context of literary escalation and good stroy telling then screams into my brain that I'm "doing it wrong and OP stompfics tend to be the dullest shit ever."
I guess the problem is I have too many mixed feelings and emotions on the nature of writing and enjoying a chain, and I can't seem to select a single option that satisfies all my wants and principals without the other parts of my brain shouting that I'm doing something wrong.
You make your own, you lazy bastard
or better yet, kill yourself and enjoy your dream jump in the afterlife
>I want to be super-optimized and powerful
>"Just take a powerful jump as your first"
>I dont wanna be too powerful
Am I just retarded and misunderstanding something here?
Have fun.
Oh, I have lots of images I've made for, and tangential to, my chains. However, I was blessed with absolutely zero talent for drawing, and zero motivation to waste my life becoming nothing more than mediocre at drawing, so I am content to outsource the actual image generation to an AI. whether or not it's art? I don't really care. am I super chuffed to finally be able to put things into pictures that don't look like they were drawn by a 3rd grader that has parkinsons? damn straight I am
Limit yourself to a particular powerset, from a particular settings or short theme of settings, and focus mostly on getting and perfecting those powers, and visit other jumps more for items/companions/challenges
I mean optimized in terms of the general escalation of getting the things i need at the right time in a way that's reasonable and also getting companions, properties, and other things in the right time to take them to future jumps that would be appropriate to them while also handling things like companion limits and what have you. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm having a hard time balancing between optimizing for fun, competency, narrative reason/sense/balance, and the various little quippling principles within and in between all those other issues. And the problem is I can't reconcile the various wants, desires, and intellectual necessities of my person and the places where they conflict. I'm of too many minds about the subject of a jumpchain and those said minds dislike eachother's position and i have a hard time trying to prioritize or find a way to grade my different types of wants against eachother to a way that doesn't feel like I'm doing something wrong.
Yeah, that’s fair. I’m guessing you’re not a fan of Exalted? And it’s an Exalted only chain. Unless I add Alchemical Solutions to it which is its own can of, well, worms. Thanks for the other stuff, I guess?

…And now you have me wondering if someone could sit down and figure out the order I wrote things in by the style I used to write them.
Put your money where your mouth is. Post something you drew today, then come back in two months and post something you drew then.
>and then I get worried that I might become too powerful and mentally disconnected from enjoying the more low stakes jumps.
Having fun doesn’t have to do with how powerful you are, just what you enjoy.

>Plus the idea of sitting around for 10 years being kinda useless or not doing anything productive fills me with some manner of dread and disgust that feels bothers me deep down.
>I can't seem to select a single option that satisfies all my wants and principals without the other parts of my brain shouting that I'm doing something wrong.
Have you ever made a chain where you were a god? Being a god and working through your followers might satisfy your requirements, you’re powerful yet limited, and you have a reason to build up other people instead of just stomping every threat yourself.
Free tier Shaker power, based in part on Grue.
>Misty Mirage (Free): By generating and controlling a thick grey fog you can create an area in which only those you allow can see clearly, leaving you and your allies as the only ones able trust their eyes and disrupting most forms of enhanced vision. By controlling how much or little people can see through the fog you can confuse or disorient others. Beyond just obscuring vison it’s possible to make anyone in fog look differently when viewed through it; potentially making allies look like enemies, enemies look like civilians, or other such methods to create confusion on the battlefield through illusions. Unfortunately people can always see at least a dozen feet hazily and the illusions you can cover someone in are strictly visual, good group coordination and non-visual methods for navigating an area can significantly reduce the effectiveness of this power on a group.
Actually I don't mind exalted.
drawing CAN be easy. It has never been easy for me. Motor skills issue.

I have tried, and failed, and determined that at most, I will get sort of mediocre at it. With an inefficient amount of effort. Effort I don't want to put into something I will never excel at.

Especially when I can just make a computer do it for me.
…then what are you bouncing off of?
Just woke up from a dream that was something between Baki the Grappler and Jujutsu Kaisen.
What weird setting combinations have you used in your chains?
I have only ever combined jumps in my chains once. The jumps in question were Cultist Simulator and MtG Kamigawa. I've also loosely considered a combination of Infamous/Prototype/Assassin's Creed, but couldn't quite make it work.
>Anyone can teleport anything they're touching anywhere anytime they want
How bad is this for the world?
When I realized that Alterworld created a world where women outnumbered men by a lot and then didn't do anything fun with it I supplemented it with The Works of Aomizuan to make sure something fun came of it.
Rape, assassination, etc. all go way up.
If I punch everyone unconscious, I’m sure to hit the villain.
200 tier mover power, because you can't have capeshit without some kind of super speed.
Well you can, but not in a world where there's an entire power category based on mobility.
>Frozen World (200): When people think of mover powers super speed is the obvious idea coming to mind; it’s iconic, effective, and you’ve got one of the stronger ones even if it doesn’t feel like it from your perspective. With a mental flex you can activate this power accelerating your mind and body such that the world slows around you, potentially to the point that the world seems to stop and only the fastest moving objects still creep along in slow motion when you push this to its limit for the maximum effect. In this state physics hold a loose grasp on you allowing you to interact with things normally despite your speed, move in extraordinary ways reliant on momentum from speed you don’t actually feel, or shred things to pieces as they eat the full brunt of what your high speed touch does to things under normal conditions. As powerful as this is there’s a problem that keeps you from using this power all the time, namely the mental aspect of this power which allows your mind to treat your speed as normal will cause increasingly painful thinker headaches should this power be used at higher speeds for an extended period.
I came up with JJK x Naruto one time. The premise was that jujutsu sorcerers used chakra before anyone else, but a specifically negative chakra and Sukuna existed before Kaguya.
I won't say it's a good solution, but it's definitely a setting appropriate one.
What is this a part of?
I can now teleport a skyscraper full of people into low earth orbit, killing hundreds of people in minutes. With a minute of walking, I can do it to another one.
Or I can teleport a mountain into another mountain, causing a physics problem that would only usually be encountered in gmod.
If I go to an ocean, how much of the water can I teleport away?
Which Forgotten Realms gods are the nicest or not bad to associate with if you have to associate with a Faerun deity?
Exalted/worm fusion quest, so nothing worth talking about
Alchemical Solutions, I've started to post perks I write to motivate myself to keep going. Considering how fast this one is moving (by my incredibly low standards) I'd say it's working.
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Looks good.

Don’t worry, it’s only Bashing damage.
>Which Forgotten Realms gods are the nicest or not bad to associate with
Evening Glory is pretty go-
>Faerun deity
Yeah, i got nothing
Damn, candlejack got h
Himeno's debut episode had her literally use a guardian deity machine snail that was also a minigun ... for landscaping.
I miss the days when that was funny. When I found the internet fun.
Try something like a zero starting CP chain?
Oh man, I used to love that game. Is there going to be a drawback for a long, unskippable tutorial cutscene?
Take him to UnSong and use the Ensouling Word on him
So odd question but does anyone ever go ethereal/sort of spiritual for a jumper? Thinking about jumper learning more and more on magic and sort of becoming uncaring for actual physical form most of the time. Seems simpler in his mind if he's not doing something that directly needs a body and he can always use a vessel for that.
Unironically, Kingdom Hearts would be great place to help him grow a new heart
Is superhuman feudalism a viable form of governance?
The specific model I'm intending to implement, personally, is using biological and cybernetic augmentation technology to uplift select individuals from amongst the populous into building destroying celebrity personalities, publicizing them like minor gods.
Would be interested to hear your own takes on the concept.
God damn. You might actually be too autistic for jumpchain.

Look. You have to make a decision instead of just being indecisive and finding reasons to blame. No solution is going to be perfect. Fuck, going with an imperfect option sometimes ends up being more fun. Send your jumper someplace unpleasant because of narrative reasons? There's story right there in him complaining about the situation. Give him a few vacations in a row while that part of your brain is screaming for a training montage? Bam, now you've got story to write about Jumper feeling jumpy, paranoid, and waiting for the other shoe to drop.

You either deal with these kinds of decisions or your stop trying to write. It's just that simple.
Current jumper loves having a body that bleeds, and feels pain and pleasure, so no.
I usually get to that stage in magic chains fast because I like having different skinsuits and sometimes collect people to inhabit.
Why would you want to turn your kingdom/empire into The Boys?
As far as I am aware, Chauntea is rather nice all around. Really, her main fault is passivity.
Having other men worship the women who in turn worship me makes my peepee big I guess
I don't need a special reason to ego trip
>Jannies are pushing the fat mei agenda
Totally valid. You do you anon.
Yeah sort of thinking the same except for the collecting people to inhabit bit. That sounds unethical.
sure. regular feudalism stuck around for a long time.
Nah, they deleted the talk about architecture too.
The 400 tier Shaker power.
>Explosive Pinball (400): Within a range of several hundred meters you can generate an explosion of heat and force at any location you can perceive, these blasts can be as small as a grenade while being weak enough to just toss someone across a room or as large as a house and strong enough to strip the outer layers of an Endbringer while tossing it several blocks and anywhere in between those two extremes. As a particularly fun side benefit of this power your reflexes are boosted by a considerable degree, to the point where even at the maximum power of the blast you can still catch something thrown by it. . . with another explosion. Potentially creating a situation where an enemy sturdy enough to survive it simply gets juggled around the area with repeated explosions and no opportunity to fight really fight back until you stop. Eventually.
Now we have techno-feudalism to look forward to!
Define "viable"
I don't really do the "ascend to become a pure energy being" thing, but even if I did I don't really know any jump where thats an option in the doc
>So odd question but does anyone ever go ethereal/sort of spiritual for a jumper? Thinking about jumper learning more and more on magic and sort of becoming uncaring for actual physical form most of the time.
What are the best ways to achieve that state?
Will the people eagerly submit to their overlord's demands as they claim tithe and deliver proclamations
A small feral child crawls up to you on all fours, sniffs your leg, and asks you "Are you a god? I'm supposed to kill gods."

How does your Jumper react?
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>Is superhuman feudalism a viable form of governance?
Absolutely. Just make sure you kill any of your superhumans who start to emphasize with the peasants against your empire.
Most of my jumpers are geared towards making a certain particular form of warfighting (that's typically unsupported by most jumpable worlds) viable, so not really.
Sounds neat though.
"Nah, I'm just a man. Being a God is way too tiresome work and I wouldn't wish it on anyone"
Well... theres a good few jumps I'm sure but I'm mostly using Triune scriptures here for it for the most part. I like the whole existential shift thing that happens to cultivator in its lore.
probably. lots of people have been worshipped irl depite not having superpowers.
>No, but I eat them.
I will then make this small child the greatest God-slayer I've met in the last ten seconds.
It could work as long as you carefully select who you empower. Like making sure to empower decently intelligent good looking people with lots of charisma and an appropriate temper, obviously also making sure they dont have any mental ilnesses and are mostly neurotypical.
Also making sure that the system isn't baded on i heritence, but people specifically being appointed with each generation.
If you wanted you could even establish a number of Tests to find people with the right traits that anyone could apply for.
Depends on quality of life, how ingrained indoctrination is, if the biological/cybernetic augmentation's include degrees of mind control stuff etc.
Also, depends on how sincere you want that "eagerly".
>"I'm a god, but right now you're only talking to one of my avatars."
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If jujutsu sorcery was a well known thing in the JJK universe instead of being secret like it is before Shibuya, how famous would Gojo be?
>isn't baded (sic) on i heritence (sic)
Not the original poster, but aren't you moving away from the goal posts?
If charisma, intelligence, appearance, or even the personality of the people selected mattered, then it wouldn't even be superhuman feudalism, it'd just be regular feudalism. That's the entire fucking point of cybernetic augmentation, literally nothing about who you previously were matters after you go full conversion cyborg.
No? Feudalismus isn't about bloodlines, it's a system of governance, based on land ownship and exchanging things like protection for physical labour and service.

You can be a feudal Ruler, even if you weren't born into a noble family.
The answer is very mixed and controversial he is a manchild but one with enough integrity and good looks to get a certain portion of the population behind him. It depends how much people care about their celebrities acting respectable rather than their actions. Though even then Gojo isn't some kind of savior so people would probably be upset about how lax he is with saving people.
Sympathize. Fucks sake. That had better have been due to autocorrect.
I give him a lasgun and flak helmet and send him to the PDF.
Other things. I really don't see how specifying them does either of us any good since I don't really want you to change anything nor do I expect that you would.
Who would be viewed as worse to the global populace: Kenjaku or Sukuna?
Anon, feudal = medieval and medieval = bloodlines. How could you forget this?
Nta but it depends if people know what Kenjaku did and his whole backstory and plan. He's trying to practically genocide Japan, so Sukuna can't possibly be as bad. Sukuna's shitty, sure, but at worst he'll just wreck a city or two. Kenjaku will probably destroy the world if he isn't stopped.
That's just not true though. A feudal lordship is fundamentally just a protection racket
>A feudal lordship is fundamentally just a protection racket
I mean, so is every government.
If you simplify things enough, everything is just random chemical interactions.
Does anyone know if there is a list of jumps? I need some randomness for my chain and it would be easier to roll with one.
And what are those chemicals made of?
What you have described is often just what happens in any society where said superhumans have not been culturally conditioned to value the autonomy of a society run by non-superhumans. You know how a bunch of cape settings have supers outright upholding the status quo because they're convinced that to do otherwise would be "playing God" and depriving humanity of its free will? You know how there's always an elseworld or an AU where they decide they really can run it better and become a bunch of superpowered dictators? Yeah.
Atoms, which are made of quarks, which are made of energy.

When you get down to it, everything is just shifts in ambient energy.
>feudal = medieval
>this nigga ain't never heard of feudal Japan
>You know how there's always an elseworld or an AU
Or just the regular Wildstorm universe desu.
You mean medieval Japan?
I refuse to acknowledge that retarded wine aunt's incoherent ramblings about the imperceptible interactions of the energy of the universe upon our beings could in any way be considered valid. I reject your reality and substitute my own.
My brain is so rotted that I almost instinctively said rape, but then my brain actually processed the word child.

Anyways, Jumper lightly kicks the child and says he's a billion years too young to challenge him or something equally as chuuni.
Are you really going to claim that feudal Japan was significantly different than feudal Europe?
No. If anything, it was worse. But medieval specifically relates to Europe.
Feudal Japan's system of governance heavily relied upon hereditary inheritance though.
I said different not better.
Of the two things that I personally view as overarching trends that might be the boring/offensive parts, one I cant change and the other I don't want to. So yeah, it's kind of pointless. Damn. Sorry you don't like my stuff, even if you do seem to like me.
Do you count Naruto Ninjutsu as magic?
I only posted that as a shitpost, I thought everyone would figure I was purposefully obtuse and pretentious.
Some techniques yes, others no.
yes. what else would it be? a ki technique?
The world dies within the first 5 minutes because someone got the idea to touch the ground and teleport away the Earth.
Okay, serious question: Are Love Gods like Cupid who in a function of their role literally mind control people into fucking evil?
Shit like the Sbinigami summoning ritual is definitely magic. Things like walking up trees probably not.
You underestimate the autism of this place.
Sage mode could be considered a variant of druidism, and fuinjutsu is often portrayed as a kind of runes (which is fanon iirc?), but as a whole Naruto is a cultivation setting and runs on Ki/Qi/Chakra, which I personally don't view as magic.

So there are magic-like effects, but not actual magic.
>"Oh, goddamnit."
Guess I've got another apprentice now.
Depends on how deterministic the universe is.
But also, probably yeah.
I only do things that I find cool, I never fully self insert.

A RWBY denied her it's suicide.
Close enough, yeah.
I'm happy to see anyone create content even if I don't particularly like that content. Content creation is good for the thread.
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>"You shoul talk to this guy"
Also we may or may not be thinking of the same things. I have pet peeves which are fairly innocuous to many.
>Wally can’t be wounded
Bruh, he lost a finger from a portal closing on him.
>muh infinite timelines
That said yeah that’s better than anything Chaos has done, Tzeentch can’t even be omniscient without using Kairos and a random Warp pit, and Be’lakor is so bad at using his time looping abilities they don’t even stop him from getting his ass beat by the one guy he’s shown to use them on
Adjacent. Can affect each other, but differences in structure will cause difficulties.
It's complicated. After all, Eros is still subject to the Moirai. None of the Theoi are beyond the power of the Moirai, not even Zeus. Those three even told newborn Theoi what their domains were going to be, according to Pindar, Callimachus, Telestes, and Aeschylus.
It has a casting system, a casting time, there's a mana bar.
It's magic in all but names, except on top of chakra being a plot device that can do everything too.
Should Jumper murder the Moirai and irrevocably shatter Fate?
Always murder Fate. Amalur that crusty old bitch.
I mean, if you like literally nothing happening ever again. No Klotho to spin the threads of lives means no one gets born. And sure, you can just grab that one perk from Sidereals, but then you've got the issue of fate just running on its own instead of having arbiters that are sometimes able to be swayed, depending on the myth. Then if you break that, there is no fate, and for a formerly deterministic universe that's a Big Deal.
Yes, its treated almost exactly hoe most japanese fantasy settings treat their magic system, it's just chakra instead of mana and hand signs instead of incantations.
What if I shatter Fate in such a way that reality become probabilistic rather than deterministic?
California beer dad Kratos killed them and things turned out alright
No, the only way you can see it as magic is if you consider every supernatural power system as magic.
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Jumpmakers, is there anything you'd like to talk about relating to your jumps (finished or that you're currently working on) other than just some perk or power you recently wrote?
Better question: do you count out-of-setting magic as jutsu when in Naruto?
That's where the "that's a Big Deal" aspect comes in. See, if you free someone who was captured and taken into slavery, they'll likely go home or find a new home and do whatever they did before they were captured. But if you free someone who was born a slave, who has never known anything else, who has never so much as heard the WORD "freedom?" You don't know what they're going to do with their newfound freedom. THEY don't know what they're going to do with it.

Expect all Tartarus to break loose. Possibly literally, but definitely figuratively.
Better than allowing the slavery to continue.

Jumper will shatter Fate and murder the Moirai, ripping their divine essence from their hearts and ritualistically spreading it throughout all of humanity so that they truly possess free will-the freedom to create life, to live their lives by their own choice, to choose their own ending. Let the chips fall where they may; it is better than slavery to Fate.
Well, my latest WIP features a simple calendar conversion in the notes ("simple" because it's the same months as ours, just renamed, so the note's just there so you know which month got renamed to what).
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I formally apologize to the thread and that one dude for putting Kirsche in Redo, since I think that's the reason why that one guy posts about Vtubers and phase connect now.

Have wholesome romance as compensation.
What one dude?
I had big dreams about putting at least three different scenarios in Sega Small Friends, one of which was going to feature a whole daycare creation table. I could never quite figure out how to make that though and so the scenario section remains eternally unfinished even though the rest of the jump is functional. Worst of all: I have no intention of fixing this. I simply wish to work on my own chains, not return to that project. I don't even know where I'd begin with those scenarios.
I've seen him around. Just last thread he was talking about Phase Connect.
unrelated but you still planning to do a brutal legend dipe?
I am unlikely to work on the HBS Battletech jump again until at least next week. Playing too much actual Battletech to have time for JC at the moment but once I get through a few more rounds of minis things should stabalize and I'll have more discretionary time for other things.
>In Redo
Why did you post a really low-res version of Digger's rant on item sections that one time instead of the real thing? Were you trying to protect his identity or something?
I just like the cultivation system and pick it up through Generic Xianxia, but Divine Delusion is pretty good for that.
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I don't know, dude. Everything sucks on phones. I don't understand technology.
It is! Picked up divine delusion but decided to just use the proper jump because I like the world building for it. Jumpers not that close to going whole abandon the flesh bit but its good to think long term. Right now he's near the end of the first stage still trying to figure out how to cast spells faster then once every few hours.
At least you haven't caused them to start talking about grippers.
Yes, BUT I'm still looking for a proper 100% walkthrough/playthrough of Brutal Legend so I can get all the lore and stuff for the jump. I thought I had a good one, but it literally didn't even get 1/3rd of the collectables-which is where most of the lore is-so after watching ten hours of gameplay I just decided "fuck it, I'm not in the mood to keep searching right now" and switched to playing around in my chains. And that's where I am today. If someone can point me to an actual 100% walkthrough, not just "full game" but one where all collectables are gained, I'll be able to get back into the groove of jumpmaking. Maybe.

Or maybe I'm just lazy and can't think of actual good perks/items for it. Who knows. But for now, it's on the list of WIPs but not really being worked on.
Psionics are magic too.
>Triune scriptures
I am even less interested, kys
If it makes you feel better, I've never really cared for scenarios because nine times out of ten they're just an excuse for more free shit. NuBee handled it well in Dark Souls where they were at least limited to origins and had a(n albeit small) buy-in.
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I hate everything about this.

Don't ask me where the other arm thing is, I don't fucking know.
Have you considered emulation?
>supernatural power
>is magic
You take your first step on the path to creativity! Now do it again. And again. For at least two hours a day, for two months.
Stuff like destinies in Exalted mortal her gauntlet work better than scenario's.
In the wise words of Jake the Dog, sucking at something is the first step towards being kind of good at something.
Nta but that's gonna be rough to find.
What a fun game. Can you believe it was actually suppoed to be longer?

If that can help, obligatory cool ass vehicle.
And you could always put the axes of guitars as ANY WEAPONS or ANY INSTRUMENTS.
...good fucking luck being taken seriously in BL with a flute, or fighting with a fucking piano.
I have. I have also considered the fact that I have reflexes that are solidly in the 90th percentile of humanity. I am not good at vidya. And I want to write for my chains rather than go playing a game I'm not even very good at.
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No. Fuck you. That's fifteen minutes of my life I'm never getting back and I'm the kind of guy would would rather not start in the first place than fail and i hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it.
You just have to download the pic. You DO have to open it first. If you try downloading the thumbnail, you don't download the actual pic, you download the smaller thumbnail. If you have 4chanx, it even saves the filename.
Could have been much worse, and you did match the art style you were going for. It's not like you were trying to make a Monet.
Ai slop is always an option.
You just reminded me on why I gave up on improving my art skills years ago. Writing is much more fun.
I bet you could make some fun web comics if you get good with AI art.
I hadn't even really started working on items by the time I just shrugged and said "fuck it, I'll do this later." Haven't even looked at this doc since May. One day I'll actually touch this thing and work on it again. That day isn't today. Today, I write for my Jumper's shenanigans in JJK.
It's a story telling device, not a rollplay device.
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Well at least there's that.

I don't need ai slop. I have a perfectly good picture of my jumper already. There are literally billions of pictures on gelbooru, if I need more I'll just throw some tags onto that until I find something I like.

I want to make at least one strip so fucking bad where mary sue breaks into messiers workshop for the qna session. Just to screw with that guy who asked me if I was drawfagging when I posted the koc pages.

But that would require me to draw.
Obligatory good luck.
Obligatory reeeeeee, and good luck.
It looks shitty and pixelated to me no matter what.
If you just need the items, you could just edit your save to give yourself all the items. Or dig into the game files for the descriptions possibly. Though I understand not wanting to go to that kind of effort.
It's not just items, it's various collectables, optional cutscenes, dialogue, and more. And I am completely fucking incompetent when it comes to digging through game code. My options are to either play it to 100% myself (something that WILL take multiple days/weeks and will be a painful slog), or find a proper 100% playthrough (I have yet to find one). And between the two, I prefer "neither and go play jumpchain".
As someone with an art degree yes I know my folly just practice and if you want to get better look at old stuff like everyone did back during the Rennaisance or observe your surroundings and draw plants, rocks, or the odd dead bird that conveniently kills itself running into a window. I've seen plenty of people who couldn't draw or paint their way out of a turpentine bottle get reasonably competent just by working a few hours a week on it for a few months. The best advice I was given was if you see something you like, a style, method, whatever it is steal and reverse engineer that bitch and use it yourself.
Funny, I was thinking of using this custom charm in jump.
>Concussive Essence Evocation
>Cost: 3m Mins: Firearms 3, Essence 2 Type: Simple (Speed 4, DV-0)
>Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
>Duration: Instant
>Prerequisite Charms: Particulate Essence Infusion Method
>The violent and destructive patterns of the modern age are brought perfectly to light in the radiance of a wrathful Solar. By making a violent gesture at a visible opponent within (Essence x 30 yards), the Solar causes an explosion centered on them. Roll Wits+Firearms as a ranged attack. This attack ignores all forms of cover and cannot be parried without a stunt. Damage from this attack is (Solar’s Essence+Valor+threshold successes) lethal piercing damage.
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Ahh yes, my finger gun technique. I haven't used this since the Primordial war era.
>Right now he's near the end of the first stage still trying to figure out how to cast spells faster then once every few hours.
An important first step. Reminds me of my old writings on learning Dream Eye Awakening.
When I jump exalted v wod I'm going to throw a daughter or two his way. He would be a worthy son in law and addition to Jumper's Sect.
The best part is that should be enough to activate Lambent Bolt of Annihilation.
>The Lawgiver’s arrow detonates in a searing flare as it hits. If an attack enhanced by this Charm successfully strikes its target, then the target is surrounded by a one-time environmental damage effect with a radius of (Essence x 5) yards, Damage (Essence)L and Trauma (Essence). This damage is doubled against structures. If the Solar is caught within the radius of this effect, she is immune to it. At Essence 5+, if the Solar has Compassion 3+, the explosion produced by this Charm will not harm any characters she does not wish it to. At Archery 6+, the environmental field’s Damage upgrades to (Essence x 2)L.
>A second purchase of this Charm, at Archery 7+, Essence 7+ permits the Lawgiver to activate Lambent Bolt of Annihilation for 10m, expanding its radius to (Essence x 50) yards. This benefit upgrades to (Essence x 100) yards at Archery 8+, Essence 8+.
With this a new Hero capstone is the last perk I need to come up with for the main perks section, well that and fluffing some villain ones.
>Lasting Solutions (400): At times the Heroes of this world are reluctant to actually take the fight to the gangs and villains that inhabit their area, as dangerous as fighting these groups can be there is another bigger reason that keeps many of the same people who battle the Endbringers from an actual attack on the powerbases of the gangs. It just doesn’t make a lasting difference. The villains will escape in a week, someone else will just take over the gang, a new gang will move in, a power vacuum will create a disaster, the tired heroes become a target of opportunity, etc. are all issues that make seeking an actual victory a goal not worth seeking. Issues that you rarely seem to face; when you defeat your enemies, even nonlethally, they tend to stay defeated and there’s almost always a significant period of respite to take advantage of before they can try to rebuild their lost position or someone else tries to move in.
Why the horse head mask?
Do you have your zelda writeups collected anywhere?
That's just the avarage Dawn cast. Jumping headfirst into danger with little preparation looking as stylishly as possible as they fight of the creatures of darkness is there thing.
And yet I find him worthy. I also have many many daughters. Finding husbands for them all can be a challenge, and if I'm not proactive about it they start going after men that are utterly unsuitable.
Because it's le heckin quirky bait for reddit updoots. Perfect for the kind of people interested in Exalted and/or WoD.
No, but if you want links to the Triune Scriptures writeups I can get those easily enough.
Yes please.
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Nonsense. My sins are mine and mine alone to bear. Well, they would be if I didn’t have Skullgirls’ Pure of Heart and all the other purity perks I have. So actually no I don’t have to bear any sins even if the cognitive dissonance of being able to define my role as a moral actor in a fundamentally amoral multiverse is aggravating.

>But Lilith
With the benefit of hindsight, I’m absolutely at peace with everything Lilith did to me. Can you imagine how NAIVE, how UNPREPARED I would have been to wrest absolute and eternal control of reality and unreality without her guidance? I might not have become a tyrant at all. All that happened was what had to happen, for the sake of multiversal salvation.

I’m still too lazy to.

Part of the endgame of my entire chain is the compression of all settings, all times and places, into one mega-setting in which causality, dimensionality and alternatives such as daos will all be organised to perfectly eliminate suffering|loss|chaos. Through the lens of DC, Marvel and Doctor Who I am in the process of compressing all realities into a singular history.

This is a side effect of generating enough Crisis and Anti-Crisis energy (among other cosmic resources such as merging ALL the cultivation systems, connecting my recursive dream multiverse-sized Sa’Angreal to my recursive multiverse-sized Echo Destiny garden, and using various weaker settings as basically accelerator rings for the Ain Soph’s light) to kill Azathoth.

I am Golden Theion. The gold part was extremely annoying until I figured out how to go further beyond and become platinum.

When not using avatars, people usually interact with me through burning bushes or braziers or engines that bear my light.

I have endured multiple Fate/Legends jumps. No.

“Child, I am beyond your gods. Your targets are over there”
Here you are. Note that these are written for Generic Xianxia, so some details will be different then how it works in the zelda cultivation jump.
>On learning Dream Eye Awakening
>On learning the Third Stage of Dreamblood Awakening
>On learning the First Stage of God Body
>On learning the Second Stage of God Body
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Are you ready to see Spidey and Ultraman team up?
I find it funny with this, and Takuya's clash with Kamen Rider V3, the only direct crossover between Spider-man and the Tokusatu trinity left is Super Sentai.
I don't care for either character.
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Fate is evil, yes. Unless of course it’s being spun by an acceptable being. Most settings do not have Fate being spun by acceptable beings because most settings are written to either explain the existence of large scale conflict or entertain readers with large scale conflict. Therefore it is in a moral actor with sufficient force to slaughter any unacceptable beings such as the Arbiters of Fate (more commonly known here as Time Jannies), Chakravartin, Those Who Sit Above In Shadow, or whoever else and take the reins of fate into your own control.

Yes, I will watch Deadpool & Wolverine later today.
Yes, there is probably a little content to add from it.
Yes, I finally have an excuse to post the MCU part 3 build I’ve had locked and loaded for this movie.
And yes, I already know it’s shit.

>The build or the movie?

I am however NOT prepared for this, what the hell?
*it is in a moral actor with sufficient force’s best interests
I see marvel is desperate to get in on those Otaku bucks.
>I am however NOT prepared for this, what the hell?
This was announced a while back, it's an Ultraman/Marvel crossover. Apparently, they're doing an Avengers one later on.
Damn. I knew they were desperate but…Ultraman? Really? Isn’t he a little above and beyond Spidey’s paygrade? What, they couldn’t get Toho to sign off on another Godzilla crossover?

Actually I take it back slightly, if it’s Doctor Doom it’s just the right level of threat for both Ultraman and Spidey specifically because Doctor Doom and Spidey are kind of tsundere for each other
>because most settings are written to either explain the existence of large scale conflict or entertain readers with large scale conflict
Which one does Greek Mythology fall into?
I'd say the former
JJK build:
Location: Kawasaki
Origins: New Blood
Age: 15
Gender: Male

Jujutsu -300CP
Six Eyes -600CP

New Blood Perks:
Transferable Skills
Just Got Some Holes In Me
Vessel -300CP

Cursed Techniques: +200CP
Limitless -400CP
Ten Shadows Technique -300CP (Vessel)

New Blood Items:
A Regular Gun

Overtime +100CP
Weak Point +200CP
Arrogance Of The Strong +200CP
Star Plasma Vessel +200CP

I will eat the Death Paintings and some Sukuna fingers so I can get their techniques as well. That means I will have the major techniques of the three great clans + Shrine, making Jumper a even bigger mary sue than Yuta.
I think that the channel JakkHammer47 Gaming may be able to help that or GAMEPUBS I hope these are helpful and you find what you are looking for. Putting butal legend lore on YouTube also pulled up some videos about the lore on the stones so that may help too.
Working on Appleseed has not sated my fixation for mecha. If anything I want more mecha jumps. With lemons, eventually lemonade can be made. There's only one thing to do after Appleseed... & Silhouette Mirage, I have not forgotten one bit about that WIP
GAMEPUBS was the one I watched; it did the full game and all the sidequests, but only like a third of the collectables.
>What, they couldn’t get Toho to sign off on another Godzilla crossover?
Too much saturation I'd wager, given that we're just coming off from the Justice League's crossover with Godzilla. Plus, Marvel made Rise of Ultraman back in 2020, so this isn't entirely out of nowhere.
>Ultraman? Really? Isn’t he a little above and beyond Spidey’s paygrade?
I mean, Shodai (the first Ultraman) had a crossover with Kamen Rider back in the day, and that went decently, despite Hongo only really fighting human sized opponents.
>Doctor Doom
The Ultraman side villain of the crossover is Alien Mephilas. Irony of the name in regards to Spider-Man aside, he's also generally a fairly courteous adversary to Ultraman.
I'm vaguely annoyed that they're going full genwun wank on the Ultraman side of things but it makes sense.
Any technique + Limitless is kinda ass because you can't use more than one technique at once, so if you're using blood manipulation or something the enemy will know your defense is down.
You have no idea how much it pisses me off that I can't tell if this is symmetrical. Outside of the hair at least.

>Aping a style
Like. Keychain of Creation, the comic I'm drawing a lot of plot points from for my story?
Oh darn sorry I thought it and JakkHammer47 Gaming we’re the ones that seem to go the most in depth, Jakk at least second to last video on the series had him get 100 percent and my skimming of GamePubs showed them doing a lot but I guess not all again hope you find what you looking for Nyanko-Anon.
Villain 200 perk.
>Criminal Mind (200): There is something rather obvious missing from quite a large number of the local villains, namely a good plan for how to actually turn their criminal activities into a real profit they can make use of. As it turns out being a supervillain doesn’t automatically pay well despite a great many of them getting into the business for exactly that reason, you may end up finding that mundane financial problems are still major headaches despite risking your safety and freedom in pursuit of the easy path to wealth. Fortunately you’ve actually got a real talent for figuring out all the best ways to make money off your powers while ignoring the law; sure this might mean going about a bank robbery in a smarter way than most but also just how your power could be used for smuggling, the creation of illicit substances, how you could market yourself as a mercenary, selling tinker tech weapons on the black market, or even just dodging certain uncomfortable laws limiting what a rogue can sell without turning to the dark side as it were. Helpfully you’re not just good at turning your own powers into profits but also those of your friends too, and a consultant for how to make money with their powers could perhaps be yet another route to profitability!
Looks close enough to me. Perfection is the enemy of good enough. You are doing this for fun, not a professional portfolio, just relax.
It's not symmetrical. The eyes are slightly off-center.
No duh its not symmetrical the hair goes off to one side
That isn't feudalism.
Doesn't surprise me.

You shut up.

I need a better image manip program. Something with layers. And a grid.
Shard, quick question.
Starscourge Greatswords or Greatswords of Radahn?
SGs seems to imply that everything gravity related come from Radahn and so the caster, with the swords used as catalysts, but the GRs's gravity seems to come from Radahn (nevermind the fact that the sword doesn't have the magic rune for it to be a catalyst), and the light come from Miquella.
But Miquella is dead when you got them, so...
Your next Jump you immediately forget everything about the jump and Jumpchain.
You will also find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
You will find yourself in another part of the world
And you will find yourself with a beautiful house and a beautiful wife
What is your first thought?
I hate automobiles and much prefer fixed-wing heavier than air aircraft.
What just happened and how is this going to screw me over?
"How did I get here?!"
>The next day, I shit myself because time broke like rotted wood and my beautiful wife is, in fact, a shapeshifting alien
Talk about a shitty start.
Just wake up with a new wife in another part of the world? Obviously this is a trap and I need to escape. If she is a known waifu or has kids it is a bigger red flag and even more likely to be an illusion that needs to be destroyed.
This is what happens when you just let the days go by
Interesting idea, so anons, has your jumper ever gotten a new wife and kids as part of their background? Ones that are not companions or followers?
Eternal drop-in, so no.
It's not about efficiency, it's about sending a message, and that message is that I like collecting cool powers.
Reincarnation chain, so no.
>be drop in
>woman waiting around
>kid calls you daddy
>Give him my godkilling sword I got from Marvel and tell him to stab me
>It doesn't do shit
>"Guess not"
>Use an old man avatar to train him into the best warrior on the planet because killing gods is based
>Make a bunch of new gods for him to kill
>Eventually leave the jump and hang up framed pictures of his adventures and our training in my castle
I'm getting a little too old for the whole god business anyway
Arrest him for truancy and call CPS
No. Honestly I can't think of many origins that would give you something like that at the start, but maybe that's because I tend to jump anime shit where everyone is an eternal virgin.
I can see it in a lot of superhero settings where you are a scientist and not a front line fighter. Heck, even Bride Stories has an elder origin where you have grandchildren and family.
This may not be particularly good, but it is pretty based. Be proud, you can cook.

Now go work on your chain instead of finding more ways to put it off.
I assume I'm dreaming and attempt to fly. Depending on which chain this is for Jumper can in fact fly, and this will convince me for at least a time I am in a lucid dream.
Greatswords, you can learn gravity magic but you can’t learn the light come from Miquella.

>But Miquella is dead
So? So’s a shitton of bosses by the time you collect weapons from them.
What's the best offensive Jutsu in Naruto?
…Greatswords of Radahn, that is
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Either the Truth Seeking Eyeballs or long-range Kamui or Dust Release.

If you don't wanna count super special unique jutsu, then... I don't know, Kirin is neat.
My jumper slept with the Moirai and Norns
I wanna like ExWoD, but I then remember that it was made by fucking Holden
Ignoring the shit that the Wachowskies have gotten up to in the years since, the Matrix still holds up as a goddamn great movie. And the sequels Reloaded/Revolutions aren't bad either.

I do not acknowledge the existence of Resurrections. The Wachowskies didn't want to make it and hated practically everything about it, almost literally saying as much in the film itself.

What did you guys do in The Matrix?
Who is that and why is that a problem?
He is a tabletop RPG developer and he is a tabletop RPG developer.
Yeah, reddit has an excel sheet with all jumps. I don't have the link on me but you can check on their first post.
>but you can’t learn the light come from Miquella.
Technically you can learn Miquelester's Nuke. It's just... that you need spec in Faith.

>So? So’s a shitton of bosses by the time you collect weapons from them.
Sure, it's just that's it's jarring because FromSoft went on their way to explain why SGs could be used by Radahn for gravity magic, they got runes so they can be used as catalysts. Meanwhile, RGs just doesn't, and even if they do, it doesn't make much sense anyway.
Radahn's sword when he was younger with more modest runes on, it, are better than his new ones? Wut.
I think it's fine after a bit of homebrew. Same with his Demake. Once you cut out all the Holdinism there both fine. The beauty of TTRPG'S Is that you can fix what you hate.
Seems like you're Holden some reservations about it.
>Helpfully you’re not just good at turning your own powers into profits but also those of your friends too, and a consultant for how to make money with their powers could perhaps be yet another route to profitability!
>”Who are you?”
>”They call me The Stockbroker.”
What are some settings where Idle Transfiguration could have interesting soul interactions?
>I already know it's shit.
I just saw the movie. It was fantastic. Stop being an asshole and acting like you're the best thing in this community just because you sperg your five foot jumper cock over every jump.
Okay. Do you just not like his work? Problems with his gsme design philosophy?
Dark souls.
The Nasuverse.
Dark Souls souls seem less like souls and more like masses of energy
[insert xianxia here]
Once you have the magical and technical skill to conjure plot device level artifacts from literally thin air, what do you do with that ability?
Humanity is basically marvel-tier in retardation there, so I helped the machines
Production lines.
Hmm, If Mahoto touched Shirou's soul would he get cut?
Start making them en-mass and leave them lying around, wherever you go.
You're a wizard, so start acting like it.
NTA, but he's really stubborn on how he thinks Exalted should be played. Also this shit below he wrote a while back is quite cringe to say the least

>I wanted to climb those mountains nobody ever had the guts to climb before, I wanted to stat what they said couldn't or shouldn't be statted. And we did. And looking back, I don't think it improved the game. [...] I looked up one day and the game was all about [...] Yozis and Solars hip-tossing people across the universe and characters hijacking the sun and flying it into the Ebon Dragon's face and it was like—this is not the game I fell in love with back at Scavenger Sons, what happened here? Where's the Realm? Where's Jubei fighting the Eight Devils of Kimon? Where's the Brotherhood of the Peach Orchard swearing to reform a corrupt and crumbling empire? Where's Conan carving his legend into the kingdoms of men in fire and blood? Where's Azhrarn, Prince of Demons, falling in love with a mortal man and taking vengeance when his heart is broken? When did everything become so noisy and gonzo and clumsy?
He could turn him into an actual sword that would then gain the abilities of every Nasuverse sword
No, unless Shirou instinctively protects his soul like Nanami does.
>this is not the game I fell in love with back at Scavenger Sons, what happened here?
>I wanted to stat what they said couldn't or shouldn't be statted. And we did.
We all know Holdin is cringe. But that doesn't mean his systems are the worst and he does have good Ideas from time to time. I like his Solar legend mechanic in the Demake.
>to kill Azathoth
So you're going to wake up the Supreme Archetype?
This. If cringe takes were enough to discredit someone's work, you wouldn't be allowed to enjoy YJ's or basically any jumpmaker's jumps.
Just wanted you to know I'm hyped for this jump.
If even half of the spoilers I’ve already gleaned are true, it is shit in my opinion. It is, in essence, a more competent version of the DCEU Flash memberberrying every single fucking IP that WB can afford to. I’m prepared to be pleasantly surprised, I’m just not expecting to be.

>Stop being an asshole
One, you’re on the wrong site. Two, I’d still have the same opinions if my Jumper was an apple seller with a 15 jump-long chain or something. Three, my opinions are mine and mine alone, I’ve never said anyone has to agree with me, I like what I like and dislike what I don’t.
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No. I’m going to obliterate it. This will surely solve all the problems in both my personal life and existence at large.
Good night pals.
>but you can’t learn the light come from Miquella
But you can learn the Discus of Light, which was a gift from Miquella to Radagon.
We're not your pals, buddy.
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What Speedy things has your jumper done?Besides jobbing
I appreciate it, today is the first in a fair while that I've made noteworthy progress on it but a jumpable version is starting to get within sight even if it's not quite withing throwing distance.
Well you can’t learn to teleport like Astel so…maybe some stuff’s easier to learn than others? It’s not like you gain, well, anything from the Elden Beast by killing it. You just get Marika’s old garbage.
Shard, say I drop the Vex in Heaven's Reach. And then just let the Vex do their Vex thing. Wahappen?
Does "long distance travel done quick" count as Speedy things? In the first few jumps, I used the Warehouse as a fast travel option. And since it was a pocket dimension, the "leave people stranded in another universe" and similar tricks /really/ lost their effectiveness. Combined with the Medbay and utilities, I was often the "support character" when I was running with the protag. The problem for me was that since the Medbay basically guaranteed everyone to be at their 100% if they didn't die on the spot, everyone went for me first, and I was pretty damn squishy.
Vex win
Why specify Astel when Miriam's Vanishing is functionally the same
When someone with a gun shoots bullets at me, I dodge the bullets.
On the one hand, little disappointed this isn't another Disney jump to expand the Disney part of my Fairy Tale Villain chain. On the other hand, the card stuff could be very useful for my Card Mage chain, especially if I ever find a perk to bring my cards to life. Summoning all those Pokemon to fight alongside Jumper would be great.
He's not your buddy, friend.
He's not your friend, bro.
I'm not your bro, amigo.
I'm not your amigo, compadre.
I'm not your compadre, comrade.
Good night and peaceful dreams.
My life. My life for a bird wife. Where can I get a wholesome birb waifu? I don't want to be horny anymore. I just want to be happy.
Sidereal Exalt?
An exalted...dick
>"Trust me, I know what I'm doing." -Jumper
How did things proceed to immediately go wrong?
It turns out using a virus to give every mortal the Terrestrial Bloodline merit can have some unintended consequences, such as the general strength of everyone's blood raising to the point it was almost impossible for the celestials to exalt.
Azur Lane has multiple. Shoukek and Zuizui are both fairly wholesome. Houshou if you have a caretaker fetish caused by neglect. Shouhou is a loli who wants to grow up, and Zuihou art exists in the game files. If you want less wholesome, Hiyou is a battle maniac and Junyou is... something. Taihou is horny but if you oath her she's wholesome.
Ah, then all of them. Different types cater to different fetishes.
You know the phrase "A five second fuse lasts three seconds"? Well some grenades don't even do that.
Jumper was intelligent enough to craft a massive nanomachine swarm that created a distributed virtual supercomputer that could perfectly calculate the future and grant everyone on earth a single unique superpower that perfectly fit their personalities and futures in order to prepare them for an alien invasion that would wipe out humanity if they were unprepared. The machine functioned perfectly, the supercomputer was utterly flawless, and the alien's own nanomachine and hacking capabilities were utterly rebuffed by Jumper's work.

Jumper was not prepared for humanity to blow themselves the fuck up with their new superpowers and devolve back to warring hunter/gatherer tribes in the ruins of human civilization. Perhaps hardcodding in locks that prevent anyone from actually using the nanomachine swarm to manipulate humanity on the macro scale-not even Jumper-was not their brightest idea. On the bright side, the Ceph were no longer a threat!
Birds are shit.
birds are bae
Birds are food.
This reminds me of a comic from a furry artist about his real life experience where he reported his coworker to HR because of insulting birds, 'toxic positivity' and saying 'you don't have to apologize' to him.
Isn't being a speedster super boring? If you are running long distances you are still experiencing it in real time.
It's hard to comprehend why women go into porn when Twitch streaming is a thing. What did you guys do in the Youtube jump?
The last few pages on the SB thread have been extremely cringe. Take my word for it. You've been warned.
I have not looked at the SB, Reddit, QQ, or Discord jumpchains in more than a year. Why would I break that streak now?
Tomorrow I'll invent those blueprints
Women simply aren't as entertaining or charismatic as men, even with their natural advantage in appearance. There's a reason all the top earners are men, even if the women literally whore themselves out. Part of it is that audiences are generally interested in competence, which is extremely rare in women.
This is completely false lol, Female Twitch streamers make absurd money relative to their numbers even discounting offsite revenue, they simply receive more money from their audience than men. You're a fucking dumbass
First of all, Kai Cenat died 1200~ times beating Elden Ring. Second of all, you're probably worse than Kai Cenat at life in general and video games specifically. You don't get to even claim vicarious competence from your genitals
At least he isn't worse at life in general than dr disrespect
Well, shooting someone with a gun is “functionally” the same as casting a death curse on them but the overall applicability and scope are different. Just like turning invisible with a glintstone haze is different from being a city-destroying space monster that can teleport.

Depends on if you view Essence as paracausal or not. In the base setting it is; Graceful Wicked Masques discusses Time Not and the current narrative continuum-state that is the Raksha’s home turf, and Essence was around for both. Glories: Maidens has some extremely convoluted shit about how the Maidens “technically don’t time travel” because they already exist at all times and places and that’s how they can bring the young Sun to the end of time where he fought a giant wolf with the light of galaxies glinting off it’s fangs. And back. And yet, the Sun defines the future to the extent he can’t foretell it himself because being stronger than predestination makes it hard to tell your own future. It’s…less clear in Heaven’s Reach, Essence is just a magical energy field everyone found a while back, but I lean towards “yes” because Heaven’s Reach also kinda implies there is a real Creation out there everyone immigrated from and can’t find again.

If you don’t, the Vex easily cheese the setting’s hilariously slow vehicle speeds (this is half a joke; as I’ve said before fanwank that shit if you find grandma driving-level spacecraft ludicrous). If you do, they run into the Guardian problem and start turtling again while trying to figure out how the glowing men make glowing dyson spheres go splat.
>Just like turning invisible with a glintstone haze
It's teleportation Shard. They're both teleportation magics.
Genuine question; with the Vex capstone, if I were to go to war against the Fair Folk in base Exalted would the paracausal pattern of the Vex let them resist/defy the Shaping Bullshit of the Fae? Given the Fae are pure chaos incarnate, would my ontological locking abilities be like poison to them?
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Someday I should really write the Rhulk fight. I feel really bad about shitting on Rhulk so hard all those years ago, I thought he was an indoctrinated loser and he totally was but he was also easily the coolest Disciple because of how shit the competition was.

I mean, fucking MARA got a job offer.

I ran a review channel where I’d review ludicrous things like black hole diameters, the big hexagon on Saturn or the last coffee-flavoured ice cream I had. Everyone thought I was using next-level SFX when I was actually at those places.

>Sorcery of a preceptor who served the Carian royal family. Used to conceal oneself in a glintstone haze, reappearing after a few seconds have passed. Directional inputs determine where one will reappear. The curator of the study hall was such a master of this sorcery that it now bears her name.
>Used to conceal
There's only one ho in the top 15.

Holes simply cannot compete.
I would say it depends on where the fight is being held. In Creation yes absolutely, if mere iron is poison to the Raksha (actually don’t think there’s even a canon answer why, iron is just Built Different apparently) then I imagine radiolaria must fucking suck. In the Wyld I feel like the Vex run into the same problem as they do when invading Throne Worlds and end up turtling SUPER hard to make a Vex-waypoint but struggle to expand.
If that's all that Sorcery is, then Miriam runs like a motherfucker. Do you not remember the fight with him in the Carian Study Hall? That Quincy-ass motherfucker.
Is there a canon answer as to why iron is anathema to fey in irl folklore?
Shard he literally appears on the other side of fucking chasms with that spell and when you use it in game it gives you invincibility frames through AOEs. It's a goddamn teleportation spell
Are you perhaps a complete fucking retard?
And the ontological locking? Getting confirmation that the Vex have a strong advantage against the Fae is great (as long as they're on Creational ground at least), but...how does making it so a wound is ontologically locked on a fae work when the fae can just decide "that wound is actually a carrot" or "that mask is boring now, time to be someone new" or just "it was all just a dream!"?
lol no, he doesn't even belong on that list
why do people here have strong opinions about fortnite streamers
I have strong opinions about Ninja because he signed the dumbest fucking deal of anyone who got those massive paychecks from the streaming platforms. Also he's a grifter that sold a shitty course on how to become a successful streamer for like 100 dollars
I'm the only one who's read his self-insert not!Hunger Games comic book, then?
What happened?
Because even if you're good, you still have to be lucky and/or well-marketed to succeed. I would be surprised if there's a single person in this thread who doesn't have a somewhat obscure band/novelist/TTRPG/videogame/movie/etc. that they think completely blow Taylor Swift/Brandon Sanderson/D&D 5e/Fortnite/MCU/etc. out of the water in every respect but popularity.
The ability to appeal to the lowest common denominator is consistently underrated.
That's pretty true for porn actresses too though
They're crowdsourcing some kind of numbered list about advice to jumpers or some shit. I didn't check to see what started it, but it was all really cringe and full of the kind of bitch-tier "never do anything unless you're invincible" kind of shit that's the norm for SB.
These are your first five jumps.
> 1.) Kara no Kyoukai
> 2.) Fate/Zero
> 3.) Fate/Stay Night
> 4.) Tsukihime
> 5.) Fate/Grand Order
What do you do?
Amputate women.
Pick up summoning as a Risen Legend in Kara no Kyokai and show off my ability to summoner servants unassisted in the rest
> 1.) Kara no Kyoukai
Master Projection magic.
> 2.) Fate/Zero
Become a Demi-Servant
> 3.) Fate/Stay Night
Become a True Magician of the First True Magic
> 4.) Tsukihime
Kill/Waifu Arc
> 5.) Fate/Grand Order
I don't know any of those settings, so I'll hide like a bitch in the Warehouse and occasionally set out to rob stores at night. Except for FGO, I'm not leaving the Warehouse under any circumstances, everything outside is apparently an unending apocalypse horrorshow,
You mean you'll fail your chain and get sent home. Jump-Chan wouldn't be entertained by that.
Jumpchan can send people to xianxia jumps and watch unblinking as they meditate in a pitch-black cave for ten thousand years straight. Tell me that's entertaining
It's not. Xianxia jumps either have cheats that ensure you don't need to meditate for ten thousand years in a cave-such as items, talent perks, or the like-or are automatic chainfails.
Take it up with the benefactor since they clearly weren't
Going purely off memory of what's in those Jumps
>Get an Awakened Origin of something fun like "Corruption" or "Charm", and the Perk to Awaken other people's Origins. Master magecraft relating to Saint Graphs. Pick up further Origin-manipulating shit. Pick up Black Grail and other silly things. Go full Dead Apostle, make my Reality Marble something that plays off either my Origin or Saint Graph studies, something that affects either mind or soul. Once in F/GO, utilize my mastery of Saint Graph construction/modification, my innate connection to the concept of Charm or some shit, my experience with manipulating Origins, my corrupted Grail shenanigans, and the rule-bypassing properties of my Reality Marble to create altered summonings resulting in a new line of pre-Charmed probably yandere Alters. Probably going to die anyways.
I also realize that while I had my plan for once I got to F/GO, I didn't actually think about how my F/GO build could make it even better. So, with the addition of Perks like Alterations and Egg I can probably make things even crazier. Still probably going to die.
If you're not being entertaining, you chainfail. It's that simple. Going around fighting bandits and monstrous beasts to grow stronger is pretty entertaining. Sitting in a cave for ten thousand years meditating isn't entertaining, so if you do that you chainfail. Just like if you sit around in your warehouse doing nothing for ten years.
Forgot to mention, breed the resulting mentally unstable Servants and see what horrors pop out.
Become Mikiya Shirou Shiki Fujimaru, the most average and thus attractive human to ever exist.
Writing items is the worst part of making a jump, and I would be a million times more productive without them. They're important though.
>we intentionally cross-pollenated our epic proto-fantasy with comic book logic, anime references, and mythological trivia
>where did the focus go?
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>Acquire Second Magic
>Go to Genshin Impact and/or Honkai
What's Misteln Schariac's deal?
She's weird. Essentially she is Cecilia's Stigma who gained their full Form way ahead of schedule by pure chance. Because she inherited Cecilia's body, she also unfortunately gained the curse of the Schariac holy blood and amplifies her Honkai energy to such a ludicrous degree that she radiates enough that even Honkai beasts die of over exposure to it by being near her. She later is 'reborn' when project Stigma actually happens and is effectively reborn as someone else.
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>Genshin Impact
Those are all waifus (male). They count.
Is she actually Cecilia's body that got back up and walked off, or is she some kinda kingdom hearts nobody that just popped into existence because reasons and just happens to looks like Cecilia?
The catgirl is in fact female.
You can't tell me that the one with blue pigtails isn't a girl.
Being a waifu (cat) is roughly analogous to being a waifu (male). After all, a cat is fine too.
Diona isn't a viable waifu, entirely because she'll go out of her way to make the most absolutely vile drinks she possibly can for you to drink
As I understand it, bit of both desu
I said what I said
Valky, in your professional opinion, is it better to have an extremely feminine boy or to fully genderswap them to a cute girl?
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The latter. Always. Guys make the best girls after all
>post 404 of the thread
>Error 404: dick not found
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Which is better: tomboys (masculine women) or femboys (feminine men)?
Obviously the former. Even jumpmakers think femboys are cringe.
Tomboys are not "masculine women", faggot. They're feminine women with (some) masculine interests.
The best option is both of them together. A big manly muscly tomboy with her adorable little femboy wife
Femboys basically don't exist and if they do suffer twink desth before even finishing their 20s, at which point they either respec into masculine men or become disgusting pseudo-troons. A good tomboy can last well into her 40s.
Why would you even be retarded enough to ask this after getting pre-BTFO by a jumpmaker saying girls with male personalities always > femboys?
>They're important though.
Not really. Not always, at least. Some settings support them better than others, and a lot of times they're basically a quota.
> 1.) Kara no Kyoukai
Touko build + Mystic Eyes of Death Perception
> 2.) Fate/Zero
Caster Morgan servant build
> 3.) Fate/Stay Night
Second Magic + First Magic
> 4.) Tsukihime
Go for that full Arcueid build.
> 5.) Fate/Grand Order
Become ORT + some Authorities.
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I mean my jumper is already a horrible person but Nena taught him the wonders of blowing up weddings to cure depression.
You don't care that Man-niisan is based for committing genocide on aliens that just want a new home and still be seen as a hero
It's been broke for a while. Stopped updating in may IIRC
People keep acting like it updated automatically but I think some redditor was manually updating it the entire time.
Just finished Deadpool 3. I think there’s about…5-6 things I can add to the jump from it. And I’m pleased to say that while I think I was objectively correct I was also subjectively ass-backwards wrong. And had a great time. Whoever said the Blade cameo felt like being pandered to, you were right. They were trying SO HARD to just, punch all the nostalgia buttons like the Avril Lavigne music car ride to the point it’s hard to tell how much of it is ironic. There’s like…3.75 scenes (specifically Deadpool’s breakup flashback, Logan’s campfire moment with X-23, Logan’s chat with Cassandra and Logan’s attempt at martyrdom) that feel like they belong in a better movie but in the end they overplay the gags A LOT to keep the audience laughing

Look guys I remember the fight, I’m just saying the item text doesn’t say anything about teleportation because yes he IS a quincy-ass motherfucker.

And to be fair, so is Maliketh.

Probably turns into some sort of roll-off desu. Essence + Willpwer + (arbitrary stat that represents how Vex-y everything around you is on a 1-10 scale) - (the higher of either the Raksha’s Virtue or their Essence rank) or somesuch.

This guy >>93449689 knows the truth. The only effeminate men that can age that gracefully carry themselves with too much dignity to be femboys.
>Just finished Deadpool 3.
Is it as gay as all those ad posters were implying it to be?
>And to be fair, so is Maliketh.
>When he unleashes his dagger into a death-themed sword with a transformation sequence complete with an activation chant
Maliketh is a Shinigami.
Depends on how gay you think those ad posters were implying it to be. At various points Deadpool repeatedly flirts with one of Paradox’s rogue TVA guys, is fondled by Paradox’s old tailor and basically gets off on it during his costume sequence, and chats up Wolverine a little early on before they become friends more or less against their will. However the ENTIRE plot is Wade getting his shit enough together so that his gf will take him back, so honestly his “I will fuck anything I want” attitude comes off as much of a gag as him repeatedly shitting on the multiverse as a concept, 20th Century Fox and having to hard carry the MCU is

If Maliketh was a Shinigami he would have absolutely no regrets about his life, because Shinigami society teaches you that fucking over everyone-including yourself-for the sake of some obscure greater good presided over by a hierarchy of violent sociopaths is the true and just way of living.
I don't know, whining about the artificial system of death and rebirth that you set up being broken by the child of your God is pretty on-brand for Shinigami.
You know what? That’s fair.
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I don't get why becoming Black RX in Showa part 2 is discounted when only the Dummy black origin can buy it? Also 400 points (or 600 if you want to be the actual Black RX) is Op considering that you're now immune to biological weapons, become an invincible gel, create antidotes for said bio weapons and attack things on a molecular level because of the Biorider form.
>is Op
Is Kotaro, comparative to the other riders you can be in the jump, that much stronger than them?
Kamen rider black could defeat a dying creation king who could do little but bury itself into the dearth to destroy the planet. The other two showa riders you can become (Dunno why you can't become J, probably becoming ultraman sized is op) are respectable but Black and RX take the cake. Ixa and Dark Kiva are pretty good too but still don't match Black or RX. Doesn't really help a majority of Dark kiva's arsenal is pretty useless due to half of the Whistles being geared towards capturing three specific races of fangire.
If we count part one as part of the part 2 jump then I'd say Amazon is a strong contender for the second strongest showa rider you can become since with the Gaga amulet Amazon could become literally invincible and with just the Gigi amulet he can create an burst of energy capable of freeing him from being buried 1,000 meters underground.
Fair points, however have you considered
>probably becoming ultraman sized is op
That this just makes you an easier target for rockets.
>literally invincible
Oh but when VILLAINS say that they just get their forcefield punched through by sufficient friendship, fucking protagonist privilege…
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Sorry for the delay, was doing a PT session at the gym
That's from Vel, on pixiv. They do a lot of TSF/gender bender stuff, including a ton for Genshin.
>Oh but when VILLAINS say that they just get their forcefield punched through by sufficient friendship,
>Laughs in Hyper Fumetsu
Good on you for not choosing the easy path and using Oma Zi-O (who canonically won btw)
>What is the Saber Ridewatch
>Oma Zi-O
His armor is so simple but cool.
I mean Oma does have all the powers of literally every rider so it doesn't really matter if I pick him or not. Now that I think about it shouldn't there be a feedback loop between him, Decade and Legend?
You’d think but I mean, Decade and Legend sure got the short end of that stick if there was one.
>of literally every rider
He only has them up till the year 2068.
>Future him canonically won Earth
>Past him is a good boy and therefore wins as THE PROTAGONIST
>Hypothetical him has his powers anyway
>Most importantly, Saber’s wielder has no Woz
All roads lead to Zi-O
JUMP #0173: Dragonlance

Location: Tarsis, Age of the Ogre, 5000 PC
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Origin: Arcane (50)
Race: Halfelf
>Alignment Choice [TN] (100)
>Tall Enough (free)
>Arcane Adept (free)
>Tower Trained (150)
>Archmage of High Sorcery (300)
>Warmage (200)
>Staff of Magius (200)
Total: 1000/1000

Commentary: Somewhat a shame that most of the modules don't fit with my era roll. I suppose I'll just have to find my own adventures. Given that it's the closing days of the ogre empires this shouldn't be too hard. Not to mention obsessively study the local magic system. As a side note I adore the Alignment Choice perk. Being able to permanently ping as true neutral to all sorts of detection methods is pretty neat.
Actually, all his armorS ARE so simple but cool.
On top of being Gilgamesh, but without as much jobbing.

>Future him canonically won Earth
But at what cost.
>But at what cost
I mean…he sure seems happy about it. Plus he still has Woz!
>Future him canonically won Earth
>But at what cost.
Meant for >>93450232
>But at what cost.
Lost his uncle but gained a simp. Is it bad I always default to a fem Woz for an OC companion?
Yes, you're losing out on a Tsukuyomi
>I mean…he sure seems happy about it
He's also pretty willing to let young Sougo erase him.
Well yeah, it’s…technically still an Oma Zi-O victory.
Earth's fucked tho, so he seem to lack self awareness. Or he just like CHAOS.


I always though it was more like "Yeah you have the power to kill me, Me, go for it if you dare. Coooool."
I heard she's getting a cheerleader figma. I'm getting it even if I have to sell my kidney for it.
>I'm getting it even if I have to sell my kidney for it.
No don't do that Sell someone else's
>I heard she's getting a cheerleader figma
The what?
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Building robot wizards? Magi The Adventure of Sinbad has Doll which you could just as well use mechanical parts for your wizard simulacrums. Aside from that you could also check out World Seed for Magitech Master and the tech perks. The perk lets you make tech that can allow for robots to cast magic, and setting already has robots and AI.
Nigga, I'll sell drugs if I have to
Then take kidneys from other people. Selling your own is pussy shit
Don't do that. Drugs are illegal, selling them even more so, you'll pay way too much money and spend way too much time in prison.
Because god know that drugs is one of the worst thing ever.
(actually it is but hush baby hush)
Alright, pray I get a good job by then anons.
How can a girl so simple and be so sex.
If are that low on cash you can go to your nearest university as guinea pig for experiments. Psychology departments are surprisingly generous with payments in exchange for doing silly stuff while they monitor your brain activity.
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>likes anime
>big booba
>fat ass
>fat tights
>slim waist
>actually smart
>rich ojou-sama but not a bitch about it
>will actually pay for you
>kind and responsible despite her silliness
Idk anon.
I don't think that's a thing outside america
I should have added secondary character to sound less silly.
>fat tights
We call that thicc.

>will actually pay for you
I know what you mean... but that sound bad.

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